MEMORIZE Chapter 758

00758 Key to the ancient magic city of Magia. ————————————————– ———————-=

The road on the way was very noisy. This is because Vivien cried loudly while Geunwon gave a detailed explanation. He tried to ignore it at first, but Vivian came running wherever he looked and started crying. In the end, when I offered to apologize and say that I would massage the area where I hit him later, he finally stopped crying. (Actually, I said this with the intention of teasing him further, but I was surprised that he accepted it so easily.)

Anyway, the source’s words were simple. A way to further increase his output is to acquire knowledge related to magic. In particular, it is said that the level of advancement is higher as you gain knowledge of ascension, rather than lower level magic that anyone can use. In other words, Vivien’s ‘Ordo of Order’ would reveal the magic jinn sleeping in Magia, decipher the jinn, and gain knowledge. And he tries to improve Vivian’s skills by passing on the knowledge he has gained. This was the gist of Gwonwon’s plan.


As I placed my hand on the top of my head, impressed by the coherent explanation, Geunwon glanced at me. His face and eyes are still indifferent to everything.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“What does it mean?”


“The act of stroking my male hole.”

“A male hole… ? Ah, it’s so special.”

“Are you special?”

“yes. “They also know how to find and eat their own food.”

“That’s a strange thing to say. “What I am about to do now has nothing to do with nutrition for survival.”

Geunwon said as if he didn’t understand at all. I laughed bitterly.

“That’s not what I meant.”


“Not all horses are the same. Eating is something you have to do, and finding and eating something is something you do yourself. Interpret it this way.”

“Know how to do what you need to do yourself.”

“okay. That’s what I meant. Anyway, don’t take it too literally.”

“… Accept.”

Geunwon obediently nodded. And after thinking deeply for a while, I muttered to myself.

“Human speech is difficult… .”

I laughed to myself again. The origin of being revived as a human is quite unique. When it comes to magic, he looks like an old wise man, but at times like this, he looks like a child. So is he an old man? haha.

“What, what’s so funny? Let’s laugh together. “Don’t laugh alone.”

As he was praising himself that it was a pretty good joke, he attacked Vivien by poking him in the side. I responded by raising my middle finger and poking the perineum, and while I was tapping away like that, I was able to arrive at Magia before I knew it.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

As we came out of the warp gate, we were greeted by the sight of an ancient magic city that still looked very childish. Fortunately, it has been cleaned up to some extent due to the last academy construction, so it doesn’t feel like it’s in disrepair.

“So what should I do now?”

“Magia is a facility that can be considered a type of magic power institution.”

When I look around and ask, I hear Geunwon’s soft voice.

“Therefore, we must move to the core that can operate the magic engine, that is, the place that controls the flow of magic power.”

“In the past, it seemed like people just used it randomly… . “Because it rises into the air.”

“It is not impossible. But to do that, we must go through the process of completely becoming one with this city.”

“Are you saying I have to be tied to this city forever like Marvolo?”

“That’s right.”

“You can’t do that. “Then let’s go to that place.”

The source stared at me blankly and silently recited a spell.

“Battlefield Analysis, Initiation.”


The intangible energy containing magical energy spread out in all directions, creating a strong wind of dust. It feels like an air gun fired just barely grazed me. The source gently closed his eyes and began to mumble, and Vivien summoned Ordo of Order. Before he arrived, his expression changed from crying to laughing, but when he arrived, he clearly looked nervous.

After a long time, Geunwon opened his closed eyes.

“I found it. “I’ll move right away.”

I nodded my head and chased after Geunwon, who was quickly walking away. And about 10 minutes passed. Coincidentally, the place where my endless footsteps stopped was where a new building was located. So, this is the point where the old castle was renovated and the Mercantile Academy was established. However, Geunwon just walked around the building as if he had no interest in it, then suddenly stopped and stared down. It was located approximately 20 meters away from the entrance to the building.

“Vivien la Clacidus.”

Was it because he suddenly called me? Vivien, who was holding the Ordo of Order tightly, stared in shock. Geunwon was tapping the floor with his cute feet.

“The Ordo of Order here.”


Vivien carefully placed Ordo of Order in the direction indicated by the source. Geunwon slightly moved away and spoke softly.

“The Ordo of Order is an object with an ego that determines its own master. “Seeing that he is currently using it without any problems, it seems that he has recognized him as the owner to some extent.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. Now, please repeat my chant.”

“okay? “Can I just follow along?”

“That’s right. The spell I will memorize from now on is a type of disarming starter spell. And, I repeat, the Master of the Ordo of Order is Vivien La Clacidus. All you have to do is put magic into your words and speak naturally, as if giving a command.”

“Oh, I understand.”

Vivien nodded, clasped her hands together, and said, “Huh~. Huh~.” caught his breath. Oh my, that’s cute. I sat down in a suitable spot and watched the two. It may be unlikely, but if it fails, I plan to make fun of it as much as I can. Then you will succeed even in the face of evil, right?

“Ordo De Ordine Magister, Vivien La Klacidus Et Ut c*m Imperio.”

Eventually, the hard mechanical sound of the source,

“Ordo De Ordine Magister~? Vivien La Klacidus Et Ut c*m Imperio~!”

Vivien’s voice, which feels a bit fair, is heard one after another.

“… Vade Puer. Tuus Uero Et Liberabo Te Ipsum.”

“Vade Puer! Tuus Uero Et Liberabo Te Ipsum!”


It was that moment.


The moment a violent vibration was heard, the Ordo of Order lying on the floor emitted a brilliant ray of light. The light scattered at an incredible speed, turning my vision completely white before I could even blink. Moreover, the spread was so wide that it almost covered the sky.


What follows is a loud, resonant sound that resonates through the air. When I opened my eyes, which I had closed for a moment, and looked around, I saw magic circles shining on the floor and slowly rising. Red, golden, green, blue… . The magic circles that spray out colorful colors appear as if dancing in the sky, showing off a variety of shapes. It’s the same scenery I remember seeing back then.

“Hey… .”

Vivien opened her mouth in amazement at the topic that she had achieved on her own. Then he made eye contact with me, and suddenly he put his hands on his waist and tilted his head toward the sky. (Perhaps he was trying to express the meaning of raising his nose.) And on one side, the source was looking up at the sky. Ahem, ahem, I pushed Vivian, who was clearing her throat, and approached the source.

“there is? “Is there one?”

“… “What do you mean?”

I reflected for a moment on the source’s question. The question was too urgent. Moreover, it looks like there are hundreds or even thousands of magic essences at first glance, so if you try to find them all, it will take time. So we need to narrow the scope as much as possible.

“No, that’s the wrong question. Do you have any knowledge about fire? “Of the high summoning magic groups.”

“Fire, high level summoning magic… . All right. Please wait a moment.”

Geunwon gently closed his eyes. For some reason, I felt like I shouldn’t touch it because it felt like the process of acquiring the knowledge I mentioned earlier.

How much time has passed?

Suddenly, “Accept.” At the sound of this, the magic circles floating in the air disappeared like a lie. no. It would be correct to say that they disappeared all at once, as if they were melting into thin air. And even the sound of someone falling down. When I glanced back, I saw Vivian out of breath and looking clearly exhausted. It seems that the strain on the body was considerable.

“That’s amazing. That just one human possesses enough magical knowledge to increase his output by 9.47%… .”

Eventually, the voice of the source was heard. It was a rare voice of admiration.

“9.47%? There were so many, but barely?”

Then the source looked at me with puzzled eyes.

“A single human knows close to 10% of the magical knowledge that exists in the entire dimension. “Is this barely enough?”


“And magic is not math. Adding 9.47% to the existing output does not end at 24.75%, but increases output beyond that through combination and research… .”

“Okay, I got it. Anyway, what did I ask for?”

When I waved my hand, Geunwon looked a little displeased. But soon her expression dropped and she softly opened her mouth.

“The acquisition of knowledge is complete. “As a result of the search, we identified the super-heat summoning Jin with the highest elevation knowledge.”

I clenched my fists.

“Oh, let me correct that. I have just summoned the intellectual Perennial Snow (萬年雪), who is one level higher than the Flame Summon Jin… .”

I heard him mumbling about what the source was, but he shook his head. Because that wasn’t important.

“In addition, here ice caps do not mean snow that does not melt. The Snow Lady, that is, the eternally burning ice… .”

“So when will it be commercially available?”

Geunwon stopped talking and stared at me.

“I do not know.”

“… … .”

“Acquisition as learning, use after digestion, and passing on. There is a big difference between these three actions. “For now, it’s nothing more than storage and acquisition.”

“You mean it takes time…? .”

It was what I expected, but it still left a bitter taste. Well, nothing is certain yet, but I think I’m quite excited. I forced myself to swallow my regret.

“Kim Soohyun. So… .”

At that time, Vivien spoke quietly.

“Can I and him use it here for a while?”


“huh. I plan to devote myself to research as much as possible from now on, but wouldn’t it be better to do it here? “It also has a nice building, and it’s quiet.”


I was naturally worried. This is correct in every detail, but the problem is that this building is an academy facility. Normally it doesn’t matter, but once you enroll, you must use it until graduation.

“That’s because this is the original academy facility. So how about using it for public use? I’ll provide a lab on the top floor. “I was told to preserve it, so it would have barely been touched.”

“Eh, well. As you know, I am very sensitive. Using them together is a bit… .”

It was the first time she had heard it, but Vivien reacted reluctantly. So what should I do?

“… no?”


Suddenly, a method crossed my mind. I immediately came out of my thoughts and stared at the two. Yeah, I think that would work.

“okay. “I can’t give a definite answer yet, but I think there’s something to consider.”

“huh? Are you rubbing it? What do you rub?”

“Nothing. “I’m going to go somewhere for a moment.”

“Kim Soohyun… ?”


After telling Source and Vivian to return first, I quickly moved to Barbara and entered the temple. Now that I think about it, there are still rewards for previous missions left. At that time, Seraph hinted that I should make the most of this opportunity, and I obediently retreated. Since we have also dealt with Pluton, the 14th demon lord, there will be no better opportunity than this.

“User Kim Soo-hyun?”

As I entered the summoning room, a slightly surprised Seraph greeted me.

“Hello, Seraph. Long time no see… . Isn’t it? Anyway, how have you been?”

“hurry… . yes yes?”

“huh? why?”

“Ah, ah, ah, no. Uh, welcome. Oh, no. Oh, come.”

I don’t know why, but when I entered and greeted Seraph, I was very embarrassed. Aside from his stuttering, his eyes are constantly blinking at me. This level of reaction was not seen in the first round, let alone the second round. Is my coming so surprising?

As I was about to sit down and tilt my head, I suddenly felt an unexpected emptiness. Only then did I realize that I hadn’t brought Marr.

“Huh, huh. Then user Kim Soo-hyun. What happened today… .”

“ah. “I couldn’t bring Marr today.”

“ah… .”

“It’s not that I didn’t bring you here on purpose, but I couldn’t tell you that I was going to the temple. It’s straight from Magia. Anyway, I’m sorry if you were expecting it.”

It was then.

“no. It’s okay… .”

Contrary to what he said, Seraph shook his head with a look of disappointment on his face.


Suddenly, he was startled and his eyes widened. Then she opens her mouth slightly and looks at me with an expression of disbelief.

“Oh, no… . How dare I… . Oh no… . Not this… .”

“What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?”

“If you suddenly say something nice and kind like that… . Well, I… .”

“… … ?”

It’s not that it wasn’t, Seraph looked really sick. Instead of making eye contact with me, he keeps looking away, not knowing where to put his eyes. The white wings fluttered more powerfully than ever, and both hands kept clenching and unfolding. Then, he closes his eyes tightly and bites his lower lip.

“Uh, what should I do… . I don’t know… .”

Seraph speaks in a hushed voice with a very red face.

Huh, that’s strange.

Why are you acting like that today?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

To help you understand the Seraph chaos, here’s a bit of old content.


“User Kim Soo-hyun. Long time no see. Meantime… .”

“What to say.”

I cut off her greeting with a cold voice. Although I initially disliked angels, I couldn’t regard the Seraph from the first episode as the same as the current Seraph.

“… “Have you been safe?”

He seemed to be silent for a moment due to the harsh answer, but he continued speaking in the end. I didn’t like that either, so I fired at Seraph even more.

“I don’t know anything about that. And anyway, even if I don’t know the details, I know roughly.”

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

“I’m a bit busy. “I hope you just say what you have to say quickly and let me go.”

“… … .”

Seraph didn’t say anything, as if he had become completely mute. His visible face is always quiet. Although Seraph still had a noble expression as always, I could feel that she was embarrassed on the inside.

“doesn’t exist?”

“… … .”

Seraph still remains silent. I shook my head in response and turned around. If I continue to stay in this place, my personality, which has been changing slightly in a good direction, will change again in a strange way… . No, it felt like things would go back to the way they were.

“If you don’t have anything to say, I’ll just leave. And I hope you won’t waste time like this from next time.”

“User Kim Soo-hyun… .”

I heard Seraph calling out to me behind me, saying something, but I intentionally ignored it.


how is it. Do you feel the difference from before? 🙂


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not work with dark mode