MEMORIZE Chapter 770

00770 Queen’s bloodline. ————————————————– ———————-=

The place Mar dragged me to was a warehouse. To be exact, the second warehouse. As they moved into the castle, they expanded into several warehouses, the second of which was used to store ore discovered in the castle’s basement.

The moment I looked at the countless piles of ore spewing out brilliant colors, I realized why Marr had mentioned the ‘Hammer of Hope’.

『… With enough ore, a single hammer blow can produce the results the user strongly desires, and at the same time imbues the created item with the hammer’s latent magic power… .』

Because the prerequisite for a hammer is ‘if you have enough ore’. And the sufficient conditions are ‘just one hammer blow’ and ‘strongly wishing’. I never expected that the ore I had stocked up would be used like this.

“Dad, Dad, what about the hammer of hope? It’s a mystical hammer filled with Midget Smith’s lifetime of experience and effort, right? So, you can think of this hammer as being almost identical to the living Midget Smith.”

Mar’s voice as he spoke while holding the hammer of hope was very clear. Suddenly, ‘Oh, did you really gain weight?’ The words rose to the top of her throat, but she barely swallowed them and nodded her head. I thought there was something special about her, so I stroked the top of her head and she smiled. It’s pretty.

“So what do you plan to do?”

“As the name suggests, dad’s wishes are the most important.”


“Yes, a wish. Dad, what kind of equipment would you most like to have?”

“A sword that can destroy the world with one swing.”

“Hey. Not like that. “I’m saying you can’t make such strange wishes.”

I made a light joke and Marr got angry. Hmm, let me think about it. There are already enough swords, they are overflowing. I prepared the armor, cloak, and accessories last time. The boots were also recently introduced. So what’s left… .

“Well, I wish I had some clothes.”


A helmet would have been fine, but I decided to just choose clothes. Of course, it is true that it is difficult to find quality equipment of any kind. However, when compared, it is more difficult to find clothes with the same effect of 10 than a helmet with an effect of 10. At best, the Noble Mithril shirt I received from my brother a while ago would be the highest quality item. I don’t have that either so I can’t get it.

Marr tilted his head with a fierce look on his face, as if he hadn’t figured it out yet.

“Did you see the new armor that dad brought you last time?”

“Oh, pitch black armor?”

“huh. “It would be nice to have some light clothing underneath that armor.”


Mar nodded his head loudly as if he finally understood and came closer, holding the hammer with both hands. I stared at Mar with interest. At first, I was surprised how he knew this knowledge, but I was able to understand it by looking at the resident information. So, assuming Mar knows how to use it properly, how is he going to use that hammer now?

Soon, Marr, holding a hammer, started hitting me at a slow pace.

“Midget Smith, Midget Smith. “This is my dad.”

I almost laughed for a moment, but the laughter soon subsided. because,

“What about Marry? “I hope Midette Smith makes something nice for my dad.”


The moment Mar finished speaking, the hammer vibrated once and shed a deep golden light. As if he understood Mar’s words.

“Uhm, because you said you would wear it inside. “It would be nice to have some armor.”

Mar mutters to himself and looks around. It looked like he was looking for armor, and it was hanging in the third warehouse. Marr grinned as she quickly returned with her armor. And this time he started pounding on her armor.

“This is a really nice piece of armor, but my dad needs clothes to go with it.”


Then the hammer of hope vibrates once again. When I saw the shape sprinkling out beautiful golden light, I felt amazing. What is the meaning of resonance just now? Does it mean that you understand, or does it mean that you have accepted something?


Marr stopped hammering with a very satisfied look on his face. And “Please wait here for a moment.” He said, and before I could say anything, he started walking away.

Eventually, Mar entered the warehouse and stopped in front of a pile of ore that was higher than his height. Then he took a moment to catch his breath and lifted the hammer of hope he held in both hands high into the sky. Did she say that she could achieve her desired results with just one hammer blow?

After a while.


Marr let out a cute cheer and struck the hammer vigorously towards the pile of ore.


It was that moment.


Suddenly, the trapped hammer of hope let out a strong vibrating sound, and began to spray out brilliant golden light, flowing like waves in all directions. So, the entire ore is turning golden.

Soon, what followed was not cute at all.

Rather, it was a very beautiful and mysterious sight.


『Armour of King Qiuchian』

1. General description.

This is an armor symbolizing Chiucheon, the supreme king and the strongest warrior in Middle-earth. King Chiucheon, who wore armor and led countless battles, is a true king who created a legend of invincibility unprecedented in history. King Chiucheon’s armor proves the legend of the military god.

2. Detailed efficacy.

Ⅰ. The ‘hit resistance’ effect is engraved on it. Ignores the penetration effect of the opponent’s attack again. As for this armor, the ‘defense ignore’ effect does not occur under any circumstances. Unless it is a weapon imbued with very powerful divine protection or a divine weapon, it is difficult to even scratch it with an ordinary weapon.

Ⅱ. The ‘fear’ effect, a type of crowd control, is imprinted on it. The legend of King Chiucheon, who roamed countless battlefields, makes enemy soldiers tremble with fear.

Ⅲ. The ‘magic power activation’ effect is engraved on it. The armored user can activate magical energy flow up to 2.5 times higher.

Ⅳ. The highest level of lightweight magic is imprinted on it. The user does not feel the weight of the armor at all.

Ⅴ. Automatic size adjustment magic is engraved on it. The armor adapts itself to its optimal shape, adapting to the user’s body.

Ⅵ. ? (It is sealed.)

『Cloak Of Blood Moon』

1. General description.

This is a cloak made by pulling out the red moon stone from ‘Red Place’, which is said to be illuminated by a red moon all year round. Since it is a type of equipment made of metal, it has considerable physical defense, but also has excellent magical response.

2. Detailed efficacy.

Ⅰ. The ‘absorption’ magic is engraved on it. Recognizes ‘sniping’ or ‘distance’ attacks and absorbs damage. However, the amount that can be absorbed is extremely small, and it gradually recovers over time. (The charging speed varies depending on the type of attack absorbed.)

『Bless Of La Silas』

1. General description.

This is a bracelet with the blessings of Lasilas. She was so beautifully crafted that she was presented to the Goddess of Beauty, and La Silas, who was satisfied, blessed her with magical protection.

2. Detailed efficacy.

Ⅰ. The ‘anti-horsepower’ effect is engraved on it. Magic below B rank results in a ‘Full Defense’ judgment, and magic below A Rank results in a ‘Reduced Defense’ judgment.

『Shirt Of Wish』

1. General description.

This is a masterpiece created by a noble fairy with the queen’s bloodline wishing for her father’s well-being. The ores used are black heat stone and water rock, which originally had opposite properties, but were achieved with the power of the ‘Hammer of Wishes’ to match them.

2. Detailed efficacy.

Ⅰ. Due to the effect of ‘Black Heat Stone’, the user has deep resistance to fire properties.

Ⅱ. Due to the effect of ‘Suamseok’, the user has no restrictions on breathing and movement under water.

Ⅲ. Due to the effect of ‘wish’, when a shirt is worn under armor, the user can feel a ‘sense of unity’ with the armor by linking it with the shirt. No matter how heavy the armor is, it doesn’t bother me at all.

Ⅳ. With the effect of ‘wish’, the user’s body can remain in a comfortable state anytime, anywhere.

『Obello Knight Boots』


Looking at the five pieces of equipment neatly placed on the desk made me smile. ‘New protective gloves are needed.’ Although I sympathized with Seraph’s words, I didn’t have any vague feelings inside. It was not impossible, but it was impossible to predict when it would be possible to achieve it perfectly.

So I just tried to slowly put them together one by one, but by an unexpected coincidence, I was able to prepare the protective equipment almost completely. At this level, I think I can say goodbye to my worn-out glory set.

“Anyway, this… .”

Trying to calm my twitching mouth, I picked up Somang’s shirt. A precious piece of equipment that Mar made a few days ago. The shirt of Somang is so thin that it is difficult to discern with the naked eye. Would you say it’s like looking at the slippery wings of an insect? Who cares what it looks like since you’re going to wear it inside anyway, this shirt is really awesome.

The reason I gave up wearing armor and wore a gi is because I am a swordsman who specializes in ‘agility’. In other words, they place great importance on the ‘feel’ such as the speed and feel of swinging a sword, but they tend to avoid armor because it feels like it might be in the way. This was the only drawback of Chiucheonwang’s armor that he felt. Even if the weight was solved with lightening magic, the unique discomfort of the armor did not go away.

But this shirt of hope solved that problem in one go. Oh my, the ‘sense of unity’ effect.

no. Aside from this, the shirt itself is amazing. In fact, shirts are auxiliary equipment, and although there is some demand, supply is very short. Therefore, most elite users either just wear casual clothes or wear very thin leather armor.

But this is a shirt with as many as four detailed benefits. Considering that the Noble Mithril Shirt that was damaged two years ago was completely ineffective, the price of the shirt I have now will skyrocket.

Of course, I have no intention of selling it. Of course I will wear it. Above all, wasn’t it given by Mar? I still can’t forget the sight of me clapping my hands in joy.

But apart from that, I didn’t forget to pay attention to Marr’s potential. As a result of checking with my third eye, Marr had information that could not be ignored. Not using this… . No, using it is a bit different. Anyway, I thought it would be a waste to make fun of it like this, so I thought it would be a good idea to raise it properly. So, she instructed her clan members to test Mar’s talents in various ways. The results will come out soon.

