MEMORIZE Chapter 784

00784 The legend of the military god. ————————————————– ———————-=

The ground turns upside down and a blizzard breaks out. The lycans caught up exploded in the air like firecrackers and were scattered in all directions. The layered siege was completely destroyed with a single movement. All that remains is falling debris. Kim Soo-hyun breaks through the sticky rain made of flesh and fresh blood.

Under the miserably shaking sky, the Lycans who barely survived gathered once again and struggled to surround Kim Soo-hyun. At the same time, slightly behind, a large shadow stumbles and stands up. Gong Chan-ho glanced away, saw a shadow, and barely understood the situation below. He could understand exactly why the Lycans were desperately trying to stop it.

The identity of the shadow was the Lycan King. You can tell by its size that it is twice as big as the others. But surprisingly, it was not in good condition. Aside from the numerous stab wounds visible all over his body, there are fist-sized holes in his abdomen. Even if you look at him, it is clear that he has suffered serious injuries, as his entire body is covered in blood. It’s obvious who did it.

It was like that. The Lycans were fighting desperately to protect the king and to prevent the intruder from approaching the king.

The spirit is great, but unfortunately, the reality is not easy. There is no way Kim Soo-hyun will wait until the siege is re-created.

Kim Soo-hyun escapes lightly, as if he were playing catch, and with a single movement of his foot, he goes up diagonally. The Lycan King glares at the intruder, who is quickly closing the distance, as if he is going to kill him. And with all his might, he lifted his right arm, which was still healthy.

Invisible sword. However, a sword with magical power strong enough to distort space is swung, and sharp claws that reflect sunlight come down sharply from above.


The impact point emitted a loud explosion. This is nonsense. I just cut it with my sword, but I can hear the sound of a bomb exploding. To tell the exact circumstances, it was the sound of the magic power contained in the sword being released all at once at the moment of impact.


The results appeared soon. The king let out a tearful cry and took a couple of steps back. His right arm, which he struck down with all his might, is tattered up to his shoulder. However, a user named Kim Soo-hyun never misses a win. He spurs up once more and slashes and stabs with the swords in both his hands at different intervals.

Quang, quang!

Before I could even blink, a series of bursts of drinking erupted. This time, not only was her left arm blown off, but her mouth, wide open in pain, vomited out blood. There is something like debris mixed in the blood. This is proof that the damage was done internally beyond simple cutting. The king looked dangerous, as if he would collapse at any moment.


The binge drinking continues with no time to breathe. At that moment, Gong Chan-ho could see clearly. At the same time his abdomen was being squeezed and twisted, an enormous amount of magical energy was released, tearing his legs apart and causing an erection. A storm of invisible swords explodes, destroying not only the stomach but also the entire waist. It was the final blow that took the life of the Lycan King.

Cooung. Finally, the sturdy, or rather sturdy, body collapsed with a dull sound. The fourth binge was the final blow that took the life of the Lycan King. Blood continues to flow from the mangled corpse.

After the Lycan King fell, the battle entered a lull for a moment. Kim Soo-hyun climbs across the muddy snow field, stepping on the king’s body. His face, armor, cape, and entire body were covered in blood and flesh, but

“… hmm.”

Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance, calmly looking back and smiling softly, truly resembled a military god.


The fishy smell of blood stings my nose.

The battle that started at breakfast ended before lunch. It was a battle where we were at a huge numerical disadvantage, but why is that saying? Battles are not fought with numbers, but with people. Probably about 14 people and 1000 animals? I don’t know the exact number, but it was a battle that could be considered a great victory. Except for Cha So-rim being injured, there was no damage on our side.

“Are you okay? “Are you hurt a lot?”

“ah. “Clan Lord.”

As he got closer, Cha So-rim was startled. She must have been in the middle of receiving treatment, so her armor was removed to the side and her abdomen was clearly exposed. The dress was raised so high that the lower part of the bulging breasts was slightly exposed.

I thought it was a bit p**nographic, but the clearly exposed belly button was surprisingly cute. I thought Cha So-rim would be solemn and dignified. Oh, what am I thinking?

Anyway, Heo Jun-young told me that the lycan that climbed up the hill pulled out its claws and shot him. From what I heard, it was said that a quite dangerous situation was created. Still, in a split second, Woo Jung-min succeeded in sniping back, and fortunately, his life was saved.

“Well, I… .”

Cha So-rim is restless. She keeps avoiding eye contact and gently lowers her head. I understand. It’s not that Ilshin’s power is weak, but since he was injured alone, he has no shame. Especially if you have Cha So-rim’s personality.

“it’s okay. “You can’t always look good, right?”

Cha So-rim’s eyes widened as he touched her shoulder and spoke in a comforting tone.



“Joe, isn’t this a good look?”

“… … ?”

Cha So-rim bowed her head for a moment, looked at her stomach, and then looked back at me.

“… … .”

And doesn’t say anything. However, his face is very red and his eyes are filled with earnestness. Something seems strange going on.

“Of course I don’t think so. “I always believe in it.”

In the end, I spoke appropriately. Then Cha So-rim’s complexion turned bright red.

“Thank you! Thank you for your kind attention… .”

“is it so. “Then we are treating it.”

I don’t know why I was thankful, but I turned around. Then he clapped his hands a couple of times to attract attention.

“Okay, let’s get this sorted out in 30 minutes. “You all want to get out of this place quickly, right?”

Then all my colleagues nodded and agreed. There are dead bodies all over the ground, and no one would want to stay here forever. It would be best to leave as soon as Cha So-rim recovers completely.

But before that, there was one thing that had to be done.

After looking around and finding the Lycan King’s body, I trudged on. Although it is in a severely damaged state, there is still a lot to be gained. Warm fur or tasty meat are only supplementary income. What you must obtain is the ‘key’ that the king has in his body.

So, shall we do some slaughtering for the first time in a while?


A moment later, he was about to pull out his sword with the corpse in front of him. Suddenly, I felt a strange look from somewhere. Gong Chan-ho is staring at me blankly. Why are you staring at me like that? burdensomely.

“why? “I’m going to take off some of the skin and carve out some meat.”

“… … .”

“Because you want to help?”

“… … .”

He spoke one after another, but Gong Chan-ho never opened his mouth. He just gently closed his eyes and quietly turned around. Seeing Gong Chan-ho slowly moving away makes me feel a little awkward. I’ll leave it like that and eat a lot of meat later.

… I guess it doesn’t matter since there is a lot of it.


We fought a large-scale battle as soon as we entered the snowy field, and were able to march without fighting a single battle. And that was for a whopping two days.

Ultimately, this means that this snowy field was tightly held by the Lycan tribe, but since they suffered near annihilation in the battle with us, they will not appear for a while. There will be a lot of people who ran away, but you don’t have to worry too much.

After crossing the endless snow fields, we were able to arrive at our primary destination four days after entering the country. No, more accurately, I should say that I had no choice but to stop walking. Because a huge sea appeared before my eyes that I could no longer walk to. Under an ink-colored sky, a dark sea with cloud shadows.

Shoot… . Shoot… .

slam… . slam… .

The current cutting through the surface of the water crashes into the snowy ground where we stand, breaking into white pieces.

The cold, deep blue, snowy sea is very wide and vast. Although the view was obstructed by standing glaciers here and there, the sea continued endlessly, and the horizon line forming the boundary between the flat surface of the water and the sky was visible.

“Oh oh… .”


Baek Han-gyeol and An Sol gaze at the sea with admiring eyes. Not only the two of them, but other colleagues also look frantically at the sea. It would be amazing. No matter how many times you have seen streams or rivers, this will probably be your first time seeing the sea. On the hole plane, of course.

“So, there is a place called Shinnyeogok somewhere in this sea?”

Kim Han-byeol, who had been looking at the sea for a while, muttered in a low voice, and Woo Jeong-min shook his head.

“I read it that way too. But it’s strange. I know that ‘gok’ means a valley or a deep cave… . “If it’s a mountain, how can you find it in the sea?”

“Now that I think about it, it’s definitely strange. But doesn’t the record clearly say it’s the sea?”

As Kim Han-byeol and Woo Jeong-min exchange the word ‘do and do’, some people listen while others look at them strangely, as if wondering what they mean. There is one difference between these two groups(?). The difference between reading and not reading records taken from a secret library. If you have read the records at least once during your visit, you will be able to understand their conversation.

“Brother, brother. What are those floating things over there? “Is it a glacier?”

… Apparently, Ansol is ‘not interested.’ It seems to be a group called . The way he pulls me in and asks me with his sparkling eyes makes me smile brightly.

Anyway, it was just as Ansol said. The sea was vast, but it was not empty. If you look with the naked eye, you can see something white in the distance settling on the surface of the water. Those that appear relatively small are floating, but the larger ones are standing with their massive bodies firmly rooted. The number was so large that it almost looked like a forest floating in the sea.

It was like that. From now on, we must go into the sea. However, here, the transportation capacity of Zhuge Haesol must be limited. It’s not that it’s impossible to use, it’s that you shouldn’t use it. In other words, it was said that it should be saved.

It is undeniable that transportation is a convenient and deceptively convenient ability. However, there is also a disadvantage of waiting time. This waiting time must be carefully calculated.

I know where Shinnyeogok is located. My guess is that the time it takes from when we start here until we get to our destination and get things done is likely to be within that waiting time. And transportation abilities should be reserved for right after the job is done. If I remember correctly, the need will definitely come then.


A very important issue arises here.

That’s it… .


It was that moment. An Sol, who had been holding onto my cloak as if she were a child, was suddenly startled and let out a scream. The sign of a big flinch was conveyed through the cloak.

“Uh, what?”

Then, someone else let out a strange groan. Jegal Haesol takes a step back from her with a surprised look on her face, but suddenly her feet get tangled and she falls down. Although it was a minor commotion, all the attention of the other colleagues was focused on the two people. However, Ansol and Zhuge Haesol stared blankly at the sea for a while and then suddenly looked at each other.

“Uh, did you hear it too?”

“Yes. “Then you too?”

“Oh, that’s right. “Well, what did you hear?”

“that is… .”

Jegal Haesol, who was about to say something, turned his head with his mouth open. The bewildered eyes looking at the sea narrowed.

Oh my… .

I couldn’t help but be amazed.

Is it because these users have something special?

It looks like he already figured it out.

The trap of this sea.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

No no no. no.

There are a lot of comments acknowledging that it is that guy, Ro Yu-jin.

It’s safe to say that it’s almost all of them.

Therefore, I was recognized as a man.

Now Royumi says goodbye forever.

Goodbye, Royumi~. 😀


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not work with dark mode