MEMORIZE Chapter 783

00783 The legend of the military god. ————————————————– ———————-=

Due to the impact of falling ice, the Lycans’ formation collapsed. There are many people who were crushed to death, and the number of people injured by the aftereffects of the wreckage is countless. Above all, the biggest problem was that the warmth and warmth that had been maintained throughout the tracking had completely dissipated.

Of course, these were not the users who would miss the opportunity. Taking advantage of the confusion between the Lycans, they rushed in, each swinging their weapons, and soon they began to tangle with each other and engage in a melee.

The user who ran first among them was a large man.

Whoosh whoosh!

Gong Chan-ho turned his Surama Spear like a windmill and attacked the Lycans. He already has no idea how to fight or how to move. Leaving everything to the wild nature, I swung my spear indiscriminately as my instincts told me to do. The Surama Spear, flowing with flames, spreads out in all directions.

Cluck, cluck!

The head was crushed by a single blow, and the side of the head was blown open even by a slight grazing. The tip of the spear, which burrowed like a poisonous snake, pierced my abdomen like a skewer. I whipped it around and shook it off with all my might, and the lycan that flew away and hit me spat out blood with a loud thud. The lycans around him jumped as they saw their colleague’s body completely reduced to mush, not even a single healthy part. The confusion caused by the falling ice had not yet subsided, but a monster appeared out of nowhere. So it was natural that there was an uproar. The orderly appearance from earlier was gone, and only the image of a sheep being chased by a lion remained.


Gong Chan-ho, who was constantly swinging his spear, suddenly burst into maniacal laughter.

“What are you doing! Come on! “It means to attack with the readiness to die!”

Gong Chan-ho’s eyes were shining brighter than ever as he shouted loudly. At first glance, he saw a flash of red, as if he were looking into the eyes of a madman. As this happened, the magical energy emitted by the Surama Spear became more intense, and the Lycans felt their entire bodies tingling for no reason.


As the Lycans continued to hesitate, Gong Chan-ho rushed at them furiously, as if he was angry. With his incredible strength of 102 points, he overwhelmingly defeated and defeated his opponent. Four or so birds, swinging with spirit, are caught at once and blood pours out. The exhilarating sensation transmitted through his hands continued to stimulate Gong Chan-ho’s peripheral nerves, and the situation soon changed to the point where it could be considered a massacre rather than a battle.

Now I was almost feeling sorry for the Lycans, but the situation on the left side of the hill wasn’t any different.

no. There was something very slightly different. Each battle taking place here and there was clearly reminiscent of chaos, but there was one place in particular that was very quiet. As if someone had intentionally silenced him.

Crrrrr… .

In the center of the space surrounded by dozens of lycans, a woman stands quietly. She put on her armor that radiated cold light and held an ice sword that dripped with her bitter cold.

Suddenly, the woman’s head tilted gently to one side.

“Are you not coming anymore?”

Of course, there’s no way I can understand it. However, the reason why the woman, or rather the Lycans around Nam Da-eun, could not move was not just because of that energy. This is because the corpses of about twenty colleagues were already spread out in the snow around Nam Da-eun. The smell of spilled blood strongly stimulates the sense of smell. Lycans have excellent learning abilities. In other words, fear takes precedence over revenge. A situation that I couldn’t have imagined occurred when I was chasing the fleeing thing earlier.

“It’s better to attack… . “I can’t help it.”

Nam Da-eun’s body, which grumbled a little, began to emit a brilliant light for an instant. Unique ability after the sword: ‘The queen never lets the sword go from her hand.’ is activated. The Lycans, faced with the refreshing and divine energy flowing out explosively, felt as if their entire bodies were stiffening. At the same time, the moment her vision was interrupted by light, Nam Da-eun began to move.

Nam Da-eun struck like a beam of light and swung his sword straight away. The startled Lycan reflexively ducked and ran, but Nam Da-eun naturally corrected his trajectory and went straight down. In the end, Lycan ended up offering himself, and his head was split open just like that.

Nam Da-eun immediately raised her sword and passed by, cleanly cutting the back of the guy who was standing awkwardly next to her. And the next moment, he suddenly turns his body and stabs straight at the creeping bastard behind his back. Suddenly, a hole appeared between the eyes of the Lycan who was looking for an opening.

They defeated the three in three seconds, but the attack had only just begun. Watching the lycans running wildly, he cheerfully moves his feet. The body glided as if flying in a diagonal direction, while the petal-like lips moved slightly.

“Direct cutting.”

Special ability ‘direct cut’.


It cuts through the air like a slightly tilted ice knife grazing, but as cold as the cold snow of the north wind. A faint, fluttering afterimage disappeared, cutting diagonally through the group that had rushed up to their eyes. Soon, the moment a purple-colored cold light flashed, long stab wounds appeared all over the Lycans’ bodies, and they vomited blood.

Caaeng, caaeng!

The quiet space heats up with screams. However, Nam Da-eun easily kicks away the Lycan falling from the air and calmly searches for a new target. And the moment her gaze was focused on one spot, her body slid again as if going down a slide.

With one swing, the lycans were rolling around, and when they seemed to be gathered together a bit, a cold light flashed out. I dodge the sharp claws by slightly raising my head and raise my sword to strike. The guy who tried to bite his calf lightly kicked him in the chin and brought his sword down.

Nam Da-eun’s actions were truly flowing and natural. Although he doesn’t have the taste for making a fuss like Gong Chan-ho, he pursues maximum efficiency with minimal movement. It was truly a movement that reached its extreme, and an appearance worthy of the Queen of Swords.

So, as the left and right sides were slowly being cleared out, wizards and priests were constantly chanting spells in the center. Flashy attack magic doesn’t fly. The spell they were currently reciting was paced. The origin is something that Kim Soo-hyun failed to mention: ‘The opponent has high magic resistance.’ This point was quickly conveyed, and an opinion was reached to support melee series as auxiliary spells.

Of course, not all melee classes were released. As Kim Soo-hyun always emphasized the importance of a keeper, two melee users remained in preparation for any unexpected situation.

One of them, Yujeong Lee, was frantically turning her head left and right.

On the right, under the reflective shield provided by Baek Han-gyeol, Gong Chan-ho is jumping around like a fish in water. On the left, Ha Seung-yoon is assisted by Ha Seung-woo and steadily deals with the Lycans.

In particular, Lee Yoo-jeong chewed her mouth in frustration as she watched Ha Seung-yoon stacking up corpses one by one in a neat manner. My body feels itchy from the screams I hear one after another, and my breathing becomes increasingly rough.

“Don’t get too excited.”

At that time, someone touched my chin and shoulder and said. Lee Yu-jeong, who was shocked, blushed like a child who had been caught in the wrong.

“I understand how you feel about wanting to fight, but you are the keeper now. “If you go out, who will protect the wizards and priests?”

“Oh, I know. “Even if I don’t say anything.”

“Then stay still. No matter how advantageous a battle is, there must be a keeper. “That’s what Kim Soo-hyun always said.”

“You always bring up my brother… .”

Lee Yu-jeong said bluntly and turned her head. However, her lower lip sticks out like a chicken’s beak, and her expression is still full of dissatisfaction. Heo Jun-young let out a long sigh and calmly looked to his left. In fact, he may not have wanted to fight even Heo Jun-young, but at least he had the discernment to distinguish between when to step forward and when to defend.

“If you really want to fight… ?”

At that time, something bright sparkled in the vision of Heo Jun-young, who was calmly observing the war situation. Although it was only a split second, it was falling at an incredible speed. As if targeting someone. The moment he recognized that fact, Heo Jun-young burst out screaming without delay.

“Cha So-rim! sniping!”

“… … !”

Did you hear the shout? Cha So-rim, who had just picked up a guy, instantly threw his spear and reflexively twisted his body and jumped backwards as hard as he could.

At that moment, Cha So-rim clearly felt it. That something very cold and sharp had grazed the back of her neck.

And I could see it clearly. Something shiny was trying to dig into the seams of the armor.



What looked like sharp claws tore through the soft skin and got stuck. Cha So-rim’s movements temporarily slowed due to the pain of her inner flesh being torn. Even though I managed to avoid one, I never even thought there were two things to memorize.

These were not the Lycans who would miss that opportunity. As if they had been waiting for this moment, they rushed towards Cha So-rim, who had lost her posture. Letting out a desperate cry. There is no place to run to.

“Get down!”

The moment I bit my mouth, a scream like a scream came out. Instead of bending over, Cha So-rim chose to lie down.


Is this what a passing meteor sounds like?

Because it was so urgent and the situation happened so quickly, Cha So-rim could not see it in detail. All I can perceive is a tingling sensation on the top of my head, as if something was lightly touching it.

Toad, toad, toad, toad!

However, the next moment, all the lycans that jumped into the air with their snouts wide open were cut in half and fell into pieces. When Cha So-rim quickly grabbed his spear and looked behind him, he could see Heo Jun-young bowed down with his right arm and right foot stretched out wide. The long blade, which is believed to have been cut horizontally, penetrated the hill wall and became deeply embedded.

Lee Yu-jeong opened her mouth blankly.

“Well, what kind of ability is that?”

“Balgeomsul. Meteor sword.”

Heo Jun-young spoke indifferently and put away his sword. However, his narrowed eyes were looking in all directions like hawk eyes. Although he saved Cha So-rim’s life with his quick response, he believed that the sniping was not over yet.

That thought was correct. Because there was a lycan standing on the cut side of the hill on the left.

Silver eyes are focused on the staggering Cha So-rim, or more precisely, on her white, thin neck. And the hand holding something that he pulled back with all his strength revealed that he had already finished preparing for his third sniping. He seemed to be carefully measuring the distance as he moved left and right little by little.

After a while, Ansol hurriedly runs to Cha So-rim, who is squirming. At the same time, Lycan, who had finished aiming, bared his teeth. Her eyes are constantly looking straight into the car, and her long, strong, fur-covered arms are stretched out in front of her.

It was that moment.



Just as the throw was about to take place, half of the Lycan’s field of vision suddenly disappeared. However, before I could scream from the sudden pain, I heard the sound of the wind blowing again and my vision went completely dark. Finally, a burning pain came to my eyes.


The Lycan, who screamed in despair, stumbled severely and eventually fell down, unable to control his body. Suddenly, someone calmly walks towards the Lycan, whose limbs were shattered by the impact of the fall.

“I no longer have to worry about recovery.”

The man who was giggling as he retrieved the daggers stuck in both eyes was none other than Woo Jeong-min. Cha So-rim realized that Woo Jung-min had counter-sniped the monster that had shot her. Even though the peak was cut off, the ability to accurately hit an opponent in such a high position was an ability that was almost miraculous. A feeling of admiration arose, and Cha So-rim bowed his head.

“thank you.”

“huh? iced coffee. “It would be better to do it to Heo Jun-young rather than to me.”

Cha So-rim immediately turned her head. However, Heo Jun-young was looking to his left and right with indifferent eyes.

“I think it’s almost over… .”

Before I knew it, the hill was filled with a fishy smell. Jin Soo-hyun quickly rushed to fill Cha So-rim’s place. That means that all the monsters we faced earlier have been eliminated.

In fact, half of the number was eliminated due to falling ice from the start, and most of the remaining ones were also injured. Since there were not many Lycans in good condition to begin with, an easy victory was expected. Gong Chan-ho, who was in charge of the right side alone, was already looking around with a fuss, and the left side was in a similar situation.

It was then.


Suddenly, a loud roar came from afar and permeated through the hills. The force was so powerful that it even gave the illusion that the air was shaking slightly.

Cooung, cooung.

A series of loud noises are heard. At this point, it was a phenomenon that could not be ignored. Jegal Haesol chewed his thumb nail and opened his mouth with a slightly anxious expression.

“What does this mean? “I just asked for a moderate amount of disruption.”

“Didn’t something happen to your brother?”

It may literally be that some kind of abnormality has occurred. No, I’m sure. If the main unit had not been there, they would have come to help a long time ago. However, Kim Soo-hyun is currently nowhere to be seen. In other words, there is something beyond the slope… .

The thoughts did not last long. The battle on the hill was almost over anyway. After looking at each other for a moment, the users simply formed a formation and quickly left the hill. And it was the moment we climbed up the gentle slope and reached the end.

“… … .”


The noise becomes more intense and rings in your ears, and everyone’s hair is blown by the strong wind. After a while, users who briefly closed their eyes and opened them stared blankly down. And everyone was silent as if they had made a promise.

A bloody battle was taking place at the bottom of the slope. No, should we say it was a one-sided massacre?

Below were monsters that looked several times larger than those seen on the hill. Lycans, numbering at most in the hundreds, were fighting desperately, surrounding one point, as if they were trying to protect someone. However, most cannot survive and die miserably. Although they were really resisting desperately, the cordon was now almost being breached. And that too by just one person.


I just swung the sword once. There are only three or three people caught by the blade. If that’s the case, wouldn’t everyone around them get involved and explode? Horribly torn corpses dot the air. From my perspective, it was truly absurd.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun stretched out the sword in his left hand. The tip of the sword is aimed at the struggling Lycans. Victoria’s glory then turned into a pale white light and dozens of swords of light spewed out.



The moment a dazzling swarm of light penetrated the group, as many as twenty lycans spewed blood and collapsed at once. However, Kim Soo-hyun pays no heed and rushes forward without any time to breathe.

The scene resembled a whirlpool. The surrounding lycans were wreaking havoc, but they were caught up in the wind pressure that was like a rushing storm and were dismantled and crushed. It was a sight that could not be described in words.

“mi… . friend… .”

A sigh flows from Gong Chan-ho’s mouth.

I didn’t know that in the past when I was living in arrogance. However, after he realized the celestial being, he abandoned his sense of inferiority and pursued pure strength. As a result, he was able to know at least one thing from this place. How amazing is the rush that Kim Soo-hyun is showing right now.

So I thought about it without realizing it. It’s cool. She said she wants to try like Kim Soo-hyun.

It was an ironic thing. What Kim Soo-hyun thought about Gong Chan-ho in the first episode was a different situation in the second episode.

Of course, Gong Chan-ho also performed quite well, such as taking charge of the right side alone in the hill battle. However, strictly speaking, he just easily ate the meal prepared by Jegal Hae-sol, and it cannot even be compared to Kim Soo-hyun’s current situation. Hundreds of them are surrounding us everywhere, clinging to us relentlessly, and we don’t have the confidence to break through successfully.

Did Kim Soo-hyun also have similar thoughts?

“it’s bothering!”

A disgruntled voice shakes the sky. At the same time as he explodes the lycan with the back of his swinging hand, the sword that was pointing towards the sky turns 180 degrees and heads towards the ground. And then he powerfully drove his sword into the ground.

A booming sound rang out and the nearby ground shook violently. For a moment, the balance of the Lycans was lost.

It wasn’t just sheathing the sword.

The answer came 1 second later.

Suddenly, the ground seemed to tremble as if there had been an earthquake.


The ground split and flipped over all at once, as if dozens of land mines had been set off.

As the energy surged like a roar, countless lycans soared helplessly into the sky. Blood gushing out like a fountain and torn limbs were bonuses.

The battle was approaching its end.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. It’s very late to add content. It’s been a while since I posted at 7 o’clock. The rhythm of life should soon return to normal.

Ah, the interview has been uploaded. If you type Joara Blog on Naver, two blogs will appear. Among them, you can go to the Joara Co., Ltd. blog site. I just saw the comment for a moment and I’m glad. It’s still not much, but it seems like there are finally people who recognize me as a guy. haha.


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not work with dark mode