MEMORIZE Chapter 744

00744 History. ————————————————– ———————-=


My back arches automatically due to the sudden surge of nausea, and I reflexively cover my mouth. There was no way the feeling of nausea would go away, but Lee Yu-jeong barely swallowed the unpleasant sensation that rose up to the very end of her throat. But she still doesn’t disappear. After entering this strange space, the sensation I felt at some point was increasing in intensity as time passed. Even at this moment, it feels like someone is going through my entire body without hesitation. It looks like three or four steel ballistas have been stuck. A horribly vivid feeling, as if my abdomen was about to explode.

“Wow! “Weeeeeek!”


In the end, Lee Yu-jeong couldn’t bear it. She barely straightened her back, and then she fell down as if she was collapsing. In the meantime, I gritted my teeth to hold it in, but in the end, I ended up throwing up vomit. As the sour smell mixed with the fishy smell of blood came in, the vomiting continued. I felt slightly better after letting out my stomach like that, but soon other emotions came and took the place of the empty space. When she saw something dirty scattered in front of her, she felt embarrassed and embarrassed. It was a kind of self-destruction.

‘Ansol also endured it… .’

Some people pat you on the back, while others ask you if you are okay and look at you with sad eyes. Lee Yu-jeong wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and tried to stand up. At that moment, she felt a throbbing pain in her abdomen again, and her upright arm was bent in half. A sudden, unexplained feeling of helplessness swept over her whole body. Lee Yu-jeong held both of her hands together while secretly biting her mouth.

“what’s the matter. “Are you okay?”

At that time, I heard Kim Soo-hyun’s voice asking me if I was okay. Lee Yu-jeong suddenly came to her senses. She almost begged for the position she barely got. She can’t help, no, she couldn’t help in the first place, so don’t bother her. More than anything, I hated being seen like this in front of Kim Soo-hyun more than dying. Lee Yu-jeong gritted her teeth and stood up from her seat.

“are you okay!”

“I don’t think so. too… .”

“no! “It’s really okay!”

“… … .”

Lee Yu-jeong was screaming without realizing it. Kim Soo-hyun, who had been staring blankly for a while, told her not to overdo it and turned around. Lee Yu-jeong desperately tried to control her breathing and began to struggle to follow step by step. She then gently placed her hand on the branded area. My abdomen still felt like it was freezing.


How much time has passed?

Leading my companions soaked in pain, I stopped walking on the endless road. Before my eyes, I saw an old castle that preserved the passage of time. The distance is about 50 meters. I took a deep breath as I looked at the dark, black entrance ahead. I suddenly became anxious. Although it quickly subsided due to the influence of my mind’s eye, I soon started running forward without realizing it. And I passed through the entrance without hesitation.

The scenery did not change any more and just passed by. After passing through the pillars lined up on the left and right and quickly passing through the corridor, a huge iron gate finally came into view. It was a massive door over 5 meters long, with metaphysical patterns engraved on each corner. Just as I was about to push the door in, I suddenly felt heavy breathing. As we passed through the fog, our stamina decreased, so it was difficult to say that we were in perfect condition. But rather than feeling tired, I felt like someone was suffocating inside me.

I calmed my heart and looked back, and before I knew it, I saw my colleagues chasing me. All of them were frowning and staring at the door with strange eyes. Pain, hatred, anger, loss… . Even resentment.

“I’m going in.”

After thinking quietly, I pushed the door open without hesitation. And as I slowly walked inside, a round and spacious room appeared. There was no need to look around. There was a large altar in front, and someone was sitting on it. I immediately raised my sword and began to move forward cautiously. All my colleagues raise their weapons and follow me.

Does he not know we came in? Even though the distance was less than 20 meters away, the seal on the altar did not show the slightest movement. As I get closer and look up, I can clearly see the shape.

Was Sleeping Beauty really like this? Inyoung’s identity was a woman so mysterious and fascinating that it gave me goosebumps. She is also a very young beauty. Beneath the witch’s hat worn tightly, the purple hair flowing down in abundance is beautiful. However, her face looking down seemed somehow empty, and her eyes were tightly closed. Her witch’s face is still not facing us.

It was then.

“this… !”

Just as someone was about to run forward, I immediately stretched out my hand and signaled them to stop. The energy coming from people around me was unusual, so I guess I was a little excited on the way here. And more than anything, I was able to notice that the witch was awake a little while ago. If you look closely, it looks like it’s sleeping quietly, but it just moved very slightly. I definitely didn’t miss turning the hourglass in my left hand.

After a while.

“… “That’s surprising.”

A high-pitched, feminine voice resonated throughout the quiet space. A voice that seems to be whispering right next to you. Then, the witch slowly opened her eyes, revealing empty purple eyes beneath thin eyelashes. The witch slightly raises her head and calmly looks at us.

“Most of the kids who came this far are running like a lion… .

This means that you have taken control yourself. okay. “You, no, you might be a little different.”

The witch who said that suddenly crossed her legs. Her dark robe flutters down, revealing her stunning calves. Soon, the witch placed both of her hands on the altar and looked straight at me.

“So, what do you think? “How does it feel to look back on history from hundreds of years ago and stand before me again?”

“… … ?”

“Can you understand the feelings and emotions of that time? “The third lung prince?”

“… … .”

The third lung prince. I immediately understood what the witch said. The first is the Crown Prince himself, the second is one of the caravans that came in earlier, and the third is me. In other words, my current body was connected to the soul of the deceased prince.

“What happened to the 15 people who came in earlier?”

Instead of answering, I straightened my sword.

“I asked first. “If you don’t answer, I won’t tell you.”

But the witch shook her head.

“I don’t know feelings or emotions.”

“The answer is not enough.”

“You said you didn’t know. “I just think it’s stupid.”

“… Are you stupid? Prince Lung?”

As she calmly nodded her head, the witch’s eyes widened slightly. For a split second, a look passed by her once empty purple eyes. After a while, the white cheeks of the witch who was staring at me suddenly said, “Fu.” It was swollen.


A shattering laugh, almost like a scream, cut through the air and filled the hall. It was so funny that it was a lively and lively sound, different from the feeling I had felt earlier. Now, they are laughing out loud, even bending their waists. As she rocks her body to and fro and stamps her feet, the witch’s voluptuous body stands out greatly due to the rather small robes.

“Everyone prepare for battle!”

I couldn’t wait any longer, so I gave instructions right away. Her companions seemed to be waiting and pointed their weapons at the witch. Coincidentally, the witch was also slowly calming down.

“Ah, poor old prince… . He ran with such great form that he wasn’t even recognized by future generations. Yeah, stupid. “That’s really stupid.”

The witch wiped her tears with the back of her hand and suddenly looked at me with a lustful smile. There were clearly tears in her eyes that had not yet been wiped away.

“Are you going to fight? I don’t want to fight with you. “It’s a useless game anyway.”

“radish… .”

“And you haven’t even answered yet. If you want to listen, put down your weapon.”

“… … .”

If I had been alone, I would have attacked already. But you can’t just rush into it. Anyway, since I was in charge of the mission, I needed to know the whereabouts of the 15 people who came in earlier, and on the other hand, the witch’s information was not read. This is not the present world, but a space for witches and abandoned princes. Unless it is the home ground and the witch’s power is unknown, you should avoid doing stupid things. Maybe the level of witches is easily surpassed by Marvolo.

Thinking like that, I gritted my teeth and lowered my sword. The witch smiled as brightly as a flower blooming and nodded her head.

“huh. Good, good. “I like good kids.”

“15 people.”

“Oh, I’m in a hurry. What do you like? Because they’re not gentlemanly like you. When he sees me, he runs at me like a male dog in heat. So~. “I happened to be preparing something, so I grabbed everything and used it as food.”

“food… . “No, ready?”

At that moment, I asked myself a question without realizing it. Because something was strange. As in the past, the witch would have been trapped and sealed in this space. I thought the caravan that came in earlier had awakened the sleeping witch’s spirit. But the witch’s words just now are out of focus.

“You didn’t wake up recently, did you?”

“Wake up… ? Oh~. that’s right. “I never thought you, Prince Ruin, would have such achievements.”

The witch looked like she knew something. She then throws her hourglass in her hand into the air, which she catches as if clawing.

“But the ones you’re talking about aren’t the ones who woke me up. “I woke up a long time ago, maybe a few months ago?”

“what? how?”

“I don’t know about that. I had no idea that there was a being that could interfere with the astral dimension. Anyway, I am grateful to you. “Thanks to you, I was able to take revenge.”

“… … .”

The word revenge came out. Suddenly, a memory from the past crossed my mind. Something seems strange about the story.

“Now that I think about it, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. Hey, wake up. Wake up. “A guest has arrived~.”

After saying that, the witch touched her heart and suddenly jumped off the altar. And after landing lightly on her floor, she smiles and takes off her hat. There was no one around except the witch and us.

“Then let me introduce you. This is him… .”

at that time.


Suddenly the witch hesitated. She lowers her head and gazes at her prominent breasts.

“It’s a surprise! “Why are you screaming all of a sudden?”

“… Yes? hell? “What are you talking about?”

“Run away? Run away? why me?”

“Who is that guy?”

The witch, who was muttering to herself, glanced at me in the middle of the conversation. She then tilted her head and looked back. At the same time, I felt someone lightly tapping my shoulder.

“Merchantry Lord. Weird. hurry… !”

Han So-young’s voice sounds like a whisper.

At that moment, I leapt forward without hesitation.


The witch felt strange.

– Ahhhhh!

“It’s a surprise! “Why are you screaming all of a sudden?”

I tried to wake my friend up, but he screamed as soon as he woke up.

– It’s him! It’s him! how how? Surely he would have been sent to hell then?

“… Yes? hell? “What are you talking about?”

– Oh, no. Run away! Quickly, get out the broom and run away!

“Run away? Run away? why me?”

– Damn it! No time to explain! That guy is not someone you can handle!

“Who is that guy?”

Even though the inner sound was ringing in her head, the witch calmly tilted her head.

– Well, no! front!

At that moment, the sound hurriedly warned.

The witch naturally raised her head and was able to see Kim Soo-hyun running at terrifying speed. However, her witch’s face did not show the slightest agitation or even the slightest embarrassment.

“Fuyu, I don’t really want to fight… .”

Soon, my body felt like it was floating, and in an instant it soared into the air. Kim Soo-hyun also jumped with all her might, but the witch calmly put her right hand forward. Then something surprising happened. Without even reciting her spell, brilliant blue water droplets were created around her hand, and soon began to pour down. The stream of water that turned into a small wave pierced Kim Soo-hyun’s body without a doubt.

“Look. “I told you it was no use.”

After checking it, the witch who came up to the altar sighed in sorrow.

“It’s no use?”

However, I suddenly trembled at the sound of a voice coming from right behind me. Next, Kim Soo-hyun is seen dispersing in the air as if melting into thin air.

“Illusion? no!”


The startled witch’s voice and Kim Soo-hyun’s cold voice overlapped.




Before I could even turn around, I felt a burning pain near my neck. Her eyes widened and her tongue hung out. The last thing the witch could hear was her inner voice becoming very angry.

– shit! You stupid bitch! How much effort was put into this!

– Metamorphosis!

It was that moment.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers, you are really in love!

I mentioned that in my last review, and the comment is still left on the site.

But is it actually a pilgrimage to a holy place?

I was hoping that someone would delete it, but I was wrong.

I’ve been trying really hard to update at midnight these days, but it breaks my heart.

Lastly, I will give you a wooden table.

No, as long as that comment remains,

From now on, I will also make efforts to update at midnight or to occasionally participate.

I will continue to do this(?).



P.S. Dear readers. I’m fine, so don’t fight. 😀


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not work with dark mode