Memorize Chapter 79

00079 New Face ———————————————– ————————–=

Vivien fit into our group well. At least on the outside. With her unique fierce behavior, the contract, and the actions she has shown so far, she was able to at least appease the children’s wariness. However, although the children had no hesitation as they had been together through hardships and sorrows since the rite of passage, Vivian was not to that extent.

Rather, would it be correct to say that he was bullied? During morning training, when all the children had started to practice awareness, I could sometimes see them crouching alone in the corner, wiping away tears. Then, when I called him, he would hide himself as best as he could and run away as if he had never cried before. It always broke my heart when he looked back at me with clear tear stains on his cheeks.

The cause could be roughly guessed. But I was thinking of leaving it alone for now. They say that there is a world of women among women, so if I intervene and tell them to do this or that, the way the kids view Vivien will only get worse.

Still, the only consolation was that Ansol occasionally gave Vivien a pitying look. At the same time, Yujeong always looked at Vivien with a subtle gaze. And every time that happened, Vivien lowered her head.

Yujeong was very smart. In particular, his insight could be seen as sandalwood. When I was giving personal instruction, I seemed to notice that I was subconsciously paying a little attention to Ahn Hyun. So, when Anhyun and I were together, she was always friendly, but when it was just Sol and Vivian, she seemed to act like a big sister. In particular, Vivian was a very good prey for Yu-jeong’s target. I just smiled bitterly as I watched her make full use of the contract I showed her earlier.

Still, I didn’t forget to say something.

“You better be careful.”

“huh? “What is it, brother?”

“I didn’t do that. “I don’t know,” I whispered softly as I looked at Yujeong, who tilted her head with a face that said, “I don’t know.”

“Vivian is a wizard with great skills. Right now, he’s just before he regains his intelligence, and he has a childish side, so he’s suffering… “What do you want to do later?”

“There is a contract.”

After spitting out those words, Yujeong covered her mouth with a face that said, “Oops.” I laughed for a moment and then continued.

“Vivien is no different from Anna now. Although it is said to be recovery, there is also the possibility of a new personality being formed depending on the surrounding circumstances. Although there is a contract, it is difficult to say that it is unconditional since you are not the one who drafted it. Above all, don’t forget that Vivian has free will. Later, when I fully regain my intelligence… .”

“Ho Ho. My brother is indeed. It just makes me such a bitch. “It’s all a necessary process.”

“Who said anything? I’m just saying this because I’m worried. Anyway, cheer up.”

I comforted Yujeong’s shoulder. Yujeong’s eyes were smiling, but his mouth was not smiling at all. By now, you’re probably calculating what I just said in your head at breakneck speed. Basically, as a smart lover, he would have fully understood the warning I was trying to give him.

And coincidentally, Vivien proved my words when I went out of the city that day to battle monsters. Once out on her plains, she faced off against a horde of goblins, where she showed off her skills to the fullest. She also activated her own special ability right in front of her sentient beings.

“come. Aranya. “Oh, the web of death that rules the 32nd Legion!”

66 I was curious about what the ruler of the Demonic Beast Corps was, and after seeing Vivien displaying her skills in earnest, I was able to think of one occupation.

The secret class spirit summoner seen in episode 1. At the time, the sight of the spirit summoner summoning the spirits of the entire legion to fight against the forces of the Archduke of Hell during the battle to recapture Atlanta was spectacular. Although there are class differences between Secret and Rare, the Chimera Alchemist seems to have similar aspects in that he summons and strengthens the Chimera or other world’s demons he created himself.

Putting that aside, the power of the Chimera Alchemist was definitely great. As if the stress of living with Yoo-jeong’s in-laws was enormous, Vivian displayed a murderous look on her face as she slaughtered monsters during battle. After killing the group all by himself, he was able to see Yu-jeong’s uvula moving as he smiled with a fierce face again.

Watching the scene where the magic circle, which is part of alchemy magic, is used for summoning, I was filled with admiration without realizing it.

I was a little worried about what to do next because the rank of orthodox magic was low compared to the magic power I had and the rank of alchemy magic, which was not helpful in battle, was high, but she seemed to laugh at my worries and blew them away with one blow. As the ruler of the 66th Demonic Beast Legion, she was an all-weather magician who could show the appearance of a one-man army and, moreover, could fight by protecting her companions and summoned animals with orthodox magic.

From then on, Yujeong’s bullying seemed to have eased a little. When I saw them being kind to each other and talking to each other every now and then, I was amazed by Yujeong’s cleverness. Vivien, who knew nothing, simply nodded enthusiastically, approving of Yu-jeong’s change.

The kids were growing day by day. And I also couldn’t stay still. Currently, I decide and proceed with all major and minor matters. And since the kids and Vivian trusted and followed me, I always had an obligation to show them more than they expected.


It was early evening. After going out of the city and returning from the battle, the children all came back to the inn, exhausted. After cleaning up the equipment that had the monsters’ blood on them and briefly washing their faces, they gathered around the table in the lobby on the first floor.

“ah. it’s annoying.”

After waiting for the food we ordered for a while, Yujeong put her head down on the table and grumbled.

“What’s so annoying?”

When Anhyun questioned him, Yoojeong slightly bent his finger and pointed to the surrounding tables one by one.

“We are not celebrities. Whenever I sit here, I keep glancing at it. Annoying. If you have something to say, come confidently.”

Hearing Yu-jeong’s sharp voice, Ahn Hyun sighed and lowered his head.

“hmm. “Of course our Sol is a bit pretty.”

“Oh my. My brother too. “Don’t say things like that.”

Ansol looked down on Anhyeon and scolded him. Ahn Hyeon let out a heartless laugh as if she looked pretty that way too. She saw Yujeong let out a deep sigh and then close her eyes, as it was a sight she had only seen once or twice.

From my perspective, we were definitely a group that attracted attention. However, it was difficult to see that attention in a good sense. Until recently, I was wearing the User Academy beginner’s outfit, and for a moment I thought I couldn’t see it, but it turned out to be a pretty decent look.

Users who are smart enough will know that we hit the jackpot in one expedition. Of course, considering that 80% of the gaze was from male users, it was true that there was some dark sentiment mixed in. Clearly, Yujeong, Sol, and Vivien were beauties who radiated unique individual charms.

“Thank you for your hard work. “The food you ordered has arrived.”

After waiting a little longer, Go Yeon-ju walked towards us carrying food and spoke to us. When Go Yeon-ju came, Ahn Hyeon straightened his crooked posture. Seeing this, Go Yeon-ju smiled sweetly as if she was cute and then began to place the food on the table in a polite manner. He was showing a much different attitude than before.

“I’m sure you’re having a bit of a hard time today.”

“From the owner’s perspective, it’s good if business is good. Anyway, this is the time when there are at least a few users… huh?”

When I glanced around and answered, Go Yeonju responded in a soft voice. At that time, I saw Ahn Hyeon, who had been quietly listening to our conversation, jump up from his seat.

“Let me help you.”

Ahn Hyun lowered his voice with a solemn face and began to help Go Yeon-ju carry the food he had brought. Go Yeon-ju turned to me, but I just shook my head with a blank expression on my face. I saw her sigh slightly.

“He is such a gentleman. thank you.”

“Hum hum. What. “Of course we should help.”

“It would be great if someone could do this… .”

I deliberately ignored her words and took out a cigarette and lit it. I was willing to play pranks like this if it was just the two of us on a late night, but I didn’t want to do this in front of all the kids. Moreover, her eyes were currently full of playfulness. Also, she didn’t want to get caught up in something unnecessary, so she was planning on getting out of the way. But that was just my opinion.

When I turned my head, Go Yeon-ju returned to me with an unexpected smile and forced eye contact. Just as I was about to frown and open her mouth, she crouched down with her body as close to me as possible.

“… … .”

If I just pulled down my pants, I could be seen doing just that. I immediately tried to pull out her chair, wondering what kind of obscene behavior this was in front of her children, but she quickly put out her hands and grabbed my chair. And Go Yeon-joo stuck her head out between her legs and whispered in a low voice.

“Two users came by this afternoon.”

“… yes.”

“I was looking for Kim Soo-hyun, so I told him he would be back around evening, and he said he understood and went back. Wizard users I’ve seen before. “You remember, right?”

“hey. What are you doing? brother. What are you doing.”

When I heard Yujeong’s voice, I took a deep breath and nodded. Go Yeon-ju smiled softly and then straightened her crouched legs again. Ahn Hyeon was looking at me with envious eyes, and the female users, including Yoo Jeong, were looking at me with ambiguous faces. Feeling aggrieved, I opened my mouth in a sarcastic tone.

“It would be okay if you said that in a somewhat normal manner.”

“oh. “I sat down for a moment because it was so hard. Do you have any strange imaginations?”

“Stop talking. “I will eat well.”

Go Yeon-ju laughed at my answer, turned around, and walked straight to the kitchen. Afterwards, Yujeong said, “What is that person? Unlucky! You too, right? is not it?!” I heard a voice shouting and Vivien’s voice reluctantly agreeing.

Anyway, the food arrived and Go Yeon-ju’s skills were good. Vivien must have been very hungry, so she quickly picked up her fork, but Yoo-jeong slapped her fork with a nimble hand. The fork rolled on the table, and Vivian muttered with blank eyes, followed by Yujeong’s sharp voice.

“What did I say?”

“Hmph… .”

“My brother told me not to even lift the spoon before eating first.”

“I-I’m sorry. I’m so hungry… .”

“It’s an excuse. Did you do it well or did you do it wrong?”

“sorry. “Black.”

“Ugh. I cry again, I cry again. I’ll watch it this time. “Don’t do that again.”

Seeing Vivien craving it again, I quenched my appetite and picked up the spoon. Only then did Yoo-jeong nod his head in approval, and Vivian carefully picked up the fork again. However, I felt so bad that she lowered her head, so I took a generous portion of the most delicious part of the meat and put it on her plate. Vivien’s innocent eyes turned to me.

“Vivien. You had a hard time today. Let’s eat a lot and work hard together tomorrow.”

Vivien’s face immediately turned bright red at my warm consolation, and she nodded loudly.



When Yujeong tackled him again, Vivian immediately corrected his words.

“Thank you… .”

As Sol-i watched the scene with envy, Anhyun put food on Sol-i’s plate just like I did. However, with a calm expression on her face, Sol returned the food Anhyun had given her to its original place.

After watching Anhyun get frustrated, I swallowed the food I was chewing and opened my mouth once more.

“Just leave it alone while eating. This isn’t some kind of army. “Why am I so frustrated because I can’t eat it?”

“joy. My brother doesn’t know anything. Sol is always pretty~ pretty~. This time, Vivian is nice~nice~.”

I sighed as I saw Yujeong snorting and turning her head. Vivien giggled and ate the meat I gave her with a delicious look on her face.

The group was absorbed in eating again for a while. Ahn Hyun, who had been chewing food with a gloomy face for a while, kept looking at the kitchen as if Go Yeon-ju’s face was glimmering. But in the meantime, something seemed to have occurred to him, so he turned his gaze to me again and asked.

“Bro bro.”


“You seemed a bit close to the lady who owned the inn earlier. “What were you talking about?”

She’s the lady who owns the inn. I burst out laughing when I saw Ahn Hyun using unnecessary and inappropriate honorifics. When we mentioned in a casual tone that users we had seen before came to visit us in the afternoon, the noisy table suddenly became quiet as if everyone was interested. Anyway, whenever they come up with something interesting to talk about, they become dead quiet. It would be great if it was like this on a regular basis.

The kids have been on top of my head lately. I don’t allow even the slightest mistake when I go out into battle, but after entering the city, I realized that I can let go to a certain extent. Maybe that’s why everyone was quiet when they went outside, but as soon as they entered the city, they started to fuss again.

“Then we can come again today. I like that girl. “The man looks a bit sloppy, so I don’t like him.”

“You could be my sister.”


When Yoo-jeong wheezed, Ahn Hyeon laughed at her and then turned his gaze back to me. Ansol smiled embarrassedly, and Vivian was outwardly trying to stop Yujeong. But she could see a thin line hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Just as I was about to eat again, I heard Ahn Hyun calling me again.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

hmm. Actually, I received a publishing offer today.

I am grateful to Jo Ara who looks favorably on my work, which is lacking, and I am also very grateful to the readers who always give me their generous support and support. My heart is pounding a little because I received this call so suddenly, but I will calmly try to contact you again tomorrow.

After finishing the sub-heading chapter, we will quickly move on to the ruined laboratory. If you feel that the development is a bit slow, please wait a little longer. 🙂


1. Stupid Rambo: Congratulations on first place! I am relieved to hear that you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy this episode as well.

2. Nice body: Thank you. For some reason, it feels like I have to do some research. Originally, I wrote it while struggling every single day, but readers’ recommendations and comments really became the driving force. ha ha ha.

3. Human life: Ah. okay. I didn’t think of that. Black, black, black… .(?)

4. Blamy: Hahaha. Thank you. You can probably see Suhyun’s confident appearance as she leaves Mule. Please wait for then!

5. Demodex: I think I’ll probably get a lot of criticism if I use a BL scene. I will refrain from doing so in the future. ha ha ha. Thank you for pointing out the typo.

6. Scars: You can see that it is difficult to raise through training. but… Hehe. (Spoiler alert!)

7. fw2erfwsd12: I am thinking of creating a scene worthy of a novel in the near future. Probably after returning from the ruined laboratory. I’m already worried that some readers might have a bit of a mental breakdown at that time. Haha

8. Misery to Gomting: The contents have been changed from user-only warehouse to general warehouse. Thank you for your valuable advice and insight. It was my mistake. ^^;

9. Hwi-eul: There is a story that says that when they just returned to the city, they were frantically looking around. Although he is a person from 100 years ago, basic food, clothing, and shelter have not changed much compared to then. 🙂

10. Toranoanal: Waiting for your comment! My heart is pounding. ha ha ha. (__ )* If you don’t mind, I would appreciate it if you could send it to me using the message you deleted while writing it. There’s a problem I’ve always been concerned about when it comes to vocabulary. Of course, I would be grateful if you could send it later when you feel like it or have time.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode