MEMORIZE Chapter 800

00800 The birth of Suna. ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence 2/2 >

It was that moment. ‘hate.’ At the same time as he said this, a terrible fire surged from Gehenna’s entire body. The flames that welled up spread out in all directions and began to occupy the square on the first floor. Burn everything, including shelters, floors, stairs, and railings. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding space was filled with red-hot flames. Ko Yeon-ju and Kim Yu-hyeon were no exception. Gehenna kept resting her chin on her hand and tilting her head to stare at the two of them chewing her mouth as if they were holding back something from her. The bright red eyes are still shining with a mysterious aura.

“Before sending Kim Soo-hyun away, he said this. “I wonder if he wants to go with me.”

“I am… . She refused. no. It’s not that I refused, it’s that I couldn’t do it. “Because of the situation and the law.”

“But after I let him go, my emotions were really subtle. Before I knew it, I was thinking back to the place I slept with him and the paths we walked together. “It was only then that I became aware of the feeling of loneliness, and then the feeling of regret came.”

“Then a sudden thought occurred to me. If you want to be together, you can stay here. “Why did he choose to go back?”

“… “The answer turned out to be surprisingly simple.”

“Isn’t that because of you?”

Suddenly Gehenna opened her eyes. She glares fiercely at her two men and women, who frown under the added pressure.

“It means that I returned because I valued my relationship with you more than my relationship with me.”

“… … .”

“That’s why I hate you. “It’s so annoying.”

“… … .”

“If only you, if it weren’t for you… !”

“… … .”

Gehenna’s passionate voice was similar to the growl of a wild beast. As if in response, burning flames everywhere shook wildly, as if dancing. If Gehenna harbors even the slightest murderous intent, at that moment the fire will spread and the entire place where it is ignited will be destroyed.

Ko Yeon-ju and Kim Yu-hyeon were silent throughout. It wasn’t that I didn’t speak, it was that I couldn’t. The pressure from Gehenna was enough to prevent even breathing, let alone opening the mouth.

Ugh! At that time, a faint golden light flashed through his red eyes. Gehenna looked surprised for a moment. Golden energy explodes from her body, which is buried in her chair as if crushed, and spreads out all over her body. The power of the Thunder God was activated. Although Kim Yu-hyeon’s mouth, which had been pressed down, was eaten away by the fear that came out, it trembles and opens.

“please… . “It had to be Soo-hyeon.”

“Because he has the power to match me.”

“So I made the choice to get pregnant… ?”

“By nature, my strength and his are polar opposites. Rather than merging with each other, they have a strong tendency to push each other away. Therefore, we seek natural fusion through conception.”

Kim Yu-hyeon nodded as if he understood. However, the flames that had been pushed back for a while had reached the top of the road. Before being completely covered, Kim Yu-hyeon could barely speak.

“finally… . One more thing… . Let me ask you a question… .”

“If you can risk your life on that question, I will allow it.”

“Suhyeon… . Do you truly love… ?”

“… … !”

Kim Yu-hyeon threw a fastball without hesitation. It was the right choice, seeing as he was immediately covered in flames afterwards. Of course, ‘Is this a valid question?’ It was the same in that aspect as well. As if this was unexpected, Gehenna was perplexed as she raised her eyes.

After a while, the flames burning everywhere began to gradually subside. As if water had been poured on it, it dries up and disappears, emitting white steam, and eventually the landscape regains its original color. The hell embodied in the human world disappeared literally in an instant, as if its very existence was a lie.

“omg! “Huh!”

“crane! Haha!”

The bodies of the two men and women fell limp, as if they were collapsing. As the pressure on her body is released all at once, she is unable to adapt to the sudden freedom she regains. Gehenna stared at the two with her slightly sunken eyes. And when her breathing became normal, she softly opened her mouth.

“… I don’t know.”

His voice could not hide his confusion, as if he were honestly admitting it. Kim Yu-hyeon, who managed to get herself together, barely lifted her chin and looked at Gehenna. Her eyes are downcast and she is wandering as if she can’t find a place to put her. Then, suddenly, our eyes met. Gehenna gently placed her hand on the left side of her chest. She was the part with the heart.

“Excited… . “It’s annoying.”

With a blank look in his eyes, Gehenna said, “When I think of him.” He added: She then raised her forlorn eyes and looked across the stairs to the fourth floor. It was exactly in the direction where Kim Soo-hyun was.

“When he is next to me, my heart beats, but without him, I feel empty. However, when I think about it, I get excited again. I want to lean on it. It feels cozy when held in your arms. He reminds me that I am a woman. I want to get worried looks from him, and I’m glad he’s angry for me. So he deliberately pretended to have been harmed by a small object. “I feel like I want to wipe you all out, but I hesitate when I think about how sad he will be.”

Gehenna’s words continued longer than ever. Rather than gibberish, it is an earnest voice that seems to be spewing out the hidden feelings without adding or subtracting a single word. After looking at her vaguely for a while, her eyes soon fell on Kim Yu-hyeon. Although the eyes are bleak and desolate, there is a glimmer of longing for something.

“… However, I am a being who has lived alone for thousands of years. “It is impossible to clearly define the feeling of love.”

A self-reproaching voice followed, and Gehenna’s eyes became clearer.

“So, I will ask you a question. “Can you assert that what I feel is love?”

“I do not know.”

Gehenna’s eyes widened at the answer without any hesitation. Although she had not yet gone out of her daze, Kim Yu-hyeon was clearly shaking her head. But soon she stops and, unwavering, she looks straight at Gehenna.

“However, I think I can tell you this one thing for sure.”

“… … ?”

“The feelings you feel toward Suhyun are somewhat similar to the feelings I feel toward Suhyun.”

“what… ?”

“Of course, I love Suhyun as my older brother, that is, as a blood relative. “I don’t know because I can love with the opposite s*x, and I’ve never tried it.”

“… … .”

Did you realize something from those words? The head of Gehenna, which had been tilted all along, was straightened up. I uncrossed my legs and took off my buried back. Both hands caress the swollen belly. Before I knew it, Gehenna had shed her dukedom and returned to being a warm mother. The knowing smile on her lips is evidence of this. Gehenna, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly burst into laughter.

“any… . I feel like I’m gaining confidence. good. “Then I’ll just leave.”

“sleep… !”

Kim Yu-hyeon tried to hold on, but he said, ‘Okay.’ From the time he said this, Gehenna was getting up from her seat. Gehenna smiled as she looked into the two pairs of still unconvinced eyes.

“Going back to the original story, let me tell you some good news. I am not in this world, no. “I have no intention of staying by his side to the limit.”

“Limit… . “You mean?”

“I told you earlier. This dimension doesn’t allow me. My mere presence upsets the balance, so there is a limit to which I have no choice but to eventually return. So, it is said that it is destined to return anyway, and that it will return on its own when the king is born.”

“What does dimension mean?”

“There’s nothing to think about. “I just need to understand the anxiety you feel when you see me.”

“… … .”

It was clear that the two people still didn’t understand the sudden words. But Gehenna said, “Even if the days remain to the limit… . It has been done. “It just means that it will go back faster.” When he elaborated, his expression changed.

“I want to show my baby my father’s face, even if it’s just for a few days. And I hope he doesn’t have a hard time with me during his stay. “You can say this is my greed.”


“I will stay quietly and leave quietly. “This is the greatest concession and only promise I can make to you.”

“… … .”

Eventually, “At least you can continue to be together.” Gehenna, who said this, left without even listening to her answer. Even though no one told me, I climbed the stairs and slowly walked away. It was almost a one-sided notification, but the two people left in the shelter not only had no strength to catch them, but they also had no intention of moving. This is because after going through hell once, her whole body became as tired as wet cotton.

How much time has passed?

“Whoa… . High user performance.”

As Ko Yeon-ju was looking at the empty seat with blank eyes, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had woken up from her thoughts, spoke to her. At that moment, were the gray eyes slightly shaking because of the short sigh earlier, or was it because of his tone of apology? Go Yeon-ju’s head creaked like a rusty robot.

Do you know that it’s something you can’t say? Even though she knew she couldn’t do this, Kim Yu-hyeon closed her eyes tightly. And she quietly opened her mouth.

“I have a favor to ask… . there is.”


In the dark of night, mournful moans intermittently echo in the quiet hallway. I feel sorry for even breathing due to the endless groaning and struggling sounds.

“Whoa…” .”

… How much is it already worth? There is already a pile of tobacco on the floor. Even if I try to stay still, the best thing I can do right now is not to pace around. In my heart, I want to kick in the door and hold Gehenna’s hand. I want to comfort you and tell you to be strong. In fact, I was kicked out a couple of times when I tried to do that because I was in the way. There was no way to suppress the anxiety that was rising like a flood, so I held my head with both hands. I wonder if my parents felt this way when they gave birth to me.

Immediately after Gehenna’s labor began, I was stupidly confused as I saw the white liquid accumulating on the bed. It may be a battle, but there was no knowledge about childbirth. So much so that I didn’t know it was amniotic fluid. In the end, after hesitating for a while, I frantically rang the call button, and because I couldn’t wait, I ran out and found Brother Sangnam and Sister Nono and woke them up. I thought she would be more familiar with it than me since she had experience giving birth.

‘what? What should I do if I leave a pregnant woman alone? ‘You idiot!’ After being scolded, Nono quickly started preparing. With the help of Brother Sangnam, he was able to call a few clan members and maids, and after that, all he had to do was wait. He occasionally brought hot water from a basin or fetched clean cloths, but at some point, he ended up only burning cigarettes on a string at the end of the hallway.

In fact, it would be more accurate to say that I was out of my mind. All you can do is concentrate your hearing as much as possible. Every time a groaning sound passes by my ears, I feel like my heart is being stabbed.

“brother. I… . “Why don’t you come in and take a look?”

When I raised my eyes, I saw Ahn Hyun with an awkward face.

“If I get kicked out this time, it will be the third time.”

The answer came from Jin Soo-hyun, who was crouching against the wall. Both of them were victims(?) of random calls. Maybe it was because I came out of bed panting, but my eyes were filled with sleep.

“Hwaaaam. By the way, how many hours have passed? How long like this… .”

“Why don’t you watch your mouth.”

Just as I was yawning, a sharp voice from across the room pierced my ears. Jin Soo-hyeon hiccuped and covered her mouth as Heo Jun-young glared at her harshly. It seems like everyone has become as nervous as I am. I’m sorry, but honestly, I don’t have the energy to pay attention to many things right now. I sigh deeply and cross the quiet hallway.


It was then. The moan that followed suddenly turned into a scream that tore the hallway in half, and I stopped walking for a moment. Everyone stops moving and looks at the door at the same time. But the sounds of Gehenna are no longer heard. In the moment of silence that followed, an unexpected fear enveloped her entire body.

Why, why?

Oh, the baby is strange!

As soon as I heard a bustling noise coming from inside, my heart dropped. I quietly raised my head as I thought about what might happen.

“Kim Soohyun!”

Heo Jun-young hurriedly pushed me. Even as my vision turned white, I staggered over and turned the golden doorknob with all my might. When I opened the door and went in, a strange smell that was a mixture of various smells wafted in the air. And with sight… .

“Soo, Suhyun… .”

The first thing that caught my eye was Im Hanna, who was holding something small in her arms and not knowing what to do. Sister Nono sitting down in a daze, Da-som Park also hesitantly retreating, Ansol crying, and Gehenna panting as she leans on the bed come into view one by one. I don’t know why, but she is smiling faintly. In a way, she seemed thrilled.

“Children, children don’t cry! Well, so… .”

“Poetry, sacred spell… !”

The situation became hectic again. I don’t know what happened. My eyes are spinning. But I tried to stay calm and took out the elixir from my arms. Since things seemed to be going wrong, I planned to feed him first.

“Wolf… !”

“hip! “Slap my ass!”

Even in her haste, Im Hanna seemed to think that what she said was right and placed the small object at an angle in her arms. She immediately hit the small, plump cheek with her downturned palm.


The sound of a car being kicked rang out.

It was that moment.


Suddenly, the small and thin thing flinched and a sharp voice came out. Everyone’s movements, including mine, stopped.

Finally, when I saw the identity of the small thing, I couldn’t help but feel very proud. I don’t know much about childbirth, but I at least know that newborn babies aren’t as pretty as you imagine. For example, reddish wrinkled skin, thinning hair, etc. However, the child in front of me completely shattered my common sense.

Shiny black hair, slightly stained but white skin, thick red lips reminiscent of cherry blossoms, clear and intense twilight-colored eyes… . okay. This can be understood by giving in a hundred times. There is the case of Marr, but if you think about it, he is not a completely human child. But there was something else that confused me.

So the baby… .

“… … .”

Very solemn. Aren’t the facial expressions and demeanor too gentle and solemn for a newborn subject? I don’t know how to describe it. It’s not like I’m crying loudly. The wriggling fern-like hands and chubby cheeks ooze cuteness, but the bored eyes and tight lips are truly solemn.


Besides, I was so annoyed by the radish. She screams angrily at Im Hannah. It’s like, ‘How dare you hit my ass!’ She seems to be shouting solemnly. no. What kind of baby is like that? I dreamed of this touching situation where I heard a baby crying, kicked in the door, and held him. This isn’t right.

Endless questions arose, but I quickly took the baby from Hannah Im, who was hesitant. Then the baby glanced at me and raised one of her eyes to show her cuteness. Oh, you’re so cocky. Cheeky but cute.

“Are you a man or a woman?”

Suddenly I heard the voice of Gehenna. I checked right below.

“woman… . Oh, no. “It’s my daughter.”

“Hoo. Suna, Suna. That man is your father. “Should we hurry up and say hello?”

Gehenna spoke in a voice that was half comforting and half amused. Is your name Suna? Did Suna really understand what she said? Without realizing it, I held Suna tightly in anticipation.


Suna stared at me for a while.

“… Boo.”

He quickly turned his head with an appearance of sighing.

… This guy?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Suna… .

The day you were born

The readers who came

I whispered your name… .


I haven’t seen many messages in the meantime because I’ve been focusing on the series. Messages are being replied to in order, starting from the order they arrived first. Although we have accumulated a lot, we are unable to provide many replies per day, so we ask for your understanding.


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not work with dark mode