MEMORIZE Chapter 805

00805 A new beginning. ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence >

Before we knew it, the sun had set and night was deep. The city, which was once highlighted as a new frontier, has almost lost its users since the new continent, ‘Atlanta’, was conquered. Although it was not a ghost town, it was a stagnant city with no further development expected. The two women were walking along this quiet, quiet street and looking around.

“Yes. It’s been a while since I came here, so I’m going to go to the middle of the day… . “Did you break it here?”

“Are you sure you are lost?”

“Oh, no! This city is originally complicated and dizzy… . Ah, I found it!”


Ansol ran forward, his white robe fluttering, and forcefully opened the tightly closed door. However, her face was hit by a cloud of dust that exploded and turned into a ball. The woman, wearing her robe tightly pressed down, passed Ansol, who was vomiting, and quietly entered the door.

It was difficult to say that the inside was clean even with empty words. It looks like it hasn’t been touched for a long time, and dust is piled up, and the occasional table or chair is scattered around haphazardly.

“Tsk. Musty smell… . “Cluck!”

Ansol, who got up after gathering himself, followed him in and coughed. Although his face didn’t look very good, his eyes that looked around immediately became filled with sadness.

“This place… .”

“Yes, yes. This is the place where we completed the User Academy and took our first steps into this world. “It’s an inn.”


“A place to sleep and eat. Her name is a courteous lady… . Was it?”

The woman nodded slightly. And after looking around indifferently,

“Where did he often go?”

“Eh, the room on the far right on the third floor. That’s the special room my brother used, and I often went in there to steal teacups… . “Ugh!”

I climbed the stairs before I could finish speaking. Ansol, who had been frustrated by covering her mouth for a while, realized that she could no longer see her woman and let out a long sigh.

“Ugh. what’s this… .”

This morning, Ansol, who was assigned to guide Gehenna at the request of Kim Soo-hyun, was full of expectations. Of course it wasn’t because she liked Gehenna, and she was looking forward to it in case she would end up falling into a piece of cake. But instead of being a thief, she was acting as a guide for half a day, even though she had no business.

‘I want to see the places he has been so far.’

Gehenna’s request was simple but not simple. The place he had been to was that he wanted to visit the place where Kim Soo-hyun has mainly been active so far.

Although Ansol was at a loss for a while after first hearing the words, he ended up being forced to become Chunhyang. After going to the North Continent through the warp gate, she had to travel to various places, including Monica’s Clan House, Love House, the ancient magic city of Magia, Barbara’s User Academy, and the Inn of Beginning. She still remains, and she has reached the level of a proper lady of the Mule.

“After a while… .”

With a constant sigh, Ansol slowly climbed the stairs. Now that I had come this far, I didn’t want any more than that, and I desperately wanted to go back now.


Eventually, when Ansol entered the special room at the end of the third floor, the woman was sitting quietly at a dirty table and looking around the room. She came in late and made a light gesture as if she had seen Ansol.

“Are you here now? “Please sit down.”

Suddenly, a flame erupted and brightened up the dark room. As Ansol approached her, the woman took off her hood that covered her face and smiled. Then he takes something out of her arms and puts it on her table. She had a clean sheet of records and a quill.

“Now it’s almost time. “Let me ask you one last thing.”

At the word ‘last’, Ansol felt both anticipation and anxiety. Because she was worried that she might be entering the pitch-black forest. However, Gehenna made an unexpected request of her own.

“Write something for me.”

Tap the record on the table with the tip of your index finger.

“Well, writing?”

“okay. hmm… . “Is it okay to call it a letter?”

“Why did I… .”

“Because I don’t know your letters. “Isn’t it better to write it down so it’s easy to understand?”

Ansol was immediately convinced. Even though it’s my last request, there’s nothing I can’t do. Ansol asked, grabbing her quill and pulling on her record.

“How should I write it down?”

“hmm. What do you usually write at the beginning of a letter?”

“… “I write, ‘I Hate You.’”


“No, I’m just kidding. Just to so and so… . “Like this?”

“okay. Then to Kim Soo-hyun. “This would be better.”

A quiet voice. Ansol began to play with his quill pen.

“Maybe by the time you see this letter.”

“maybe… . You… . This letter… . By the time you see it… .”

“As for me, probably after I go back.”

“I am… . yes?”

Suddenly, the quill stopped. When An Sol raises her head in surprise, Gehenna smiles softly.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“B-but… .”

“But what? On the contrary, I think you will like it.”

“… … .”

“It is done. Go ahead and write it down. Oh, don’t write down what you just said.”

“Well, I know that much.”

After a while, only the sound of Gehenna’s words and the crunching of the quill pen remained in the room.

After about 30 minutes had passed, the light coming from the third floor window finally went out. And not long after, the loose door opened and two women walked out.

Gehenna walked across the dark street as if she had done her business, and Ansol hesitated a little and stared at the woman who was slowly walking away. But soon she catches up with him at a running pace and she carefully opens her mouth.

“I… .”

“… … .”

“excuse me… .”

“… … .”

“Hey, over there!”

“Why are you doing that?”

As I raised my voice, a response finally came back. After that, Sol An, who hesitated for a while, still watched her and opened her mouth.

“Can I ask you something?”

“I allow it.”

“Brother… .”


“Did you love Gehenna?”

“… … .”

At that moment, Gehenna’s unstoppable steps came to a halt. If she had been asked if she loved Kim Soo-hyun, she wouldn’t have hesitated so much even though she might have been embarrassed. However, Ansol’s question was the opposite.

“that… .”

Gehenna slowly shook her head, running her hands through her rich, wavy lava-colored hair.

“… “I don’t know.”

However, he continued speaking while pressing the hood hard as if trying to shake off something.

“But, maybe… .”

Suddenly, the blurred words foreshadowed a twist.

“Just in case… . When the day comes when we are truly destined to meet again… .”

Gehenna tilted her head and looked at the night sky with slightly lonely eyes,

“At that time, I must ask.”

… He said it like he was crying.

Finally, after some time has passed.

“Then you can ask now.”

“Hehe. Of course it is… .”

Gehenna smiled softly but sadly at the quietly heard voice.

“… “If I do that, I think my mind, which I barely ate, will be shaken.”


No matter where I looked, there was no sign of Gehenna. She really was nowhere to be seen. It took quite a while for her to accept that Gehenna was gone. But regardless of that, she couldn’t stay still like this. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but she had to chase. She must think of Gehenna as a place for her to go.

With that thought in mind, I immediately stormed into Jegal Haesol’s dormitory.

“Oh my! It’s a surprise!”

Jegal Haesol, who must have been awake at dawn, jumped up. Coincidentally, I was changing my pants. Jegal Hae-sol’s expression slowly crumples as he looks at me with bewildered eyes.

“under. okay. I knew I would be like this someday. “In the end, you couldn’t stand it anymore and came to get me.”

“User Jegal Haesol.”

“Shut up. Virgin hunter. As I tell you in advance, I will do my best to resist. And even if my body is conquered by you, I still win.”

“Jegal Haesol.”

Jegal Haesol pretended not to listen and boldly let go of his pants.

I rushed in right away.

“Okay, look. If you want to see it, see it… ? Mom! Please save me! Kim Soo-hyun raped me!”

Jegal covered Haesol’s mouth and brought his face closer. Eyes filled with fear are staring at me, as if I didn’t expect this to happen. When I recognized his mistake and lowered my hand, I saw his trembling lips.

“sorry… . I won’t tease you again, so please forgive me… . “Isn’t it still too early to say this?”

Are you kidding me in the midst of all this?

I felt a little sorry, but this wasn’t the time to joke.

“Transport capacity.”

“… yes?”

“Half a day’s walk towards the north gate. A signpost pointing to Atlanta. “You know the coordinates, right?”

“Oh, I know.”

“Please use your transport capacity to get there. please.”

