Memorize Chapter 77

00077 Wizard is a bountiful harvest —————————— —————————=

There is no need to say it in detail from the beginning. Be concise, but include everything you need. He slowly told the story, starting with the first time he entered the dungeon and discovered the user’s body. Before I knew it, Ha-yeon Jeong had put down her spoon and was concentrating on what I was saying. It must not be easy to wake up straight after fainting and show this level of concentration. After a little inner admiration, I continued.

I found a male priest and entered the vacant lot. And it was even said that one female user could be seen after encountering the spiders. At the mention of a female user, Ha-yeon Jeong asked me with her eyes shining.

“Delay… ah. “He is my younger brother.”

“… I’m sorry… .”

“no way… .”

I said that part as euphemistically as possible. I mentioned the part about hanging in the air and laying eggs as the mother of spiders, but I left out the part about being raped by a monster and being beaten to the point where I lost my senses. In life, there are good things that happen if you don’t know about them. And I was a little worried.

“… So he killed her. You could say it was for the sake of survival, but it was so sad to see him change so much as a human being. “She thought it would be better to die.”

I paused for a moment after finally adding that I had killed her.

A moment of silence passed between Jeong Ha-yeon and me. As expected, he was staring at me with a shocked face. I didn’t avoid her gaze. If she hadn’t intended to recruit her, she might have been able to trick her somehow. However, once I was listed as a recruiter, I wanted to reveal everything I could. Of course, it was necessary to speak to my advantage as much as possible, without saying it straight away.

The reason I obediently confessed the fact that I killed Jeong Ji-yeon had an agenda. Just letting them know that this is an unavoidable situation. If she thought about it a little, it might be better to lead her to think that I killed her cleanly rather than being insulted because it was already impossible to revive her, rather than saying that I killed her because I wanted to kill her.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who exchanged glances with me for a while, soon opened her mouth in a trembling voice.

“No way. “It was to the point where there was no way to recover.”

“to be honest… It was almost speechless. You can go into more detail if you want, but I don’t recommend it. She looked at me as if she wanted something, and I did what my heart told me to do. At least I can tell you that I finished it without any pain. sorry.”

“under… . I guess so. He was always arrogant and full of pride. I was attacked by monsters that I always hated… If you’re pregnant… It’s worth it… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who continued speaking in a tearful voice, suddenly said, “Black.” She burst into tears. I closed my eyes. Nevertheless, Jeong Ji-yeon’s eyes as she looked at me floated into the air. A woman’s sobbing voice rang out in the quiet inn.

It’s true that I just killed her. However, the way Jeong Ji-yeon looked at me at that time was a fact that only I knew whether she was asking me to save her or kill her.

Jeong Ha-yeon, probably overcome with emotion, shook her shoulders and shed tears, but that only lasted for a moment. As I watched her immediately wipe away her tears and calm her voice, I noticed a strange look in her eyes. Although most wizards are like that, I thought it was amazing to see them control their emotions and control themselves. I’m sure he’s filled with anger on the inside right now, but he doesn’t show it on the outside.

“What happened to that monster? “Did you actually kill him?”

“In conclusion, it can be said that treatment was achieved.”

“how… . “It was difficult even with several experienced users rushing in.”

“There are some complicated circumstances there as well.”

As I told the kids, I opened my mouth by glorifying Vivien a little. The fact that our group was on the verge of annihilation and me resisting until the end. And just before she was about to be hit, Vivian regained her true nature and I rescued her while she was restricting her true body, etc.

Since we had gotten over the big problem anyway, from now on we spoke fluently. After Jeong Ha-yeon, who was concentrating and nodding her head occasionally, finished her story, she looked at me with empty eyes. I sighed and finished my sentence. After thinking deeply for a while, she asked me a question as if she wanted to reflect on a few things.

“So that means the human-faced spider has turned back into a human and is currently at this inn?”

“After transforming into a human and regaining his intelligence, he deeply regrets what he did. It is said that after being turned into a spider by a vicious wizard, his intelligence degenerated accordingly. It is impossible to think at a high level like humans. “It is clear that her will is included, but it is difficult to see it as her will as a pure human being.”

“I understand. “Then you said we would act together for a while, but wouldn’t it be dangerous?”

“If it weren’t for her, I’m sure I would have died there too. “It may sound funny, but I think I’ll give it a try as it saved my life.”

“phew… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s face was complicated. I could understand her feelings to some extent, so I continued speaking in a generous voice.

“At that time, the spider recognized the users as intruders breaking into its own home. And he was so angry that he killed his own men. I know she’s upset, but I hope she doesn’t take revenge on her now that she’s back in her human form. There are also a few users in our group who don’t have good feelings toward her. However, Miu and Gou are still part of the group.”

“… I don’t know Honestly, in my current state of mind, I want to take revenge right away, and I don’t think I can understand what Kim Soo-hyun said… . ha. I don’t know. “I want to think about it a little bit.”

“That’s my opinion. Anyway, if one more user wakes up, we will return the equipment and other items that the group had at the time.”

Jeong Ha-yeon opened her eyes round at my words and then opened her mouth with a pale expression on her face.

“Thank you. But it’s okay. We failed to conquer the dungeon and were as good as dead. According to the rules of the Hall Plain, it is right for Su-hyeon and his party to keep all the rewards and items within it. “We are satisfied with just saving our lives.”

“The item also contains the user Jeong Ji-yeon’s belongings. For us, the rewards we earned within the dungeon are sufficient.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s complexion hardened at my words. and. She looked at me with a slightly moved face.

“… “Did you say year 0?”


“I had a time like that too… It’s the first warmth I’ve felt in a long time. thank you. I would really appreciate your favor. To be honest, when Kim Soo-hyun said that he killed Ji-yeon, I felt hatred… Please save my life too. And since you’ve done this, I don’t know what else to say. sorry.”

“You are welcome. If there was a way to save Jeong Ji-yeon at that time, I wouldn’t have hesitated to do anything. “I am satisfied that you understand the situation.”

“Because this is Hall Plain. “I will definitely not forget this grace.”

Her face was full of bitterness as she spoke. But on the other hand, I laughed at the thought that my inner thoughts were going as planned. Judging by her personality and tendencies, she was not a great person who would make empty remarks. And Jeong Ha-yeon is a very realistic person. She may be confused about her brother’s death right now, but in time, she will come to terms with what I said and feel that she owes me something.

I still had over 500 gold in my possession, a jewel pouch, a potion pouch, and a book that could help me upgrade to a rare class. Even if he gave away the items that the users had, it could be seen as a cheap deal if he could alleviate Jeong Ha-yeon’s suspicions with them.

With this, the first button has been successfully sewn. Now, only time will tell what to do with these users in the future. In order to continue the relationship in the future, it was necessary to create as good a relationship as possible.

I invited her to eat again. Jeong Ha-yeon slightly lowered her head and then lowered her head again. But her hand holding the spoon was visibly shaking.


After that, the kids came down one by one, and Vivian also came down. And the user’s new name has also come down. He had a face that was more than good-natured and gave off a look of slovenliness. Jeong Ha-yeon and I relayed to him what we had been talking about, and Shin Sang-yong bowed his head excessively to express his gratitude to me. When I told him that I would also return the items, he almost cried.

“Go, go, go, thank you! thank you so much! “I will never forget the grace you have given me!”

When asked about her plans for the future, Ha-yeon Jeong shook her head. Actually, I thought I asked hastily as I needed time to think about the future. However, seeing as he asked us if he wanted to stay here, it seemed like he was planning to come visit us at least once.

As promised, I handed over all items related to their group. Ha-yeon Jeong, who was patting Jeong Ji-yeon’s robe, looked at Vivien and opened her mouth.

“If you think about it, I think the archer who ran away first when you were a spider was at fault. There are more than one person who will curse and resent you. I understand your situation. however. I can’t understand it. It’s okay to call me shameless. Because humans are inherently selfish animals. “For the sake of Soo-hyeon, and considering the grace she has given us, I would like to see you without prejudice, but that is not possible yet.”

Vivien said nothing. But when I winked, she responded by lowering her head once. With those last words, Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong left the inn gate. Shin Sang-yong stayed a little longer and seemed to have something he wanted to ask us, but looking at Jeong Ha-yeon, he seemed to know how to distinguish the situation.

Before leaving, I saw Jeong Ha-yeon greeting us very politely and said that I would like to see her next time. She also responded to my words by slightly nodding her head. I don’t know when it will happen, but by the time I’ve sorted out all my thoughts and feelings, there’s a high chance that Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong will come back to where we are. I just hoped that time would come a little sooner.

We stayed silent for a while as we watched them getting further and further away. The first person to break the silence was Yu-jeong.

“That sister is so amazing. “If it were me, I would have swung the dagger first without even looking back.”

“hmm. “Well, that’s cool.”

In response to Yujeong’s admiration, Anhyeon also nodded in agreement. Ansol continued to look at her in the direction she went, casting a sad look in her eyes. I also looked at the door of her inn where she left and opened her mouth in her calm voice.

“That’s right. It’s surprising that there are users who have that much self-discipline. “If I can continue to survive, I might make a name for myself.”

What I said just now was sincere. Despite the death of his own younger brother, Ha-yeon Jeong showed self-control that was almost extreme. It was a very contrasting attitude from me, who had lost my older brother. Maybe I’ve just made a connection with a user who has the potential to become a new Top 10 user.

“Heh. Lesson 10 is not that easy. “Me too.”

“huh? “What are you talking about?”

For a moment, I felt like I wasn’t thinking about anything, so I shook my head. That’s how much her attitude during her conversation with Jeong Ha-yeon left a deep impression on me. I continued speaking in a calm tone, suppressing Yu-jeong’s intrusion into my self-talk.

“Nothing. By the way, how is everyone?”

“There’s nothing wrong. I was really tired yesterday. “I think I’m fine today.”

“Every inch of my body aches and feels stiff.”

Ahn Hyeon flailed his arms to show off his health, while Yoo Jeong groaned a little. When I turned my attention to Ansol and Vivien, I could see them both nodding. After seeing the faint traces of tears on Vivien’s cheeks for a moment, I let out a small sigh and continued speaking.

“The break ends as of yesterday. Starting today, I plan to start working and training again. I may have to go out of town often from now on, but I will only go out for practice. “I plan to prepare even more fully for my next expedition.”

In the past, I would have complained about the kids, but this time was different. Everyone had faces full of determination. As everyone felt their own shortcomings through this expedition, they probably had a rough idea of ​​where to improve and what exercises to do.

I was thinking of organizing the items I had acquired during this expedition and buying new equipment for the kids. And since Vivian was a new addition, I was planning to have the kids practice the passing lines among themselves. But the biggest thing of all was that, just as we found the dungeon of the ancient alchemist Vivien, we also had to search through the records to find the ruined laboratory.

For now, I was going to let the kids practice and I would take care of other things that needed to be done at Mule. In order to find the next destination, the ruined laboratory, I needed to move hard again.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I won first place in Noble today. ha ha ha. Thanks to the generous love and interest of readers, I was able to have a pleasant day today. Select. suggestion. comment. To those who gave me coupons. Thank you very much. Even though it was only one day, I thought a lot about it today. How can I repay my readers? The only way is to write harder. I will become a Ro Yujin who works harder in the future. Thank you again. (__) (Thank you hohokoya1 for sending the message! I read the message carefully. Please continue to support us. Hahaha.)

And the next episode (78th) is scheduled to be an episode of reorganization. As such, you may find it a bit boring. However, rather than simply writing “And a week passed,” I decided that it would be better to at least write down what I experienced during that week.

Originally, I wanted to write down each item in more detail, but if I did that, I would have to go over 100 before entering the ruined laboratory, so I made that decision to speed up the progress a little more. There is an explanation of how this is done when you enter Mule, so you will not have any trouble reading it. then. We ask for your continued interest in Memorize.

PS. Kim Soo-hyun is not a eunuch who is not interested in women. Readers please… OTL. At this rate, a scene with Ahn Hyun is expected to appear. Ugh.


1. Human Life: Congratulations on regaining first place commenter. Human Life, who has always taken first place since the beginning of the novel… I, too, am thrilled to see you regain your glory after such a long time. Let’s keep fighting. 🙂

2. Frandil: The stats for the first episode are shown at the beginning of the first episode! I placed it at the very top, so you can see it right away. ha ha ha.

3. Because I am this kind of man: I am. I am a healthy male from Korea. Don’t do this… . ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Demon Temple: Black. Thank you. These days, there are a lot of people criticizing Soo-hyeon for being a eunuch… . My heart hurts for no reason. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Fallen Flowers_[落花]: Currently, I think it’s about 600 times. Of course, there will be changes.

6. Kazumi: Wow. To the point where you can’t work. I’m embarrassed. (__ )* The capacity is hahaha. These days, it feels like you’ll be a traitor if you don’t join in… . If the conditions allow, I will continue to participate today.

7. Silver Sunset: I also want to write an H scene that is as plausible as possible. I want to depict a scene where the female users of Whole Plain are not s*x slaves receiving men’s s*emen (of course, this can change depending on the need), but where they truly love each other (of course, this only applies to the women around the main character).

8. GradeRown: Do you like it… omg. Hmm. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. ha ha ha. Sisters are definitely a good topic. 🙂 Pregnancy is possible between users, and pregnancy between users and residents is also possible. ha ha ha.

9. Weeping Soul: Thank you! I also enjoy reading Greek and Roman mythology and Norse mythology. So please, please take 10 consecutive trials… .(huh?)

10. Northwood: Oh. Northwood, who serializes the beautiful world! I also enjoy reading the work. I will fight too, so cheer up Northwood!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode