MEMORIZE Chapter 801

00801 A Midnight Night’s Dream (4/4). ————————————————– ———————-=

“Actually, that’s quite annoying.”

A moonlit night. With a thud, Da-yeon Park, who had neatly organized the bundle of records against the desk, chimed. As she shook her head, her pigtails fluttered and brushed her shoulders.

“Anyway, the city’s authority lies there, and the market effect created by the streets at night is enormous. But it’s been delayed for several weeks because of us… . “Do you think I would be a little annoyed?”


Yeon Hye-rim, sitting next to him, let out a groan of approval. She was looking at her records with a serious face, but in reality, they were just records filled with blank spaces. When she glances at Park Da-yeon, she bursts into laughter and makes an expression that doesn’t make sense.

“Umm, what kind of guy is this? “Even though I don’t really know.”

“huh? no. I know this time. We were wrong. “Let’s apologize quickly.”

“pooh. Strictly speaking, it’s not our fault that the affiliates are giving a shit, right? And it’s not a problem that can be solved with an apology.”

“Yes, we are responsible for any mistakes made by our affiliated clans.”

“Wow, the fit is amazing.”

“… Yeah bitch! I do not know! “Even if you just stay still, it’s damned!”

Yeon Hye-rim shouted loudly and nervously threw the record. However, Park Da-yeon took it leisurely and raised the corners of her mouth.

“If you don’t know, just say you don’t know. That way, I can pretend to say something to my sister and Soyoung can criticize her sister.”

“Bitch. What a mean bitch. “After Go Yeon-ju, I hate you the most!”

Suddenly, the sound of teeth grinding leaked. Although she felt like teasing her more, Da-yeon Park decided to leave it at that and looked away. Plus, she seemed really right.

“sister. But the situation is not very good. “You know we’re in a dilemma right now, right?”

I tried to lower my voice, but the response was not cool. Soyoung Han just nodded her head as she signed her record, but she didn’t say anything. Park Da-yeon asked cautiously.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“doesn’t exist.”

It was a concise answer that acknowledged the seriousness of the situation.

“Hehe. Sister, no, clan lord. We are not the ones holding the sword hilt now. “It’s a mercenary.”


“That’s right. Are you going to quietly lose power like this? Still, there is no room for protest. “At the very least, we have to appeal.”

“… … .”

The quill pen, which had been moving like water, suddenly stopped. Han So-young finally took her eyes off and stared at her Park Da-yeon.



“Stop making a fuss already. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Then please assure me that it is not just a matter of pride. “I hate being treated like a pushover more than dying, right?”

“A sense of relief?”

“Ah, it means unfounded confidence.”

Yeon Hye-rim, who was only watching, intervened like a licorice. She, being Soyoung Han, twirls her quill a couple of times and then sighs as if she understands.

“I admit it’s a pretty tricky situation. But Mercenary Lord is not a man who can be easily swayed.”

“Are you swayed?”

“The moment you protest like you said, it will be the worst handshake ever. From then on, direct conflicts, not indirect conflicts, will be made public. “Why don’t you know that the hilt of the sword the Mercenary is holding could be pointed at us?”

“but… .”

“Allowing streets at night, checks, separation, and downgrading of power. No matter which direction you go, you have no choice but to step on a land mine. But if you’re going to step on it, the last one would be better. However, keep the damage to a minimum.”

“… … !”

It was something quite omitted. However, Park Da-yeon, who has a brilliant mind, suddenly furrowed her eyebrows with a surprised expression. She understood, but she licked her lips as if she didn’t like it. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about~.’ She looks at Yeon Hye-rim with pitiful eyes as she plays with her hands excitedly, expressing her words with her whole body, then shakes her head.

“Now that I think about it, that’s true. … But, I still feel anxious. By any chance, the mercenary… .”

“well. He wouldn’t ruin his relationship with us just to gain access to a few affiliated clans. “Maybe it has already moved.”

“Tsk. So that means I just have to wait like this?”

“okay. “Right now, the best thing to do is to stay still.”

Han So-young’s voice was filled with strange confidence.

“There’s nothing to be anxious about. I’ll just take care of this case. “I was planning to visit soon anyway.”

After being convinced once more, I turn my attention to the records again. Da-yeon Park was lost in her thoughts for a while, but she soon shrugged her shoulders as if there was nothing she could do. She then smiled slightly out of nowhere.

“sister. I think you’re too confident. “Aren’t you thinking something strange?”

“Strange thoughts?”

“For example… . Are you offering yourself to help solve this case?”

“… “Sacrifice yourself?”

“s*x. … Oh, just kidding, just kidding.”


Yeon Hye-rim burst out laughing because the unexpected words were so funny. Da-yeon Park hurriedly stood up and said, “I’ll make an appointment with the Mercenary Clan!” He shouted and ran away. Yeon Hye-rim continued to laugh and hit her desk, but soon stopped laughing. This is because the harsh gaze that was directed at her door turned towards him.

bang! In the end, Yeon Hye-rim also left, slamming the door behind her. “You always say things to me!” Leaving behind a meaningless grumble like this.

“ha… .”

Han So-young covered her face with both hands and let out a long sigh.


Early in the morning, I finished eating and left the castle right away. I originally wanted to see Suna, but ‘I can’t show you until I fulfill my duties.’ Gehenna’s stubborn resistance stopped me. Since she couldn’t say anything to the postpartum woman, she had no choice but to come out in tears.

Seo Ji-hwan was greatly surprised when he arrived at the New Koran Union and Merchant Guild. Originally, we made an appointment to meet, but it was said that Seo Ji-hwan would come, not me. I quickly mentioned that I wanted to see the streets at night, and Seo Ji-hwan was very happy and welcomed me.

“I don’t know what to do with this. I never dreamed that the Mercenary Lord would come to visit in person or show such enthusiasm. “To be honest, I’ve been depressed recently after Night Street was postponed indefinitely, but I really feel like I’ve gained a lot of strength.”

no. I just want to finish quickly and see Suna… .

“Now, please sit this way. How would you like to eat? Or even tea? Or a woman… .”

“no. “Let’s get straight to the point.”

When Seo Ji-hwan flatly refused, he was even more moved and straightened his posture. It’s very burdensome to look at me with those sparkling eyes.

“I heard about the situation briefly. “Is it true that the problem now is because of the Old Koran Coalition?”

“yes. you’re right. “There are many people who disbanded the Old Koran Union and dispersed, and it seems that there are quite a few users who went under Istantel Row.”

Even though he was one of the parties involved, Seo Ji-hwan’s expression did not change at all. He talks as if nothing is wrong.

“Even if we did, we wouldn’t have been able to build up a large force. How do you move a force worth 40%?”

“It seemed like they did a good job of agitating. In other words, we will keep the streets in check at night. Of course, the streets at night were originally an open secret, but it’s crazy these days that they’re rising to the surface like this.”

Seo Ji-hwan sighed. Although he spoke in a euphemistic way, I think he understood the true meaning. The streets at night are like, ‘Should we try making one?’ This is not a market that can be created by thinking like this. Very, very difficult. As it is a market where black ‘desires’ come and go, the needs of visitors are very strict and extensive, and procuring items is also a task. Moreover, it is a market that contains many adverse functions that deviate from the original intention, so if you want to mess around, it is better not to do anything.

In other words, this also requires ability, but the problem with this was that even though the ability was overflowing, it was too much. As Atlanta becomes the main stage in the future, the streets at night in the old Northern Continent will naturally disappear. At this time, Seo Ji-hwan, who quit the Koran, is said to be forming a new market in the southern city of Atlanta. And Seo Ji-hwan’s ability has already been proven. It was natural for other cities and other merchant clans to look at him unfavorably. If they dominate the streets at night in Atlanta first, their position will be greatly diminished.

After thinking, I quietly opened my mouth.

“I have no intention of making this incident a big deal. “I want to go over on a good note.”

“sure. Because it’s Istantel Row. I understand.”

“Then let me ask you something.”

“yes. However much.”

“Currently, the New Koran Coalition is in conflict with the clan that announced a statement under Istantel Law… . I’m just saying it out loud. Do you have any relations with the members of the Old Qur’anic Union?”

“It’s not like it doesn’t exist. This time, we made quite a few deals related to the streets at night. However, we will never plot to diminish the power of Istantel Row! “I didn’t.”

I tried to talk and see the reaction, but Seo Ji-hwan answered calmly. As if it wasn’t worth reconsidering at all. Then I felt a little empty. Istantel Rowe said, ‘I wonder if the two of you were plotting something.’ This is because this was the most important issue, as it was viewed with suspicion.

If so, the story becomes easy.

“Actually, I understand Istantel Row’s position. Oh, of course, if you don’t like the temple, you can leave. Since this is a clan that established the principle of not allowing streets at night, didn’t you go in knowing that from the beginning? But suddenly, close to 40% of the clan said they would leave, so they would be angry. “Even I would have gone wild and doubted it.”

“… … .”

“So I made a really big decision, and even met him in person and said this. My situation is difficult now because of you! So don’t withdraw, we will divide up the area so let’s do business together! “Give 33% of your profits to Mercantile, give us only 17%, and keep the remaining 50% for yourself!”


“I hate it! On the surface, they say there is nothing left, but then, do we just dig up the ground and do business? They say they will let me have a spoonful of the market that someone else put so much effort into, but this is completely outrageous! Not even a tantrum! Huh, indeed!”


Seo Ji-hwan must have been so angry that he even started spitting and pounding his chest. But on the other hand, I could laugh inside. What Seo Ji-hwan just said was a pretty good suggestion for me to hear. If I had just accepted it, it could have been resolved for the better.

“Now, calm down.”

“So… ! Oh, sorry, sorry. I was so feverish… .”

“haha. it’s okay. I understand. “I would have been angry too.”

“Huh, heh… . thank you.”

Seo Ji-hwan smiled awkwardly. I responded with a smile and sat back comfortably in the chair.

“Merchant’s Guild Road. So let’s do it like this. “I have a great idea.”

“Is this a good idea?”

Seo Ji-hwan asked with round eyes.


After Suna was born, a storm of anxiety came to the Mercenary Clan. Although the tone was a little strange, considering Suna’s characteristics, it was not an entirely incomprehensible statement.

Bright twilight eyes, rosy cheeks, plump cheeks, concave nose… . He was an absolutely adorable baby, but his behavior was problematic. She doesn’t cry or fuss. He just stayed still with a solemn face all day, to the point where I wondered if his soul was an old man.

And how picky it is. More than anything, she hated being touched by her man. If a man touches it lightly, it growls viciously. He wasn’t at the level of showing his dislike. So much so that there was even a bet on whether or not Kim Soo-hyun would reject her hand.

Of course, that doesn’t mean a woman can touch anything she wants. To her absurdity, if she wanted to serve Suna, she had to (?) become a thorough maid. For example, in the case of Imhanna, who is currently holding Suna, it was truly not a sight to behold. Bend her arms at about 45 degrees so that she can lean on her back, and gently support her head with her hands. Is this all? Her outstretched legs were crossed across her Imhanna’s chest, and her master had never had a master like this.

“Hehehe, hehehe~.”

Although it was an incredibly difficult and uncomfortable position, Im Hanna kept humming. In the first place, she was the type of person who could not care less about her baby, and in any case, Suna was a child with a loveliness comparable to that of Mar. If Mar is a gentle puppy, she is a fussy kitten. And it was a pleasure to enjoy the anxious gazes pouring down wherever she went. She felt like she had been chosen.

“Our queen~. Where else would you like to go?”

“… … .”

Im Hanna smiled kindly and asked, but Suna said nothing. No, she doesn’t know what she says because she has a baby in the first place. But she seemed to understand clearly, and she looked to her left and nodded. She felt like rubbing her cheeks like crazy because of her cheeky appearance, but Im Hanna could barely control herself. Because she was cut off at once when Ansol, who had been chosen as her first maid this morning, stabbed her once in the cheek.


Finally, just as she was about to cross the lobby, Im Hanna stopped walking for a moment. It wasn’t as loud as she was, but something about her was loud. Several of her maids are busy. Im Hanna quietly called one person over.

“Sorry I’m busy. Is something wrong?”

“ah. “A guest is coming.”

“Are you a guest?”

“yes. “This is Istantel Low Road.”

Im Hanna tilted her head.

“He… ? “The clan lord is not there right now.”

“That’s true, but I made an appointment last night. “This person arrived a little early.”

“Then, will you come before the appointed time?” .”

“First, I will guide you to the office on the 4th floor, and then I will contact you right away.”

Im Hanna thought it was no big deal and smiled sweetly. The maid looked at her suna for a moment and then quickly ran somewhere.

After a while. Im Hanna, who was humming her song again and moving her steps,

“ah… .”

Suddenly, he stopped walking. The smile slowly disappears from the face that was full of color.

“4th floor… ? Office… ?”

Did I feel some kind of anxiety? Im Hanna hurriedly looked behind her.

However, the maid was nowhere to be seen.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Miss Gehenna: Who is loved more than me right now?


Miss Gehenna: Can’t you come out soon? You!

Ms. Jeong Ha-yeon: Oh, no… . ㅠ

Miss Gehenna: Isn’t that you? Then who is it! Won’t you come out soon?


Miss Hanso: Hey, there’s a she-cat!

Miss Gehenna: !

Miss Han So-young: Do you receive love that much?

Gehenna Sheep: Is this she-cat turning around?

Miss Han So-young: … Come up to the rooftop.

Suna Yang: Yes, yes!

Miss Hanso: Wow, it’s cute! (Wow!)

Miss Suna: (Surprise!) Ugh, mites?!

Miss Gehenna: … Leave it alone.

Miss Hanso: Me, come out! You horny she-cat!

(After a while.)

(Walking side by side in the hallway.)

Miss Gehenna: (glances) Hey. Let’s not embarrass ourselves and finish it quickly.

(Sound effect) Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump! Doo doo doo doo doo! Doo doo doo doo doo!


The final part of Gehenna begins.


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not work with dark mode