Memorize Chapter 76

00076 Wizard is a bountiful harvest —————————— —————————=

When I opened my eyes, the cool chill and warm sunlight were mixed in the room. After tapping my head for a while, I massaged my shoulders and stood up. Bright sunlight was shining through the window. In the past, I would have complained that my body was heavy, but after starting the second session, I didn’t feel that way. Because it had high durability and magic power, it was able to compensate for any wounds or fatigue through self-recovery.

I turned my head once and said, “Crumple.” The sound echoed throughout the room. After trembling for a moment from the thrill of the bones in my body being broken, I carefully got out of bed. Ahn Hyeon, who must have been quite tired, was sleeping without a care in the world, and next to him, a man named Shin Sang-yong was lying quietly with his eyes closed. Now, it may be time for the effects of the anesthesia that Vivian was injected with when she was a spider to wear off. There was a high possibility that it would happen within today. I counted today’s tasks on my fingers and stretched out as much as I could.

When I looked out the window, the sun had already risen brilliantly in the sky. The whole world is bright. It was literally a sunny day perfect for a picnic with a packed lunch. As I expanded my senses into the next room, I could hear the four users exhaling evenly. I immediately put on my basic armament, packed my pockets, and left the room.

As I went down the creaky wooden stairs, I saw the lobby of a deserted inn. There was not a single user visible. The longer the Golden Lion Clan continues its expedition to the Steel Mountains, the more severe this phenomenon will become. Idiots. I cursed softly and sat down.

Ko Yeon-ju was dozing off on a chair in the clearly visible kitchen. When I deliberately pulled the chair out loud and sat down, I saw her head suddenly rise. Since she was a user who had reached , she showed signs like this, but if she didn’t wake up, it would be fair to say that she pretended to sleep on purpose.

As if that wasn’t the case, Go Yeon-ju came towards me with wide-open eyes. Yesterday, it seemed like there were still a few users, but it seemed like they were overdoing it. Still, if you have the stamina of Go Yeon-ju, you won’t get tired just from working at the inn. What happened? I tilted my head out of curiosity, but anyway, since it was someone else’s business, I opened my mouth to say hello.

“good morning.”

“yes… good… morning… yo. this.”

She nodded, cleverly hiding the yawn that would come out from time to time. Her loose clothes and smooth legs catch her eye. Feeling embarrassed for no reason, I turned her head to the menu. Since it’s breakfast, it would be better to eat something simple. After looking at the menu for a moment, I immediately ordered.

“Today is simply Course A… .”

“Hmm… Breathe. It’s disgusting. “It takes some time to create something new.”

“I don’t know what’s so shameful. Anyway, you can give me the leftovers you made yesterday.”

“i love you.”

Go Yeon-ju looked genuinely relieved at my favor, then narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth. I was able to just ignore the last words I heard from her.

“It looks like you had a hard time yesterday.”

“Don’t even talk. Yesterday was difficult, and today was also difficult. Users flocked there until dawn. There were more than one man who was drunk and flirted with me. Kick them all out one by one. They even charge me money for food and snacks. I’m really tired. “My body is tingling.”

Go Yeon-ju seemed to be waiting for me to say something and slapped her buttocks on the chair across from me. I smiled bitterly. First of all, I prayed for the rest of the soul of the users who suffered yesterday. I hope your lower body can function properly… .

But why on earth are you sitting across from me? I wish I could bring a meal quickly. Nevertheless, she continued to complain in front of me. Users are demanding too much. Being born pretty is everything, etc.

No then. You don’t have to dress like that. More than half of my cleavage is exposed and my legs are barely visible up to the upper thighs, but I’d rather just ignore it. Isn’t that something you enjoy? Imagination of stars entered my head. The words I wanted to say rose to the top of my throat, but I forced myself to swallow them. Instead of answering, I just shrugged my shoulders and took out a cigar from my arms.

Go Yeon-ju stared at my reaction and then her eyes narrowed. Pouting her mouth, she continued her words in a disgruntled tone.

“oh. Do it too much. “You don’t want to talk to me like that?”

“huh? “You were talking well and then suddenly what are you saying?”

“I’m really quick-witted. “I thought it would be a good idea to bring some food quickly, right?”

“Oh, no.”

Ko Yeon-ju, who had been talking quietly for a while in response to my stuttering response, stood up with a sallow expression on her face. I just continued to shed heavy sweat and keep smiling awkwardly.

“Yesterday, you congratulated the guests completely coldly. joy. “Do you think I do this to anyone?”

“I was a little tired at the time… .”

When Go Yeon-ju asked back with a sore face, she slightly frowned her drowsy eyes and snorted. With nothing else to say, I put the tobacco in my mouth and lit it.

“I’m really upset. great. “The innkeeper will quickly bring some food.”

“It’s a misunderstanding. “But please warm up the food a little.”

“It’s so weird. “You seem like the only person who waited for me for no reason.”

She muttered to herself as if to hear me and turned her body hard enough to hear the wind. Soon after, Go Yeon-joo walks into her kitchen. step. Two steps. Three steps. Four steps. As I was silently looking at her back, I took a long sip of the tobacco. The fragrant smoke fills my throat.

When I didn’t catch him, Go Yeon-ju ended up turning away again. She sighed loudly as she watched me deliciously sucking on the tobacco.

“Suhyeon. “Don’t you often hear people say you don’t notice?”


“If a woman said this, don’t you get the idea?”

“… “First of all, food.”

He cruelly betrays her expectations. Seeing me still asking for food, she rolled her eyes around and then shortened the distance between me and me with her stomping steps. She didn’t know, so I was fully prepared, but the late Yeonju quietly stretched out her hand and snatched the tobacco from her mouth.


“The Lady Inn is a non-smoking building. customer.”

“It wasn’t like that when you came yesterday afternoon. “Most of the users were smoking.”

She smiled softly and immediately refuted what I said.

“No smoking in the morning. customer.”

“… “It’s too much.”

As I spoke sullenly, Go Yeon-ju lifted the cigarette I had been smoking to her own mouth. As I stared at her, she shrugged her shoulders just as I did. Soon, I saw her taking a sip in a disgusting way.

“Whew. This is the owner’s heart. “I’ll smoke well.”

She breathed seductively into my face and walked back into the kitchen. As I watched the female user move further and further away, gently rubbing her buttocks, I took out another piece of tobacco. clearly. Despite her knowledge, she did not stop me this time.


bread. soup. Meat stew. Simple A course. It’s literally simple. But why would you eat a heavy breakfast in order to watch a movie? Rather, this was just about right. I put a spoonful of meat stew in my mouth, chewed it, and smiled at the soft texture of the meat. They said they would bring in the leftovers from yesterday, but it was clear that they had made something new.

When I saw Go Yeon-ju looking at me with a sullen expression from afar, I saw her intently reading a record. When did she turn her head. Although she couldn’t boast of knowing her in detail, she knew that she had no hesitation in dealing with the person she liked. So are you saying that I liked it? For some reason, I felt a sense of pride, and I felt much better.

“Tsk tsk… .”

Suddenly, Go Yeon-ju, who was reading the record, could be heard clicking her tongue. It must be something like a newsletter that records the activities of the Golden Lion Clan without much to see. That means she was thinking the same thing as me. While drinking kimchi soup, which I thought might be the starting point for recruiting, I lowered my head to focus on the food again. It was then.

widely. widely. widely. widely.

I hear a quiet sound coming down the stairs. Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong don’t make that sound when they come down. And Ansol’s sound contains a little more caution than that sound. But now the sound was somewhat unsettling, yet possessed an understated elegance. Although it varies from user to user, it is mainly the walking sound of wizards.

The crackling sound that had been heard for a while was no longer heard. She seemed to have come down all the stairs. I sat back down and raised my hand to signal him to come this way. As if he had recognized my signal, his footsteps, which hesitated for a moment, began to slowly approach the direction of the table where I was sitting.

Before I knew it, I felt the presence of someone standing behind me and I greeted them in a low tone.

“You’re awake. “Are you feeling okay?”

“… It’s a little weak, but it’s okay. then… .”

“yes. “My group and I saw you in the dungeon and rescued you.”

A clear voice penetrated my ears. Among the rescued users, it was clear that they were female wizards. After seeing Jeong Ha-yeon answer while standing next to me, I pointed to the chair in front. She followed my fingers and sat down gently in her chair, then lowered her head.

“Thank you for saving me first. My name is Ha-yeon Jeong and I am a 2-year user. “I have an ordinary wizard as my profession.”

Instead of talking trivially, he first says thank you and then reveals his real name and occupation. It could be seen as a user who possesses at least the basic principles. After giving the first impression a passing grade, I looked at her face for a moment.

A beautiful woman with a good-looking appearance was staring at me with blank eyes. To be honest, Ansol, Lee Yu-jeong, and Kim Han-byul were all very pretty and each had their own unique charms, but Jeong Ha-yeon, who was in front of her, also had a pretty face.

Hair cut that doesn’t reach the shoulders and innocent, innocent eyes. However, there is an elegant elegance and an intellectual atmosphere that flows somehow. It was like a mixture of Kim Han-byeol, An Sol, and Vivian. If you took him to a university OT right away, he would take first place in the popularity polls among his seniors and classmates.

“This is Suhyun Kim, a user with 0 years of experience. “My occupation is a prosecutor class.”

Ha-yeon Jeong widened her eyes when I said it was 0 years. However, upon hearing that I had company, he quickly nodded and waited for my next words.

My face became more relaxed as I began to like her attitude more and more. Before I knew it, there was a soft smile on her lips. She was planning to give a cursory answer to the gossip and tell them to go away, but Jeong Ha-yeon knew her topic very well. I spoke to her in her soft voice. Of course, those words also included the information she wanted to know.

“Our group rescued us from the dungeon yesterday and returned… Even if you couldn’t do it, you would have passed out for 2 or 3 days. “You’re probably thirsty and hungry, so let’s eat first.”

“You are kind. Thank you for your favor. “I will gratefully accept it.”

I called Go Yeonju and ordered one more portion of Course A. It took a while before, but this time the food was brought out in less than 5 minutes. Just looking at it, it looked like cold leftover food from yesterday’s sale. I let out a slight laugh.

When I started eating again, she also carefully lifted the spoon. She seemed to stumble a few times as she came, but she seemed to be quite hungry, so she ate the food without hesitation. It was only after she finished a bowl of soup and a bottle of water that she raised her head again.

“I’m sorry… “Can I ask what happened to the rest of the group?”

“hmm. of course. I’ll tell you all. But how about finishing your meal first? .”

I deliberately diverted words. “We searched everyone except Shin Sang-yong.” The archer and priest’s entire bodies were torn to pieces. Your younger sister, Jeong Ji-yeon, became the mother of monsters after becoming a monster s*emen receiver. I feel comfortable when people say, “Is your stomach bulging because you’re pregnant?” But what I attributed to her was her euphemistic consideration for her. If you tell me the results right now, you might be shocked, so the intention was to first eat to gain energy.

She must have understood to some degree what I meant, as she had been eating at Hall Plain for two years. As she pressed her lips to her white face, a single tear fell from her eye. In response to the beauty’s tears, I calmly added.

“It may be a blessing in disguise. It’s not annihilated. There’s still one person up there who hasn’t come to his senses. so… .”

He must have finally gained strength from my words. And were you aware of your situation? Jeong Ha-yeon nodded her head once and wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks.

When Go Yeon-ju slowly turned her head, she saw Jeong Ha-yeon looking at her with a sad face. And when she made eye contact with me, she shook her head. It seems she was listening to everything, pretending not to be interested. I sighed inwardly.

For a moment, the only sound between us was the clattering of spoons. However, either she ate the soup to satisfy her hunger, or she just had no appetite anymore, so she just gnawed on her plate. Looking at Jeong Ha-yeon, who lowered her head, I thought it was time and slowly opened my mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. Unbelievable. I can’t believe our Soohyun is being treated like a eunuch. Dear readers. It shouldn’t be like this. Our Suhyeon is definitely not a eunuch. I read the comments yesterday and a lot of thoughts came to mind. As I went to bed, I said I would write about a love story that would make readers sick of it. I was so determined to use it so much until they told me to stop. ha ha ha.

How did Won Hye-yeon die? What happened to Jeong Ji-yeon? Those of you who have seen it will know. I. If you use it, it can be really hot. However, as far as I know, the novel level can be included in the content if necessary for the story, but as far as I know, indiscriminate s*xual content is restricted. So, I’m a little cautious about writing s*xy parts. If you make a mistake, there is a possibility that it will become a practice right away.

Anyway, as the story unfolds, we will clearly show that Soo-hyeon is not a eunuch. I guess the first target is… Hehehe.


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. Happy New Year to you too, Miwolya! Thank you for your support today. I hope you enjoy this episode as well… . 🙂

2. MT Gom: Hahaha. I received so much blessings that my stomach exploded. Did you receive a lot too?

3. rhkdel2: Come! xxxxx! Lord of xxxx, who commands the 23rd Legion! Chimera boo. How about something like this? ha ha ha.

4. Human life: Aha. Oh dear. There is only one reripple per session. ha ha ha. I needed to show the contract to the kids. As these children will act like family from now on, I plan to reveal the necessary parts. And soon… Heh. (Spoiler alert!)

5. CYB: No!!! You’re so damn strong!!! No!!! ㅜ.ㅠ

6. hohokoya1: Haha. Always appreciate your comments. Soohyun is the main character who is always driven by necessity. When he hits, he hits without hesitation, but when he falls, he knows how to fall. We ask for your continued support. And it’s Yeoncham!

7. Kriasen: (exasperated) My, my, I can’t write dirty talk? Ha ha ha ha ha! My fingers, my head and my heart are crying.

8. Weeping Soul: Thank you! I’ve been delving into Norse mythology. And since I participated today, I began to participate in Norse mythology… ( –). Rather, I envy characters like Seryu. However, if Su-hyeon did that here, the assassination squad would probably be sent that day… . ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Demodex: Thank you! Bunga bunga. Good. It’s not that I can’t use it, but I’m currently refraining from using it. ha ha ha. These will inevitably come out as the story progresses, so please wait a little longer. 🙂

10. Toranoanal: I waited for your comment. Hmm. (__ )* I was surprised after reading it 75 times. If you f*ck me anywhere. When I saw it, I also felt a sense of strangeness. I tilted my head to the side because I thought I had used this expression. ha ha ha. Thank you for pointing out the typo. We will make corrections immediately after the 76th serialization. And thank you for the recommendation. (__)

And higher-level provisions may exist depending on the content of the contract. For example, in the contract with Vivian, number 1 can be seen as the higher-level clause. It can be seen that contracts 2 and 3 can only be renewed if contract 1 is implemented first. Thank you for your question. I hope this was a sufficient answer. 🙂

11. Repil: One more person today. To be honest, I was planning on doing a daily series starting today, but I was surprised when I woke up this morning. For some reason, I feel sorry if I don’t post more, so I’m writing and uploading it in a hurry. ha ha ha. sure. I will clearly show you that I am not a eunuch. Hmm.

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I will answer! (Please leave a lot of comments! And recommendations…☞☜)

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode