MEMORIZE Chapter 787

00787 Final record. ————————————————– ———————-=


As Ha Seung-woo finished speaking, someone let out a surprised gasp. Ansol was looking at Ha Seung-woo with a surprised face.

“Well, I know. “Career barrier.”

“like. “You know?”

Ha Seung-woo asked back in an unexpected tone. Ansol nodded her head frantically and looked back at me. (In the middle, Jegal Haesol could be heard disapproving, saying, “Why are you speaking politely to her? You’re speaking informally to me.”)

“Yeah, before… . Eh, where was it?”

Ansol, who was posing as if he was saying something great, suddenly tilted his head as if he had forgotten.

“Oh~! “Pitch-black forest!”

At that time, coincidentally, he seemed to remember the reason and shouted, and Ansol’s complexion brightened.

“is it so! “It was a pitch-black forest!”

“that’s right! “I saw you there once!”

Ha Seung-woo looked with interest at the two women he liked, clapping their hands together.

“That’s amazing. It’s not a barrier that can be seen easily. So, how was it?”

“Yeah~. My brother said that. “If you take one wrong step, you could be in big trouble, so be sure to follow carefully.”

“Ohh. So?”

“So I concentrated and walked, and before I knew it, the world… .”

Ansol groaned as if he was forcibly recalling a memory. Ha Seung-woo smiled brightly, as if that was enough for her.

“is it so. Of course, there may be differences depending on the degree, but the career barriers I know are similar. The world changes with just one step. A user I know well said that.”

Knowledgeable user. It is quite difficult to find users who can handle barriers. So, are you really referring to Jung Chang-min of Istantel Row? But I understand that they have no contact with each other.

“It can be as simple as using the terrain to create an optical illusion, or as complex as it is a scary barrier that completely distorts space. Well, it’s lucky that no children were lost. haha.”

Ha Seung-woo burst into laughter. Then he suddenly stopped laughing and looked back at me.

“But it’s a problem. As far as I know, career barriers are very difficult to break. But the Clan Lord… .”

Ha Seung-woo glanced at Ansol. Although the end of his words were blurred, I fully understood. Ha Seung-woo seemed convinced that there was already a barrier to his career. And the fact that I can solve it.

“surely… . “I never thought there would be a barrier.”

First, lay down the groundbait.

Eventually, I activate my third eye and slowly look around. I’ve already seen the place. Sinnyeogok is not far away. Since I’ve already wasted so much time, I can’t procrastinate any more.

I moved to the ice bridge I had connected earlier and stopped at the halfway point. And then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly. I laughed intentionally.

“User Ha Seung-woo was right. Let’s move right away. From now on, we will go in a straight formation.”

The three people moved first. First, Ha Seung-woo held my back, followed by An Sol and Yu-jeong Lee. Then the remaining eleven people look at us blankly.

“As I said before, the steps you take are important in determining your career path. When I take the steps of the clan lord, user Ansol must step exactly where I took steps. Since you have to walk continuously like this, it is best to form a straight formation. “It is especially good for people with large feet to stand in front, and when taking steps, it is best to leave footprints as deep as possible.”

Before I could speak, Ha Seung-woo explained in detail. Looking at things like this, Ha Seung-woo certainly seems capable. Should I say it is worth the annual leave? The sense he sometimes shows in battle is also very skilled. If this is the case, he must have led that crazy group for a long time. it’s a shame. If he hadn’t been a vagabond, he would have been trusted to the level of Shin Jae-ryong.

My colleagues seemed to understand to some extent and began to move, and we soon lined up as if we were playing a train game. For a moment, I thought about giving it a try, but decided against it. From here on, every step is important. This means that you need to focus that much.

“Something strange may happen from now on. From now on, I will keep my gaze fixed on the ground. “Never be surprised, just focus on walking.”

He warned in a low voice, and the atmosphere suddenly calmed down. No one opened their mouths, but you could tell just by looking at their faces. Tension is slowly raising its head.

After looking through each person, I slowly took a step forward with my right foot. Then, after waiting a little while, he carefully moved his left foot. Suddenly I felt an alien air. Putting aside the sensation, it is not a bad phenomenon. Because it’s proof that you’ve entered the right place.


“Uh, huh? The sea… !”


I heard someone startled, but it died down right away. To someone without a third eye, it would probably seem like I’m walking on the water.

Before leaving, I looked up at the sky for a moment. But it was meaningless because it was late. Because the sky was already half the light of the sunset mixed with half the darkness.

“Whoa… .”

After taking a long breath, I began to walk at a slow but steady pace.

The career path was just beginning.


The once pure white eyes gradually turned blue as time passed.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps… .

From the time I passed the hundred mark, the number of steps did not get any stronger. He kept his eyes fixed downwards and focused solely on walking down the road. Perhaps because the subject of the path is seawater, the path often takes a sharp turn if you take your eyes off it for a moment and look at the surroundings.

Moreover, the further I went inside, the more the sense of alienation I felt at first became more severe. It’s so bad that it’s difficult to breathe. It was a barrier of at least a few more degrees of difficulty than the one I had overcome in the pitch-black forest.

Of course, I can go faster if I’m alone. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel stuffy inside, but considering there were 13 colleagues, I had to maintain a reasonable pace.

By the way, how much time has passed? I feel like 10 or 20 minutes have passed. It’s quite uncomfortable to walk while looking at the floor. It would probably be quite funny to someone who doesn’t know the situation. As many as 14 people are playing a leisurely train game with their heads down.

“… … ?”

It was then. My breathing, which had been bothering me the entire time I was coming in, suddenly eased and my body felt at ease. I took a deep breath and felt fresh air. And that it is infinitely quiet everywhere. The road I could see with my third eye was no longer showing any changes.

When I reflexively raised my eyes, something huge caught my eye.

“Clan Lord? Are you done?”

At that time, Ha Seung-woo pulled on his cape and asked. His voice had a slight tremor, as if he was struggling to endure difficulties. A thought crossed my mind. To the extent that I felt a sense of disparity, the condition of my colleagues was obvious.

“yes. “I think it’s over.”

I quickly walked inside, led my colleagues, and turned to check the number of people. Each time they appear, they exhale deeply as if they are letting out the breath they have been holding. Eventually, with Ha Seung-yoon as the last, his colleagues fortunately passed the career barrier without a single one falling behind.

“That’s amazing. Was the career barrier a barrier that could be passed this easily?”

Ha Seung-woo, out of breath, asked as if he were out of breath. I wanted to say that the third eye is a deceptive ability, but I don’t have the will to tell you. I don’t really feel like saying anything. Ha Seung-woo let out a faint laugh and shrugged his shoulders, letting out a sigh.

After a while, the colleagues finally caught their breath and looked around, and they all exclaimed in exclamation. Next, everyone looks at the center with a fascinated look on their faces.

“here is… .”

It was like that. We were exploring the middle of the ocean, and before we knew it, we were standing in the snow of a huge glacier. It was my first time seeing it in person, as I had only heard about it in person and not participated in the first session.

“… … .”

It was a very strange place to describe in words. First of all, a glacier that was too large to be called a wall surrounded it on all sides like a ridge, and if you take a gentle arc down it, you will find the place where we are currently standing. In other words, the snow plate we are currently stepping on had a shape similar to a basin.

This is nothing more than the surrounding scenery. The most important thing is that a huge snowy mountain with a cave rising quietly in the center of the basin about 50 meters ahead. Of course, it is made of snow, but the flowing soft blue light rather than pure white light creates a mysterious feeling for no reason.

“Huh, that’s really great.”

“It’s really unbelievable. “Aren’t we in the sea a little while ago?”

“It really feels like a different world… . Ah, maybe we entered a strange dimension like the last expedition?”

“That’s not it.”

Ha Seung-woo laughed and shook his head at the successive exclamations he heard.

“You should see this place as simply twisting space to create a new space, in other words, a space within space.”

In the additional explanation, Ansol 100% revealed that he did not understand at all. Ha Seung-woo laughed bitterly.

“The dimensions haven’t changed. This means that the space we are standing in right now definitely exists somewhere. Although it is invisible and difficult to enter like this.”


“therefore… .”


While Ha Seung-woo was concentrating his energies on an impossible task, I was finally able to finish my observation and feel relieved.

Although we cannot be sure, we have come to a tentative conclusion. First of all, what you see in front of you right now is clearly the Divine Lady’s Song. And the fact that it’s maintained in such a clean form doesn’t mean that the seal hasn’t been broken yet? If that ancient evil god had awakened, he would definitely have been destroyed. Or at least there should be a mark, but there is no trace of it.

– hmm.


– … No, no. First, go inside. And don’t forget to turn on your third eye.

‘of course.’

– … But you know what? For some reason, I feel like it would be better to go quickly.

‘… … ?’

Although Hwajeong’s sigh bothered me, I quickly pulled out my sword. And then he opened his mouth in a voice filled with magical power.

“Everyone ready for battle. “In a square-proof manner.”

I felt signs of surprise here and there, but I didn’t say anything and quickly walked towards the cave. Even if it seems rushed, there is nothing we can do about it. Although my intention was to keep a secret and avoid suspicion, I ended up wasting too much time getting here.

Of course, although it seems safe at first glance, the exact situation is not yet known. You can put your mind at ease only when you see it with your own eyes and deal with it. I absolutely wanted to avoid a situation where the seal was broken and the evil spirit was awakened by just one second while I was taking my time.

The passage inside the cave was surprisingly narrow, less than 2 meters in diameter. However, there was no problem with walking, so I walked without hesitation. Then the road gradually widened, and in less than 5 minutes, a relatively wide space appeared in front of me. I stopped walking for a moment.

This place was reminiscent of a small room, and was a square space about 20 meters in diameter. Considering the huge size of the snow mountain seen from the outside, I thought it was still small. The sides are blocked by a wall of snow, and, except for the passage we walked through, there is a heavy ice door facing the front.

I stopped in front of the door and looked through it with all my eyesight, but I couldn’t see much detail. Everything was just blurry. When I took my eyes off and looked back, everyone was staring at me. There was an occasional look of confusion, but the tension didn’t seem to have gone away yet. In fact, it was safe to say that it was already a battle situation from the moment we entered the cave.

I raised my index finger, put it to my mouth, and silently pointed to the ice door. Then the colleagues took a couple of steps back and each raised their weapon.

As for the signal, this should be enough.

After a while.

“… “I will enter.”

While speaking in a low voice, I pushed open the ice door with all my might.

Giggeek, Giggigeek!

The door slowly began to open, making a noise like ice grinding, almost as if it was breaking.


“… ah?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I was so tired from writing it that I dozed off, but when I woke up it was 4 am. sorry. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode