MEMORIZE Chapter 803

00803 A Midnight Night’s Dream (4/4). ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence >

Soon, Han So-young,

“Well, by the way.”

In a sobbing voice,

“that… . do you know?”

He smiled somewhat brightly yet sadly.

“… “You just lied.”

After speaking like the heroine of a tragic story, she turned and ran out onto the street and disappeared like the wind.


Gehenna lay on her bed bathed in the sacred moonlight and gazed across the terrace. A very white and clean moon rises in the night sky. The fact that there wasn’t a single cloud in sight was so beautiful that I wanted to walk outside to the terrace and enjoy the open night sky.

But instead of getting up, Gehenna lowered her eyes slightly. Wherever you look, there is a scenery that makes you feel much better than looking at the moon. Suna is crawling onto Kim Soo-hyun’s chest, who is sleeping soundly, whimpering. It’s quite annoying to see him keep glancing at me in case he wakes up. She eventually succeeded in climbing all the way up.

Suna gently buried her head in Kim Soo-hyun’s chest with a very satisfied face. Her father’s embrace is so good that they rub against each other to the point where her plump cheeks burst. But when she saw Gehenna staring at her, she flinched and her body trembled. Her eyes narrow and a blush appears on her cheeks. Gehenna laughed quietly.

However, the smile on his lips doesn’t look all that happy. Is it because separation is approaching little by little? The deep regret she feels for herself and the unexplained apology she feels toward Suna flow out in a mixture.

Gehenna was enjoying her current life. Just being with Kim Soo-hyun is enough for her, and there is nothing that bothers her. But that doesn’t change the fact that she has to go back anyway. She made a promise in the first place, and this world was no place for Suna. Above all, hell needs a ‘king’.

On the other hand, I also didn’t want to cause any more damage. Gehenna also knows. She realizes that by being by her side, the relationship Kim Soo-hyun has built so far is gradually deteriorating.

It was like that just yesterday. As a result of the arbitrary use of allusions, four months arose. Kim Soo-hyun, who returned after seeing Han So-young off, tried to smile that he was okay, but his sagging shoulders and intermittent drooling made Gehenna’s heart tingle.

… In the end, the thought of having to go back was gradually gaining momentum.

Of course, Gehenna has no intention of going back like this. This is often said to those who are leaving. She says take only the good memories and leave the bad ones behind. However, she wanted to not only take good memories from Gehenna, but also leave behind them. The scope of this wish is not necessarily limited to Kim Soo-hyun.

It’s not that I don’t have ability. In addition to repaying the debt owed to you, there will be something to give to some extent.

‘When I open my eyes, I’ll have to prepare little by little… .’

Thinking like that, Gehenna calmly closed her eyes. Suddenly, her side felt empty and she tried to hug Kim Soo-hyun, but Suna, who she thought was asleep, opened her eyes and glared at her, so she gave up.

‘… This guy is going to be a pretty difficult king.’

Gehenna fell asleep, grumbling softly.


A little late in the morning, Gehenna left the room, leaving Suna sleeping sweetly. She walks leisurely down the stairs, heading towards the restaurant on the first floor. She wants to put into practice what she thought of at dawn.

Perhaps because the sun had not set in the sky yet, the restaurant was a bit deserted. When Gehenna entered, the conversation stopped for a moment, but it became bustling again. Due to their actions so far, the clan members had also shaken off some of their anxiety. The extreme alertness like on the first day disappeared.

Gehenna, who was looking around without the slightest concern, soon stopped looking. In the corner to her right, a woman with slender legs is sitting at one of her tables. She scribbles with her quill, looking at her records with a look of intense concentration. She sometimes seems very frustrated with something about her as she gulps down her drink with an angry look on her face.

“Are you okay for a moment?”

“damn. who is this?!”


“… Ah~ah! Ah~ah! “I~See~You~!”

Jegal Haesol shouted irritably, but when he saw the person he was talking to, he immediately changed his last words to the tune of a song. It was a very quick response. And he naturally opened his mouth.

“Ah, good. After all, it’s good to sing when you’re feeling stuffy?”

“… “What a strange song.”

“uh! Mr. Gehenna? hello!”

“Hmm. First of all, your name is… ?”

Jegal Haesol, who greeted me cheerfully, smiled brightly like a flower bud blooming.

“yes! It’s called Zhuge Haesol, who uses his transport abilities in a primitive and barbaric way. “He’s a petty wizard.”

“Hoo. “It’s not a bad thing to know the topic well, but it’s also not nice to be too self-deprecating.”

“… Hey, are you being sarcastic? “I heard that Mr. Gehenna cursed at my transport ability.”

“huh? What is swearing? “Why are you criticizing a clear fact with abusive language?”

When Gehenna snorted as if it were something special, three or four people started giggling. The bewildered appearance of Jegal Hae-sol is something I cannot complain about. After all, I’ve been acting so proud all this time.

“This dog… . Mr. Henna. “What are you doing here?”

“I will sit down first.”

“Please. “Dog, Mr. Henna.”

“hmm. “For some reason, the tone feels strange.”

“Oh, it’s probably because of my mood.”

“is it.”

Gehenna, who spoke indifferently, took the record and quill without asking permission. In the record, archaic words, not Hangul, are scrawled in heavy letters. However, Gehenna calmly begins to read each and every word as if it had nothing to do with it.

The corners of Jegal Haesol’s eyes gently rose. The research wasn’t making much progress, so I went outside to at least blow air into his nose, but not only was I disturbed, I was even invaded.

Is that all?

“Hehe. “That’s an interesting idea.”

Laughing from time to time,


He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. Draw straight lines with a quill pen, or write something down slowly. He even drew a picture. ‘I have no confidence in losing to anyone when it comes to magic.’ Jegal Hae-sol, whose sense of self-respect was sky-high, could have thought that he had crossed the line and that this was an intolerable action.

… Of course, I just thought about it.

“I wrote it as easily as possible according to human standards. And either distance or time. Do one of the two. “The idea is good, but why are you being greedy when you don’t have the ability?”

Gehenna scoffed and returned the record and quill.

Jegal Haesol gritted his teeth and took it back, being very careful not to make a sound. The record was messy, as if the essay answer sheet had been edited. Jegal Haesol’s eyes spewed fire. ‘okay! I’ll see with my own eyes just how good you are!’ With that momentum, read the parts that Gehenna deleted, changed, or added. In fact, I didn’t even have a secret hope that there wouldn’t be any part to bite.

After a while.

“… … .”

Jegal Haesol’s face slowly began to change.

“I wrote it in the human language you know, of course you can recognize it, right?”

Of course. To begin with, Jegal Haesol is a user who has learned archaic language. But that wasn’t the important thing. Before I knew it, Jegal Hae-sol’s face was going beyond shock to the point where I wondered if he could make that kind of expression if he was hit hard with a hammer. In the end, I couldn’t hold back and even let out a dirty moan.

In a way, it was natural. No matter how great Jegal Haesol is, the fact that he is still human does not change. Aren’t they also Earthlings, not residents? In that case, how can one not be surprised by the knowledge imparted not only by humans but also by the supreme being who has risen to the top of the world?

“W-that’s ridiculous… . “Is this possible?”

He continues speaking in an ecstatic voice.

“You will know that if you try it yourself. “All I can tell you is the essentials, and it is up to you to achieve more.”

“B-but why are you doing this to me…” .”

“It was just lovely to see him sincerely exploring things even while eating. Always be diligent.”

“… … .”

In reality, it was meant to be helpful to Kim Soo-hyun, but Gehenna spoke eloquently for a plausible reason.

Jegal Haesol came to his senses when he heard a small sound of a chair being pulled. Gehenna was rising. At that moment, Jegal Haesol opened his eyes wide and hurriedly stood up to follow. The thought that I had no choice but to admit this crossed my mind.

“But you’re pretty smart. I understand that you are saying that… .”


He even screams and grabs Gehenna’s hand. All eyes in the restaurant were focused.


“sorry. Actually, I lied about one thing. I hid my real name. really sorry. Please forgive me.”

“Gwae, it’s okay. Like your name… .”

“My true name is not Jegal Haesol. … “It’s Gehensol.”

“… under?”

“My grandfather said that when I was young. They say I am not from this world. He said he had no choice but to pick it up and raise it after coming from another world. And you also said that I have an older sister. I remember it clearly. It’s the first secret she’s telling in 29 years. Ho Ho.”

Jegal Haesol muttered words faster than light. My attitude has changed 180 degrees since before. The sparkling eyes are as if they have discovered a treasure chest of heaven before their eyes.

“No, let go. “What kind of nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“sister. Gehenna sister. Think about it carefully. She must have had a younger brother named Ge Hensol who had to be sent to another world due to unavoidable circumstances when she was young… . sister? Where are you going? sister? Sister!”


If Gehenna chose Jegal Haesol as the target(?) on the first day, the targets on the next day were Jeong Ha-yeon and Sarah Jane. After receiving the spirit stone, the two women had developed a somewhat close relationship by exchanging opinions occasionally.

It was the same that day.

However, the only thing that was different was that Gehenna quietly intervened when the two were talking.

The two women were very embarrassed at first, but soon, without realizing it, they began to listen to Gehenna’s words. It is inevitable that the ‘Spirit Summoner’ class has never appeared in the Northern Continent. Also, unlike general secret classes, it did not end with just succession. In other words, the situation was similar to that of an adventurer pioneering a barren land with his bare hands.

To that extent, the knowledge about spirits that Gehenna imparted was an oasis in the desert and a welcome rain in a drought. Moreover, Sarah Jane received an unexpectedly large gift.

The necessary and sufficient conditions for summoning a spirit can be assessed by the level of affinity. Spirit stones play a role in allowing humans to build affinity, and this is not something that is difficult to build. Unless you take an elixir or get a chance, you have no choice but to keep making efforts while living your daily life.

However, in the case of Sarah Jane, the situation was quite difficult. Even though Jeong Ha-yeon tries to take a dip in water every chance she gets, Sarah can’t do the same and jump into the fire. At best, all they had to do was wear a fire-type resistance cloak and get as close as possible, but Gehenna easily solved this problem. By using the power of evil fire. Fire at the level of divine fire uses the power to control it according to the will of the owner.

It’s not just any fire. Isn’t the ‘fire of finality’, which is said to be the strongest, the destruction of hell? Even comparing it to ordinary fire is a disgrace. Being able to increase affinity with this level of fire was, in another sense, a feat of genius. At the same time, Sarah’s future growth as a spiritist was completely guaranteed. Even if Gehenna leaves soon, there is Kim Soo-hyun, who has the ‘ancient fire’ called the best.

So Sarah lived all day with her entire body covered in scars, and this phenomenon caused a great change among the Mercenary Clan members. The clan members who confirmed that there were no flowers in Sarah’s hair soon found out what was going on.

At least all combat users desperately desire to become stronger. And Gehenna’s actions to organize meetings were hitting exactly what users wanted. Above all, the arrogant Jegal Haesol said, ‘Sister, sister.’ He followed along and Jeong Ha-yeon returned to being a student. Not to mention Sarah Jane. Just looking at this, isn’t the situation clear?

So, on the third day. There were more clan members at Mercenary Castle than ever before. To put it bluntly, he probably came out hoping that Gehenna might catch his eye.

However, in the Mercenary Clan, there was someone who wanted Gehenna’s help more desperately than anyone else.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

It was Vivien, who came running after hearing the news too late.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s shaking! heart!


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not work with dark mode