MEMORIZE Chapter 786

00786 The ox steps back and catches a mouse. ————————————————– ———————-=

The waves hitting the ice break white and invade the surface.

The sea water is a mixture of dark blue and indigo blue, and the deeper you go, the darker it becomes, making it difficult to gauge its depth. However, the calm surface of the water was like a mirror, reflecting the large glacier upside down. Sometimes, the sea might be agitated by the ripples that form whenever it tosses and turns, but the shadow of the glacier on the water was strangely clean. It’s not blurry, and you can’t even see any movement.

14 people were walking on the sea. To be precise, an ice road that cuts straight through the sea. Although they were standing on a magical snow plate, the users were clearly exploring the sea.

The ice path from the coast to the glacier was very clean. The top surface is shiny and shiny, and the sides are square and angled as if they were carved with a knife. It was like looking at a craftsman’s craftsmanship.

However, the soft blue light flowing throughout the ice road suggested that it was a road created by magic. In other words, it is proof that the magic control skills of the user who froze sea water are very excellent. I don’t know if they just freeze it blindly. Creating a shape with such care would be difficult for most wizards.

Still, every time a wave hit, the ice path would tilt, so I had to be very careful when walking.

“Oh, I think I’m going to pee.”

Lee Yu-jeong said with an anxious face, stretching her arms to the left and right to maintain balance. I don’t think it’s for nothing that I twist my pelvis here and there from time to time.

As the sea flowed quietly, there was silence everywhere. If the silence is too much, it feels odd rather than comfortable. Should I say that it feels like I have entered another world, another space? Besides, didn’t the origin say so? The Sacred Coast is said to be a tomb. So, it is not unreasonable to feel a tingling sensation in your bladder due to this lasciviousness.

Of course, not everyone was like that. Users who were born insensitive or not afraid of ghosts were walking the path of ice just fine. And if you think about it another way, it was a pretty refreshing experience. Most exploration takes place on land, but creating an ice road to explore the sea is not an easy task.

“Well then, why don’t you c*m here? “It’s painful to watch.”

Jin Soo-hyeon, unable to see as he twisted his body every time he took a step, muttered softly. Lee Yu-jeong rolled her eyes like a cat.

“Cum here?”

“What’s wrong? We just have to move forward first. And there’s the sea everywhere, so it doesn’t matter if you excuse me a little, right?”

“is it? But no matter what, it’s a grave… .”

“Hey, these people are already dead, so they don’t really care. And it wouldn’t be that bad from their perspective, right?”

Jin Soo-hyun shrugged his shoulders and continued speaking cheerfully.

“lets think. It’s a living person I haven’t seen in a long time, right? They also say that a plump young lady is showing off her pale buttocks. Male ghosts are clearly delighted with that strange eye candy… . evil!”

Lee Yu-jeong only listened at first, but without any hesitation, she hit Jin Su-hyeon. Jin Soo-hyeon, who was giggling, almost fell into the sea, and soon the sound of a thumping sound broke the silence around him.

But soon the noise quickly died down. Lee Yoo-jeong and Jin Soo-hyeon stopped arguing and looked ahead, as if they had made a promise. This is because Nam Da-eun turned her head and glared at me. The eyes, reminiscent of the North Wind and Cold Snow, were cold enough to silence the two. Even as he slowly fell, Lee Yu-jeong did not forget to glance at her. To be exact, Kim Soo-hyun, who is walking languidly in front.

‘User Jegal Haesol.’

It was just one word. However, with that one word, the atmosphere on the coast became cold. It felt like a different level of pressure was pressing down on my whole body compared to when I crossed the ice mountain. Kim Soo-hyun, who soon gained momentum, ordered an ice road to be made as usual, but it cannot be denied that the atmosphere became strange after that.

Except for two people, no user knows exactly why Kim Soo-hyun did that. Judging by the fact that Jegal Hae-sol apologized with an awkward smile, I can only guess that he did something wrong. Of course, Jegal Hae-sol stepped forward like a licorice, but it is difficult to say that he was angry about that. Although we had different plans, there was no conflict. In fact, while he was explaining it, didn’t he suddenly stop talking and glare at me?

Anyway, it felt complicated in one way or another, but in the end, for now, I had no choice but to follow along.

“… … .”

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun, who was walking at the front, stopped. He finally reached the first glacier. With this, it is safe to say that the first goal has been achieved. Although it was some distance from the coast, the surrounding glaciers were relatively close once we arrived. Now that the distance is shorter, wouldn’t it be much easier to make a road?

The first glacier boasted a height of well over 10 meters, but compared to other glaciers, it was relatively small. Ha Seung-woo, who was leisurely watching, approached Kim Soo-hyun, who was quietly gazing at the glacier.

“Now which direction are you going to make the road?”


When Kim Soo-hyun turned around, Ha Seung-woo smiled.

“It is difficult to say that this glacier is Shinnyeo Valley. “If you don’t hurry, you might not be able to find it even after the sun goes down.”


Although it was an insincere voice, Kim Soo-hyun agreed. Then he slowly looked around and pointed to his left with his index finger. There is a glacier floating about 15 meters away that appears to be slightly larger than the glacier in front of you.

“Over there… ?”

“I paid attention to the word ‘gog.’ “It would be better to exclude glaciers of moderate size.”

“So you’re saying you’re going to go to a place where there are large glaciers?”

“We plan to prioritize searching around glaciers that are not just large, but almost mountain-sized.”

Ha Seung-woo was convinced, saying, “Yes, indeed.” Jegal Hae-sol, who overheard the conversation, quickly tried to make a path in the direction Kim Soo-hyun pointed. However, he soon had no choice but to hesitate, because Ha Seung-woo, who turned his body, stopped him.

“Stand back. “I’ll try it this time.”

“You are doing it?”

Jegal Haesol showed a puzzled look. Before we knew it, the two were talking naturally.

“okay. “There’s something I want to try.”

Ha Seung-woo, who muttered something incomprehensible, immediately began to memorize the spell. Jegal Hae-sol made a ridiculous expression, but when Kim Soo-hyun acquiesced, he calmly backed down. One thing that is unusual is that rather than using a cane, he makes a hand sign with both hands. It was truly a double cast that I had seen in a long time.

“────. ────. Et Confestim, Ice Via.”

Not long after, Ha Seung-woo’s hands are surrounded by a blue light and begin to burn brightly. After finishing chanting, Ha Seung-woo put both his hands into the sea water. And he clapped his hands lightly while submerged in the water. It was that moment.


Blah blah blah!

There was a dull noise, even though it was just clapping hands. A strong spray of water hit the icy road. Then, a blue light splits the surface of the water, and the sea freezes to a crisp. After a moment of uproar over the sudden shower of water, users observed the sea with curious eyes.

Wherever the blue light crosses, the sea water freezes, creating a new type of path. About the time we advanced 10 meters, we lost some strength, but when Ha Seung-woo injected more magic, we were able to safely reach the target glacier. In this way, another road was created.

“Eek. “This road is very difficult.”

However, Ha Seung-yoon glanced at the road and complained in a low voice.

It was like that. The ice on the road made by Ha Seung-woo was quite bumpy compared to the road made by Jegal Hae-sol. Although it was not a major obstacle to walking, the uneven surface clearly revealed that there was some difference.

Jegal Haesol, who was looking at him nervously, laughed quietly. He actually lifted his shoulders as if showing off. However, Ha Seung-woo stood up with no sign of concern. And he smiled and looked at Jegal Haesol.

“With this, one thing becomes clear.”

“huh? what?”

“The fact that you have higher magical power than me. Oh, and of course the ability to control. “You will definitely be worth watching.”

“oh. hate. What a stalker. But what should I do? I have no intention of giving away user information. And isn’t it too easy to be convinced?”

Jegal Hae-sol stretched out with both hands clasped together and made a mischievous laugh, but Ha Seung-woo did not erase his smile. His eyes flashed sharply.

“no. at all. The width and thickness were similar. But there was a clear difference in speed. My distance was shorter than yours. “I gained confidence there.”


“well. First of all, let me say that. “A first-year wizard.”

“… … .”

Ha Seung-woo, who laughed a lot, turned around without any hesitation and walked down the new ice road. Soon, the smile disappeared from Jegal Haesol’s face as he watched them move one by one. The pupil, which had been staring at someone through narrowed eyes, suddenly turned the white part in a circle.

“Ah, I understand because I experienced it. “I feel so subtly dirty, really.”

Jegal Haesol clicked his tongue and walked briskly.

Toward Kim Soo-hyun, who is already ahead.


How much time has passed?

The sea exploration, which started a few hours ago, continued until the sun set, as Ha Seung-woo had feared. He mainly explored gigantic glaciers, but did not find the place he thought was the Divine Maid’s Valley.

I have only discovered a naturally created ice cave once. Immediately after the discovery, the colleagues made a fuss and rushed into the cave, and were able to obtain several ice crystals the size of fingernails from deep inside. (Jin Su-hyeon boasted that this was the elixir of heaven, and that it was the hardened Gongcheong oil that appears in legend. However, upon confirmation, it was just regular ice.)

While connecting dozens of paths and visiting quite a few places, my colleagues slowly began to change. In a good sense, it means that you are used to walking on icy roads, but in a bad sense, it means that you are sick of it. To be precise, I should say that I am tired of looking for the Divine Lady’s Song.

Of course, it was my colleagues who thought they couldn’t find it, and it would be right to say that I wasn’t looking for it. Actually, I turned around on purpose. This is because I felt that suspicion could be heightened if I searched in one room. So, the search was conducted with an emphasis on showing the person trying to find it, such as looking around with dragon feet or reading records.

“Ugh. “This place is also a waste of money.”

After completing the search for the far right, Seungyoon Ha gently leaned on the iceberg and pouted. His other colleagues’ reactions were similar. It doesn’t look very difficult, but it’s clear that he’s bored. It is safe to say that most places were visited, so in a way, it was a natural reaction. Now that I think about it, I’m starting to think, ‘Maybe he’s not here?’ It’s about time the saying came out.

“Maybe we were in the wrong place?”

As soon as I could think about it, someone spoke up.

“Ansol? In times like this, your senses… .”

“I don’t know.”

Lee Yu-jeong said as if she just had a good idea, but Ansol shook his head sullenly. I could feel the atmosphere slowly becoming depressed.

In fact, it is no different from the one we have already discovered. The location is very close to where you are currently standing. It just doesn’t look a little distorted. I can see it clearly with my third eye.

For a moment, I thought about revealing it now. But I still didn’t have the heart to hope that someone would realize it.

After gathering my thoughts, I deliberately closed down the record noisily, shook off the tobacco, and walked forward.

“Let’s look around a little more. “I’ll search for a couple of hours, and if I can’t find it, I’ll try to find another way.”

Anyway, my colleagues slowly got up, probably thinking that the end was in sight. It would be better to explore for another hour or so, and if you still can’t find it, reveal it on your way back.

“Hey, wait a minute.”

At that time, Gong Chan-ho suddenly called us and stopped us. Gong Chan-ho was looking at the iceberg he had just finished exploring with his brow furrowed.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Look here.”

Gong Chan-ho pointed at the iceberg with his Surama Spear.

“Where are you looking?”

“Here. here.”

Crackling, the Surama spear shakes. As I followed the tip of the spear, I saw that one part of the lumpy iceberg was badly broken. At that moment, a thought crossed my mind.

Nam Da-eun tilted her head.

“Why is that?”

“This is the mark I broke earlier.”

“… yes?”

“no no. It wasn’t broken here, it was broken over there. So, haven’t we come full circle now?”

That was the moment those words came out. Some of them were still squinting, but some of them had a strange look in their eyes. Those who turn their heads quickly understand what I mean. I clenched my fists. Is this Gong Chan-ho?

“Aren’t you mistaken?”

“Absolutely not. About three or four hours ago? “I was so angry that I was making so much fuss that I kicked the iceberg.”

“… … .”

“Then I almost fell and managed to keep my balance after hitting the spear, and the marks are still clearly visible.”

Gong Chan-ho pointed in another direction, and there were definitely traces left there too. Traces of kicks and spears.

“Barrier… . is it.”

Although he was drooling, the experienced Ha Seung-woo immediately gave the correct answer.

“I guess that’s not it? “I couldn’t even feel any trace of the barrier.”

“We have already looked into that. “The probability that it is not is close to 82.8%.”

Jegal Haesol and Geunwon came forward to argue. However, Ha Seung-woo raised the corners of his mouth.

“What you are saying is nothing more than a response barrier. “Do you really think that a barrier can only be created with magical power?”

Then I heard a popping sound from Jegal Haesol. It’s the first time I’ve heard him make a sound like that.

“Well, I guess it’s okay. … Clan Lord?”

Ha Seung-woo smiled as if it were boring and looked back at me. And he opened his mouth very politely, unlike anyone (?) he was speaking to.

“Have you ever heard of a road barrier?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

A wise man says that darkness is natural on his deathbed,

Because they did not understand the truth in their words.

Don’t accept that wonderful night purely.

The good ones cry by the last wave at how beautiful it is.

As their fleeting waves dance on the banks of a blue river

Be angry, be angry. About the fading light.

Rough people who praise the high sun and try to hold on to it

You realize it too late. That they are leaving the sun in their own way.

Don’t accept that wonderful night purely.

Gravekeepers, close to death, those who see with blind eyes.

Even if it looks bright and splendid like a shooting star from a distance,

Be angry, be angry. About the fading light.

And you, my father, stand in a place full of sorrow.

I pray that you curse and bless me now with your fierce tears.

Don’t accept that wonderful night purely.

Be angry, be angry. About the fading light.

Dylan Thomas – Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.


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not work with dark mode