MEMORIZE Chapter 745

00745 History. ————————————————– ———————-=



Suddenly, the robe was torn and something huge blocked my view. It happened so quickly that I didn’t realize what it was at first. However, something soon began to flap its wings powerfully, and the body of the witch, who had decapitated herself, began to rise into the air.

I was startled and focused my eyes, and wide open wings came into view. The wings, reminiscent of a bat, were very large and dark black. Just when I thought it looked somehow familiar, the witch took off as if riding the wind and quickly moved away.

– Chase!

Hwajeong’s voice rang in my head. However, the moment he put all his strength into her feet, his body suddenly stumbled violently.


Rumbling! Rumbling!

When I looked down, I saw the altar collapsing. No, not just the altar, but the entire room we entered was collapsing. It’s as if the world is coming to an end, and the entire space falls into pieces as if it were a puzzle. And behind it, another new world was appearing.

It was that moment.



For a moment, a heated flash passed before my eyes. As I reflexively closed my eyes and opened them, a high-pitched scream rang out in the air. Im Hanna, who has a rare angry expression, is glaring at someone while holding a ‘brilliant flash’. A glowing arrow was stuck on the witch’s back as she hovered in the air. The moment I saw that he was staggering, I shouted without hesitation.

“Dragon foot painting!”

『I activate Dragon Foot Transformation.』

And after immediately gaining balance, it moved its sprouted wings and soared with all its might.

– That was a good hit! Get it done as quickly as possible before it becomes a hassle!


As Hwajeong’s voice continued, clear flames enveloped the sword dripping with blood. He said that he would provide the necessary assistance and that I should just focus on killing the witch.

Thanks to that support, I was able to shorten the distance in an instant through the three-step movement consisting of jumping, gungshintanyeong, and Lee Hyeong-hwanwi. As I got closer, the witch’s expression distorted as if she had seen a monster.

“Yo, dragon wings? crazy! How can humans… !”

Before I finished saying those words, I struck down the sword with all my might. The witch hurriedly raised her arms to face the direction of the strike. As if she had summoned it before she knew it, a long, broom-like staff was held in her right hand. In a split second, the broom turned blue and spewed out a round magic beam, which collided with the sword.

Kaang! Kaang!

Blue sparks flew out at the point of intersection. I took a small breath. Surprisingly, the magic jin defended my full-power attack twice. Although it split in half and burned and melted, the sharp fear did not reach the inside. Still, the aftereffects remain as the witch falls down leaving behind a long scream… .

“… … !”

no. I thought I was going to fall, but just before I hit the ground, I managed to spread my wings and take off again. But the witch no longer ran away. She must have realized that she had no choice but to run away, so she floated up into the air and glared at me as if she were going to kill me.

I adjusted my sword and looked closely at the witch. Wings on the back, hands discolored black… . And the moment I discovered the horns on the top of her head, I was finally able to notice the change in the witch.

“I see. “It was the devil.”


‘But the ones you’re talking about didn’t wake me up. ‘I woke up a long time ago, maybe a few months ago?’

‘I don’t know that. I had no idea that there was a being that could interfere with the astral dimension.’

okay. If it’s the devil, it can explain what the witch said earlier. In other words, it was not the caravan that awakened the sealed witch, but the devil. And that was not recently, but long ago. If you think about it, something similar happened before. Even when the dragon entered the mountain range where the dragon sleeps, didn’t the devils resurrect Magna Carta?

‘Then why?’ The question continued, but there was something to be said. Perhaps because I broke up all the plans he had, he was trying to do something out of my sight. When I thought about it like that, I suddenly felt like my bones were burning. Just in case, I had left it without paying attention like I did in the past… . It would have been an enormous disaster that could not even be compared to the first round.

The battle entered a lull for a moment. The witch no longer showed a calm expression. The shock she received from the clash earlier still lingered on her, as she frowned and massaged her right hand. I quietly folded my arms, thinking that I needed to find out who he was first. It’s a shame that the third eye is limited.

“I wondered how they stopped it… . I didn’t know there was a devil. haha.”

“… … .”

“Let’s see.” There is no way a demon could defend against my attack… . So that means you have to be at least 14 demon lords or higher.”

“… … .”

I nudged her, but the witch showed no reaction. Perhaps she is trying to hide the identity of the devil, but her actions are quite cautious. This meant that there was a high possibility that the demon implanted in the witch’s body knew my identity.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any ways to find out. Unless you are the Archdemon himself, the method of provoking the Demon 14 Lord or Demon is surprisingly simple. I remembered the blue magic circle created around the broom earlier.

“Compatibility with witches. And if you think about the defense from earlier… . Could it be Balsor? “That worthless servant of Satan?”

At that moment, the witch trembled. I lifted the corner of her mouth.

“Don’t act. Pluton. “It looks like Lucifer, like that gentleman, couldn’t even teach you how to act.”

– Shut up, you bastard!

I knew it. The reaction came out right away. It was not a witch’s voice, but a voice that seemed to resonate from deep inside. I think he was probably trying to pretend to be Balsor and get away with it, since he knows the tendencies of demons very well.

“Did you write down your will? “Wouldn’t Proserpina be sad?”

I chuckled and adjusted my martial arts sword. Come to think of it, it was really fun to trample on Proserpina as a group in front of Pluton.

Anyway, I don’t know how I ended up encountering the devil, but I felt happy. Isn’t this like catching a mouse while walking backwards? If Pluton is defeated here, the demon camp will suffer a huge blow.

Now that I knew who it was, I slowly looked around. The surrounding scenery had suddenly changed again. The round and spacious room suddenly disappeared, revealing a scene that looked like the turn of the century. A landscape where the sky is red and the ground is covered with rough, reddish bushes.

‘here is… .’

– The real picture of this world.

The answer came from Hwajeong.

‘What is this world really like?’

– okay. Who said that when you came in earlier? This world is a space made of magical power.

I’m sure I’ve heard something similar.

– Currently, all that magic has been removed.

‘They say it was all taken away?’

– okay. I don’t know why, but that witch removed it herself. This probably means that the situation was that urgent.

‘is it… .’

So, does this mean that this is the true ‘Tomb of the Savage King’?

– Anyway, it would be best to step down first. Now that the true astral dimension has been revealed, even I have no idea what will happen. So from now on, don’t even think about going on a rampage alone.


I immediately agreed to Hwajeong’s advice. From now on, we won’t just be dealing with witches. He was put in a position where he had to deal with the witch’s magic and Pluton’s abilities at the same time. If the witch is alone, it can be easily solved due to the nature of my user information, but if Pluton joins the situation, the situation changes 180 degrees.

Pluton. One of the 14 demon lords, he is a renowned demon lord under Lucifer who entered into a marital relationship with Proserpina. Although he is slightly inferior to the Mammon that I dealt with a long time ago, his close combat ability is also considerable, and it is undeniable that he is a skilled user of high-level demon magic. And since several months had passed since his seed bloomed, his strength must have recovered to some extent. I don’t think he will lose, but he is an opponent you can never let down your guard against.

After a while.

As I landed on the ground and folded my wings, my fellow pursuers immediately surrounded me.

“Merchantry Lord. “What happened?”

“I tried to kill him while he was off guard, but something unexpected happened.”

In response to Soyoung Han’s question, she pointed to the sky and everyone raised their heads at the same time. The witch was still floating in the sky.

“The devil has appeared. It is presumed to be one of the 14 demon lords, similar to the Mammon we faced last time. “He is definitely not someone who will let down his guard.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Seonyul, Han Soyoung, and others responded that they had no idea what he was talking about. However, some clan members looked very nervous and raised their weapons. It is a reminder of the difficult battle against Mammon.

“iced coffee… . What on earth happened… . Anyway, this is an opponent that needs to be defeated, right?”

Seonyul shook her head and took out a card from her pocket.

It was then.

“Shut up!”

Suddenly, a louder voice rang out across the red sky. This time it was the witch’s voice.

“Run away? “Are you telling me to abandon this space and run away?”

“You can’t do that! I put so much effort into preparing it! Just a little more and I can get revenge!”

From the looks of it, Pluton seemed to be continuing to urge them to run away. He was a good choice. Of course, I have no intention of letting go.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Am I going to die? Are you going to lose to those people? “Am I, the so-called one-man army?”


Torn laughter rings in my ears. However, if I felt like I was trying to hide my fears or not being able to admit them, would I be mistaken?

Eventually, the witch, who had been laughing like crazy, stopped laughing for a moment.

“If you’re not going to help me, keep your mouth shut.”

He spits it out as if chewing it and looks down with an even bloodier face. Then, he laid the broom horizontally, touched his buttocks, and stretched out his fully open right hand. After a while, terrifying magical power began to gather like a whirlpool. Long purple hair flutters in all directions, and a tremendous flow of magical energy encompasses the ground.

“Animate Flora!”

It was that moment. As soon as I recited the spell, the ground began to crack, and vines covered in dark blood began to sprout out from all directions. Even the space where you stand. We didn’t sit still either. Ha Seung-woo quickly chanted a spell and brought both his hands together and brought them to the ground.

“────. ────. Change Sand, Change Rock!”

Then something strange happened. The ground, which had been gradually cracking, began to harden, slowly discoloring to gray and becoming hard like a rock. Soon the vine, which had been rising vigorously, suddenly withered, withered, twisted, and fell down helplessly.

Of course, it did not affect all areas. Outside 20 meters in diameter, large, disgusting tentacle plants over 2 meters long were sprouting and writhing.

“Hehehe, hehehe. It’s okay to be happy. This… .”

I laughed bitterly at the witch’s voice that sounded as if she had lost her mind.

“radish… . Smile?”

Did you check my smile? The witch’s voice immediately became sharp. Just like Marvolo, this witch also seems quite crazy. Because of this, the devil must have targeted her.

Anyway, the devil’s appearance was definitely unexpected. But this is not the case at all with the tentacle plants that are now swarming everywhere. Didn’t you get tired of seeing it in the past when the city was attacked? As such, the appearance of the plant army was within expectation, and preparation measures were in place. It was not for nothing that this expedition team was selected with a priority on combination.

“Baek Han-gyeol, Kim Han-byeol!”

I shouted without delay, and the two nodded equally.

“Go away, Ha Seung-woo!”

Immediately after shouting, the two immediately raised their staffs.

“────. ────.”

“────. ────.”

“────. ────.”

“────. ────.”

Next, four users begin chanting spells at the same time.

It was now the start of the second round.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ahaha. Do not worry too much. How much effort did you put into this part, is there any way that it would fall down in vain like that? The witch and Pluton are planning to put up a pretty good rebellion(?). … ah. But when you say it’s a rebellion, it feels kind of strange. It’s as if Kim Soo-hyun is the axis of evil, and the witches and devils who fight hard are actually… . Hmm.

Therefore, the next episode is ‘Special! cheer up! ‘Magic (Law) (Little) Woman!’ is scheduled to be serialized… .(Pukpuk!)

Okay then, I’ll just go ahead and reply to the piled up messages.

Have a restful night, all readers. 🙂


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not work with dark mode