MEMORIZE Chapter 768

00768 Bring out the equipment, quick! ————————————————– ———————-=

『Hammer Of Wish』

(Description: This is a hammer imbued with a mysterious power that has grown throughout its life with Midget Smith. If there is enough ore, it can produce the result the user strongly desires with a single hammer blow, and at the same time, the hammer can be applied to the created item. It infuses latent magical power. Although it has no attack power at all, this hammer, made with the experience and effort of Midget Smith’s life, is the greatest treasure that cannot be compared to any other divine device. It will disappear after one use, so use it carefully. We recommend this.)

“Hey, look at this! “It’s called the hammer of hope?”

“Wow, a clan lord would be nice.”

The surroundings suddenly became noisy. As the ranged classes dealt with the monsters that were summoned, the melee classes, which had relatively little to do, quietly gathered together and started a performance evaluation event.

I don’t know why, but some of the gathered clan members displayed the highest level of service, such as bringing chairs or drinks that were not ordered. Anyway, thanks to that, I was able to sit comfortably and watch.

bang! The third explosion shook my eardrums, and a cluster of flashing lights illuminated the darkness. Nam Da-eun must have been worried about my vision, so she covered my eyes with her own hand. She then calmly put her hand away and looked up, as expected. The monster disappeared without a trace.

Jin Soo-hyun jumped into the smoke, and eventually jumped out, holding something in his arms that gave off icy light.

“older brother! I’m here! “It came out again this time!”

『Fragarach – Ver. Rapier』

(Description: This is a sword used by a knight called the Legend of the Glacier, blessed by the god of light Lugh. The ice-mixed blade is sharp enough to pierce anything, and if the user wishes, it can come out of the sheath on its own. It also has an attribution function, such as returning on its own. It is also called an answerer, or a ‘counter-attacking sword.’)

『Fragarach – Ver. Armor』

(Description: This is an armor worn by a knight known as the Legend of the Glacier, blessed by the god of light Lugh. When an enemy of rank B or lower approaches this armor, they lose their power, as if they were seeing a sensual woman. The wearer can defeat enemies with a seductive force. The armor, which contains powerful cold energy, is also highly resistant to ice-type magic.)

The long, thin rapier that blows out bitter cold air and the light armor that is the color of translucent ice are truly impressive. The color may seem like the inside is slightly visible, but it looks pretty on the outside. Wasn’t the knight called The Legend of the Glacier a woman?

“and… .”

Someone let out a sigh of admiration. When she turns her eyes, she sees Nam Da-eun staring at her with her mouth slightly open. Come to think of it, hasn’t Nam Da-eun never taken care of her all this time? She felt sorry, even if only a little. So she could make her decision right away.

“I think this sword and armor will suit our Da-eun.”


As I quietly prayed, Nam Da-eun looked at me in surprise.

“Would you accept it?”

“yes… . yes? “Really?”

“huh. I think it’s more suitable equipment for Da-eun than me. how is it?”

“Oh, brother… .”

Nam Da-eun looked at me with very moved eyes and suddenly pulled me into her arms.

As this woman was inwardly feeling sorry for her weak chest, she suddenly heard the sound of someone falling down helplessly next to her.

“Three, oh my… . Our Da-eun… .”

The woman with a lost expression was Go Yeon-ju.

“Someone has a high performance… . Who is our Da-eun… .”

After saying that, Go Yeon-ju fell on the thighs of Jeong Ha-yeon, who was sitting with her knees together. And he burst into tears.

“No matter how hard I tried, they still insisted on calling me dead… . It wasn’t that I was pushed by Hayeon, I was pushed by my junior… .”

“Yes, yes.”

“Mr. Hayeon. It’s cold, it’s so cold… . I feel like a defeated dog… .”

“are you okay. Part, no, play. Now, close your eyes and fall asleep with me. And leave beautifully.”

Jeong Ha-yeon gently patting her back, “Kki-ing…” . Twisting… .” Go Yeon-joo makes a dog-sniffing sound.

Anyway, let’s play. It was difficult to understand why the breed had changed from a high-performing terrier, but I slowly stretched out my hand. Go Yeon-ju clicks her tongue as if calling a puppy, but then stops and glances at me.

“Come here.”


“Aren’t you nice? “Our high performing terrier.”


Then Go Yeon-ju, who quickly raised her upper body, crawled over and started showing off all kinds of cute gestures. I gently tickle his chin to show that he did a good job, and he even sticks out his male tongue and licks it, acting playfully. Then again, the sound of collapsing was heard.

When I turned my gaze to see someone else, Ha Seung-yoon was looking at us with his eyes wide open and an expression of disbelief.

“Wow, that’s ridiculous… .”

“… … ?”

“Well, Master Sword and Queen of Shadows… . How can you look so insignificant… .”


No, it’s insignificant. It’s so cute and lovely. As I lightly caressed it, the two women clung to each other even more, as if they were competing.

As he continued to tease Ha Seung-yoon as if he was telling him to look here, not minding the penetrating gaze, tears welled up in Ha Seung-yoon’s eyes, and in the end, he closed his eyes tightly and turned his head away.

Oh, now that I think about it, you said you admired the Sword Master and wanted to join our clan? But I was shocked to see him playing around like this. This really feels like I unintentionally destroyed my innocence(?).


It was that moment. While playing around for a while, the fourth loud noise rang in my ears as if I had opened the box. However, the moment I reflexively looked at the center, my excited mood suddenly subsided.

In the garden, where white smoke mixed with dust was rising, dark shadows were moving here and there.


The first user to respond was Go Yeon-ju. As if he was imitating a puppy, he straightened his posture for a moment and stretched out his right arm forward like lightning.


Eventually, the flashing dagger shot through the air,

Tang Gang!

It could not reach the being in the smoke and was lightly struck. The moment I confirmed that, I immediately pulled out my sword and raised it to the top. The noisy garden suddenly became quiet. As I stared straight ahead, a shaking shadow slowly began to emerge through the smoke. The sound of footsteps is quiet. There was only one person who could be detected by magical power.

– Hey, that box is interesting. You also summon the Obello Knights, right?

Finally, just as Hwajeong’s voice was heard, the shadow finally took shape. Although it was not very large for a monster, the sight of it walking out with thick black armor and a huge great sword exudes an unusual energy. I don’t know what’s inside, but in the center of the helmet, which is slightly open, red eye lights are lit in the endless darkness. It felt instinctive. You’re not a weak guy.

‘Knights of Obello?’

– huh. They are the ones who wander around the fallen kingdom even after death. But judging by the fact that he didn’t ride a horse, he wasn’t at the level of a knight commander. Oh, that’s a shame. If the knight commander had come out, he would have been a pretty good opponent.

‘Is it that strong?’

– then. In their lifetime, each and every one of them was a hero. Even if it’s not as strong as you, it’s definitely strong. In particular, the hero of heroes, the knight leader, can compete with even the awakened Kushan Thor.

It is said that a knight leader level can compete with the awakened Kushan Thor. However, the guy in front of me is not the leader of Obello’s knights, but a lower level guy. Then he can win well.

After organizing my thoughts in a low voice, I walked forward little by little. Although it is not visible to the eye, the clan member who received the order can be seen moving around.

Knight Obello was quiet at first. Calmly looking around, he seemed confused at having been summoned like this.

However, the moment I slowly moved forward, he immediately looked back at me and slowly lowered his knees. Should I attack first or defend? The moment I thought that, Knight Obello lightly kicked the ground. and,


In the blink of an eye, he came right in front of me and swung his sword. Since I had drawn my sword in advance, I reflexively defended myself successfully, but I couldn’t help but be surprised. I didn’t kick hard, but just ran lightly, and shortened the distance by 25 meters in one go? A belated wind passes by my ears. It was that fast.

at that time.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Suddenly, a strange black sound began to sound from the point where the martial sword and the great sword collided. Next, I felt a loud vibration in my hand, and a strong hostility exuded from the sword. Hostility directed at the other person, not at myself.


Eventually, Knight Obelo, holding the great sword, hesitates and retreats. In a way, it seemed like he was surprised. How did this happen?

“… Sovereign?”

Surprisingly, a muffled voice came out from inside the helmet. At the same time, it was an opportunity. I immediately bent down and dug inside, cutting into the thigh area.

The startled Knight of Obello raised his greatsword as high as it could and struck it down. It was a quick reaction, but Lee Hyung-hwanwi easily avoided it. After moving to the side, he kicked his shin with all his might while still in the bent position.

I felt a dull impact near my ankle. Knight Obello’s body swayed greatly. Originally, I had planned to just knock it down, but I succeeded in shaking it off balance anyway. This much is enough. because… .



Because the two men and women attacked from the left and right at the same time. As Heo Jun-yeong, holding her long sword, struck with force, the body of Knight Obello stood still, and as her car Shaolin’s spear pierced her deck like a flash, she trembled as if she had been electrocuted by lightning.

Following those two attacks, Nam Da-eun suddenly rose into the air and raised his sword, shining with icy light, high in the sky. A dazzling sword light flashed in the moonlight.

Quad deuk!

The sound of strong metal cracking violently. As a result, the knight of Obello was completely cut in half from the top of his head to between his legs and fell. It was a neat joint attack.

“after. Fortunately, the physical resistance seems to have been high. “It seems like the magic resistance is quite high.”

“I think you might be too strong than that.”

Nam Da-eun slowly stands up and speaks, and Jeong Ha-yeon smiles bitterly in return.

I quickly got up from my seat and explored the spot where Knight Obello had fallen. Rather than being in a hurry for results, it was because I was curious about the ability that had rushed at me at such incredible speed earlier.

When I activated my third eye, I was able to find it again.

『Obello Knight Boots』

(Explanation: The now-fallen Kingdom of Obello was once a country famous for its metal processing technology. Obello Knight Boots are equipment given only to heroes who have accomplished great feats, and the kingdom’s secret quadruple metal compression technology is used throughout the world. These boots are a collection of boots. The four sides have protection magic, the third side has light weight magic, the second side has size auto-adjustment magic, and the first side has the ancient magic ‘sudden acceleration’ engraved on it. In the case of sudden acceleration, when activated, Dramatically increases the user’s dash speed for 1 second and is recharged starting from one day.)

After checking the explanation, I thought I had gotten one. It is said that Orothros boots have a passive spell called ‘Rapid’, but since the agility stat has increased to 101 points, it is now a mana ability. Rather than this, it would be much more advantageous to use Obello Knight Boots, which have active magic built in that directly increases speed. I also happened to need new boots.

“Brother. “You came out again?”

After a while, Ansol approached me and gently lifted his head and asked. After gently stroking the top of her head, I clapped my hands a couple of times to get her attention.

“Stop playing around now. “Now there are two boxes left, so let’s all focus until the end.”

It was then. Just as I was rekindling the relaxed atmosphere, I suddenly felt a slight vibration in my arms. When I pulled out the source of the noise, I saw that the communication bead was suddenly emitting light, and it seemed like there was a contact. I don’t know who it is, but it’s most likely my older brother. I asked him to contact me when he returned last time, but it looks like he just returned.

So, after telling Go Yeon-ju to keep an eye on me, I walked to one side of the garden.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The part that is currently being serialized is difficult to skip because it involves acquiring the main character’s equipment and foreshadowing necessary for the story to progress. The monster summoning box part will end in the beginning to middle of the next episode, so please be generous with us on this part.

Also, while replying to a message today, I felt that what I had previously reduced to 4, had increased to over 20 in a day. And exactly 7 of them were prank messages.

… Please do this too. Please refrain from sending joke messages if possible. Many of our readers who send us regular messages ask really sharp and deep questions. There are some that I cannot answer lightly, so even if I reply in one day, I can only get to about 10 to 14.

For example, ‘I love you Royumi~. ‘Heart Ppuing Ppuing!’ is at a level that can be accepted as cuteness, but ‘I want to make Royumi pregnant~. Hehe!’ I am also very embarrassed by this message. I don’t know how to answer. Please ask again. Still, you wrote a note by hand, but it bothers me that I just skipped it, so I’m answering anyway. However, if prank messages continue to pile up, it will interfere with other readers’ ability to reply to normal messages… . This is the fourth time I ask you to do this. ㅜ.ㅠ This is I Believe reader.

And the user information you want will be organized soon. Whether you edit and post them one by one, or catch me and post them all at once, I will start working on them first. However, many users are currently changing their classes, abilities, and equipment, so we will update with the changes after all of these are released. Considering accessibility for people viewing on mobile devices, I am worried about where to post it.

Well, have a nice day to all readers. 🙂


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not work with dark mode