MEMORIZE Chapter 791

00791 There May Be Blue And Better Blue. ————————————————– ———————-=

The temple became quiet again, as if it had never been that way.

The desperate cries, the sound of flesh being torn apart, the bizarre laughter, and the sound of bones being chewed and swallowed all disappeared.

But something has changed.

I no longer feel the refreshing energy or smell fragrant.

A vicious energy surges and the smell of blood is so thick that it makes you cringe.

With the good blood in the center, the evil spirit just looks on. There was no lull. Because the battle had just begun in the first place.

But I don’t know why, but I felt like they were watching us. The purpose is not exploration, but rather a curious look, like a child looking at a toy through a window. It wasn’t an overly positive look.

– Kim Soohyun.

Hwajeong’s voice suddenly sounded more serious than ever. I’ve only heard a voice this subdued once, before the Atlanta game.

– This is the worst.

That much I know. As soon as we entered, we were surprised to see a woman dead, but the reason we couldn’t move was not because we saw a cruel murder. It’s because of that incredible presence that feels like it’s going to squeeze your heart and explode.

My body is so heavy. It’s hard to even swallow. The hand holding the hilt of the sword is trembling slightly. It’s not just me, everyone is probably experiencing the same thing. Even now, the gushing evil energy was so overflowing that it could crush all of us.

At that moment, Hwajeong’s words continued.

– The best option was to wake the woman, and the next best option was to save her life. But now both methods are completely blocked. Do you know what I mean?

‘Do you mean someone intervened from outside?’

– That’s something to think about later. Now I live unconditionally… .

‘… … .’

Hwajeong did not continue speaking until the end, but it seemed like she knew what she was trying to say.

Just focus on living.

But the thing about slurring your words… .

– … Do you want to live, do you want to save?

In the end, is it the same choice as then?

‘fat… .’

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Neither my brother nor Han So-young are here. By now, he would be able to easily escape using thirteen people as bait.

Although it hurts my heart, wouldn’t it be right to somehow survive and plan for the future?


‘I want to save it.’

I meant, or rather answered, the opposite of what I said without realizing it.

Why why… .

Why did you think this?

– Prepare your chlorination ability. The 13 people behind him were told to run away immediately.

Hwajeong said it simply, but it was clearly felt. Didn’t they always tell you not to even think about using chloride, that the moment you use it, your lifespan will be shortened to five minutes?

In other words, death was already a fait accompli.

‘Make them run away?’

– why. So, should we all join forces and fight?

‘but… .’

– Wake up from your dream. Think realistically. Who do you think you are dealing with now?

‘… … .’

– It’s God. He is a high-ranking god that most gods cannot even approach. The inhabitants of the ancient Hall Plain, who had achieved such splendid glory, also attacked and died in droves. What are you going to do with these fourteen people?

Hwajeong’s words were bitter, but they were so correct that they could not be refuted.

– From now on, it’s not a matter of whether we fight or not. Since you have me in your arms in the first place, you can at least hold on to my ankles. Among them, there are two who can at least touch a hair. No, three people?

I laughed without realizing it. As of now, we are barely able to hold back the evil spirit. Isn’t this a too harsh test for someone who came out to test new equipment?

– Even if you try to defeat that guy in five minutes, you’ll be lucky if you don’t get wiped out in that time. Even if heavenly luck follows you, it’s only half… . Kim Soohyun!

It was then.

As Hwajeong shouted, her body instinctively took a defensive stance.

For a split second, I caught the sight of the evil spirit’s body shaking slightly,

“Aegis System!”

Baek Han-gyeol’s extremely nervous voice rang out.

For a moment, the black and hexagonal white curtain that came in without a sound collided.


Cheer up!

A loud noise that tore the eardrums and the sound of glass breaking overlapped.



A scream of pain followed. She quickly turned around. Baek Han-gyeol was flying through the air with his back bent in half.

“hundred… !”

Bang, it hits the wall so hard it cracks and falls.


The blood he was coughing up was mixed with debris. This is proof that the inside has been shaken. Baek Han-gyeol, who vomited more blood a couple of times, collapsed.

Although he wasn’t dead, he seemed to be in a very dangerous condition. Because I can’t see any movement anymore.

In just one blow, or rather, a blow that didn’t even seem like a blow, Baek Han-gyeol was driven to a groggy state.

“Hangyeol… !”

“Well, what… !”

Only then did he come to his senses, and shouts and screams came and went.

Meanwhile, I quietly stared at Ansol, who was running away in a hurry.


It’s normal to feel angry, but strangely enough, I feel like my mind is cooling down rapidly.

– Kim Soohyun. hurry… !

okay. Only when the observation was over did the evil spirit finally show signs of movement. The attack just now may have been a light greeting.

It felt like I was shaking, but I tried to stay calm and placed my hand on Nam Da-eun’s shoulder blade.

