MEMORIZE Chapter 757

00757 Key to the ancient magic city of Magia. ————————————————– ———————-=

Whether exploring outside or going on an expedition, the two actions have similar patterns. First, start with information collection, maintenance, departure, attack, and return. It can be said that this certain cyclical structure is repeated, and the most important thing here is maintenance. This is because maintenance not only includes preparations for the target area, but also includes the condition of the individual user going on the expedition.

As an extreme example, if I attempted to attack the ‘Tomb of the Savage King’ when my health was less than half, the attack would probably have failed. No, what is failure? Maybe he would have died there.

Anyway, the point is that everything is not over just because the expedition is successful. We must always maintain it in a state of perfect condition in preparation for an incident like this one that may occur at any time, and we must also use this expedition as a mirror to strengthen any areas that we feel are lacking.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I have any intention of pushing it without stopping. Rather than trying to do multiple things at once, wouldn’t it be better to tackle them one by one? And maintenance includes the important element of rest. I was no exception to this. Because it has high output and high burden power called Hwajeong.

So, after spending half a day relaxing, I went into my office in the afternoon and started working. Actually, I had planned to hang out with Hwajeong today in the name of recovering my stamina, but at lunch, Jo Seungwoo was cracking up with a pitiful(?) expression on his face, so I told him to come to the office after the meal.

Then, sure enough, it was different. He suddenly brightened up and played with his spoon, and came up just as I was going up. And then I put something on the desk. Looking at the mountain of records, my forehead naturally throbs. 40 days is not a short period of time, so many things must have happened during that time.

… Still, I can’t bring myself to read it.

“So, what are the latest trends? “Something like an important change.”

When I asked Seungwoo Cho, putting the pile of records aside, I saw him grinning.

“First, I will report on the development status of my city.”

“It’s my city. “It looks like the central management body is quite upset.”

“Yes. Other cities have developed to some extent. The rubble has already been cleaned up, and the main buildings are currently being raised. In fact, the Inn of Beginning, User Academy, and Temple are already nearing completion. “If you go and see it once, you will be very surprised.”

“huh? “Is it that fast?”

“It has to be that way. Because we are paying attention not only from the East, West, South, and North, but also from the entire Northern Continent. In fact, our Mercantile Clan also received a request for support in the name of a development fund.”

“It’s a development fund… . So, how much?”

When asked how much he sent, Cho Seung-woo suddenly became agitated. He keeps glancing at me, as if he is watching me.

“that is… . As a result of research, large clans usually receive 5 million gold coins, and representative clans usually receive 8 million gold coins… .”

“It’s okay, so tell me.”

“We provided 10 million gold coins.”

“10 million gold coins… . What is our clan’s current financial status? “Except for equipment and jewelry.”

“I hold exactly 37.82 million pure gold coins.”


After finishing speaking, Seungwoo Cho’s neck made a small elevation and I burst out laughing lightly. Anyway, that guy still has the habit of being nervous. Even though I said I wouldn’t touch anything in terms of administrative processing. Well, it’s not a bad thing as it shows that you have a sense of responsibility.

The man in front of me currently has a very frugal and frugal personality. Last time she renovated the castle, didn’t she whine about how she wasted so much money? There must be a good reason why Cho Seung-woo managed such a huge fund of 10 million gold coins. And I thought I knew why.

“is it so. 37.82 million gold coins. “I still have room.”

“Is that so?”

“So please provide an additional 10 million gold coins. Of course, in the name of a development fund.”

“yes. All right. then… . “Yesss?”

Jo Seung-woo, who was relieved, suddenly let out a bizarre scream.

“You wanted to apply more anyway, right? “Even user Seungwoo Cho.”

“Well, that’s… .”

“do. Then we will be unrivaled.”

“No matter what, 10 million gold coins is too much.”

“It’s not much. “There’s a saying, ‘Sotamdaesil,’ right?”

“… … .”

“No matter how well we decorate the city, in the end it is just an alien city. Unless you can build a special building… . In any case, future changes in Atlanta will inevitably be led by the central city. “You know this much, right?”

“then… .”

“do. It’s not that I don’t have money, and I have the capacity to make up for about 20 million gold coins. And you have to show your pride when you can.”

“All right. thank you Clan Lord!”

Only then did Seungwoo Cho smile brightly and I also smiled. We have mutual understanding. Considering the future impact of the central city, 20 million gold coins is literally the price of gum. Of course, I knew that Seungwoo Cho was worried, but in reality, it was as if he was unfounded. Unless Lee Hyo-eul got stabbed in the head, there is no way he would just clean his mouth against our Mercenary Clan. If that actually happens, I have no intention of staying silent.

“What about other things?”

“ah. I received a call from the New Koran Association. Seo Ji-hwan, the leader of the Merchants’ Guild, says he would like to meet you at least once. “He says he has something urgent to say.”

“Please make room for me. And?”

“and… . By any chance, what will happen to the additional reforms you mentioned last time? .”

Seungwoo Cho quietly trailed off and rubbed his hands. It’s a look of anticipation for something.

“huh? ah… . yes. Reforms will continue. “After taking care of the urgent matters first.”

“okay! All right. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“It’s up to expectations. “I guess you’ve had a hard time during this time?”

“haha. Because administration tends to be too concentrated. “I’m just waiting now and then.”

Seungwoo Cho expressed his honest feelings. Then he bowed his head and opened the door and went out, saying he would finish the report first. Although the phrase ‘first of all’ was mentioned, there was no need to fight for priority or be picky. Thinking that I could handle them one by one calmly, I lifted the slightly cooled teacup.

However, before the door could close, a noise was heard coming from the hallway, and someone came running in, kicking the door hard. I immediately picked up the communication bead and threw it away.

“Hey, Geomgeom! I have great news… ! Kak!”

Following the sound of a thud, someone hit the ball and the sound fell. Nice shot.

“Ugh… . It hurts… . Hmph.”

The person who woke up rubbing his red forehead was none other than Vivien.

“Don’t call me strange.”

“That’s not the problem! Do you know what kind of guy we brought in this time?”

Although he spoke harshly, Vivien was resurrected without paying any heed to it(?). Then he strides over and slams the desk with both hands. ah. Suddenly his head seems to be hurting.

“listen. So, I’m having a really good lunch.”

“okay. “Was the lunch so good that you made such a fuss?”

“Just listen to it first! No, wake up first. Come somewhere with me. hurry!”

“Stop, stop!”

When I raised my voice, Vivien, who was trying to drag me up, shrugged her shoulders in shock. And then he stomps away. Oh my, that’s cute.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but why are you being so selfish?”

“no… . There’s a place I want to go with… . “But why are you angry?”

“Can’t you see this?”


Vivian tilted her head as I pointed to the pile of records.

“Why is that? “You can either come back and do it, or just ask the subordinates to do it for you?”

Actually, I kind of thought so. To some extent. But there was something else to do besides this. You must stop by the warehouse to look at the crystals of light, darkness, water, and fire, and also stop by the summoning room. I don’t know what brought me here, but I don’t want to waste my time on something that smells weird no matter how I look at it.

“Is that as easy as it sounds? And you and I have different positions to begin with. “I still have work to do.”

“So you’re saying you can’t go with me?”

“no. I’m taking issue with your attitude. “If you need to see something, isn’t it right to follow the legal process, make an appointment in advance, or at least explain the situation first and ask for permission?”

“Well, what is it? “He suddenly became arrogant.”

“If you don’t like it, come at night. “I think I’ll be free then.”

“Che, what’s between us…” .”

Vivien grumbled that she was disappointed, that she had changed after taking a breath of air above, but soon calmed down her expression. Then, he cleared his throat, looked at me with calm eyes, and began to explain in a much calmer tone.

“Well, okay. I understand your position. As soon as I got back from the expedition, I was so busy with work. “How hard can it be?”


“And I’ll admit that I was impatient. But I hope you can understand me like this. because! Currently, I am at a very important crossroads. therefore… .”

“Anyway, I’m hungry even though I ate. Would you like to go eat something delicious together?”

“Well, is that so? lol… . No! “You don’t even want to listen in the first place!”


Vivien screamed and slapped both hands as hard as she could. Amidst the fluttering records, I calmly sipped and savored the tea. As expected, Vivian is fun to tease. I mean, the response is very positive.

“Don’t be angry, just drink this tea. it’s good?”


“Oops. Anyhow, any explanation?”

“you you… !”

Vivien opened her mouth wide as if she was shocked and collapsed helplessly on the sofa. Next, an expression of resentment and disintegration comes to mind through the glaring eyes.

“I would like to explain.”

At that time, a somewhat youthful yet hard mechanical sound was heard from the doorway. When I turned my gaze, I saw a little boy, or rather a piece of the source, looking at me with indifferent eyes. What is he doing here?


“That’s right. Vivien La Clacidus failed to move user Kim Soo-hyun. As a result, he was defeated so miserably that I decided that it would be better for me, as a pinch hitter, to step in.”

Vivien said, “Who is the dog who lost so miserably!” He barked, but I clenched my chin, feeling intrigued. Aside from everything else, there must be a clear reason why the source is actively moving.

“good. say it.”

“Previously. Do you prefer short or long explanations?”

“Short and concise. Just to the point.”

“All right.”

Geunwon nodded lightly and slowly walked in.

“I want to go to the ancient magic city of Magia.”

And he said something somewhat unexpected.

“Why are you there?”

“Because if my calculations are correct, we have two huge benefits.”

“Tell me in detail.”

“first. Currently, the maximum output I can produce is only 15.28%. However, if you gain the magic knowledge latent in Magia, your output can increase dramatically compared to now.”

“… I still can’t figure it out. Anyway, what about the second one?”

“You can try to improve Vivien La Classidus’ skills.”

Geunwon spoke calmly without blinking.

I tilted my head.

“What does Vivien have to do with it in the first place?”

“Because he is the master of the Ordo of Order. And the Ordo of Order is a kind of essence in which Magia’s knowledge is concentrated. In other words, it serves as the key to liberating the city… .”

“I know that. But unfortunately, Vivien is not an orthodox wizard. Rather, it summons demonic beasts with a magic circle… .”

“So we have to go further.”

As if taking revenge for the interruption, Geun-won immediately interrupted me and came in.

“All of Magia’s knowledge is stored in the form of magic djinn.”

The moment I heard the next words, I suddenly felt my mood sink.

It was like that. What the source said is definitely correct. During the battle, when Marvolo liberated the Ordo of Order, didn’t a huge magic formation emerge that covered the entire city?

When I think back to that time, a strange thrill suddenly arises.

“then… . “Are you saying there is a possibility that Vivian will summon a higher corps than now?”

“I’m sure there will be summons among them. “It may not be 100%, but there’s no way it won’t help.”

When I spoke while hiding my trembling, the source still answered in an indifferent voice. It was a voice that felt more reassuring than ever.

I quietly closed my eyes.

‘Thank you for saving me and giving me happiness. Thanks to you, I can go back to where I belong.’

‘Now when the king is born and the 1st legion is revived… . I should also return to my original position as commander of the 1st Corps.’

‘I hope you are happy wherever you are, as much as you gave me happiness.’

‘then… . Is this really the last time… .’

Even though I know it won’t happen and that it’s impossible, I have high hopes for what might happen.

but… .

Is it really possible? Isn’t it for no reason to expect it? In the first place, we can be sure that Marvolo has magical knowledge about hell… .

No, wait a minute.

there is. That’s right, there is.

To stop me, who was charging at that time, Marvolo summoned two magic circles to the left and right,

‘This guy really pisses people off. I was really surprised. I never dreamed that I would see the sixth fire of hell, the fire and the eternal snow here. ‘What a piece of shit.’

I said that as I narrowly escaped. clearly.

Yes, it’s okay to say that it’s a remote possibility.

If I could see Gehenna again, or at least hear from it… !


When he violently stands up and screams, Vivien, who was sitting sullenly with her mouth sticking out, is startled.

“let’s go.”

“Uh, huh?”

“Let’s go right away. hurry.”

“… “You said you were busy?”

I heard a grumpy voice, but I had no time to deal with it. I quickly put on my uniform and turned around to see Vivien looking at me with strange eyes.

“Hoo… . Your attitude changes so drastically? Our Clan Lord, what kind of wind suddenly blew?”

That’s really… .

No, bear with it, bear with it. Everything can only happen if Vivien is there.

“Okay, let’s go.”


But Vivien raised the corners of her mouth and stood up from the sofa. Then he lazily crossed his arms and made a natural expression.

“I’m really sorry. I really want to go, but I didn’t go through the formalities, make an appointment, or ask for permission. “So I don’t think I can go.”

“You man.”

“Well, if we start now, I think we can go at night? what do you think about it?”

“I think so.”

As I passed by, I swung my right hand as hard as I could.

“You should have done it well beforehand. It’s a reversal of fortunes. Woohee… .”

slap! The feel of your plump butt fits comfortably in your hand.


Vivian tried to laugh but then let out a strange groan.

“Just keep your nonsense to yourself and follow me. Are you going first?”

I quickly grabbed Geunwon’s hand and left the door.

And after a while.

“Ugh… . You bad guy… .”

Just as I was about to go down the stairs, Vivien’s sad cries were heard coming through the hallway.

“Ugh… . Let’s go together… .”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Information about the magic circle is briefly mentioned in episode 265.

In case anyone is curious… . ☞☜


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not work with dark mode