MEMORIZE Chapter 763

00763 Time to choose. ————————————————– ———————-=

Then something strange happened. The old long sword suddenly radiated light and floated into the air. As if he had become a living creature with a will.

However, that phenomenon was short-lived. Before I could even take a closer look at the situation, the black light scattered into powder and began to be absorbed into me.


『Strength, durability, and agility stats increase!』

『Slots 1 and 4 among special and potential abilities are evolving!』

『The hidden power, ‘Apud Migra Eego Gladium’, is blooming!』

『The hidden power, ‘Summoning the Sea Stream Horse and Garion’ is in full bloom!』

『Hidden power, ‘Monarch, command.’ is blooming!』

『Hidden Power is an event blooming ability and is included in the original power slot.』

Six messages are output one after another.

『Please check your user information.』

The final message that comes to mind next. I immediately loaded the user information.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (4th year)

2. Class: Arousal Secret, Sovereign Of Sword, Master

3. Nation: Free mercenary

4. Clan: Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. True Name • Nationality: 1. Lord of the Sword 2. Demonic Nature • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (28)

7. Height • Weight: 181.5cm • 75.5kg

8. Tendency: Moderation • Chaos

[Strength 99(+2)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 99] [Stamina 101(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

1. I have Hwajeong in my heart. (The third awakening is currently in progress.)

2. The imprint of an ancient shaman has been engraved on the heart. (The magic circuit is greatly stabilized and efficiency is increased.)

3. Not a single waste product can be found in the body. (The speed at which magical power flows doubles.)

4. ‘Monarch, command.’ Due to the influence, an S Zero level ‘Charisma’ effect occurs at all times.

< Achievements (9) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Third Eye (Rank: S Zero)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Strength of the heart (Rank: A Plus)

(Explanation: Beyond becoming one with the sword, it is the state of becoming one with the sword that moves as one wishes. It is a level of power higher than the union of body and sword, and is a supreme power that is only known in legends. It is a swordsmanship that increases the height of the sword. A positive effect occurs in all thoughts and practices of swordsmanship. An essential ability to activate ‘Apud Migra Eego Gladium’.

< Potential (5/5) >

1. King of Hundred Soldiers (Rank: A Plus)

(Explanation: The king of all weapons in this world is the sword. A sword that has sworn blind obedience has an extremely high level of loyalty, and at the same time, it does not allow the defeat of the monarch it serves. Such will is what makes the monarch raise the sword. It overwhelms the enemy from the moment it is defeated until it is defeated. Unless you are a fairly new weapon, you will become tired of the intense hostility emitted by the Lord’s Sword and will have a withering effect.

2. Cannot be defeated (Rank: EX)

(Explanation: It does not know how to give up in battle. It does not think of defeat. Such will makes it possible to fight even if it receives injuries that are close to death. However, its combat power is greatly reduced as it receives fatal injuries.)

3. Mind’s eye (Rank: EX)

(Explanation: The eye of the mind that can look directly at the inner side of an object, rather than looking at the outer appearance as it is. It refers to the ability to contemplate oneself, examine or sense all things, or a similar phenomenon. Controlled to the limit The mind and body can maintain the brightness index even under mental pollution magic of S rank or lower.)

4. Sword God’s Protection (Rank: EX)

(Explanation: The blessing of Tyr, the god of swords and war. Users who receive divine protection will have high resistance to all magical effects transmitted from outside. Additionally, ‘Heart Sword’ and ‘Apud Migra Eego Gladium’ When learned, it is possible to implement an Automatic Intercept System consisting of swords in conjunction with each ability. However, the number of swords that can be used for interception and the overall interception level are based on the user Kim Soo-hyun’s magic and luck abilities. do.)

5. Chlorination (Rank: ?)

(Explanation: This is an ability other than what is assumed by user settings.)

(Remaining ability points are 0 points.)

< Sword Lord Authority (4/4) >

1. Conclusion.

2. Apud Migra Eego Gladium.

3. Summon Sea Stream Horse and Garion.

4. Sovereign, command!

< Dragon's Blessing: The Power of Magna Carta, the Dragon of the End (2/5) >

1. Polymorph (Limited)

2. Dragonfooting (limited)


4. –


“… … .”

How much time has passed? She suddenly came to her senses and realized that a considerable amount of time had passed. I was so busy reading user information that I lost track of time. I blinked a couple of times and stared in front of me, and I saw a message printed out so that my field of vision was crowded. But I still can’t believe it. Is this really my user information?

at that time,

– I guess it’s not over yet?

Suddenly, Hwajeong’s voice is heard. I feel like my dazed mind is waking up a little.

– Just be quiet and do it in moderation. Indiscriminately. And you’re not going to eat that?


The moment I questioned it, I suddenly realized what Hwajeong was referring to.

“Oh right.”

On one side of the desk filled with various objects, five elixirs were placed in a pile. From the left, elixirs that increase strength, durability, agility, magic power, and luck. Of these, there is one I can eat. I have already decided what to eat.

no. To be precise, I tried to decide after looking at the abilities that increase with class succession. And as a result of the succession, strength increased by 3, durability by 1, and agility by 1 point. Although this is not a huge amount, it is a level that can be considered a reasonable amount of virtue. I was worried that an angry Gabriel would cut it off completely, but it seems he has excluded personal feelings from now on.

Of course, it is very unfortunate that physical strength is not included in the ability level increase… . This was what I expected anyway.

Actually, at first I was aiming for a magic elixir. This is because the most important abilities are usually considered to be physical strength and magical power, and there was a calculation that at least there would be no loss.

But when things got like this, my thoughts changed. The opportunity to achieve 101 abilities, which I had to give up in tears while focusing on my physical strength, was here, so how could I miss it?

And I am a swordsman, not a wizard. Of course, looking at current user information, magical power is very important, but isn’t the fundamental thing about being a swordsman who moves his body and fights? Therefore, it would be more efficient to choose an elixir that directly affects behavior.

… Well, I don’t think I want to eat all five like this.

After gathering my thoughts, I picked up the blue elixir in the very center. Then he took it in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it. When I ate it before, it didn’t taste particularly good, but it didn’t taste that good this time either.

『I am taking the elixir of increasing agility.』

『2 new ability points are created.』

Eventually, two messages were printed. Since the user information window was already turned on, I immediately increased my abilities.

< Comparison of recent abilities >

1. Before: [Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 94(+2)] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 101(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)](Total 575 Points)

2. After: [Strength 99(+2)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 101] [Stamina 101(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)](Total 582Point)

“… under.”

An exclamation came out of my mouth. Finally, the agility ability was raised to 101 points. As before, I still can’t believe it when I see it.

As I gently closed my eyes, I felt a tremendous force within my body.

How on earth should I express this feeling?

… I don’t know.

It just seems like something is spinning, or rather, swirling explosively. A refreshing and invigorating energy flows to every corner of the circuit, making your whole body feel as if it is flying away.

For some reason I feel short of breath. I really wanted to jump off the terrace and grab someone and tell them to fight. I know I shouldn’t, but strangely enough, I found it difficult to control this feeling.

I want to check it out. I want to unleash this powerful power that I feel right now.


– huh?

‘me… . ‘You’ve gotten stronger, right?’

– Hmm. well.

He suppressed the rising shyness and asked, but Hwajeong’s tone was sour.

– Although I became stronger… . To be precise, it would be right to say that there is room for further development here.

‘Room for development.’

– okay. In the future, we will need to study user information and become familiar with new capabilities. In other words, there is now a way to move forward from a stagnant state. Anyway, don’t be too cocky. The world is large and there are many monsters.

‘is it.’

The world is large and there are many monsters. I nodded my head at Hwajeong’s command.

– Is that so? ah. And you better take note of the angel’s words.

‘angel? Seraph?’

– huh. Actually, back then… . I was busy watching that angel called Seraph happily shopping with you, but when I thought about it later, I realized there was nothing wrong with what she said. The same goes for the equipment you chose. I think I probably think about you a lot on a regular basis.

‘that… . huh? Grinding your teeth?’

– huh? iced coffee. For some reason, it felt like her wife was picking out her husband’s clothes. Should I say she’s jealous? Actually, she wants to try that too… ?

‘… … .’

At that time, Hwajeong, who had been speaking clearly, suddenly became slurred, and silence suddenly came.

… Now, don’t panic. It’s a situation we’ve already been through countless times. Let us calmly anticipate future developments.

If I question her or make fun of her here, Hwajeong will definitely not be able to overcome her embarrassment and burst into passionate flames. In other words, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to even get your money back. So, you must absolutely and absolutely be quiet. Clearing your throat is also dangerous.

On the other hand, if you just move on as if you didn’t hear anything, everything is OK.

‘that’s right. Seraph did that. It’s good to take care of those around you, but also take care of yourself. okay. I think you’re right.’

So after calmly chanting, I quietly walked to my desk. I already ate mine(?), so now it’s time to share what I brought. When I open the drawer, I see a crowded call box.

Let’s see, first of all, Seon Yu-un… . Shin Jae-ryong… . Lim Hanna… . Ansol… . And finally… .

It was then.


Out of nowhere, a fierce spark bursts in front of my eyes,


‘What, are you ignoring me? ‘Have I been ignored?’

“Hey. Ah, no, Hwajeong. First of all, calm down… .”

‘Come on, hurt your pride!’

Hwajeong screamed.


Then, sparks flew once again.

“Then what on earth are you going to do?”

In the end, I ended up saying yes too.


Time passed, and before I knew it, the sky had turned red.

“Ugh, I’m so annoyed!”

A slender woman was walking down the long hallway toward the east. However, it seems like she is quite upset that the hallway is pounding every time she takes a step and it keeps getting on her nerves. The identity of her woman was none other than Jegal Hae-sol.

“It was just right! I thought I was finally getting the hang of it! Why are you calling me this? plaguy!”

In fact, there was one reason why Zhuge Haesol was so angry. Because he suffered the most disgusting thing in his life(?).

So, to be precise, Jegal Haesol’s personality is such that once he concentrates on research, he locks himself in his room. It’s not that he doesn’t, he just doesn’t leave the house for several days and doesn’t come out at all.

In other words, during research, my personality becomes very sensitive and delicate, so I hate being disturbed, but suddenly a maid barges in and delivers a message from the clan lord asking me to have dinner with him.

Jegal Hae-sol also has a very gutsy personality, so at first he said, ‘I’m currently doing very important research, so I’ll go next time.’ And I’m not that easy of a woman.’ He refused.

However, the words that came back were, ‘Don’t fuss. If you don’t come, I will drag you there myself.’ was a very coercive messenger. In the end, he had no choice but to stop his research and get up.

“Mr. A, wait and see. If you called it something that really wasn’t that big of a deal, it would just be… .”

Of course, there was nothing I could do about it, but anyway, Jegal Haesol huffed and stared at the office door. Before she knew it, she had arrived at her destination. Soon, Jegal Hae-sol, who vigorously brushed his hair, opened the door without even bothering to knock.

“Hey! clan… .”

And the moment I energetically opened the door and looked inside,

“as… .”

Suddenly, the steps stopped.

And after a while.

“… de.”

Suddenly, Zhuge Haesol, who was slightly blushing, lowered his eyes and straightened his posture.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Oh, I guess I’ll break it. These days, they only sell one or two packs of cigarettes. This is quite uncomfortable. It may seem like you just have to wait a little longer, but at home, they subtly tell you to take this opportunity to quit. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode