MEMORIZE Chapter 771

00771 The final omen is emerging little by little. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Actually, I was a little surprised. “It’s not Astaroth, I never thought you’d come this far.”

In the darkness, a devil dressed in neat evening clothes buries himself in the darkness. The voice he spoke contained a tone of mild criticism, but he soon shrugged his shoulders as if it didn’t matter.

“Anyway, please sit down. That’s too bad. “If you had given us a message in advance, we would have been able to greet you in a better space.”

“I apologize for trespassing carelessly. “Lucifer.”

Satan obediently apologized. Lucifer widened his eyes and smiled sheepishly, scratching his head. If anyone else did it, it might seem like immature behavior, but Lucifer, with his clean-cut appearance, seemed classy for no reason.

Satan walked slowly and buried himself in the appropriate darkness. Then he glanced to his right and then stared at the road ahead. The place that Satan was just looking at was the space where Lucifer had been sitting just a moment ago. Perhaps conscious of that, Lucifer smiled slightly.

“Are you worried?”


“no. “I think you’ve already heard the rumors.”

“… “You mean Pluton?”

Satan let out a low growl. Pluton. Not just any demon, but a demon who occupies the first place among the 14 demon lords. That demon disappeared not long ago. Needless to say, it is a valuable force, and even if you are an archdemon, it will make you feel sick.

However, Lucifer, who had Pluton as his subordinate, spoke first. As if nothing had happened. Satan leisurely crossed his legs.

“So, what do you think?”

“Wow, this is a really big deal. “Proserpina is also desperately trying to take control, as if she is deeply saddened by the loss of Pluton.”

Lucifer smiles brightly. Satan suddenly felt annoyed. Lucifer probably knows what he wants to say. However, when he said such nonsense, he probably conveyed his unspoken will that he would not give in to his intentions.

Satan thought so and was worried. Should I change the topic appropriately, or should I throw a straight ball out loud?

In the end, it was the latter that I chose.

“The situation is not very good.”

Lucifer widened his eyes again. If it was just a formal expression earlier, this time, clear emotions were revealed. Even if it is only a little hint.

“It’s a big deal.”

Lucifer let out a dry laugh.

“I hear news occasionally. I understand things are going quite well on the southern continent, right? Not long ago, under the leadership of the Odin Clan, they won the war against the Arcone Orcs and pioneered the path to Ragnarok… .”

“It did. “I used her hand a little bit.”


“But it’s slow.”

Satan spoke clearly. Lucifer tilted his head and stroked his chin with a gentle hand. What did he mean by slow? Lucifer seemed to know what that meant.

“If you do that, there’s no reason to force it on me, right? “Currently, I know that I am the only great devil who is touching the Northern Continent.”

“Are you holding on to it rather than touching it?”

“Why do you think that?”

“I thought I learned a lesson from Pluton’s disappearance. “Was it my mistake?”

Then Lucifer began to laugh quietly. A whimper of laughter echoed in the quiet space, and Satan’s red pupils narrowed like snakes.

After a while, Lucifer barely stopped laughing and opened his mouth, wiping away his tears.

“This is truly a dilemma. “There are two choices, but the situation doesn’t get better no matter which one you choose.”

“But there’s no need to intentionally make things worse, right?”

“Are you sure of my failure?”

“Are you confident of success?”

Lucifer slowly shook his head in response to the question returned.

“Oh, that’s not it. It would be unseemly to say that we are confident when Pluton has disappeared. I just… .”


“… The situation we find ourselves in is just funny. haha.”

“… … .”

The reply came after a moment of silence. Satan quietly closed his eyes and thought. Wrong. As I just said, Lucifer is having fun with the current situation. It’s not something meaningful, it’s just something I’m enjoying.

If you think about it, it was like that. Lucifer’s nickname is ‘Fallen Angel’. When asked why he became corrupted, he said, ‘I thought it would be fun.’ Didn’t you say that? And as Astaroth said, his personality is so single-minded that once he makes up his mind, he rarely changes it. Although he may seem polite and malicious at first glance, Lucifer was the most unpredictable of the seven great devils.

After organizing his thoughts, Satan quietly got up. Lucifer showed his unexpected expression as if he was surprised.

“what? “Are you leaving already?”

“I don’t think it would be meaningful to talk more.”

“Wow, you look upset.”

“… not really. “Then let’s go.”

After saying goodbye briefly, Satan slowly turned around.

Lucifer stared with endless eyes at Satan’s back as he slowly left the space.

Until Satan disappears completely.


The moment I tilted my head back, a huge shadow covering the sky passed through my vision.

“That… .”

It wasn’t a shadow. The overall appearance was similar to a bird, but it could never be seen as a sparrow or anything like that.

Does it look like it’s about 5 meters across? I think it weighs hundreds of kilograms, if not more. On its back, wings similar to those of a bat are stretched out, and its blue glowing body resembles the Drake from the cartoon. Wouldn’t it be appropriate to just call it a monster?

Anyway, I don’t understand. Monsters do not approach the city unless they are extremely cautious. No, wouldn’t it be okay if it was a group attack? However, there was only one monster that appeared in the air.

While countless thoughts raced through my mind, the strange bird slowly circled in the sky and approached the castle. Are you trying to attack me?

“Braul… . uh?”

As I was about to use Dragon Foot Painting, I frowned without realizing it. This is because I felt like I saw a familiar shape on the back of a strange bird spinning in the bright sunlight.

As soon as I increased my vision, the image became more detailed.


I was very excited when I saw my brother waving at me.


“After a while. “I’ll live a little longer now.”


“Oh, wait a minute. Let’s sit down first. … “Oh my, now I’m going to live a little longer.”

“… … .”

When I saw my brother sitting down on the sofa, I felt absurd.

“I really thought I was going to die. “How did you come back on time?”

My brother must have been going through a lot of trouble all this time, so his appearance was ridiculous. However, the current situation is more important than that.

When I looked outside the terrace, I saw a strange bird sitting quietly in the garden with its wings folded. The clan members are keeping an appropriate distance and are on high alert, and an immeasurable crowd of people is gathered outside the main gate. And the baby Pegasus bravely attacked and bit the monster’s long tail… . No, why are you doing that again? I don’t think it’s scary.

It was that moment. The monster bird, which had been watching the baby Pegasus with curious eyes, suddenly turned its head and made eye contact with him.

– Um, are you the younger brother that person said?

… uh? Is that what Hwajeong said? No, isn’t this Hwajeong’s beautiful voice?

– Oh, it’s pretty. Do you like my voice that much? lol… .

– hmm. I think it’s not as good as what I heard.

Following Hwajeong’s voice of embarrassment, another strange voice flowed into her head. Only then did I realize that this rough voice belonged to that monster. Because the monster was looking directly at me very accurately. … wait for a sec. Were there spirits in the Iron Mountains?

– human. Don’t look at me like that. That person is the prettiest, coolest, handsomest, most beautiful person in the world… . He was told that he was the best little brother anyway, but he just fell short of expectations.


– Anyway, please take care of me from now on.


I heard something very embarrassing, and I feel dizzy. He turned around, holding his dizzy forehead, and saw his brother smiling. I immediately ran like a moon.

“But Suhyeon. Your mood has changed quite a bit… .”


My brother was startled when I asked him, hitting the table hard. But he soon regained his composure and took a long breath.

“ah… . “It’s just nothing.”

“It’s nothing special, but are you coming riding a strange bird like that? No, how on earth did you get there? “You’re a monster, right?”

“Soohyun, I’ll explain it to you, so why don’t you sit down too? “It’s crazy.”

“Ugh… .”

After obediently sitting down, my brother glanced outside and lifted the lamp from the sofa.

“good. First of all, that monster is definitely a monster, but it is intelligent. In other words, it is possible to communicate with humans. “You know this too, right?”

I nodded my head. It’s not like there are no talking monsters at all, and I experienced it a little while ago.

“Nothing that great. “We just went into the Iron Mountains, found that monster, talked to each other, and eventually formed a partnership.”

My brother explained it in a very simple and concise manner. However, there is no way the question can be resolved to this extent.

“You went into the Iron Mountains and found it? “Then did you do that on purpose?”

“huh. I made a little connection with that monster during the raid on the Steel Mountains. You know that too, right? When attacking giants… . “That is.”

When I brought up the word giant, my brother’s expression darkened slightly. Now that I think about it, I remembered the sight of a group of monsters attacking the back of the giants during the attack on the 3rd area.

“Even though… .”

“… … ?”

“So is this what you really wanted to do in the Steel Mountains?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

My brother nodded his head loudly as if to say so. Then, the dark appearance that had appeared earlier suddenly and slowly disappeared. I stared at my brother blankly. It was then.


‘… sorry.’

‘My abilities were not enough.’

‘There was nothing scary in the North Continent… . Everything went as expected… . I thought it would be like that this time too… .’

‘I think I understand now. I thought that was like a frog in a well. I am not qualified to be commander-in-chief.’

‘… Are there a lot of giant-like monsters?’

‘It’s a race. Then in the first round. What happened to everyone after the existence of that race was revealed to us?’

After conquering the 3rd area, the words my brother said to me flashed through Ususu’s mind.

“Why did you think like this?”

“Why… ? That’s Kushan, no. no.”

My brother, who was about to say something, suddenly shook his head.

It’s Kushan. Could it be that your brother had some kind of relationship with the giant at that time? It was just a thought that suddenly crossed my mind.

“why? “Do you think it’s not good?”

Not so good? I don’t think so. No, I don’t know. It’s just embarrassing. Oh my god, collaborating with monsters. I don’t know if it’s a slave, but it’s the first time in the first and second episodes that such a strange relationship has been formed.

“No, it’s not that bad… . She just wondered what she was thinking. “There must be a purpose anyway.”

Even though I felt it myself, it was a remark that I thought was unscrupulous for no reason.

“purpose? “Of course it is.”

But the reply came back as if it were obvious. When I glanced up, I saw his older brother looking at the terrace with calm, sunken eyes.

“… What?”

“Come to think of it… . hmm. Well, I was thinking that she would have to tell me when she got back anyway.”

“… … ?”


The voice calling me suddenly became serious. Eventually, his older brother turned his gaze from across the terrace to me.

“We are.”


“Shouldn’t we get ready now?”


To my question,

“Okay, ready.”

My brother spoke emphatically and smiled brightly and charmingly.

“Ready to go home.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

A quiet review today… .


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not work with dark mode