MEMORIZE Chapter 776

00776 The final omen is emerging little by little. ————————————————– ———————-=

I slowly observed the source who had finished speaking. He’s definitely a unique guy. A face that shows no emotion even after washing the eyes, eyes that seem to blink periodically as if it is a duty. On the outside, he is nothing more than a cute little elementary school student, but his hard doll-like words and actions are like those of a wise man who has lived for hundreds of years.

Dark purple eyes look at me quietly. There is no emotion visible in those eyes either. If Soyoung Han’s expressionless expression was created naturally due to the influence of her extra senses, she seemed completely unaware that the source was emotion. Or maybe you didn’t learn it intentionally because you thought it wasn’t necessary.

“It is highly likely that it is an abnormality, but does this mean that we do not know the cause?”

Geunwon nodded so softly that you wouldn’t notice it unless you looked closely.

“Is there something wrong with the temperature or is it due to seasonal effects?” . Either way, couldn’t this phenomenon be the cause? Of course, including quite a few unexpected variables.”

Geunwon had similar thoughts as me. However, she deliberately pretended not to know and asked a question. It was because I thought I would be able to put an end to the worries I had been worrying about, depending on the answer from the origin. Even if I can’t be sure.

Finally, the source opened his mouth.

“I thought so too at first. However, the temperature has not gone out of the ideal range in recent years, and the change in seasons is still early. Nothing else was out of balance. “Only the sky became dark.”

The origin was especially emphasized on the word ‘only’.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“However, there is no clear evidence to support this phenomenon.”

“no. are you okay. “Because I clearly understood what you said.”

“… … .”

As I clasp my hands and smile, Geunwon looks at me blankly.

“All right.”

Then he turned around and started walking slowly towards the door. I quietly stared at Geunwon’s profile.

“Did you come here on purpose? “As a warning.”

Geunwon still did not stop walking and shook his head.

“Negative. “Unless there is certainty, warnings are nonsense.”


“The purpose was stated during the first visit. “I was just curious about other people’s thoughts on this phenomenon.”


After a brief pause, Geunwon stopped walking in front of the door. The way he turned his head to look at me had a strange coexistence of discomfort and harmony.

“If I move with the goal of finding out the cause of this phenomenon, do you intend to join in?”

The origin did not open its mouth right away. It doesn’t seem like you don’t understand. However, she is tilting her head as if something is strange.


“It’s strange.”

“What’s strange?”

“The moment I heard and understood… .”

Geunwon paused and glanced at me.

“I felt like my body was being lifted for no reason.”


I grinned. And he gestured that he could leave. The source continued to look at me, then immediately opened the door and disappeared. I didn’t get a clear answer, but there was no need to ask.

As for whether or not to participate, it was enough just to say it.


Even after one, two, and three days, the phenomenon still persisted. None of the clan members seemed to care, but as they continued to observe the sky, the point at which the sky became blurred seemed to gradually accelerate. It may be an illusion, but today the sun rising in the sky seems to have lost its shine a bit. Slowly, so slowly that no one would notice.

perhaps… . If we keep doing this, won’t we one day be greeted by a dark sun and sky in the morning?

– If you’re that worried, why don’t you go out?

As I was quietly looking up at the sky, Hwajeong’s voice suddenly rang in my head.

– I got some new equipment, and I’m planning to test it out as well.

‘That’s not bad either.’

– okay. You’ve been thinking about it these days. If you’re that anxious, what should I do? And you’ve said this before, right? You can forgive a soldier who failed in an operation, but you cannot forgive a soldier who neglected his guard. What are you going to do if you just wait helplessly like this and something happens suddenly?


– But it’s really a good thing to say. You couldn’t have done it, who said it?

‘there is. Actually, I don’t know.’

Hwajeong’s words are correct. About 15 years ago? A senior in the military once was like that. If you think you shouldn’t do it, don’t do it. To put it the other way around, we can say that you have to do what you have to do. And now was the time to do it.

But it is still too early to act. When taking action, there must be a clear purpose, and to achieve that purpose, ask ‘How?’ The question must be satisfied. Actions that do not satisfy these two conditions are nothing more than a meaningless waste of time.

After hearing the words of the source, I have a clear purpose, but I still wonder ‘how?’ The question was not answered. Are you saying that we need to know and find the cause of this phenomenon? However, it is not possible to just guess.

If you were suddenly faced with a situation like this, you might have been lost for a while. But fortunately, there is a clue. Although it was only a guess rather than a certainty, there was only one possible guess as to why the abnormal phenomenon occurred.

‘Monster Summon Box 4.’

Of the boxes opened at that time, I instructed them to close two boxes. One is the flower of Thanatos, and the other is the ancient evil god. And when the ancient evil spirit was summoned, the sky suddenly darkened. At that time, the sky became dark enough that even my brother thought it was strange, but when I closed the box, it returned to normal. So, isn’t it related to the phenomenon at that time? No, maybe… .

Could this have something to do with the devil again?

You can’t jump to conclusions, but you can’t ignore it either. Even during the ‘Tomb of the Savage King’ expedition, I never dreamed that the devil would be involved. The future has already changed so much, and I can’t predict what they will do.

‘Hwajeong. ‘I have a question.’

– huh?

‘It’s the flower of Thanatos that I mentioned earlier. Is there any chance of waking up after almost being summoned to the box?’

– You’re probably awake already?


-Why are you surprised? A being like that will wake up someday unless they want it to.

‘Then what about the seal?’

– Ah, I know what you’re curious about. don’t worry. And don’t look down on the gods. Several gods participated in the sealing process, and the awakening of the Thanatos flower was also taken into consideration. In other words, regardless of whether he wakes up or not, there is a 0% chance that he will unseal himself and come out.

‘So does that mean it’s safe?’

– I can guarantee it 100% as long as there is no intentional interference from the outside. Do you think the gods handle things so carelessly in the first place? And just in case, don’t even dream of doing anything with Thanatos’ flower.

I didn’t intend to do that. I only asked for the purpose of comparison, because I have something else I’m truly curious about.

‘Then what about the ancient evil spirit?’

– huh?

‘Did you also seal the ancient evil spirit?’

– Him? I guess it’s not him? That kid… . ah.

Hwajeong momentarily paused. It seemed like he finally realized what I wanted to ask.

– Hmm, that’s a possibility… . Right, yeah… .

‘Don’t talk to yourself, please explain.’

– hmm… . It may be a little unexpected, but listen first. Humans have great potential, right? There are even humans who rise to the rank of gods.


– Of course, such people are extremely rare. It can be counted on one hand over thousands and tens of thousands of years.

‘Ho, who is there?’

– For example, you could use the military god, Chiucheonwang, as an example.

‘If it’s King Chiu Cheon… . The armor I bought last time… ?’

Hwajeong said yes and continued speaking quickly.

– Anyway, the point is that, based on history, exceptional people appeared occasionally. Even to the point of being able to compete with God. Especially when the world is in turmoil or in danger, it always appears. As if someone had performed magic.

I still don’t know Hwajeong’s intention. But first, I decided to keep listening. There must be a good reason why Hwajeong explains it this way.

– However, to be honest, humans are not perfect beings like God. He has great potential, but it cannot be denied that he is an imperfect being. This is common to all humans.

‘What do you want to say?’

– Let’s go back to the beginning here. As far as I know, the ancient evil god was sealed by a human, not a god. It goes without saying that it is a powerful barrier that can seal a god. but… .


– The problem is that the person who put the seal was a human. Completeness can never be guaranteed. No matter how great the human being is, there is bound to be a difference from the sealing process in which countless gods participated. is not it?

‘then… .’

– okay. The ancient evil spirit was awakened by the box incident last time, and there is a high possibility that the seal was weakened because of that. There is a possibility that someone from outside may have intervened. Anyway, we can assume that an abnormal phenomenon occurred as a result of this. … Is this what you wanted to hear?

‘… … .’

I wanted to hear it, but I really wanted them to say no. If what Hwajeong said is true, if my guess is correct. So, it means that you have to deal with a high-ranking god. I finally felt like I had a clue, but at the same time, a gloomy feeling descended.

“An ancient evil spirit… .”

Even when I listen to it myself, the voice comes out like a sigh.

“Ancient evil god, ancient evil god… .”

I think I heard it somewhere. But no matter how much I try to remember, I can’t remember it clearly. Should I search through all the secret libraries? I think that will take quite some time.

… Wait, wait.


Suddenly, a memory passed through my mind like a beam of light. It was truly a sudden thought, without any foreshadowing or warning. Yes, I ‘read’ something similar to this recently. Not in the first round, but in the second round.


As soon as I open the drawer, a fan dyed in blue light catches my eye. I immediately activated my third eye.

『Dancer of the White Night』

(Explanation: A dancer originally refers to a woman who dances, and in ancient Hol Plain, it was perceived as an offering to pray for prosperity and well-being. However, after the appearance of the Dancer of the Midnight Sun, that perception completely changed. This exceptional dancer’s The origin begins with a woman who walked out of Sinnyeo Valley on her own at a time when the sun was consumed by darkness.

Women traveled all over the continent and played the role of preventing evil and misfortune and protecting good fortune and fortune. The elegant dance moves soothed the dead land and defeated the darkness that covered the sky with just one stroke of righteousness, earning the respect of all mankind.

In the end, she was defeated by a powerful evil spirit and became vulgar, but in the end, she was an unfortunate woman who chose to fall into the abyss herself, embraced by the evil spirit. In this way, even though she was not beautiful in the end, there is no doubt that she was a beautiful miracle that saved the world.

The Dancer of the Midnight Sun is based on folk magic that prays for supernatural beings or mystical powers, and has an absolute opposing relationship, especially with evil.)

The moment I read the explanation, I couldn’t help but exclaim. No, it might be a lament.

“under… .”

Suddenly, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

I can’t guarantee. Maybe not.

However, assuming that the current phenomenon is an anomaly, what if Hwajeong’s explanation is combined?

‘The origins of this exceptional dancer were when the sun was consumed by darkness… .’

‘Defeat the darkness that covers the sky… .’

This part is similar to the current phenomenon.

‘It begins with a woman who walked out on her own.’

‘In the end, he was defeated by a powerful evil spirit and became vulgar… .’

The woman is an exceptional human being that Hwajeong mentioned. She is a powerful evil spirit and an ancient evil deity.

‘In the end, she is an unlucky woman who chose to fall into the abyss herself, embraced by evil spirits.’

‘Even though the end was not beautiful, there is no room to doubt the beautiful miracle that saved the world.’

He chose the path of his own corruption and saved the world. By sacrificing himself, he sealed the ancient evil spirit.

Could it be interpreted this way?

– Ho, this is… .

‘how is it?’

– It was dark under the lamp. It matches our predictions perfectly.


– I’m going?

‘… ‘I have to go.’

It was a problem with no need to worry. If the prediction is true, the responsibility lies with us. Because I bought the box and Ansol instructed me to open it. However, even if you are not responsible, you must go unconditionally. It’s a case I don’t want to think about, but if the ancient evil spirit is fully awakened, what kind of crappy situation might occur?


finished. The purpose became clearer and a method was found. Of course, it’s still not enough, but at least we’ve decided how to move. Now all that really remains is action.

‘Hwajeong. ‘If the ancient evil god fully awakens, can I win?’

– If it stays the same, you’ll lose 100%, right? However, when using the flaming ability, there is a 70% chance of overpowering within 5 minutes.

It’s chlorination ability. I guess so. Because it allowed us to be at peace with the great Gehenna, even if only for a moment.

‘But they say you should never use that unless death is certain?’

– of course. That’s an ability that guarantees your life force. It can be said to be a kind of Dong-gwi-jin (同歸於盡). So, don’t use it unless you’re going to die.

‘Are you saying that I will die in the end?’

– I can’t help it. All I can do is pray that the seal isn’t completely broken.

After all, isn’t that the only way to go? That’s all we can find out. For the rest, you have no choice but to go and check in person.

I stood up vigorously. This is not the time to be like this. You must quickly gather materials, complete preparations as quickly as possible, and then depart.

The location is Sinnyegok (神女谷).

Finally, just before leaving the room, I glanced over and looked across the terrace.

“… … .”

The sky was still dark.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Jo Ara’s interview will probably be updated on Jo Ara’s blog in a week.

Rather than treating it as a formal interview, I wrote it in a rough and wild manner, as if writing a postscript to a ceremony.

In particular, we put a lot of effort into answering certain(?) questions, so please look forward to it. Nod.

Well, I hope all readers have a good night. 🙂


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not work with dark mode