“… … .”

For a very short time, Jegal Haesol looked at me blankly. However, he soon nodded his head slightly as if he realized that his expression was not a joke.

“… “Can I wear pants?”

I waited without saying anything.

After a while, along with the sound of chanting a spell, round, blue clusters of light began to gather from all directions. The crazy tension inside me was building up at an incredible rate. I hope and hope again. Please, please, may Gehenna remain… !


A familiar noise hit my ears, along with the feeling of my stomach being pulled. At the same time, my vision changed for a moment.

The cold wind passes by my skin. Before we knew it, we were in the middle of the red wasteland. Jegal Haesol’s transport ability was properly activated.

I feel like my heart is burning with tension and nervousness. I immediately turned my eyes and looked for the fishing tower. To the left, a towering black tower appears, as if piercing the sky.

And, there.

There was no one.

“ah… .”

For a moment, a thought of arrogance crossed my mind.

Could it be that Gehenna is doing this to make fun of me? Maybe I couldn’t find it. Maybe I was in the wrong place. Maybe it hasn’t arrived yet. … Or is it already gone… .

At that moment, a bright idea occurred to me. At least, if it weren’t for the last case, there would still be room to meet. In other words, all you have to do is prove that Gehenna did not come here.

There is a way.

Third eye. See the past with your third eye.

There is a precedent for using it only once a long time ago. I used my powers because I was curious about what happened to the kids during the rite of passage, and my eyes almost burst from just looking at it for one second. After that, I promised myself I would never write again, but now I was in no position to worry about this or that.

Without any hesitation, I activated my third eye. And I focused all my attention as I looked at the fishing tower standing there.

After a while, a scene suddenly flashes into my field of vision.

– Buzz, buzz, buzz!

The first thing that caught my eye was a fishing tower that was not black like I had just seen, but was emitting light enough to brighten the sky. The moment she looked at the woman standing in front of the fish tower, she felt her heart sink.

– I’m sorry… . Sorry… .

Gehenna comforts someone in her arms with sad eyes.

– Aaaaaargh!

And Suna, who I have never seen since she was born, cried with all her might.

-Please… .

– profit! Yikes! Abaaaa!

– Suna, Suna. now stop… .

– Ugh! Ugh! Abu, abaa… !

Suna struggles to escape from Gehenna’s embrace. She even waves her hands around as if looking for someone. Gehenna looks very troubled, but she stands in front of her fish tower, holding on to Suna tightly.

Finally, the moment before the brilliant light enveloped Gehenna and Suna.

– … … .


Gehenna looked back for just a moment.

Although it was only a fleeting moment, the sorrowful eyes obscured by the light were clearly staring at me.

“Gehen… !”

It was that moment.


My vision became distorted like a broken TV screen, and a sharp pain suddenly struck my eyes. For a moment, a random signal passes by and a burning sensation rises, as if on fire. The duration has already ended. I sat down clutching my eyes due to the unidentifiable feeling of helplessness that followed.

“Clan Lord!”

Jegal Haesol tried to support me, but I just lay flat on my back.

I saw the worst past, the one I didn’t want to think about the most.

Nothing, no thoughts.

“ha ha ha… .”

Only empty laughter came out.


How much time has passed?

“Okay, Clan Lord. It’s a castle. “I came to the castle.”

When I came to my senses, I found myself back in the city. I don’t know how she came back. He was dragged by Jegal Hae-sol’s hand and somehow managed to walk, but his mind was so full that he couldn’t focus on anything else.

I don’t understand.

Really, no matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand.

When I spoke at the meeting, I knew that Gehenna would return. Because she didn’t just say it clearly, she said it with such nuance. And I was thinking of sending it anyway. But this isn’t it.

I thought I would at least say something. I thought I would at least say something before I left, saying I would go back. I thought I would have at least some time to prepare for the breakup. Still, no matter how unlikely it was, who would have expected that they would force him to return with a hint?

Gehenna… . Why on earth did that happen?

When I think of Suna crying and looking for me, my heart becomes heavy again. Gehenna’s eyes, which were looking back at her for the last time, do not disappear and continue to flicker. This wasn’t the breakup I expected at all.

When I returned to my office on the 4th floor, I finally felt reality. The bed where Gehenna was lying last night, where they whispered and joked around before falling asleep, is now completely empty.

It feels like I’m dreaming. It’s not that I don’t, but when I open my eyes, I wish this whole situation was a dream. Then there would be Gehenna, either sleeping comfortably or seeing me off with a sweet smile while holding Suna in her arms.

I feel dizzy. A feeling of dizziness spreads across my forehead. Beyond the terrace I glanced at, I staggered and collapsed into my desk chair.

After sitting quietly for a while, a sudden thought occurred to me and I opened the drawer. In the drawer, two flowing gold necklaces are neatly placed. I bit my lower lip without realizing it. A necklace I was going to give as a parting gift. It’s not a good thing, but I secretly made it to order and hid it… .

“Are you planning on giving that to Gehenna?”

Suddenly my body froze. I looked to the side without realizing it. My brother was leaning against the wall and looking at me. It seems like he wasn’t paying attention so much that he didn’t even notice the signs of popularity. Or maybe he came in before me and was waiting. Either way, I didn’t notice.


Even when I heard it myself, the voice was slightly hoarse.

“Looking at you, it looks like you came without being able to meet me.”

My brother spoke as if sighing and started walking slowly.

“So, did you enjoy your vacation?”


“Naughty guy. “You didn’t even think of me, did you?”

“Tongue, bro?”

I felt strange. It is true that I completely forgot about my brother. However, his brother’s tone of voice seemed to indicate that he knew everything. How did this happen?

“How did you… ?”

“You returned from your expedition… . We met briefly while he was passed out. “The Shadow Queen asked me to help you.”


“Have you ever felt anything strange while staying in Gehenna? For example, the atmosphere.”

The older brother said that and started talking in a calm voice.

Some time passed, and when my brother’s explanation ended, I felt a gloomy feeling.

“So you’re saying we didn’t become friends, but just pretended to be friends?”

“okay. I asked for it. “Please let me rest until I return.”

“why… .”

“It was an unavoidable situation, but everyone was considerate of you. … Well, you have to be prepared to deal with it later.”

Feeling distraught, I took out a pack of tobacco and ran away like always. Just as I was about to tell him I wasn’t in the mood for pranks, his older brother put something he took from me in his mouth and lit it on fire. This is my first time seeing my brother burn tobacco.

“Whoa… . Well, I understand anyway.”

“understanding… ?”

My brother took a deep breath of tobacco and nodded.

“If you count the number of years… . “It’s been fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years?”

“You just kept running. I’ve been running for not a year or two, but a full fifteen years. You can take a few days off. is not it?”

“that… .”

“If you know the circumstances, no one can blame you.”

“… … .”

My head naturally bowed to the comforting voice. A gentle touch ruffles the hair.

“Let me ask you one question.”

My brother’s voice suddenly quieted as he asked the question. I felt eyes staring at me, but I deliberately didn’t look up.

“Your plan… . “Is it still valid?”

“plan? … ah.”

I reflexively let out an exclamation. A ray of cold reason appears in my bewildered mind.

By plan, I mean return. Of course it is valid. Although the term “valid” is funny, the desire to go back has not yet gone away. It’s definitely alive.

I was a little shy.

“Right. “Then.”


“Suhyun. now stop… .”

I felt like I knew what my brother was trying to say.

“… “I think it would be better to wake up from this dream.”

A low whisper sharply pierced my ears. Her held breath burst out, and a half-disappeared piece of tobacco was inserted into the slightly opened gap of her mouth. I was finally able to open my eyes.

My brother’s face,

“Now, should we return to reality?”

It was bathed in bright sunlight, like a lighthouse discovered by a ship caught in a storm in the open sea.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


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not work with dark mode