“Lulu, lurururu.”

Now that I’m tired of looking around, I start to organize my equipment while humming. In fact, I feel like my body has been itching ever since the last time I inherited the ‘Lord of the Sword’. The desire to quickly use the equipment I acquired grows rapidly.

It would be nice if an incident broke out somewhere or a clan war broke out. Of course, the Spring and Autumn Warring States period was skipped, but there is still no possibility of a clan war occurring… .

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo!


“Clan Lord!”

It was then. As I was in the midst of thinking absurd thoughts, someone came running loudly and kicked in the door. The moment I turned my eyes to see who was so spoiled, I couldn’t help but be surprised. This is because Shin Jae-ryong’s face was red and he was panting.

“User Shin Jae-ryong?”

“We’re in big trouble!”

My voice and Shin Jae-ryong’s voice overlapped. As I frowned, wondering what was going on, Shin Jae-ryong hurriedly pointed to the terrace.

“Bar, outside! “Outside!”

“Outside? What’s happening all of a sudden?”

“Ooh, I think you should see it first! “The city is in complete chaos now!”

“… … ?”

I don’t really know what’s going on, but Shin Jae-ryong’s voice was not only urgent but also filled with earnestness. I immediately grabbed my sword and went out to the terrace. And the moment I put my head back without delay,

“That… ?”

Suddenly, I felt my body stiffen.


A space where only black darkness exists. A space of pitch blackness where no light is allowed and nothing can be seen with the human eye.



Suddenly, the sound of a fire being lit was heard in such a space, and then light smoke came out.


The sound of tobacco being sucked in is heard next.


And the sound of spitting it back out.

That sound was repeated a couple of times.

“It’s strange, it’s strange… .”

Finally, a low voice came from Inyoung, who could only see a black figure. The soft and pleasant bass sound makes you guess that the voice is a man.

“This is so strange… . Why, why suddenly… .”

What’s so strange? The black man kept tilting his head at her and didn’t stop asking her questions. She sometimes moves her hands and stirs the air this way and that, as if she is looking at something.

“Ha, I really don’t know. “It’s a phenomenon that I really don’t understand.”

But in the end, as if he couldn’t figure it out, he sighs and buries himself in the darkness. At first glance, the words he was muttering sounded like he was talking to himself, but at the same time, it also seemed like he was talking to someone. Probably the former. Because there was no one except one person in this quiet space.

“is it?”

No, it wasn’t. There was clearly no one there before, but as of a little while ago, someone broke into the space. Because ‘Is that so?’ Because that solemn voice did not come from the mouth of the black man who was holding a cigarette in his mouth.

“Yes that’s right. An abnormal phenomenon occurred. And that too suddenly.”

However, the man in black was not embarrassed at all. She responded in a calm voice, as if she was aware of someone’s intrusion, and still looked straight ahead.

“Could it be that this time is similar to last time?”

A strange sound, almost like whining. The intruder’s voice was harsh and unpleasant, like scraping metal.

“No, no.”

However, the man in black did not seem to care at all and slowly shook his head.

“It’s not that it’s ruined, but it’s actually gotten better.”

“… Has it gotten better?”

The intruder’s response came half a beat late.

“yes. It has definitely improved. As a result, the schedule was moved much ahead of schedule. How did this happen… .”

The man in black who said that slowly stood up from his seat and then calmly walked step by step in the direction of the intruder.

“Anyway, this is my first time doing something like this. … ah.”

At that time, the black man suddenly stopped walking with an exclamation,

“Are you here to give me a kind explanation about this incomprehensible situation?”

He spoke in a lower voice.

And he bowed very politely.

“Satan, king of all demons.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hmm. Actually, I put a lot of thought into it when choosing the name Hammer of Wishes. I was struggling between two words: Hammer and Mallet. Originally, the race called Midget Smith was a race of natural blacksmiths. As soon as a child was born, they planted a tree with mysterious powers. When the child grew up and reached adulthood, they cut the grown tree to make a hammer, and the hammer grew with the Midget Smith and took on a kind of life. Having it, etc. Anyway, the name that suited the setting was Mallet. It means wooden hammer. But after setting it all up, it seemed like it would take up too much space. So, with tears in my eyes, I decided to delete it. Anyway, it’s a setting that doesn’t have much of an impact on the story. In the end, I wrote it in Hammer as a way to let go of my regrets. haha. It’s not important, and I would appreciate it if you just saw it as a complaint.

And I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ruelryeong for this review. _(__)_ If you come to my yard, you can see the Excel sheet of user information neatly organized by Ruelryeong. I think it would be a good idea to take a look. 🙂

Well, have a nice day to all readers. 😀


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not work with dark mode