MEMORIZE Chapter 733

00733 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

Although there was fog, the morning sky was clear and quiet. However, Mercenary Castle was extremely bustling from the morning breeze. It wasn’t to the point of being crazy, but when Lee Yu-jeong came down with the injured boy, most of the clan members were already gathered in the central square and talking.

“Iknow, right. Suddenly, something happened in the morning… . uh?”

Nam Da-eun, who was talking with a serious face, pretended to know Yu-jeong when she saw Lee Yu-jeong coming downstairs. Then, countless eyes turned to her and the stairs. Is it because of yesterday’s festival? Lee Yu-jeong, who was conflicted about whether she should continue like this or not, came down the stairs hesitantly as soon as she received attention.

“Can you explain what happened?”

However, Nam Da-eun asked calmly, as if she did not care at all about yesterday.

“I don’t know either… .”

Lee Yu-jeong trailed off and looked around. She is looking at herself with an expression of curiosity. Like Nam Da-eun, her expression shows no concern at all about her tearful incident. Then, all of a sudden, the matter she had been seriously contemplating all morning became futile. She suddenly felt like a fool.

“But they say you were the first to discover it. “You just have to tell it like it is.”

In the ensuing chat, Lee Yu-jeong explained what she experienced early in the morning, even though she felt reluctant.

“huh… . I see.”

Im Hanna, who was nodding her head and listening intently, smiled when the explanation was over. She then gently pulled Lee Yu-jeong, who was standing awkwardly, towards her. Lee Yu-jeong was startled and pulled away from her, but was unable to overcome her soft embrace and ended up burying her head in her bountiful chest.

“I was wondering why there was so much blood all over my body. “Our Jjingjingi, have you had a hard time since morning?”

“Jjijjingi? … ah. Come to think of it, blood.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. “By the way, why were you in the garden so early in the morning?”

“Well, that is.”

Lee Yu-jeong stuttered. I’m embarrassed to tell the truth, and I can’t think of a good excuse. In the end, I just buried my head like a child and waited for it to pass by. However, in an exciting situation, an unexpected savior appeared.

“He was training.”

Heo Jun-young suddenly intervened and blurted out something. Lee Yu-jeong glanced next to her with her blank eyes. For a moment, she seemed not to understand what she was saying, and her bewildered expression slowly dawned on her.

Im Hanna stared at Lee Yu-jeong with surprised eyes.

“oh. Training? At that early hour? “Are you sure?”


Lee Yu-jeong reacted clumsily.

“hmm. I’ve never seen that type of person. “Aren’t you a fool to the core?”

“yes. I saw it clearly with my own two eyes. I was very surprised when I first saw it. “He was sweating profusely and moving around like he was dying.”

Was it that unexpected? As Nam Da-eun crossed her arms and muttered as if she was talking to herself, Heo Jun-young spoke in a more polite tone. Although he is a ‘silent executioner’ who is nothing to be afraid of, he also knows how to be reasonably reserved in front of the ‘Shadow Queen’ and ‘The Sword Master’. That’s because he’s not confident he can win against those two, and he knows that there’s nothing good about going against them.

When Heo Jun-young confirmed, strange looks came from all directions. While Lee Yu-jeong felt the gaze and was at a loss as to what to do, another savior was coming down the stairs.


A short-haired woman wearing a white priest’s robe comes down the stairs, daintily tapping her mouth. The public square’s attention immediately focused on Ansol.

“Can you explain to me what happened?”

“huh? “I don’t know much either.”

“still. You must have gone there for treatment. “You just have to tell me what you see.”

“Yes… .”

Same question and answer as before.

Ansol looked worried, then tilted his head and opened his mouth.

“First of all, I saved it. I came to my senses. “I’m sure he’s talking to his brother right now.”

“First of all, you saved him?”

“iced coffee. yes. The wound was extremely severe. It wouldn’t be surprising if he died several times already, but it’s amazing how he lived. … uh? Now that I think about it, how did we get here?”

“… and?”

Did I sense something unusual? Nam Da-eun’s eyes narrowed. In fact she did this and the reason she asked the question was simple. Based on past experience, if an incident occurs, a full meeting is unconditionally convened. Especially in situations where the hourly rate is competing, not only the meeting but also the mission itself progresses at a very fast pace. Therefore, rather than remaining ignorant of anything, knowing a little about the situation can help ensure smooth progress.

Originally, Go Yeon-ju was in charge of this job, but today, for some reason, she was nowhere to be seen, so Nam Da-eun was taking her place.

“Yes~. And~. right. “I saw my brother purifying that boy.”


“yes. You know what? “A clear flame burning brightly.”

“Isn’t it because you wrote something strange like last time? For example, like when you entered the ice forest… .”

“ah. That’s not it. “I thought it was strange, so I asked, but my brother said it wasn’t true.”

“okay? “Then what happened?”

As Ansol shook his head resolutely, someone asked as if he had no idea. However, no one could provide a clear answer. Because it was a situation where everyone didn’t know anything.

It was then.

“The Clan Lord has called a meeting. “Everyone, please gather in the conference room on the first floor.”

A delicate yet comfortable voice rang quietly through the silent square. The owner of the voice was a woman dressed as a maid. However, she was not a woman to be trifled with. The red pattern drawn on her left breast indicated that she was the head of the maids and was under the direct command of the late Yeonju.

Nam Da-eun stepped forward and asked.

“How about Clan Lord?”

“Unfortunately, you don’t seem to be doing very well.”

Even though it was a sudden question, the maid Jang spoke in a familiar manner. In fact, whenever she had an important meeting, she always had a Q&A with Go Yeon-joon.

“many… . “You’re not feeling well?”

“yes. Although you try not to show it outwardly, you are secretly showing your discomfort. It’s like you really don’t like something… . “It seems like it’s worse than the last incident at the Mountains where the Dragon Sleeps.”

The maid Jang very accurately conveyed Kim Soo-hyun’s psychology. Go Yeon-ju did not appoint her as head of the maid for nothing.

But putting that aside, Nam Da-eun clicked her tongue. The fact that it was worse than the mountains where the dragon sleeps meant that a number of incidents had occurred.

“I think it would be best to go into the conference room first. hurry.”

“As you may have heard, I think it would be a good idea to be especially careful with your mouth during this meeting. “Then let’s just go in.”

After giving a warning in a calm voice, Nam Da-eun took the lead and began to walk.


The situation was much more serious than expected.

Kim Soo-hyun, sitting at the head of the table, was smoking cigarettes one after another. Although she appears calm, as the maid Jang said, she is feeling bad whether she knows it or not. Eyes that say they don’t like something. And the quiet conference room.

It would be nice if he could say something, but Kim Soo-hyun doesn’t say anything and only burns cigarettes. He only occasionally shows himself as if he is in deep thought. The clan members sitting in the appropriate seats for each level were quietly observing everyone’s thoughts.

By the time the number of butts had increased one by one, it had reached the fourth.

Cracking, crackling!

Suddenly, a sound broke the silence from outside.

Soon, a woman hurriedly runs into the entrance. She was Go Yeon-joo, who had not been seen before.

“Su-hyun! no!”

As soon as Ko Yeon-ju came in, she suddenly screamed. The clan members’ attention naturally focused on this. Does this mean that there is nothing?

“Did you search well?”

“East, west, south, north. I visited every foreign city. However, I couldn’t find the resident guard you mentioned anywhere. “I think he disappeared around dawn after bringing the boy in.”

“Holy shit.”

“First of all, that boy… .”

As Go Yeon-joo blurted out her words, Kim Soo-hyun shook his head as he extinguished the cigarette.

“The user is currently recuperating. “I heard everything I was told, and there was no need to attend the meeting.”

“But, is it like before… .”

“It’s not a loss. I feel like I was just taken advantage of. So, please sit down first. “Now we have to proceed with the meeting.”

“all right.”

Go Yeon-ju quickly sat down.

Kim Soo-hyun took a long breath.

And after a while.

“I feel a little sorry for you all, but… .”

He spoke in a quiet voice.

“The situation is very, very urgent. Since this is an hourly matter, I would like to ask for your understanding first. Let’s explain the situation as we go. “At this point, we will announce the appointment right away.”

At that moment, a chaotic commotion arose in the conference hall.

“For your information, the scheduled departure time is early morning tomorrow.”

As one more word was added, the murmur became more intense. Although we contacted them in advance, we had 7 days to prepare for the Dragon Sleeping Mountains. no. Whether it’s an expedition or an expedition, Kim Soo-hyun is the type of person who always prepares thoroughly, even if he can’t do it. But you’re leaving at dawn tomorrow?

In less than a day. It was something that had never happened before.

But it was still too early to be surprised. This is because the subsequent personnel announcement did not exceed everyone’s expectations.

The close class is Kim Soo-hyun, Nam Da-eun, and Heo Jun-young.

The archer class is Im Hanna.

The wizard class is Kim Han-byeol, Jeong Ha-yeon, Jegal Hae-sol, Sarah Jane, and Ha Seung-woo.

The priest class is An Sol and Shin Jae-ryong.

The special class is Baek Han-gyeol.

A personnel announcement that is truly beyond imagination.

There were three points worth noting here. First of all, Ko Yeon-joo and Vivian, who were always mentioned, were excluded. The archer was Lim Hanna, not Seon Yu-un. And above all, the selection of the wizard class is very unconventional. Everyone was curious. Why did Kim Soo-hyun select personnel like this?

“This is it. And the five wizards named, please come to the office one by one after the meeting. “I have something important to tell you about this expedition.”

However, Kim Soo-hyun, who dismissed the curiosity by saying that he would have a meeting, turned his attention to Ko Yeon-ju.

“High user performance. “Contact the Magic Tower, Istantel Row, and Hamill Clan right now to reserve a spot.”

“yes? “A seat?”

“Just say you need the best wizard from each clan.”

“to… .”

Go Yeon-ju scratched her cheek. What Kim Soo-hyun was saying was that outside help was needed. But there are still the most wizards, so why do we need more wizards? I don’t understand. Plus, the best mage of each clan… .

“… all right.”

However, Go Yeon-ju soon stopped worrying and shook her head. This time too, he thought there might be an intention he didn’t know about. okay. As he has done so far, Kim Soo-hyun has never made a wrong decision.

Thinking like that, Go Yeon-joo left the room immediately, and silence fell in the conference room.

Finally, Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth.

“I can tell you more details as I go, but when I come back… . “Let me tell you one thing.”

It was a low and cold voice, but the voice with magical power stuck in everyone’s ears. The clan members didn’t even think about exhaling, and were concentrating on the words they were unconsciously hearing.

“Of course it could be excitement. However, after listening to the circumstances, I am not sure whether a dangerous crisis has come to our city of Atlanta. … “I currently think so.”

Kim Soo-hyun stood up from his throne as he continued speaking. The eyes that slowly looked around seemed solemn at first glance. And soon, he grabbed the martial arts sword by the hilt and brought it down with force.

“I won’t say much. I will personally lead this expedition, and there will be absolutely no failure. “It is a mission that must be accomplished and succeeded unconditionally.”


The sound of metal clashing between the sword hilt and the table rang loudly in the quiet conference room.

Finally, I heard, “That’s it.” These words finally signaled the end of the meeting.

It was indeed the king’s personal government that had been in office for a long time.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ah. My mouth is itching. I anticipate questions from readers, and I have a lot of things I want to say, but it wouldn’t be fun if I gave hints in a review, right? And yesterday, I was scolded for containing spoilers in the content. haha.

ah. The notice system is currently under consideration. I can’t do it because I’m afraid that something like the day before will happen again. What do you think, readers? Are you comfortable with having a notice system? I would appreciate it if you could tell me. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode