MEMORIZE Chapter 742

00742 Unpredictably. ————————————————– ———————-=

– I really can’t believe it. So easy… .

– Heh, look at this. Am I right? I said it would be easy as long as it’s just me and the beastman army.

– Hehe, I can’t believe it either. The kingdom is so weak… . Are you just saying that you were persecuted by these guys?

– Oh, that’s wrong. The kingdom was originally strong. However, due to the struggle for the throne, my flesh was cut off. Probably during the heyday.

– what?

– Come on, stop. It seems like these two fight every chance they get.

– It’s because we get along well. So a couple fighting?

– Kaaaaaaaaaaaa!

– Aang, it’s rough~!

– Huh, I didn’t tell you to stop. Can’t we just be happy together?

New Continent Atlanta (North City Secret Library), ‘Annals of the Victorian Dynasty – 18th Emperor (147~147)’, ‘In front of the burning royal castle, the return of the abandoned prince.’


It was then.


Suddenly, the sound of something moving caught my ear.

The strange thing is that no signs of presence other than hearing are detected. At least I could barely hear anything. It was a sound so small that I probably wouldn’t have heard it if I hadn’t heightened my hearing.

Me, Han So-young, and Heo Jun-young turned our eyes to one place at the same time. But at that time, Hannah Lim was already aiming at her thicket as ‘Laura Phyllis’. There is no bowstring, but arrows of brilliant flash burn brightly.

Finally, Im Hanna, who had been staring at the bushes for about 3 seconds, slowly lowered her bow.

“I missed it.”

“What does it look like?”

“I think I saw a shadow moving quickly, but I’m not sure.”

“What direction?”

Im Hanna said nothing and pointed to a road on one side. The bumpy road matched the south direction we had to go.

After a while, my colleagues’ eyes focused on me. I stroked my chin and was lost in thought. Should we continue like this, or should we do maintenance for a day? It was close to sunset, but we almost arrived.

I thought about it for a while, but in the end, my mind leaned towards one side.

“let’s go. “Get everyone lined up.”


The ensuing march was quiet. Although he didn’t say anything, most of his colleagues seemed to sense something strange and stayed silent. Of course, this is ‘the majority’, and there are some who are not like that.

Jegal Haesol.

He hummed a tune as if he were just out for a drink in the neighborhood, then suddenly said he was bored and asked to hand over the records he had brought. He probably noticed that I read the records from time to time.

“Oh, it’s not that fun.”

As I continued to move forward, I heard the voice of Jegal Haesol, who was extremely bored. Then there was the sound of a loud yawn. Then, Baek Han-gyeol, who was walking next to me (even after leaving the fog, Baek Han-gyeol insisted on walking next to me. I don’t know why), glanced at me. It’s obvious that he doesn’t know what to do, wondering if I’m bothering him, but I can’t help but laugh inside.

“huh? Mr. Hangyeol? Why are you suddenly signaling me to be quiet? “Did I do anything wrong?”

“ah? ah!”

Baek Han-gyeol jumped up. I laughed lightly and then quietly opened my mouth.

“So, how did you feel after reading the record?”

“impression? I don’t know “I stopped reading it in the middle.”

“How far did you read?”

“Even the part where the three idiots join forces to regain the throne. I had some expectations because it was an annals, but it felt like I was reading an adventure novel.”

Three idiots. The main character would be Prince Lung, the barbarian king, and the witch. It must have seemed that way in Jegal Haesol’s eyes.

“Why don’t you read some more? “The latter part is directly related to the current expedition.”

“What is it about?”

“The Witch’s Betrayal.”

“Ah, it’s obvious. “Is it because Crown Prince Lung didn’t keep his promise?”

“no? Rather, Prince Retired kept his promise. No, I was trying to protect it.”


“I told you. It’s a witch’s betrayal. After everything is over, the witch makes an unreasonable demand to the King of Yaman under the pretext of her confession. The barbarian king refused her every request, and the witch’s pride must have been hurt by her behavior. so… .”

“wait a minute. “Don’t say more.”

Jegal Haesol quickly stopped me. Then the sound of fluttering records and muttering continued.

“The Crown Prince, who is about to face his coronation, receives shocking news… . The barbarian warriors who lost their leader overnight look for the abandoned prince… . The new monarch of the kingdom. Now is the time to keep your promise. Promise? yes. Since you said you would accept us, aren’t we also subjects of the kingdom now? yes. Then, as the king, please listen to our request. If you are truly the monarch of the kingdom, please repay us for the blood we shed for you. What’s going on? Try speaking. A witch has kidnapped our leader and disappeared. What? Please save our king. … However, all of his subjects opposed the expedition… . The Crown Prince, unable to do anything between the two forces, eventually comes up with a plan. That is, he selected 14 warriors under the guise of accompanying people, including his subordinates and prisoners who had followed him from the beginning. In a situation where the official coronation ceremony was about to take place, all the subjects desperately opposed it. However, the Crown Prince left for the Forest of Fog, saying only that he would go for a walk… .”

Jegal Haesol’s self-talk continued for quite a long time. When I looked down slightly, I saw Baek Han-gyeol’s face becoming infinitely more serious. A high-pitched voice rings alone in a silent march. Everyone seems to be concentrating on the sound of Jegal Haesol’s words.

Just as I was thinking that, I looked ahead and reflexively stopped walking.

“Stop for a moment.”

“W-what’s going on?”

At the same time that Jegal Hae-sol’s voice suddenly stops, a startled Baek Han-gyeol grabs my arm. I slowly looked around and opened my mouth.

“From here, the traces suddenly become darker… .”

Im Hanna must have heard what he said and walked straight forward. Then, after carefully examining the bushy ground, she raises her head and looks ahead. The direction was still south.

“I don’t think it’s a trace of the presence I felt earlier. Rather, it looks like traces of a caravan that came in earlier?”

The bushes ahead were particularly thick, and the trail led into them. I shrugged and resumed my march. Jegal Haesol’s voice no longer continued.

As I forced my way through the waist-high bushes, a wide open space suddenly appeared in front of me.

It is a completely different place from the vacant lot before. It was much wider, but it was bare ground without a single weed, reminiscent of a playground. And above all, in the center of the clearing, there stood several gigantic stone pillars over 60 centimeters in diameter and 8 meters in height. Finally, we arrived at our destination.

As soon as I took a step inside, a wind suddenly blew from somewhere. It was not a natural wind, but a wind with magical power created artificially in the center of the stone pillar.


Someone who was sensitive to magic shouted, wondering if I was the only one who felt it.

But nothing happened. The magical wind just passed by and did not cause any harm.

As I continued to walk, my colleagues who had been carefully looking in all directions slowly began to follow. After reaching the center of the clearing, I gently swept down the stone pillar. There are a total of fifteen stone pillars. The outside is heavily engraved with completely unknown metaphysical characters.

“We’ve arrived.”

“Arrived? Surely this isn’t the end?”

Seonyul looked around and grumbled in a strange voice. The reactions of my colleagues were not much different. In fact, there was a round clearing deep in the forest, and 15 stone pillars lying in a heap. Since there is nothing else, it is natural to think it is strange.

I touched the stone pillar in silence and stared at the center. The stone pillar was standing in a circle as if surrounding something, and in the middle, a stone slab less than half the size of the pillar caught my eye. Ha-yeon Jeong calmly pointed with her hand, as if she had just discovered the existence of the stone slab.

“Here, there is a stone slab?”

The first to react were wizards. Without even knowing who was first, they gathered together and started talking while looking at the stone slab.

“Is there anyone who can interpret archaic language?”

“It was not successful.”

“huh? User Jegal Haesol? What happened suddenly… .”

“Oh, I know how to interpret. “It says so in the first line.”

“no way… . “Wasn’t it year 0?”

“It’s going to be one year soon. And if you don’t know archaic language, how would you have read this?”

In response to Jeong Ha-yeon’s question, Jegal Hae-sol waved the ‘Annals of the Victoria Dynasty’ record he had received earlier.

“Wow, that’s amazing. “I learned it halfway and gave up halfway because it was difficult.”

As Seonyul, who was next to him, admired him, Jegal Haesol looked at him strangely.

“huh? “It’s difficult?”

“… yes?”

“That’s strange. I heard it was easy. “After about two weeks of digging whenever I wanted, I got the hang of it, right?”

“… ah.”

As she tilts her head and speaks, a faint light flashes across Seonyul’s face. Then the eyes gradually narrow.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to be rude. “Are you really that unlucky?”

“are you okay. I understand. “I tend to get it often at times like that.”

“… … .”

“Or maybe it depends on the person. Anyway, will I continue reading?”

Soon, Jegal Haesol shrugged his shoulders and stared at the stone slab, and he suddenly felt a chill rush over him. I walked quietly as my instincts told me. For some reason, I felt like I shouldn’t intervene here.

After a while, Jegal Hae-sol’s voice began to echo in the silent vacant lot.

“It was not successful. It didn’t even fail. However, the pendulum swung towards failure. All you can do is stop the situation and look into eternity. Even though it may be foolish, I have no regrets. The test has already started. Those who come here out of curiosity or those who do not understand should turn around here. Otherwise, everything will be the same as then. When the resolutions of the past seep into the fifteen pure souls, light will rise and the way will open. … “In front of the grave of my friend, the greatest barbarian warrior and king of the beastmen.”

After finishing speaking, Jegal Haesol glanced around and turned his head. The look on his face said, ‘What kind of bullshit is this?’ It seems to be saying.

“Merchantry Lord. Did he by any chance hear anything else from the boy who came to visit?”

Suddenly, Soyoung Han glanced back at me and asked.

“For example, how did you use this pillar?”

It was that moment. I swallowed the words that were about to come out. If you think about it carefully, the boy just said he went in and didn’t go into detail about how. But I know how. There is a strong possibility that Han So-young will notice this gap. I could barely shake my head.

Han So-young looked at me with sad eyes and said, “Hmm.” She gasped and turned her head.

“Yes. “It’s late, but I’ll try to contact the clan.”

As Shin Jae-ryong’s voice continued, I secretly felt my heart sink.

Anyway, the content of the tablet is just an arcane pun. The actual operation method is ridiculously easy. It’s just that it’s a bit awkward to meet the conditions to open the passage.

Of course, I don’t know the details after I entered. All we know is that we have already met the conditions. The magical wind I felt earlier was probably a test of sorts to see if I met the qualifications to open the road.

While Shin Jae-ryong took out the communication bead, the wizards resumed their heated discussion about the contents of the tablet, and those who did not like headache-inducing stories began to wander around the stone pillar. I took a step back and watched quietly. First, I planned to wait for the results to come out, and then step forward if I didn’t get the correct answer.

And, how much time has passed?

“Open sesame.”

Ansol timidly shouts with his arms wide open,

“Yes… .”

I was about to laugh when I saw Baek Han-gyeol looking closely with his nose pressed against the pillar.

“ah! I get it!”

Suddenly, someone shouted as if screaming and raised one hand.

A thick record was held in the hand facing the sky.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers. Listen. I feel really unfair. It’s been a while since I visited the BGM site today, right? This is a site I usually use because it has a lot of new age content. In the past, I have recommended a few songs to readers in my reviews. So, I logged on today to listen to a song I often listen to, and I was completely dumbfounded.

There’s a section on the left side of the site that plays a song, and next to it there’s a section where you can write comments about that song, right? So I was just skimming through the comments, and there was this comment. I will copy it as is.

1. Are there any Memorise readers who received a recommendation from Ro (Recon) Eugene? by Cheong x (For courtesy, the last letters are hidden.)

2. I am a Memorise reader who was introduced to me by Ro (Recon) Eugene. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land by Ahxxx

If I stay like this, they won’t talk. Because I was so shy, I started listening to another song without realizing it, and it happened to be a song I had recommended before. Sure enough, it was there too.

1. Long Live (E)Ro Yujin by Son x

2. Long live Ro(Lee) Eugene by ㅇxx

… 0ㅁ0.

… -_-.

No, dear readers. There are many people who use it there. There are so many. There are a lot of comments on good songs. What will they think of me when they see that comment?

Person A: Huh? Yoojin Ro? Who is Ro Yujin? Lolicon, erotic, loli? Puhahaha!

Aren’t you going to laugh at me like this?

No, it’s okay. Of course, you can write it that way. I’m never questioning it.

It’s just that, anyway, I’m not that(?). no. Oh please.

please. It’s because I keep getting on my nerves. Please delete it. Ugh. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode