MEMORIZE Chapter 777

00777 New sortie. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Huh, here… .”

As I went down a couple of steps, I heard my brother exclaim in admiration. Eventually, I could feel the flat ground under my feet, and at the same time, a square space that looked about 20 pyeong appeared.

The space was dark because there was no place for light to enter from any direction. As my eyesight increased, my vision became clearer. Excluding the entrance, there were three bookshelves, one on each wall, and an old table in the middle.

My brother walked inside, looking around frantically.

“This is the secret library?”


“Hmm, it’s a little smaller than I thought. “It just feels like looking at an old study.”

“It’s a library to begin with. “What were you imagining?”

“but. “Anyway, I had no idea that a place like this was hidden.”

“It’s always dark under the lamp.”

After smiling brightly, I walked towards the left wall.

There are two reasons why I visited the secret library today. I came to retrieve the records needed for this expedition, but it was because I had a favor to ask my brother. Anyway, since I received the awakening secret class well, shouldn’t I fulfill my promise to Gabriel?

But first, let’s start with the records. Let’s see. Where is the record about Shinnyeogok (神女谷)?

“So the records here are an indicator of where Atlanta is performing?”

“yes. “Because it is not just nonsense written down, but a verified record written based on historical facts.”

As I searched through the sparsely provided records and answered roughly, my brother continued to look around with exclamations of admiration.

“So you’re asking for these records to be released to the public? To users on the Northern Continent?”

“huh. But not everything. “Leave the bookshelf in the middle.”

“middle? why?”

“It’s for you and me, Istantel Low Road. “I may share it, but we need to have something to eat.”

Then, “Heh.” My older brother laughed and suddenly tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I don’t know why, but I feel like there’s something special about it. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, I decided to focus more on finding the records. However, it seems like my brother has no intention of doing so.

“Our Soo-hyeon has grown a lot.”

A detached voice tickled my ears. Ouch, I feel cringe all of a sudden.

“Yes, that’s right. It’s a very good plan. Actually, I was thinking that it would be better in many ways to share a little bit rather than having it all to ourselves.”

“Yeah, really?”

“huh. But first, thank you for telling me this. “For some reason, I’m even proud of you.”

“… Yes.”

Stop, please. Goosebumps are forming on my forearms.

I thought to myself, ‘We are just forced to share it through negotiation.’ As I was contemplating whether to reveal it or not, I suddenly caught a thin pile of records in my hand. When I took it out about halfway and interpreted it, the words ‘Shinnyeo’s song’ and ‘Dancer’ caught my eye. I finally found it.

“Still, I feel sorry for no reason. You must be busy dealing with the monster problem… .”

“No, not at all. Don’t worry, it’s going well. And this too can be handled reliably.”

As I shook my hand to shake off the dust, my brother grinned. He had a confident smile.

“Do you have a method in mind?”

“There are many ways.”

“Like what?”

“no no. As long as you decide to make it public, the method doesn’t matter. The important thing is to prove that you can achieve results with this record. is not it?”

After saying that, my brother narrowed one eye.

“It just takes some time, but it’s not that difficult. All you have to do is create the right situation. Anyway, you can look forward to it.”

I nodded my head automatically because it was the right thing to say. In the first place, I am in a position to ask him to do a troublesome task, so I am not in a position to tell him to do this or that, and I know his brother’s resourcefulness. I don’t know what to expect.

Anyway, now that I’ve found the records, shall I go back?

“Oh, by the way, Suhyeon.”

At that time, my brother called me and stopped me. My brother was walking around the bookshelf without looking at me, and his behavior was quite awkward. Umm, so… . Before a very important transaction, I should say that I felt like I was trying to pretend as if nothing had happened as much as possible.

“that… . Hey. “Isn’t one of your clan members called Im Hanna?”

“Oh, Hannah?”

“iced coffee. that’s right. That guy was pretty good. Every time I go, they call me ‘Ajubu-nim’ and ‘Ajubu-nim’ and they are so friendly… . “She seems like a really nice woman.”

“Well, because he’s kind and considerate. But why Hannah?”

My brother’s steps subtly became faster. He goes back and forth between the bookshelf on the right wall, rests his hand on a corner of the table, and awkwardly looks around. I don’t understand. Why are you praising Im Hanna out of nowhere? Are you even interested?

no. It’s hard to think like that. Because my ideal brother is… .

“Oh, that’s it.”


Deguru… .

The moment my brother opened his mouth, something round suddenly fell out of his sleeve. The beads rolling around on the floor had a soft blue color. That… . It’s a recording bead, right?


My brother was very upset and hurriedly picked the marble back up. It’s such strange behavior that you wouldn’t think of him as a normal older brother.

“What is that?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

My brother smiled brightly and hurriedly took the stairs. When I saw him climbing up, my head naturally tilted.

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?


Under the dark sky, Mercenary Castle, which stands tall in the southern city, was bustling.

no. In fact, it wasn’t busy at all. As it is a clan representing a city, many people come and go, but the users living within the castle remain silent and only watch. It’s like the calm before a storm, but it feels like something is about to strike.

In fact, there was a reason why the Mercantile Clan became like this. This is because after Kim Soo-hyun was entrusted with opening the records in the secret library, he immediately returned to the castle and announced a new expedition plan.

Of course, it is difficult to say that the expedition itself was surprising. However, aside from the fact that it was sudden, a significant number of clan members expressed doubts during the process of delivering the plan.

After the Mercenary Clan was fully established, Kim Soo-hyun rarely stepped forward. He would be right in saying that, in fact, he did not need to step forward. Although countless petitions come in every day, Mercenary is not just any clan, and most of the issues can be sorted out among clan members. It can be said that it is almost everything. Here, Kim Soo-hyun only provides direction and does not interfere with the details.

However, this is generally true, and there were no cases where Kim Soo-hyun took action directly. If a situation arises where you must take charge, you step forward. For example, if you think about expeditions, the best example would be ‘The Mountains Where the Dragon Sleeps’. At that time, the process continues in the following order: incident, situation, meeting, and expedition.

However, this time, the expedition plan was announced without even convening a meeting, let alone an incident. Almost all steps were omitted. It was truly an unexpected expedition.

However, the clan members all watched Kim Soo-hyun’s actions closely. Because I know it from long experience. That the Mercenary Lord never acts without purpose. And of all the expeditions he has led so far, none of them have been easy.

Although I was curious, in the end I had no choice but to wait. The fact of going on an expedition in itself is neither a big deal nor a wrong thing. In fact, not only Kim Soo-hyun, but also clan members of grade B or higher have the authority to organize caravans on their own and post expedition reports. (Of course, Kim Soo-hyun is in charge of whether permission is granted.)

In any case, each individual’s interest will be different, whether they are interested in an expedition or a desire to accumulate results, but talented clan members wanted to be called by the clan lord regarding this expedition.

This was no exception for Lee Yoo, who had just finished his day trip and entered the restaurant.

“Ugh, I’m hungry… .”

Just as Lee Yu-jeong was patting her hungry stomach and was about to go to the kitchen,


As the restaurant door opened violently, countless women rushed in. The true identity of the group dressed in extremely elegant and luxurious, yet unified attire was none other than maids.

The clan members who were eating together at dinner time looked puzzled. It was a rare phenomenon for the maids to move in unison like that.

One of the maids who was looking around the restaurant attentively quickly crossed the tables. The place where she stopped was the table where Nam Da-eun was sitting. The maid bowed her head, then took out a record from her arms and held it out. Nam Da-eun, who was just holding her spoon, frowned at her pretty Ami.

“What is this?”

“The Clan Lord told me to tell you this.”

Shockingly, the furrowed brow recovered in an instant.

“… “Are you a clan lord?”

“yes. And he asked me to give you an answer by tonight.”

Nam Da-eun immediately placed the spoon and quickly received the message.

What was written in the record was simple. After a long time, the eyes that were reading slowly narrowed and the expression on his face became more serious. The clan members, who were looking at Nam Da-eun with curious eyes, gathered together quietly.

“Mr. Geomhu. Suddenly, it’s a messenger. “What is it about?”

“It’s about an expedition.”

“yes? If it’s an expedition… . Oh, by any chance, did you announce it last time… .”

“is it so. “Anyway, it’s a three-month expedition.”


“Four or three months?”

“What is your destination?”

The restaurant quickly became noisy. Meanwhile, the maids began to deliver records one after another, looking for users who were in charge of them or who would deliver messengers. Since it was an expedition organized as a group, there was no way that only Nam Da-eun could have been included.

“The destination is… . East?”

Woo Jung-min seemed a little surprised,

“It says the expected number of people is 11 or 12.”

Cha So-rim calmly,

“Uh, me too? Am I getting it too? “Did you invite me too?”

Jin Soo-hyeon made a fuss,

“Hmm, departure is in three days. “A three-month expedition would be quite tight.”

Heo Jun-young calmly received the message.

“Huh? Wow, we’re in big trouble! “I have something to ask you!”

Lee Yu-jeong felt disappointed as she watched Ansol run out of the restaurant in a huff. The faces of those who remained were not much different. Since the expedition was announced, expectations have been secretly building, but since I was not selected, my expectations were dampened. One way or another, member selection is the sole authority of the user in charge of the expedition, so I just swallow my regret.

‘Huyu, I can’t help it. It’s still rated E.’

Lee Yu-jeong sighed inwardly and began to walk at a brisk pace.


It was then.

“… … !”

Something sharply grazed the tip of Lee Yu-jeong’s nose and became lodged in the wall. A thin, stiff record imbued with her magic is trembling as it is stuck on the wall. When Lee Yu-jeong, greatly surprised, turned her head,

“Our Yujeong, are you lucky? “You went in instead of me.”

I was able to see Go Yeon-ju, who had already appeared and was smiling.

“yes yes?”

“I guess Su-hyeon made a mistake. I’m soon entering the User Academy. That’s why I came to give you a correction. Anyway, read it first.”

Instead of asking what that meant, Lee Yu-jeong followed Go Yeon-ju’s gesture and quietly took out the record and began to read it.

“ah… !”

After a while, Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes became filled with despair.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Inside the office on the 4th floor, Kim Soo-hyun is sitting on a desk chair and smiling. On the desk, a blue bead was shining with faint light, reflecting someone’s face. It was a communication bead.

(Oh, is that okay?)

The voice coming out of the beads was clean and sweet, like jade beads rolling on a silver tray. The image seen at first glance is the face of a beautiful woman, with hair flowing neatly down her white and slender chin. Who is Kim Soo-hyun really communicating with?

(So~. You mean three days later?)

“yes. “I’d really like to ask you something.”

(all right.)


With Kim Soo-hyun’s last words, the light on the bead went out.

Kim Soo-hyun, who ended the communication like that, let out a long breath and began to look endlessly across the terrace.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I ended up making a map of Hall Plain once a while ago. I tried it with Paint, but after making it for a while, I realized that it was just a collection of circles, triangles, and squares. I deleted it because it wasn’t at a level worth showing. There are currently no plans to produce new maps.

The user information I mentioned before is being prepared, including the character’s main weapon. Because there are so many people, it is expected to take quite some time. When it is completed, I will let you know through a review. I plan to write it as neatly as possible so as not to confuse the readers’ eyes. At this point, I think it would be a good idea to just upload a version and continue to update it whenever it is updated in the future. However, considering accessibility for those viewing on mobile devices, I am still worried about where to post it. First, let’s focus on completion.

Well, have a nice day to all readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode