MEMORIZE Chapter 754

00754 To Kill, Or Not To Kill? ————————————————– ———————-=

The air passing by my nose is cold. It seems that morning has come.

After waking up, a slight feeling of dizziness occurred on my forehead, and I slowly gathered my thoughts with my eyes closed.

After using the miracle on the source last night, we headed towards the Forest of Smoke, weary. In fact, the intention was to return to the city as quickly as possible, but since it was right after the battle, everyone’s physical strength was severely low, so they could not march for a long time and set up a camp. And I remember that I stopped eating and went straight to my sleeping bag.

Anyway, I wanted to keep curling up like this, but I forced myself to move out of the sleeping bag.

Smoke was still flowing through the forest. Since everything is over, there is no need to worry, but it probably means that the smoke effect will be applied anyway. Since I don’t have to worry about Hwajeong’s influence, it would be kind of fun to wake up early and watch the changes.


Eventually, I crawl out of my sleeping bag and open my eyes to see my colleagues fast asleep. I felt a little dazed. It’s understandable if you fall asleep while standing guard, but did you sleep in your sleeping bag?

Just when I thought I was going crazy, a slender girl sitting alone in the center of the camp suddenly caught my eye. Now, she has a body that looks like she’s about to be in elementary school or middle school, and the way she sometimes turns her head here and there seems like she’s on guard. I stared blankly for a while.

I know who it is. A witch who gained new life last night thanks to Ansol’s miracle, or should I say a piece of origin.

As a result, last night I allowed the use of a miracle, and the source was given new life. In fact, in the past, I would have waited for a long time before making a decision, but the situation with only 30 minutes left required a quick decision.

Of course, it was not a decision made arbitrarily. When I called my colleagues and explained the situation, their response was, ‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to save them.’ was inclined to the opinion. Jegal Haesol said, ‘Isn’t this an opportunity to learn about various magics that we don’t know about?’ He took the lead in persuasion with the words, and succeeded in getting the response of the wizards who made up the main part of the expedition.

One surprising thing is that after the miracle was used, the witch’s mature body suddenly became younger. According to the source’s words, ‘It is assumed that in the process of converting the remaining source flow into the soul, the body was formed into an optimal form according to that infinitesimal amount.’ That said, I don’t really know what it means. From the beginning, it seemed like the source didn’t expect that a miracle would actually come true.

Anyway, since he is a wizard, it doesn’t matter much as long as his abilities are preserved. It’s just a little disappointing. Regardless of her friends and enemies, the mature witch’s body boasted a considerable figure. She did, but she changed like that… . Hey, as long as it not only tastes good but looks good, that’s fine.

“… … .”

At that time, Geunwon, who was looking around, turned his head and made eye contact with me. He must have felt my gaze.

I opened my mouth right away.

“What about the others?”

“With my persuasion, he was sent in a sleeping bag.”

The source’s reply was a bit unexpected. By the way, although it feels a bit young, it is still a hard and cold mechanical sound. But the problem is not that it suits them well.


“All security personnel complained of fatigue. So, for the sake of efficiency, I concluded that it would be better for me to stand guard alone.”

“Then what about you?”

“Of course, since I have settled in a human body, I cannot escape the influence of the biological system. However, after experiencing an indescribable phenomenon last night, my body is in the best condition… .”

When I raised my hand because the explanation seemed to be getting longer, Geunwon immediately stopped talking.

“I know what you mean, but there’s no need to do that in the future. Humans are originally beings who help each other. He can’t do anything on his own… . Ah, it’s okay to engrave this.”

“… Accept.”

Seeing Geunwon nodding his head slightly makes me feel a little less anxious. Yesterday, I felt like I made a hasty decision, and after saving his life, I wondered if I had done the right thing. Instead of carrying out a surprise attack, he stood guard alone while he was asleep.

“I also have a question.”

Just as I was about to get up, it looked straight at me with deeply curious eyes. At the same time, thoughts of the beginning of the year come to mind this morning.

“What? “Why did I save you?”


The source was quite simply denied.

“Then what is it?”

“Why has your body changed like that?”

At first I wondered what that meant. However, the moment I reached into my pocket to take out the tobacco, I stopped my actions without realizing it.

why. Why can’t my hands be seen outside the uniform? Why is more than a third of my sleeves sagging?

When I force myself to roll up my sleeves, I can see my arms that have become thinner and my hands like ferns.

“W-what is it?”

wait for a sec. Now that I think about it, why is my voice like this? Like a child’s voice… .


At that moment, a thought passed through my mind like a beam of light.

I lowered my gaze to see if it was any different. I could see my body becoming much younger than its origins. Due to the effect of the fog, the body’s age goes back in time.

“Uh huh huh huh!”

First, out of courtesy, I screamed once,

‘Hwajeong, Hwajeong! ‘How did this happen!’

I immediately looked for Hwajeong, but there was no reply. There is no way that God has forgotten about name and color. It’s clear that he either fell asleep or intended to enjoy this situation.

‘Hey, why is this happening all of a sudden? Did you have any regrets? Hwajeong!’

Although she called out to him several times, Hwajeong remained silent and remained silent. Meanwhile, my colleagues, who had been awakened by the screams, started crawling out of their sleeping bags one by one.

“Aham… . What happen. number… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was standing up while rubbing her eyes, stopped talking when she saw me.

“Suddenly there was a scream… . oh.”

Im Hanna, who was coming out with a heavy chest, was shocked and covered her mouth.

“… … .”

Han So-young was already up. However, she is looking at me with her lips slightly parted and her shocked eyes.

“Hmm? Ugh?”

The melody is… . It seems that he has fallen into silence again.

After a while.

“ah… .”

The women who woke up let out strange noises with blank eyes and slowly began to approach. As if possessed by something.


A huge storm swept through the camp in the morning, but somehow they were able to start their march safely.

… no. In fact, it wasn’t safe at all.

After breakfast, I instructed them to clear up the camp as casually as possible. However, the women of the expedition gathered together from time to time to whisper something to each other (even Han So-young joined the meeting), and suddenly Han So-young came up and hugged me.

I was shaking as much as I could, asking what this was, but I was met with squeaks, inexplicable hot stares, and ‘You did the same thing to me, right?’ At Han So-young’s whisper, she had no choice but to let her body go limp.

In the end, the march began with him calmly held in the arms of Han So-young.

Of course, being held in Han So-young’s arms is an infinite honor. Sometimes the hand that caresses the top of my head is crazy soft, and the soft scent of flesh is so fragrant that it makes me lose my mind. However, regardless of whether it was good or bad, the situation was quite embarrassing.

That’s the case even now. I had to try hard not to touch Han So-young’s chest, which I thought was a sacred space, but every time I did that, she pulled me in, so it wasn’t all that difficult. She thought about just closing her eyes and trespassing on the sanctuary, but somehow she felt guilty.

‘How did this happen… .’

– ha… . ha… .

‘Hwajeong? Hwajeong!’

– It’s thrilling!

‘How did this happen? ‘Do you feel sorry for me at all?’

– It’s always new.

‘Damn, what are you talking about? Come to your senses!’

– Younger is best.

… This is what Hwajeong looks like when she wakes up. I don’t know if this damned performance may have had the effect of a collective shota complex on the women of the expedition, but in any case, there is no way for me to overcome the current situation.

The good news among all the misfortunes is that not all the attention is on me. After using the miracle last night, the source was (?) taking some of the attention of his colleagues.

“Heh, but. “Don’t we need a name too?”


“yes. “I keep calling it Geunwon, and I also call it Yana you.”

“hmm. That’s definitely true… .”

When Heo Jun-young touched his chin and agreed, Ansol walked to Geunwon’s side and stuck his head in.

“So I thought about it. How about the name Love Love? “What do you think, Mr. Source?”

Ansol smiled and spoke with a bright expression.

But at that moment I could see clearly. For a split second, Geunwon frowned as if he was very displeased. Maybe it’s an instinctive feeling of rejection.

“huh? how is it? “It’s good, right?”

“… sorry.”

As Ansol continued speaking naturally, Heo Jun-young sighed and apologized, placing his hand on Geunwon’s small shoulder. I understood why he was apologizing.

“Let me teach you one thing. There are people that humans can ignore, but there are also people, like this priest, that it doesn’t work with. So in times like this, just spit in his face.”

“Eh? What do you mean! “Don’t teach strange things!”


“Hey, accept? “Oh, no!”

hmm. Always finding the way from the front, it’s refreshing to see it from the back like this. And currently in the lead is, of course, the archer Im Hanna… . huh? Why did you suddenly stop walking? Why are you walking this way?

“Im Hanna?”

“Istantel Low Road. “It’s time.”

Just as I was wondering, Im Hanna made a strange sound. And he looks at me with a very expectant expression.

“Now it’s my turn.”

After listening to the following words, I understand the situation to some extent. The reason they were gathered together and whispering earlier was clearly because they had decided that it would be their turn to march with me in their arms. Damn, I don’t want things to turn out like this.

But I soon gave up. And I decided to think in a positive direction. In fact, my neck was starting to hurt because I was leaning forward too much. If the other person is Lim Hannah, you can entrust your body to her without any burden, and wouldn’t the cushion(?) that supports you be quite great?

“… … .”

Han Soyoung didn’t say anything. She just hugs me with a slightly wary look in her eyes.

“No. Monopoly is not right. “This has already been discussed, right?”

But Im Hannah spoke bluntly and quickly kicked me away.


Han So-young reflexively stretched out her hand and expressed regret. And she looks at me with faint eyes. She seems to be looking at a mother who was forcibly deprived of her child. At one point she thought, ‘Are you really abandoning me?’ She thought about making that face, but somehow she felt like she would end up in chaos, so she decided to stop.

On the other hand, Im Hanna smiled very satisfied and hugged me tightly and rubbed our cheeks.

“Suhyeon~. Shall we go together from here with my sister? Hehehe.”

I wanted to tackle her, asking if she was my older sister, but the soft, squishy feeling that touched my skin made me say nothing. hmm. I can go in peace now.

Finally, as I laid down and took a long breath, I suddenly felt a slightly warm and moist touch on the back of my neck. Why is it so wet?

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong with us, Suhyeon~?”

“no… . Because it was wet. “Why are you so wet?”

“huh? “It’s wet?”

As I looked away, as expected. Other parts are fine, but the area around the chest is particularly swollen. In particular, the most raised part(?) was soaked with milky white liquid. It was so bad that the inside was slightly see-through.

“Why, why are you like this?”

Im Hanna must have finally felt something strange, too, as she gently lifted her clothes with her index finger and lowered her head. Then her kind eyes grew as big as her flower lantern.

“It’s mom!”

Im Hanna let out a loud scream and rolled over violently. She settles down lightly and looks over to see the woman clutching her chest with an expression of disbelief on her face.

“Wow, that’s ridiculous… . Haven’t given birth yet… . No, not even pregnant… . No, I couldn’t even get married… .”

Im Hanna even trembled slightly, as if she had been greatly shocked by something. Why is it doing that all of a sudden? Now that I think about it, a sweet yet savory smell, similar to warm milk, comes from somewhere… .

It was then.

The moment I smelled the scent flowing in the air,


Suddenly, without realizing it, my mouth started watering.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s very late. Yesterday afternoon, I suddenly collapsed from exhaustion. I’m truly sorry. _(__)_

This episode has completely concluded with this episode, and I will probably return to the city in the next episode. We plan to go and deal with various small episodes such as giving Kim Soo-hyun a break, recovering the foreshadowing of Yu-jeong Lee and the ancient magic city of Magia, and demons.

And new readers don’t have to feel left out at all. Comments are always welcome and always read. I want to remain close friends with you all until Memorize is completed and in the next work as well. ☞☜ I like a dependable older brother, a lively male friend of the same age, and a mischievous male younger brother. So, I would appreciate it if you could become friends with me without any pressure(?). 😀

P.S. And I’ll tell you in advance, the witch’s physical age is already hundreds of years old. That’s just it. Hum hum.


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not work with dark mode