MEMORIZE Chapter 807

00807 A new beginning. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Is everyone gathered now?”

A cold, sharp voice was heard through the thick smoke. In a dark, blurry space, there are seven chairs whose outlines are barely visible. There, figures according to the number of chairs are sitting in various postures, such as sitting astride a large doll or leaning back with their legs crossed.

That wasn’t all. Dark shadows stand next to the round chair like soldiers lined up. One unusual thing is that the number of shadows placed on each chair is uneven. On some chairs, four or five shadows were visible, while on other chairs, there were one, two, or no shadows at all.

“Wow, it’s really empty.”

Second from the left, based on the chair where the voice was first heard. An exaggerated voice burst out as if to evoke silence. Two eyes blazing with black flame look around. To be precise, mainly chairs with no visible shadows.

“Mammon, Pluton, Proserpina… . to. Who else was there? Anyway, this is how the name Demon 14 Lords becomes meaningless.”

“you. Mephistopheles.”

To the right of the reference point, a figure hugging a doll responded. Even though she speaks in a sharp tone, her voice is young and reminiscent of a girl. The black flame demon stiffened for a moment and then turned his eyes to the right.

“Well, I see. Because I also lost Mephistopheles in hell. “I didn’t mean to criticize you, but it’s not my place to talk anyway.”

He seemed to acknowledge it obediently, but suddenly burst into laughter.

“Still, please take a look. At least you didn’t get your neck broken in hell, right? “I still have two precious lives?”

It is clear that intentional exaggeration is intended to ridicule the other person. A pair of blue eyes twinkled in the darkness as if they felt ridicule. I glare at the black flame demon, letting out a bitter chill.


In a split second, a strong roar shook the darkness. A conflict without any foreshadowing. The shadows become extremely agitated in the aftermath of the clash of intangible energies. The black-flamed devil stood up and the doll girl jumped off the chair. As you can see they are glaring at each other without any hesitation, it is a close call situation.

It was that moment.


The annoying sound of metal stopped the two. Even then, the two demons did not stop, but they stopped when a pale, elongated hand came up. The red, slit-like eyes of a snake look from side to side, while long, thin fingers like spider legs slowly bend. I don’t know what that means. But soon, just before their hands were completely clenched, the two demons, who seemed ready to clash at any moment, stopped their confrontation and hurriedly returned to their chairs.

After a while, the noisy air subsided and the original silence returned.

“The reason I held a meeting today.”

The first voice was,

“Because there is an important choice to be made today.”

Finally, the start of the meeting was announced.

“okay. very important… .”

As the eyes of those sitting on the chairs focused, the devil sitting at the reference point twisted his mouth so hard that it almost seemed invisible.

“Know. “Everyone will be uncomfortable in this place anyway.”

Unlike the annoying sound of steel just now, a soothing voice followed.

“Information has already been sent prior to the meeting. If you’ve read and thought about it, I don’t plan on dragging it on too long. then… .”


At that time, a soft yet clear voice interrupted the conversation. Someone raised their hand.

“I’ll tell you in advance, I’m against it.”

“Lucifer… . I heard your opinion then. Is it still the opposite of continuing?”

“That’s right. It’s just as the Great Realm said. We must accept the prophecy.”


Satan let out a soft growl as if telling him to keep talking.

“no. Do I need to say it in detail? Not to brag, but I definitely checked it out at the cost of losing two Demon 14 Lords. Hwajeong and Gyeophwa were attached to the human side. “This is a fact that even Satan has confirmed, right?”

“It did.”

Satan calmly agreed. In other words, Lucifer was saying, let’s just leave. In fact, I don’t think I said it in a simple way, even though I said to give up. However, none of the devils dared to open their mouths. Because I felt the validity and weight of Lucifer’s words.

“And, don’t you think it’s strange?”

Suddenly Lucifer added something. Although he said it was strange, he actually had a funny smile on his face.

“You think it’s strange?”

“yes. Let’s think about it. “How many times have our plans been thwarted?”

In response to Satan’s question, Lucifer nods loudly and asks.

“Western Continent, Mamon, Magna Carta, Prince of Hell, Witch of Flowers, Ancient Evil God… . It was completely ruined. Some of these were destroyed before they even started. … “Have you ever thought this was strange?”

“What do you want to say?”

Lucifer, who had been answering Satan’s questions one by one, slowly lowered his hand. And he smiled.

“Be sure to read our thoughts and plans… . no. “It’s like reading the future and taking action.”

Moans erupted here and there. At first glance, it may seem like nonsense, but from the perspective of someone who suffered it, you can’t necessarily say no. Too many plans have gone to waste to be dismissed as mere coincidence. Moreover, the plan was carried out in utmost secrecy. I had never thought about it before, and although I thought it was just nonsense, I might have doubted it at least once.

“Isn’t it possible that it’s just luck?”

“Of course that could happen.”

In response to Satan constantly asking questions, Lucifer did not care at all and affirmed.

“But. If all of this is luck, as Satan said… . “Isn’t it scarier?”

The next words were calmer than before.

“To Hwajeong, to Gyeophwa… . Plus, luck is helping. If it’s true, I have absolutely no confidence in winning. It would be better to just fold it up here and conserve the remaining power for future use.”

Lucifer shook his head and buried himself deeply, as if he had said all he wanted to say. Satan seemed to be satisfied with this. Lucifer’s opinion has a solid justification. In fact, there are almost all opinions that can come from the ‘opposition to continuation’ side. But not everyone here will have the same opinion. Thinking so, Satan turned his gaze to his surroundings.

“I have heard enough from Lucifer. “Then what about you?”

“… … .”

Satan took the floor. But no matter how long I wait, no one says anything. They just repeat the meaningless actions of quietly closing their eyes or glancing at each other. It was an action that could not be considered an archdemon, but it was actually a well-reasoned silence. Firstly, they all implicitly agreed with Lucifer’s words, and secondly, they were all aware of the disadvantages of the current situation.

no. At this point, it is not a disadvantage. Now that Atlanta has been captured, the Steel Mountains can no longer serve as a shield. The only remaining issue before the Northern Continent advances to Terra is time. In other words, the future of the devils is no different from the wind blowing.

“Oh. “Isn’t this why there is no point in holding a meeting?”

Satan laughed quietly.

“Then how about doing it like this?”

Did you foresee this situation? After waiting for a while and no opposing opinions came out, Satan brought up a new topic.

“Do you know this saying? “It’s majority rule.”

The moment the word ‘majority rule’ was uttered, not only the Great Devil but also the 14 Devil Lords were cast in a curious light. It’s not because I don’t know the meaning. The Demon World is a world governed by the law of survival of the fittest and the law of survival of the fittest. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated. In a world where the strong are supreme, democratic methods are bound to be unfamiliar.

“Don’t think too strangely. “Since you guys haven’t said anything, I want to confirm your opinions in this way.”

However, since they can be broadly divided into seven forces, there is no room for commonality.

“I think it’s easy. From now on, I will start counting. At the count of three, those who want to continue raise their hands, and those who want to accept the prophecy remain silent. However, abstention is not recognized.”

After saying that, Satan slowly got up. Even when I calmly look around, I can’t find any opposing opinions. They were still looking at each other, but there were also a few pairs of curious eyes.

In the midst of unexpected tension, Satan suddenly opened his mouth.


The count started a little suddenly.


Someone took a deep breath.

“… three.”

After the count ended, Lucifer did not raise his hand. He glanced to the side and saw Satan, who had also not raised his hand.



The moment I looked around.

“ha ha ha… .”

Lucifer let out a laugh without even realizing it.

“This is unexpected.”

The five great devils, excluding Satan and Lucifer, are raising their hands.

Baal, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Lilith.

As many as five great demons chose to ‘continue’.


I frantically read the record. There was a lot of information written in the record simply but densely. The destruction of Astaroth that invaded Hell and the annihilation of Mephistopheles, the demons uniting to invade Hell a second time, etc. and… .

『… Even though I thought it was nothing special at the time, I never let down my guard. However, they forcibly moved me to another dimension using a method I didn’t know about. That too at my base.』

Gehenna seems to be referring to the time when Atlanta was just around the corner. okay. At that time, I was also surprised. She thought she changed it by taking Cha Hee-young first, but who would have guessed that she would force Gehenna to move? The devil’s ability to restore the distorted future to its original state was by no means to be underestimated.

『It looks like they keep targeting you humans.

One thing you must keep in mind is that the future never goes as expected.

Think about it. Not to mention the ancient evil gods, even I was unable to avoid their magical power and ended up moving as intended.

In other words, they are capable of doing so, but who can guarantee that something similar will not happen anytime and anywhere in the future?

Again, the future never moves according to anyone’s will.

It will definitely happen in a place that no one knows about, and in a completely unexpected way.

However, we can prepare.

Please be careful and be careful again.』

As I was reading, my saliva kept building up and I had to swallow. I feel like awareness has been awakened again. The cold feeling I felt earlier still hasn’t gone away.

“and… . This is an aside, but there is actually one thing I need to apologize for.』

huh? You need to apologize? Gehenna?

『The woman who came to you at that time.』

Are you talking about Han So-young?

『You were depressed for a long time after you came back. That really touched my heart.

Perhaps you have witnessed a strange phenomenon?

… To tell you the truth, I hinted to her.

I had a feeling that something was dangerous, so I thought to see if it would harm you or not.』

“Oh, so… !”

I let out an exclamation without realizing it. At that time, I definitely thought Han So-young was strange. The Han So-young I know, even if she was angry, she wouldn’t show it on the outside. However, it is understandable if Gehenna was hinting. I too barely escaped with the help of my third eye and Hwajeong, but would Han So-young have the talent to overcome it?

『Hehe. In the end, I didn’t really figure it out, but I still want to say this.

That woman… . well. She gave off such a strange aura that it was impossible to see her as a human being. She seemed a little self-aware and cautious. Maybe if she were to strip her bare and see her original self, her true self might be revealed.

Be careful with this too. Whether or not you embrace that woman is entirely up to your choice, but if she does, she must be prepared. The words of her man, who had her temptress by his side, were hardly good. However, she said that the woman seemed to be no match for her enchantress or anything like that.

If you make a mistake, you may be enslaved for life.

Ah, in a s*xual sense.』

“Yes, servitude.”

Haha, I laughed and shook my head vigorously. Anyway, I can no longer develop a relationship like that with Han So-young. At least I think so. Because I clearly drew a line back then.

『As I write, more and more questions arise.

Is it because of regret? .

How do you feel as you read this record?

You’re probably blaming me, right? “You think she’s a woman who doesn’t understand, right?”

okay. I’m curious about this too. Although it’s not a case of resentment, I don’t understand why he left without saying anything.

“sorry. I’m really sorry. But I had no choice but to do this.』

so why.

『I didn’t have the confidence to say goodbye to you with a smile.』

The moment I asked the question, my eyes suddenly gained strength.

『I am a bad woman. The more she was next to you, the more bad thoughts she had.

Every time I saw his eyes pleading for me to be with him, I felt a little sad.

Isn’t it an established fact that I can’t stay here?

Then all you had to do was cross over to hell.』

This… . I can’t deny it.

『Actually, I made up my mind several times.

Should I just close my eyes and add sacrifices without your knowledge? Or should I force myself to take you to hell?

Ugh, um. Those are scary words.

『But that won’t work.

Because conventionally, one side has no choice but to sacrifice.

Also, just as I have a wish to fulfill in hell, you also have a wish to fulfill in this world.

When I thought about it that way, I felt extremely ashamed of myself for being greedy.

The important thing is that the greed did not disappear.

In the end, I had no choice but to make a decision.』

As I read so intently, I soon realized that there wasn’t much left in the record. I calmed down my pounding heart and lowered my eyes.

『Suhyeon, Suhyeon, Suhyeon, Suhyeon.

Wouldn’t it be me who would want to be by your side? Wouldn’t she have wanted to be loved by a man like me?

But the way to truly care for you was not to pursue greed but to leave as soon as possible.

Will you really understand this?』

I understand. I wouldn’t have known it originally, but after hearing the story from my brother, I realized something. Gehenna is not just me, but everything I have accumulated so far is seen, judged, thought, and acted.

『You can consider it cowardice.

You can blame and hate me right now.

Since I was the one who ran away, I plan to take it in stride.

But if there is one thing I wish for… .

Countless times will pass and someday you will remember me.

Please, I hope you understand me like this.


You will understand, right?

me someday

I’m sure you’ll understand my love for the person named Kim Soo-hyun… ?』

Is it because I felt the agony written in the records? Her breath, which she had been holding in due to Gehenna’s earnest confession, flows out as if new. The moment I finally saw the blank space below, I realized that I was smiling. It was strange. My heart is sad, but my face is smiling. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Feeling like I couldn’t bear something, I went out to the terrace. When I look at the clear night sky, I feel like my heart is opening. It’s amazing. Just a little while ago, my whole body was exhausted, but I felt refreshed, as if I had just washed.

He took out a candle from his pocket, bit it, and lit it. He then took a deep sip and held up the record. When Viscount touched the burning part to the edge of the record, black soot slowly spread and started to catch fire.

After a while, after confirming that the corner of the record was burning brightly, I threw the record into the air without any hesitation.

-There isn’t a part I haven’t read yet… ?

Hwajeong’s cautious voice rings in my ears.

Of course, I didn’t look at the front page, but it’s okay if you don’t have to read it.

Warnings about the devil, worries about myself, confessions related to Han So-young, Gehenna’s true intentions… . I could already feel the sincerity of Gehenna that she revealed without filtering. So much so that she didn’t need to read any more. Rather than continue reading and get a strange feeling, wouldn’t it be better for her to stop here? Somehow, she seems to know a little how she feels when Gehenna returns in silence.

look at the sky The record, which has already burned more than half, slowly curves and falls as if fluttering in the wind. The sparks that occasionally pop out disappear as if dancing.

As the records are burned away, the hard feelings in my heart also melt. As she breathes in the cold night air, her heart feels cool and relieved. It’s so refreshing that I want to open my mind like this. I feel like I want to scream out loud like this.

But I couldn’t bear it, so I stared at the dawn night sky, decorated with small embers. The night scenery comes into view more clearly than ever before.

I was finally able to smile without embellishment, not with a pretentious smile.

maybe… .

Now, it seems like I’ve finally woken up from that night’s dream.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Soyoung Han >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other women.

I will leave it to your imagination as to what the standard will be. (__ )*


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not work with dark mode