MEMORIZE Chapter 778

00778 New sortie. ————————————————– ———————-=

By the time I realized that the abnormal signs were the work of an evil spirit, it was already too late.

Some call it the second coming of an ancient evil spirit,

Others say that someone summoned an evil spirit,

It doesn’t matter at all.

The important thing is that the harmful energy of evil spirits takes over the sky in an instant,

The impact was felt on the ground.

The entire country organized a punitive force to suppress evil spirits.

We were dispatched to the source of abnormal symptoms.


Dozens of subjugation attempts yielded no results at all.

It was impossible to reach at all, and it only caused repeated useless damage.

The kings who realized their mistake late

By joining forces, we formed a national coalition for the first time in history.

They end up forming humanity’s final punitive force.

Certainly, the final punitive force may have reached the source of the abnormal symptoms.

However, the evil spirit that appeared as if it had been waiting mercilessly attacked the punitive force,

The final punitive force resisted bravely, but

In the end, it is routed and collapses.

Just like that, humanity’s last hope disappeared.

The land dried up, and the world slowly began to wither.

The once brilliant sun lost its light, and the sky was covered in darkness.

The animal that received the energy of darkness sought out humans and bit them to death.

It was a time when everything in this world, except humans, turned their backs on it.


What a luxury it was to live like a human being.

When I finally realized it painfully.

A beautiful and holy woman

It appeared in a world that was slowly leaving.

The woman who walked out of Sinnyeo Valley

She called herself a dancer.

The woman’s elegant dance moves brought the dead earth back to life,

By shaking off the Son just once, he defeated the darkness that covered the sky.

It repels evil and evil and brings good fortune and fortune.

A woman holds on to a world that has turned its back on

What no one has done, what no kingdom has achieved,

A warm wind of hope was brought in and the lost light began to be restored.

The record I will write from now on is,

I fought against the darkness alone

A memorandum for a woman.

We call that woman the Dancer of the White Night.

『Atlanta South City Secret Library ‘Legend of the Dancer’, first chapter.』


“Suhyeon, wait a minute.”


While I was in the middle of reading the records, a languid voice tickled my ears. I obediently stopped reading and set the record aside. I’ve only read up to the beginning, but I can read the rest as I go. And this record is not as large as the previous ‘Annals of the Victorian Dynasty’. If you concentrate, you can read it in an hour or two.

Eventually, I buried myself in the hot water that reached my abdomen. As she tilts her head back, the hot steam that clouds the bathroom fills her vision. After a while, a light cough is heard and someone comes closer through the water. I lowered my eyes and looked at that person.

“… … .”

The long, thin neckline like that of a deer and the collarbone of small shoulders are very murderous. Beneath the overly(?) voluptuous breasts, a narrow curve outlines a smooth waist. Although it is hard to see in detail because it is submerged in water, healthy thighs and firm buttocks vaguely come to mind.

“It’s almost over now. “All you have to do is wash it.”

Soon, following the sound of something being sorted out, the water level in the bathtub began to slowly lower. A hand reaches out carefully and gently caresses my body. Go Yeon-ju cleaned every nook and cranny of the area that was gradually revealed as the water level dropped. It was a very sincere and kind gesture. Finally, I couldn’t bear it any longer, so I reached out and grabbed a bunch of sheep’s milk.

“Uh huh.”

I heard a stern voice, but I didn’t care at all and just played with my breasts. Perhaps because it contains a lot of heat, the feeling of warm skin feels comfortable in my hands. Holding it with both hands, she made a pendulum movement left and right, then rolled it up in a circular motion… .

However, Go Yeon-ju only rolled her eyes and did not specifically stop her actions. This is why Go Yeonju is good. Perhaps if she had been Im Hanna, her back wouldn’t have been left behind. Hehehe.

“Ugh, I can’t survive.”

Go Yeon-ju lifted her body as if she had no choice, supported my head and brought her chest close to me. When she reflexively opens her mouth, the area around her nipple naturally docks into her mouth. As I pursed my mouth, a strange, nasal laugh followed. Mumbling.

“Really, not a child. As long as it is wet, it becomes quiet. Why do you like breasts so much?”

Well, well.

“for a moment. “Can you please stop biting me?”

On the side.

Ha, Go Yeon-ju lets out a long sigh and looks down at me with a faint smile on her face. And she even started wiping her body.

“But when do I enter the User Academy?”

As I spoke with my mouth still wet, Go Yeon-ju looked at me curiously.

“They say the admission ends tonight.”

“is it so? “I guess I’ll be pretty busy then.”

“It doesn’t really matter. Not even a total instructor. And this is what Soohyun called me to do, right?”


It certainly was. However, there was no reason to call on Go Yeon-ju. This ‘Shinnyeogok’ expedition was suddenly scheduled, and as a result, clan members who participated in the user academy were automatically excluded from the selection. And the late Yeon-joo was unable to participate this time as well as the last time in ‘The Tomb of the Savage King’. It would have been nice if she had said something in advance, but she probably didn’t show it on the outside, but inside she was sad.

That’s why I called it. Because I wanted to comfort you even a little.

“Okay, that’s it. “Would you like me to put some clothes on you too?”

“for a moment.”

I caught Go Yeon-ju, who was trying to get up from the breast, and groped her side with my left hand. Something small and round was caught in his hand. When I put it right into his mouth, Yeonju opened his eyes wide, but he took it without much opposition. Crunchy, crunchy. You eat well.

“What is this? “It doesn’t taste very good.”

“Swallow it first.”

“What is it? “Perhaps it’s a stimulant?”

“Why do you have to?”

I tried to scold him, asking if he was thinking that way, but he just closed his mouth. This is because Go Yeon-joo’s smiling face drew light elevations from Mokuldae. And after a second, the smile disappeared in an instant. The message has probably appeared by now. After seeing the despair spreading in Go Yeon-ju’s eyes, I passed by. Just before I opened the door and walked out, I heard the sound of someone falling down. A light smile comes out of nowhere.

“Well, strength increases by 2 points… ?”

okay. You must have been surprised. Currently, Go Yeonju is a fairly advanced user, so it is difficult to expect an increase in abilities without relying on elixirs or equipment. And because his abilities are so high, it’s hard to benefit from the equipment.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is difficult to expect Go Yeon-joo taking the strength elixir to be any more effective than Gong Chan-ho taking it. It cannot be seen as similar. Since it’s just an assassin class, can we see it as not being a bad choice anyway? Still, I think it’s better to give it to Ko Yeon-ju. Of course, I can’t deny that I have a selfish desire to take care of him.

It had already been cleaned from the inside, so there was no need to clean it any further. Everyone is probably gathered on the first floor and waiting. I quickly started putting on my gear. I grabbed the uniform without realizing it, but let go with a bland smile. Shall we put on the underwear first and then try on the shirt of our choice?


When I wore the shirt of hope, I was naturally amazed. I was so cold right out of her bathroom, but the moment I put on her shirt, she immediately disappeared. Just the right temperature flows through your whole body and makes you feel good. Surely a treasure is a treasure.

It’s not over yet. Attach Lasilas’ Blessing to your wrist, wear King Chiucheon’s armor, and wear Obelo Knight boots. He wrapped the red moon cloak around his shoulders and took his sword. When I finished preparing and looked back, I smiled brightly. Thick, jet-black armor and a cloak with a subtle red glow. I don’t know if it suits me, and I’m worried that it might stand out too much.

“Soo, Su-hyeon!”

At that time, Ko Yeon-ju seemed to have calmed down a bit and quickly came out of the bathroom door. However, he made another blank expression while looking at me and gently opened his mouth. Even if you wait, his words don’t continue. Considering she is Go Yeon-joo, she is quite a rare face.

“Then I’ll come back. Thank you for your hard work.”

After saying hello to Go Yeon-ju, who was looking at me in confusion, I leisurely left the visit. Of course, he did not forget to take care of the records and the crystals of light and darkness.

The effectiveness of the armor and shirt was definitely amazing. More accurately, it should be said to be a combination of the effects of ‘lightweight’ and ‘sense of unity’. Actually, I was worried that it would be awkward since I haven’t worn armor in a really long time, but it doesn’t bother me at all. It was as if it had become a part of my body, and its behavior was so natural. The clanking metal sound that made every time I went down the stairs was so awkward.

As expected, countless clan members were gathered on the first floor. Not only those selected, but also those who were not selected.

“Is everyone here?”

I cross the first floor lobby and look around calmly.

Nam Da-eun, Woo Jung-min, Yu-jeong Lee, Su-hyeon Jin, So-rim Cha, Jun-young Heo, Seung-yoon Ha. 8 melee characters including me.

Kim Han-byeol, Won Won, Jegal Hae-sol, Ha Seung-woo. 4 wizards.

Ansol. 1 priest.

Baek Han-gyeol. 1 special person.

This makes a total of 14 members. Originally, it was thought to be between 11 and 12 people, but last night, after receiving a series of requests for participation, the number increased to 14. Of course, there is still one user who wants to participate, but we decided to meet at the main gate. Anyway, why isn’t anyone talking?

While I was tilting my head, Mar came into view, looking blankly at me while holding the baby Pegasus. I stopped walking and bent my right knee. They found out I was leaving on an expedition today and came to say hello and cheer me on. Be amazing too.


Even when called, Mar’s reaction was similar to Go Yeon-ju’s. He just keeps looking at me with his eyes wide open. Even when I poked his plump cheek, the reaction was still the same. I felt like I would be late for my appointment if it continued like this, so I quickly took out the light and dark crystals from my pocket and placed them in front of Mar.

“This is a gift.”

“… … .”

“I’ll leave this to Mar. Feel free to use it any way. got it?”

“… … .”

… No, I gave you a gift. Out of courtesy, I should at least take a look. Or has time at least stopped?

“Are you ready to leave?”

I stood up and asked, but there was still no answer. In the end, he took out his sword and struck the ground hard.


“Are you out of your mind?”

『’Monarch, command.’ is activated.』


A message suddenly appeared. I don’t know why this message suddenly appeared, but one effect was clear. Everyone was shocked and took a step back, but they seemed to have come to their senses to some extent.

“Yes, yes! Okay, it’s over. older brother. Now all we have to do is set off.”

“Right. Then, user Jegal Haesol?”

After nodding my head to Jin Su-hyeon’s urgent voice, I looked away and tried to keep my expression as stern as possible. In fact, there was some difficulty in selecting Jegal Haesol. I was still in the middle of research, and I went there not too long ago, so I hated it, asking why I was being so annoying again. However, in order to arrive as quickly as possible, Jegal Haesol’s transportation ability was essential, so he was dragged almost half by force.

“yes yes?”

“First, I plan to join the mercenaries at the east gate. And we’ll be moving quickly as soon as we leave the wasteland, so prepare your transportation capabilities around that time.”

“yes yes… . I will prepare… .”

“… … ?”

However, unexpectedly, Jegal Haesol appeared quite obedient. I thought he was going to pout and ask what kind of shuttle he was, but instead he lowered his eyes slightly and started wiggling his hands with the tips of his ten fingers aligned. What are you ashamed of? His attitude was so far from his usual self that it felt a bit empty.

“Then let’s leave.”

After finally checking the number of people, I walked forward without hesitation.

The sky I glanced up at just before leaving the castle,

“… “It’s dark.”

It was still dark.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


I feel so lethargic today.

I have no motivation not only for writing, but for all aspects of life.

Even if you do all kinds of things, such as walking or doing gymnastics, it will only feel better for a short time and then come back soon.

I’ve already finished the idea, but it’s really frustrating because the writing doesn’t come out as I thought.

I’ve had similar experiences two or three times in the past, but this seems to have been the worst.

It seems like we are about to reach a critical point. I will endure it somehow.

Just like we have done so far, we will be able to overcome this time too.

thank you

Have a nice day, all readers.


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not work with dark mode