MEMORIZE Chapter 761

00761 Time to choose. ————————————————– ———————-=

After confirming that Gabriel and the Archangels had left, my body suddenly relaxed. Why do I suddenly feel this difficult? I was just sitting still, but my body felt tired, as if I had just fought a fierce battle. Or should I say I feel dizzy.

Anyway, is it over now?


I let out a light breath, leaned back slightly, and made eye contact with Seraph, who was staring at me blankly. ‘What you looking at.’ I wanted to say that, but because I was tired, I just stared into space. The secret shop has already been activated and the saboteurs have left. From now on, it’s time for exciting and fun shopping.


However, the moment I put my hand on the list, I heard a strange laughter. When I glanced around, I saw Seraph with her eyes slightly raised and covering her mouth with one hand. I think part of me wanted to laugh calmly, but I was actually a little scared. If you see a smiling mouth, it’s at least better. It’s strange that only your eyes are open. No, why are you smiling in the first place?

“Oops, sorry.”

Seraph must have noticed that I was looking at him, and his face immediately recovered. However, it is an expression that somehow gives off a feeling of calmness.

“Suhyeon… .”

Seraph got a little lucky.

“really… . “It seems huge.”


“yes. He showed such an attitude towards Gabriel, who cannot even look at other angels carelessly… . “For me, I can’t help but feel it’s incredible.”

“Is Gabriel that amazing? ah. Of course, I know that you are in charge of the angels.”

“yes. Satan, the leader of the seven great devils, is the only angel who admires. Of course, Gabriel also dislikes Satan.”

“is it.”

A disgruntled sound suddenly came out. It was my first time hearing this, but I didn’t find it particularly interesting. It was quite annoying to be called ‘Soohyeon-eun’, but I decided to just endure it and move on. Because I still have something left to ask of you.

When I turn my attention to the list, the remaining GP comes into view in the upper right corner.

『Currently, user Kim Soo-hyun’s Gold Points are 20,609,684 Gold Points.』

Hehehe. It was a really good refund… . No.

No matter how much GP you have, there are a couple of essential items you need to buy, so you can’t just waste them. Now that I think about it, is the elixir slowly running out?

First of all, it would be a good idea to set aside about 6 bottles of elixir, GP to purchase ability-boosting elixirs, and about 6 million GP in case of a case like Ha Seung-woo’s incident. Then, you have exactly 14,609,684 GP left, and it doesn’t matter what you buy within this. There is no guarantee that you will use the secret store again in the future. It would be a good idea to make full use of this opportunity. Just collect GP again and that’s it.


As I organized my thoughts, a sudden memory flashed through my mind.

“Seraph. Come to think of it, didn’t you introduce another one last time? “Not a rite of passage ticket.”

“Are you talking about the monster summoning box?”

After hearing Seraph’s words, I immediately searched for the item.

『Monster Summoning Box 1 (1,000 GP)』

『Monster Summoning Box 2 (10,000 GP)』

『Monster Summoning Box 3 (100,000 GP)』

『Monster Summoning Box 4 (1,000,000GP)』

(Explanation: You can randomly summon monsters that exist throughout the Hole Plain. The higher the number engraved on the box, the higher the chance of a more powerful monster being summoned. If you can win, you can have the corpse or the equipment worn by the monster. there is.)

“It’s a good choice. This box is a recently added item that can summon monsters not only from the North, South, East, and West continents, but also from distant areas that the user cannot reach.”

Seraph’s additional explanation continued similarly to last time.

“As you said back then, this is an item that depends on the user’s luck… . However, if you are lucky, a very special case that cannot be experienced easily may occur.”


“Of course, you have to be very lucky. … Oh, there is no reason for the buyer to open the box.”

“Yes, yes.”

As Seraph continued to emphasize good luck, I giggled internally. It’s so stupid that you can’t understand it when it’s said so openly. So, you’re saying you can just order Ansol?

Suddenly a funny thought occurred to me. What would happen if you gave Ansol the elixir of luck and then had him open this box? I don’t think I could even imagine if the luck stat was 105 points. haha.

“It’s okay. Wouldn’t it be better to buy the best one? “To box number 4.”

“of course.”

“But 1 million GP… . It’s pretty expensive. “Isn’t it a bit too much to pour it all in here?”

“Because it is a random summon, not a designated summon. However, taking into account the fact that future purchases are not possible, I think a minimum of six to a maximum of ten items will be sufficient.”

hmm. Between six and ten.

Although I was a little worried about how much to buy, the conflict didn’t last long.

“good. “I’ll buy six.”

『Purchase Monster Summoning Box 4 (x6).』

『6,000,000 Gold Points will be deducted. The remaining GP is 14,609,684 Gold Points.』

My GP decreased drastically in an instant, but strangely enough, I didn’t think it was a big waste. There’s no way Seraph could lead me in the wrong direction, and when I think of Ansol, my anticipation rises.

Anyway, I’ve completed purchasing the monster summoning box, so let’s see.

[…] … .

『Eye of Argos (1,400,000 GP)』

『Moirai’s Souvenir (55,000,000 GP)』

『Ancala Mirror Shield (700,000 GP)』

『Token of Stigmata (500,000 GP)』

… … .]

There are quite a few interesting items, what should I buy?

“… huh?”

It was then. When I came to my senses from my thoughts, something strange suddenly caught my eye. A head with flowing silver hair is looking intently at the items. As I glanced down, I saw Seomseomoksu (纖纖玉手) gently holding my left arm. Of course it was Seraph.

… I don’t know when you came, but why did you leave the intact altar and come next to me? This makes me feel strange. So, it’s like shopping at the supermarket with your arms around each other… .

“Su-hyun. Now that I think about it, shouldn’t we also be upgrading our equipment?”

At that time, Seraph gently pulled my arm and said.

“Uh, huh? well?”

“Even though I don’t really need a weapon… . As far as I know, the Noble Mithril Shirt and Blue Dragon Knight’s Coat were damaged in the war two years ago.”

“that’s right.”

“Then I think it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to prepare a whole new set of gloves. “Please consider physical defense as much as possible.”

It’s not wrong. I have no major complaints about the glory of the sky and the sun that I am currently wearing, but I have been using it for too long, let alone its durability. Of course, it is clear that it is still good equipment, but since it is a gi made of spider thread, it is also true that its physical defense is significantly lower than that of armor. In particular, it is quite vulnerable to stab attacks.

In the end, what Seraph was saying was to focus on physical defense rather than magic resistance, which was already sufficient. Although there is currently the best protection device, 『Protection Fortress of Gehenna』, this should be used as a last resort. Because the horsepower consumption is truly enormous. I felt it clearly during this expedition.

“That’s good too. “Do you think there’s anything useful?”

“of course. “Didn’t you buy it from a secret martial arts shop?”

“It did. But wouldn’t it be too expensive?”

“GP is already enough.”

“no. Anyway, the entire armor is a helmet, armor, gauntlets, boots, etc. “It’s burdensome.”

“… … .”

Seraph seemed to think it made sense and closed his mouth for a moment.

“surely… . “There are a lot of items.”

“I have no intention of changing the gauntlet in the first place. Anyway, you don’t have to fit everything here, right? “Because there’s a box from earlier.”

There may be many other good gauntlets, but the 『TOPG』 that I am currently wearing is by no means inferior. How common is a gauntlet that unconditionally increases strength stat and has potential active abilities? Even though it is a conditional activation.

Seraph nodded as if he understood what I meant.

“If that’s true, I understand. “Then, are you reinforcing only part of it here, not the whole thing?”


“You can prepare the rest for outside activities, and the most important thing is armor or a cloak. Or maybe jewelry would be good too. If you wish, I can recommend the most suitable item considering Soohyun’s current user information.”

“uh… . “Is that so?”

I don’t know why, but Seraph felt quite active today. Would it be like looking at someone who is anxious because they can’t help?

“As for the armor, I’ll definitely use the one I saw last time… . This cloak has good performance, but it doesn’t match well with armor… . Dignity is also important… . and… .”

“No, definitely… .”

“Ah, I found it. Su-hyun? “Could you please take a look at these?”

“… … .”

… wait for a sec.

I just said, ‘I think this would suit you best.’ If I felt that way, it would be my mistake, right?

However, when I see his eyes sparkling when looking at me, I don’t think it’s an illusion.

okay. Doesn’t this feel similar to the behavior of a wife picking out various things for her husband? We are not a couple or a married couple, but seeing us so happy and happy makes me feel very burdened.

“… Su-hyun?”


For some reason, I felt like I would lose if I panicked, so I forced myself to control my expression and focus on what was in front of me.

『Chiu Heavenly King’s Armor (5,400,000 GP)』

『Red Moon Cloak (1,400,000 GP)』

『Blessing of Rasilas (900,000 GP)』

However, the moment I checked the printed list, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Stylish jet black top and bottom integrated armor that looks sturdy. An old-fashioned cloak with a soft, clear red moonlight flowing through it. And a beautifully crafted bracelet. It certainly looks good on the outside.

But what is the concept of a total of 7.7 million GP? The armor is extremely expensive, and the cloak is also formidable. And what are you spending 900,000 GP on for a small bracelet?

“It may look like a small bracelet, but I didn’t recommend it for nothing.”

Oh my, did you hear that? I think I said it out loud without realizing it.

“Soohyun, let me explain first.”

At the invitation, which felt like urging, I slowly began to read the explanation.

“hmm… .”

“How is it?”

“Yeah, it’s okay. Do you like it.”

“Fortunately, the.”

Seraph smiled softly as he expressed his honest feelings.

I thought about it for a while, but ultimately decided to buy them all. The performance was certainly jaw-droppingly good, but fundamentally it was for the same reason as before. Since I decided to use up all my GP anyway, wouldn’t it be better to buy at least one solid piece of equipment rather than buying several pieces of equipment with mediocre performance?

『Purchase Chiu Heavenly King’s armor.』

『Purchase the Red Moon Cloak.』

『Purchase Lasilas’ Blessing.』

『7,700,000 Gold Points will be deducted. The remaining GP is 6,909,684 Gold Points.』

Now the remaining GP is about 6.9 million. However, considering that 6 million had to be left over to use for essential purchases, the available GP was about 900,000. Seraph seemed to think this was enough and didn’t interfere any further, and I looked through the list in detail to see if there was anything I liked to use up the remaining GP.

How much time has passed?

Although the range of purchases was definitely narrowed, there were still things worth buying. First, I purchased 『Bola of Binding (750,000 GP)』, which I thought would be useful in many ways. Next, I bought the 『Ring of Purity (100,000 GP)』, which seems to be very helpful in scolding the women who attack me without fear these days… .

“Soo, Su-hyeon? Please wait a moment. Why is that ring… .”

Although I heard voices stopping me late, I finished the purchase quickly. Then Seraph looked at me blankly, as if in bewilderment. I quickly looked away.

“Now, the remaining GP is at most 50,000?”


“Wow, I barely finished writing it.”

“User Kim Soo-hyun?”

… shit. Yes, I know. Given Seraph’s personality, he probably didn’t think it was a reasonable purchase, and I don’t feel embarrassed either.

However, on the other hand, I also felt aggrieved. I invested a lot into upgrading my equipment, but I could have used about 100,000 GP for myself.

Well, anyway.

When I finished shopping except for the essential items, I finally remembered the reward I had been putting off.

Now there is no longer any reason to worry or delay. My heart slowly starts pounding.

I opened my mouth quietly.


“… … .”

“I’ve finished shopping. Now, can you show me the list of awakening secret classes?”

“… … .”

“… Seraph?”

“yes. All right.”

A voice that feels like a cold wind passing by. However, I don’t think it’s that bad. At least from now on, I didn’t want to be disturbed.

Gabriel may be gritting his teeth right now, but to be honest, I haven’t lost anything either. We just minimized the damage and gave up some things.

Therefore, from now on, we must make an important choice. A single choice can lead to irreversible results or achieve results beyond what you expected.

I quietly closed my eyes, feeling my heart pounding with excitement and my heart pounding with tension.

Is it because of the mind’s eye?

My mind immediately became calm like a clear water.

After a while.

“Awakening Secret Class has been opened.”

As I slowly opened my eyes, a total of 10 items were printed out in front of me.

And the gaze is,

『Arousal Secret Class List』

1. [Sovereign Of Sword]

2. [An Empress Of Iron]

3. [Grand Pathfinder]

4. [Sacred Champion]

5. [Heavenly Palace]

6. [A Royal Princess Of Chaos]

7. [Saint Of Pandemonium]

8. [Magic Emperor]

9. [Blade Runner]

10. [Dancer of the White Night]

“This… .”

It was naturally fixed in one place.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


I almost fell asleep while thinking about the review.

I feel like it’s a bit limited right now,

First, I’ll get some sleep.

We are truly sorry to those who have been waiting. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode