MEMORIZE Chapter 732

00732 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

I stared into the darkness. The soft moonlight illuminating the room and the black shadow casting the moonlight come into view. Her dark purple hair, which reached down to her waist, was swaying quietly.

“iced coffee. sorry. “I was eavesdropping.”

The main character with the cold and quiet voice was Heo Jun-young.

Heo Jun-young walked in hurriedly and slowly raised his arms. At his fingertips is a long bottle. When I saw that, I burst out laughing. Were there that many clan members who wanted to have a drink with me?

“I don’t mind if you just come in. Why are you standing outside? “I’m in a difficult situation.”

“I was wondering if I was interrupting a good time.”

“Oh my, it’s meaningless. “Then you should have left a long time ago.”

“I was going to do that, but the story was so interesting.”

Heo Jun-young, who spoke eloquently, smiled a barely visible smile. And she glances at Kim Han-byeol. A look that seems to be asking permission for something. Kim Han-byeol closed her eyes a couple of times, then opened them and shrugged her shoulders sullenly. It’s like unspoken permission.

Heo Jun-young laughed and then dragged a sofa over and sat down on it. hmm. I have to tell them to put it back in its place before leaving.

Heo Jun-young lightly turned the cap on the bottle, found an empty glass, and poured the appropriate amount.


Just as I was about to admire the purple liquid that filled the glass halfway, I heard a cheeky voice.

“I’m not the type of person to get in the middle of something… . “Can I ask you something about what I’ve heard?”

Heo Jun-young wasn’t looking at me. Even as he speaks cheekily, he turns his head to stare out the door. I don’t think he’s embarrassed.

The door was still half open.

“okay. He said he overheard. Let’s pretend I didn’t intervene. Anyway, what is it?”

“… So, what do you plan on doing?”

Heo Jun-young stared at me again and his expression hardened slightly. I tilted my head.

“… “Why?”

“I fully understand your intentions, but… . Anyway, in the end, Lee Yoo-jeong couldn’t escape being an ordinary user.”

“… … .”

“It’s not even 0 or 1 year, it’s now 4 years. But saying that is a bit… . Actually, I don’t know what to do now.”

The words gradually became blurred. It sounded a bit like a reproachful tone. I think I know what you want to say.

I inhaled the very little remaining tobacco to the end and then took a long, slow drag.

“Of course Lee Yu-jeong will become stronger in the future. No, I need to become stronger.”

“Do you mean that you will lift the mental protection even if it is too late?”

I should have done that sooner.

Heo Jun-young expressed doubt as he shook his head.

“So we have to maintain the status quo and become stronger? Don’t you think something is contradictory? If what you said earlier… .”

“I’m saying this because there is a way.”

“… method?”


While questioning himself, Heo Jun-young looked back toward the room again. Why does he keep looking back while talking? Could it be that the door is left open? Then you can just close it and come back.

“What way?”

“Class inheritance.”

I spoke clearly.

“So, we are trying to change user information by inheriting the class.”

I slowly stood up, adding that it was a very simple task.

“But my sister has already…” . “It’s a rare class.”

Suddenly, I hear Kim Han-byeol’s voice.

“Rare classes aren’t everything. “There is also a secret class.”

I walked into the room. It was to close the door.

“You guys know this because it’s a secret class, right? “Think about class succession rewards.”

“If it’s a succession reward… . Increased specialized abilities and changes in abilities appropriate for the class… . ah.”

Perhaps only then did she realize it, and Kim Hanbyeol let out a small exclamation. okay. What I ultimately aim for through class succession is to bring about changes in Lee Yu-jeong’s special abilities.

“So you’re saying you’re going to make it a dual class? In such an inefficient way?”

As expected, Heo Jun-young pointed out sharply. I smiled bitterly and grabbed the doorknob.

“Don’t think there’s a way to go from rare class to secret class. “As far as I know, there are two.”

First of all, awakening secret class. Of course, this is an extremely rare case.

Therefore, rather than an awakened secret class, it was more likely to consider evolving into a secret class through a combination of rare classes.

“… In the end, all I hear is that they are looking for one more class.”

“no. “There’s no need to get a new one.”


“I already gave you the means. But Lee Yoo-jeong has to figure out how to manifest it herself.”

After saying that, I stuck my head out before closing the door.


“… … .”

There was no one in the hallway. There is only darkness sitting quietly.

I closed the door quietly.


It was a foggy day. The biting early morning air was driven by the wind and brushed past Mercenary Castle.

It’s blurry everywhere. The dawn wind that passed by had a cold scent, as if telling me that morning was still far away.

Although there was no one wandering around while the sun was still up, a woman was quietly walking out of the castle alone. In her own way, she looks like a traveler leaving on a long journey, with her stylish clothes. The woman stopped walking for a moment. She suddenly raised her head and gazed at the majestic white castle. And as if he was reminiscing, his light red eyes became vaguely wet.

After a while.

The sound of hesitating footsteps, walking hurriedly, echoed through the long corridor. Perhaps because of her hazy fog spreading everywhere, the place where the woman had just been standing was quickly filled with hazy smoke, so much so that she was invisible to her eyes.

By the time I left the entrance and walked down the garden waterway leading to the front gate.

“… … ?”

The long hair that had been shaking helplessly as I walked suddenly gradually stopped moving.

The bewildered eyes of a woman who did not know where to go stopped at a certain point in front of her. About 30 meters away from the front, there was a man wearing a dark Chester coat. It was hard to see because of the unclear weather, but I think I knew who it was from the purple hair that flowed longer than the woman’s.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

The man opened his mouth softly.

“how… . “It doesn’t go astray from what I expected.”

Then, the woman frowned and at the same time began to walk at a noticeably faster pace than before. The man seemed to be staring at her, and then she walked slowly in the direction she was facing. So, when the two men and women encountered each other, Heo Jun-young stopped her steps and looked at her, but she did not.

“Are you leaving without saying anything? Kim Soo-hyun must be sad.”

“I wrote it down and came out. “I’ll see you someday.”

The woman answered bluntly.

Still didn’t stop walking. Either way, they pass by without even paying attention. The man stared blankly at Lee Yu-jeong’s back, which was moving further and further away.

at that time.

“Looking at your bulging eyes, it looks like you’ve been thinking about it all night… . So, is that the path you chose?”

The moment a sarcastic voice was heard, Lee Yu-jeong had no choice but to stop walking once again.

“I did my best to help you last night when I almost got caught, but… . Anyway, are you confident?”

I turn around nervously. And even though his eyes filled with anger tried to glare at the other person, Lee Yoo-jeong had no choice but to retreat in surprise. This is because Heo Jun-young was already very close. So much so that the indifferent purple eyes were looking down at him right in front of him.

“Do you think you can achieve something if you leave like this without saying anything? “Are you confident?”

Lee Yu-jeong reflexively closed her mouth, looking as if she was demanding an explanation.

Heo Jun-young looked like he knew something and gently lifted his shoulders.

“ah. Of course, it cannot be seen as necessarily bad. Warrior training. It’s definitely okay. no. If today were at least two or three years ago, I would have welcomed it with open arms. “It’s the perfect training for someone like you who runs wild without knowing what this world is like.”

“radish… .”

“But don’t you think it’s too late now? It’s been 4 years. From then on, the outside world will judge you as an elite user. That’s why I’m curious. Going out like this means that there is something more to aim for than simply looking around the world… .”

“… “Because I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore.”

Lee Yu-jeong barely spoke in a weak voice. The corners of Heo Jun-young’s mouth rose slightly.

“I don’t want to be a burden. “This is a little surprising.”

“okay. Are you satisfied now?”

“Hmm~. Well, that’s just the reason. It’s just your reason. “It is understandable.”

“… Think whatever you want. And if you can, I’d really appreciate it if you could just get out of here. “Just do it in moderation.”

“Ah, wait a minute. Let me ask you one thing before it goes off like this. … So, are you running away because you don’t want to be a burden in the end?”

“… … .”

Just as she was about to take a step, Heo Jun-young’s voice caught Lee Yu-jeong. The word ‘run away’ pierces his heart. Lee Yu-jeong, who had been chewing her mouth until it was torn, opened her mouth like a growl.

“It’s not about running away, it’s about going out to become stronger.”

“… under? Are you going out to become stronger?”

At that moment, Heo Jun-young burst out laughing. Considering her usual personality, she had no sense of exaggeration.

“You’re going out to become stronger? What kind of bullshit is this? ha ha ha.”

Lee Yoo-jeong, unable to bear it in the end, glares at Heo Jun-young fearfully, as if asking what’s funny.

“dog sound? Are you done? “Do you want to make a joke in this situation?”

“no. You’re kidding. Is that the only reason you go out to practice as a warrior? They say it would be better to run away. Then you can understand. “Don’t make lame excuses or rationalize yourself.”

“You said… .”

“Then tell me. Who wants to know why you’re leaving now? So you asked me earlier. Are you confident? So, how and in what way will you become stronger?”

“that… . case… .”

“No, I’m not being sarcastic, I’m just really curious. Warrior training? hmm. Words are good. But I’m curious about your specific plans. Unless the valley is empty, I won’t be walking around alone. So, the only way to practice it is to set up a caravan and travel around here and there. … But then, there’s no need to go out, right? Because the clan you are currently in is already running that system. “Better than anywhere else.”

“… … .”

“You can’t speak. Look. I don’t have a plan. So, it is correct to say that you are running away.”

Before I knew it, Lee Yu-jeong was wringing her hands until they crumbled. However, contrary to my feelings, no words come out. Because there is nothing to refute. Heo Jun-young’s words are correct to every detail. Maybe he was expecting someone to catch him.

“then… . “What on earth are you asking me to do?”

In the end, I ended up screaming in a tearful voice. Lee Yu-jeong closed her eyes tightly. It was because she didn’t want to show the tears of sadness that were slowly rising.

“Why do you talk like you’re so proud! Do you know how I feel at all? Yeah, it would be nice if you were strong, right? “It would be nice to get an S rank!”

“… By the way, am I still out of grade?”

Heo Jun-young sighed heavily and shook his head excitedly.

Then suddenly he opened his eyes.

“… okay. good night.”

He opened his mouth in a more serious voice.

“If you don’t like being weak like that, if you resent losing. “Then you’ll have to do something yourself.”

“Me too… !”

“depending on? Did you try your best? Do not be ridiculous. Even if it bumps and breaks. Even if you have an accident like Ahn Hyeon and get all kinds of insults, even if it means getting kicked out of the clan! You have to make such desperate efforts to at least be able to say that you made an effort and have room to make excuses. Is it okay to just leave one record and walk away? What kind of world is this where you become stronger after months of hard work and hunting through solo play? If you could become stronger that easily, every user in the world would become a top 10 user. “Do you know that I made it this far without a single setback?”

“… … .”

“… No one, no one is telling you to get results right away. Do you still not understand what Kim Soo-hyun said yesterday? Waiting for you to realize it yourself. Then, before showing something, shouldn’t you at least make an effort to show it?”

“… … .”

Suddenly, Heo Jun-young’s voice became softer. As if he hoped Lee Yu-jeong would realize it soon.

However, Lee Yu-jeong still remains silent. Now he was staring at the ground with his head down. Heo Jun-young touched his forehead with an expression of boredom.

“… okay. You’ll think what I’m saying is bullshit. Well, what does it matter? It’s pointless. Either you go out or you don’t. “Either you will be remembered as a dog that ran away in defeat or not.”

And then he turns around without hesitation, as if there is nothing more to see.

“Do whatever you feel like. But even if you come back safely after a few months or years… . I don’t know if there will be room for you then. No, I’d be lucky if I didn’t end up dying while going out alone.”

After finishing his words in such a cynical manner, he walked away without any hesitation. Not long after, Heo Jun-young disappeared as if he had dissolved into the fog.

Lee Yu-jeong stared for a long time in the direction where Heo Jun-young disappeared with resentful eyes. She looked as if she didn’t know what to do, that she was lost.

“Okay, this dog… !”

It was that moment.

Good profit… .

It was clearly early in the morning. But suddenly, the sound of the main entrance door slowly opening echoed through the quiet garden. Lee Yu-jeong reflexively turned her head and was surprised to see two people struggling to squeeze through the half-open entrance.

Blood drips, dripping, without stopping. Blood was still flowing freely from the young boy’s body, as if he had just taken a bath in a sea of ​​blood. And a resident guard comes in to help the boy whine. He barely managed to come in, and as soon as he saw Lee Yu-jeong, a hint of relief appeared on his urgent face.

“who… ?”

“Thank goodness! There just happened to be a user! Are you a Mercenary Clan member?”

Yujeong Lee took a deep breath at those words. It’s clear that something urgent has happened, but I don’t know how to say it. Because, because… .

“Damn, are you really gone?”

It was then. Suddenly, a grumbling sound was heard and Heo Jun-young came running out through the thick fog.

… What, didn’t you go?

While Lee Yu-jeong looked back in confusion, Heo Jun-young also witnessed the scene before his eyes. As the smell of blood wafted out, my steps immediately stopped and the atmosphere became sharp and sharp.

“Guard. “What happened?”

“He just returned to the city. It looks like we were attacked, but I’m not sure about the circumstances. “He could barely tell you to go to the representative clan, and then he fainted immediately.”

The resident guard spoke quickly but relayed the situation fairly accurately.

Heo Jun-young nodded his head lightly and pointed his index finger at Lee Yu-jeong.

“Lee Yu-jeong. I will inform the clan lord immediately. “You wake up the priest and heal that boy.”

“Uh, huh?”


“Now, wait a minute! I am… .”

Lee Yu-jeong could not continue speaking until the end. This is because as soon as Heo Jun-young finished speaking, he immediately ran towards the castle. All that’s left is a boy who has lost his mind and a guard with a life-like face.

“Mr… !”

Eventually, “I… .” Yu-jeong Lee wheezed softly as she watched the guard hurriedly approaching while supporting the boy in a hushed voice.

“Huh… . Huh… .”

Even if you look at it, the wound is not unusual. The boy is breathing heavily, as if he will run out of breath at any moment.

The hesitation ended there.

First of all, you have to survive.

“Give it to me! hurry!”

Thinking like that, Lee Yu-jeong immediately picked up the boy and turned around. Accordingly, the steps that were about to go out the front door change direction and look in the direction where the castle is.

Soon, Lee Yu-jeong, holding the boy tightly, started running like the wind.


“Yaaaa! Ansooooooooo!”

Finally, it started.

The first step in a huge step that will later make the Hall Plain famous by succeeding the ‘Mercenary (Female) Queen’ has just been taken.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hmm… . I wrote a long review and then just deleted it.

sorry. I fell asleep around 2 am this morning. My head has been hurting a lot lately because I’ve been writing early in the morning. The method I often use at this time is to set an alarm for 15 minutes and take a short nap. I sleep for about 15 minutes, then wake up and take a shower. Then you feel quite refreshed. But today I fell asleep soundly. I remember hearing the alarm, but I think I was quite sleepy.

I woke up and felt like I missed something… . I thought about telling him about the situation in a comment and asking for his understanding, but I decided to key up Word first. I think it was probably due to a lot of shame about not being able to keep my promise. Somehow, I finished writing and reviewing it, and succeeded in updating it. haha.

I’ve thought about it carefully, and I think it might be a good idea to stop using the comment notification system. That’s because I don’t think I can guarantee that something like today will prevent a recurrence. Let’s think about this part slowly. If you have any concerns, please let me know.

We would like to once again sincerely apologize to those who have been waiting. _(__)_

P.S. Yoojeong.

Let’s fly now. 🙂


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not work with dark mode