“User Nam Da-eun.”

Nam Da-eun looked at me in surprise. She was faking a cold expression, but her mouth was trembling.

I don’t think it’s pathetic. If you were an average user, you would have already been in trouble a long time ago. Besides, I don’t know what to do, so what can I do to other users?

“I will give you an order. From now on, I will take responsibility and leave the battlefield with the remaining personnel.”

“… yes? What is that… !”

“It’s because it’s in the way.”

“… … !”

Nam Da-eun tried to shout out loud, but the player hit her and made her shut her mouth. The round eyes and mouth moving wildly make it seem like there’s a lot I want to say, but I’m speechless.

I know this is nonsense. But now was not the time for leisurely conversation. Because the evil spirit finally began to slowly move.

If you stay still, you die. Even if it’s not me, someone will definitely die. Before that happens, I have to get his attention to focus on me.

Thinking like that, I immediately raised my magic power. If you add the flow in the body and the effect of the armor, the magic flow speed is 4.5 times. Nevertheless, the heavy feeling does not go away. He was unable to completely overcome the pressure emanating from the evil spirit.

At that time, I suddenly felt a hot energy centered around my heart. Hwajeong began to send strength on her own.

The same situation as when dealing with Gehenna.

“Then, please.”

With those last words, I looked ahead and started running.

“Wow, Clan Lord!”

The sound of Nam Da-eun catching him a beat later rang in my ears.

The situation was extremely unfavorable. The visible shape is vague and the shape is not clear. I can’t even guess how they will attack. All I managed to find out was that when Baek Han-gyeol was attacked earlier, the attack was very fast and made no sound. There is so little information.

So, I adjusted my rushing speed appropriately.

First of all, you need to know.

– Kkakkakkkak!

The evil spirit, who was leisurely coming forward, hesitated when he saw me and suddenly burst into bizarre laughter.

It was that moment.

– left!

At one point, a long black smoke-like thing came out like a snake and struck me as if it were sweeping. The sound is still silent. The direction is left, as Hwajeong said. So should we consider that as his right hand man?

Although it was a very brief moment, I felt grateful to Gehenna. It was definitely fast, but not as fast or as intense as Gehenna. Her experience of fighting the Duke of Hell helps her regain her spirit.

In a split second, I flowed inward and let the attack pass by, then turned around and cut the sword sharply. The blade with added rotational force is… ?


What happened? Why can’t I feel any touch?

Mugeom escaped through the smoke without any help. It feels foreign because it comes off so easily.

Next moment,

– left! damage!

At that moment, I felt something passing by. The moment you reflexively try to use the heterogeneous phantom position,



My vision suddenly tilted along with the feeling that my balance was suddenly shifted to the right. Before I knew it, my eyes were turning red, and my body was sliding to the right as if I was on a slide.

“ah… !”


It must have hit something, and broken ice debris falls down.

Only then did I realize that I had hit the right wall.

When I came to my senses and looked around, the surrounding area was so shattered that it was unrecognizable. Despite this, strangely enough, I don’t feel any pain anywhere.

“This… .”

Suddenly, a sigh comes out.

A red curtain colors the sight before your eyes. A considerable amount of magical energy was suddenly consumed.

… First of all, I know that Gehenna’s protective orb protected me.

I looked to my left and saw an evil spirit looking at me as well. The attack that had grazed earlier was still continuing. However, if it was a right kick or a kick, it wouldn’t matter. I was definitely hit to the left.

then… .

How on earth was I attacked?

“… … .”

I suddenly felt dazed.


– Quack!

A crackling, noise-mixed roar filled the darkness.

“oh my god! “Is this really amazing?”

Lucifer, who was watching the video in a dark space, let out an exclamation. Eyes the size of flower lanterns were open, revealing a light of great surprise. As if something unexpected had happened, Lucifer clasped his hands together and stared at the video with interest.

“You attack by twisting and transferring space so easily? Is that even possible? No, I don’t think even I can stop that.”

Lucifer, who had been continuously expressing doubts and admiration, suddenly stood up. And then he shook his head.

“This isn’t even a problem for Kim Soo-hyun. At this level, it can be seen that Proserpina was purchased cheaply. Really… . “It’s amazing.”

Heaps of praise upon praise.

Eventually, Lucifer laughed and suddenly looked to the side. Although it was a space where there was nothing but darkness, Lucifer showed a pleasant smile.

“Don’t you think so? Satan.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The evil spirit has not yet exerted its full force.

Actually, to put it bluntly, I’m just playing around.

Of course, if Kim Soo-hyun uses chloride, he won’t be able to do that.

It is safe to say that the current situation is overwhelming.

Of course, the evil spirit is weaker than Gehenna, but there is a difference between the two beings.

If you think about the way the two entities treat Kim Soo-hyun, you will understand the difference as well as the current situation. 🙂


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not work with dark mode