MEMORIZE Chapter 730

00730 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

Lee Yu-jeong stood quietly. As she slowly raised her head, her gaunt face was revealed through her flowing hair. Light red eyes stare intently at the person in front of them.

Lee Yu-jeong put her left hand on her waist, slightly lifted her clothes, and placed her right hand on the scarlet brand on her abdomen. Soon, a colorful cluster of lights erupts and a slightly short katana emerges. Ha Seung-yoon also lifted up his skirt slightly, placed his hands on both thighs, and pulled out two daggers. It exudes a bitter coldness with a light icy glow.

The two women drew their weapons and faced each other, as if they had made a promise. Suddenly, a strange tension swept through the hall.

At first, I planned to stop him unconditionally. This is because it was a battle in which Lee Yu-jeong had absolutely nothing to gain. My perspective as a person with a ‘third eye’ is different from that of an ordinary user. As long as there is a difference in class and age, anyone will think Lee Yu-jeong has the upper hand. However, the user information provided by the ‘third eye’ is completely different.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Seungyoon Ha (2nd year)

2. Class: Normal, Mercenary, Expert

[Strength 84] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 90 (+2)] [Stamina 88] [Magic Power 92 (+2)] [Luck 78]

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Mind’s eye (Rank: B Zero)

< Potential (4/4) >

1. Two-handed dagger technique (Rank: A Plus)

2. Close combat (Rank: A Minus)

3. Melee begins (Rank: S Zero)

4. New Sword Harmony (Rank: C Plus)

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Yujeong Lee (4th year)

2. Class: Rare, Gladiator Of the Dawn, Expert

[Strength 83] [Durability 79] [Dexterity 92 (+2)] [Stamina 84] [Magic Power 90] [Luck 88]

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Blood-soaked heart (Rank: A Zero)

< Potential (3/4) >

1. Two-handed dagger technique (Rank: B Plus)

2. Cat foot martial arts (Rank: B Zero)

3. Close combat (Rank: C Plus)

4. –

Aside from luck, the only thing Lee Yu-jeong has an edge on is agility. Strength, durability, stamina, horsepower. And in terms of special and potential abilities, Ha Seung-yoon is at a level that is overwhelming. ‘Blood-soaked heart’ is a useless ability in sparring, as it might be in a real situation where blood is rampant. Although it is said that he has a fairly good ability called ‘Miao Jokjutsu’, the combination of ‘Mind’s Eye’ and ‘Shin Sword Unity’ would be more than enough to deal with it. Even in terms of skill level, they are no match for him.

Was it simply out of a desire to win, or was it out of anger against Ha Seung-yoon, who was thought to be weak? I don’t know what the party was thinking, but Lee Yu-jeong’s defeat was truly a miracle. That’s why I had no intention of allowing it this time. Will Lee Yu-jeong, who is already living on pride, be able to humbly accept defeat? Moreover, in a situation like this where everyone is gathered together to watch?

“sleep… .”

It was then.

Just as I was about to shout out, “I paused for a moment and closed my mouth.”

“… … .”

I’m not sure. It might just be a hunch. But suddenly I felt an unusual energy. Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes as she looked at her opponent contained an unexpected spleen. There was something complex in her expression that seemed to be deeply troubled that could not be put into words.

… no. Could it be said that the nervousness that appears somehow makes it look more like hesitation?

Anyway, one thing is certain: it was not done for the purpose of winning or venting anger. It is difficult to view this as an attitude of letting one’s guard down. When I saw that, I felt even more confused. Really, what are you thinking?

Go Yeon-ju also looks at me quietly, probably thinking that there is something wrong with continuing like this. At that moment she thought, ‘Can I really allow this?’ The thought crossed her mind, but in the end she quietly closed her eyes. It was her signal to proceed.

– … start!

Starting from Go Yeon-ju’s signal, a woman ran out explosively.

Crack, clap, clap!

Fast footsteps echo in the hall and red hair flutters. Lee Yu-jeong spread her arms wide and caught her first strike. However, Ha Seung-yoon did not panic, and immediately lowered his posture slightly and raised both his hands. Soon, the bluish energy and red energy collided, signaling a full-scale battle.

Soon, following a light binge, Ha Seung-yoon’s body slipped away. He must have properly defended the first strike, and his posture was not disturbed at all.

It seems like this much of the reason was expected. It charges recklessly while looking ahead with sunken eyes. Ha Seung-yoon continues to block her steps, perhaps intending to increase the distance between her, and Yu-jeong Lee seems intent on continuing her lead, as she quickly catches up.

Lee Yu-jeong’s speed was faster as he retreated and entered. The moment Lee Yu-jeong entered the street, he suddenly accelerated explosively, and as he approached inside, he turned his waist sharply, leaving the katana to the rotational force. At that very moment, a meaningful smile appeared on Ha Seung-yoon’s lips.



Lee Yu-jeong’s body shook violently, unable to even turn halfway. Ha Seung-yoon suddenly moved his foot and caught his leg. And she tried to kick her in the abdomen, but Lee Yu-jeong stumbled and quickly retreated to her rear. This movement may have been unexpected, but a look caught Ha Seung-yoon’s eyes.

But, I clicked my tongue. That move was the only thing worth betting on, but it’s already been overlooked. The intention to attack more clearly was good, but the radius of action was too large. Ha Seung-yoon probably noticed that Lee Yu-jeong would turn to the right when he suddenly approached her. So, react leisurely like that. As a result, it became an unnecessary movement.

Lee Yu-jeong frowned but barely recovered her stance, and immediately charged again. It was as if she was trying to express her will to never back down.

Ha Seung-yoon also did not back down this time. They clashed with each other while raising their double daggers at the top, and the two soon began to engage in a spectacular fight.

Lee Yu-jeong was clearly giving her all. He is completely different from when he dealt with Ahn Hyeon. She launches a fierce attack without letting her guard down at all, and the white and red sword lights quickly multiply into dozens and dance in a flash.

But what was even more amazing was Ha Seung-yoon. He still stares ahead with a calm expression on his face, and without the slightest hesitation, he catches and strikes down all the dancing sword lights. It was said that the opponent’s attack was clearly visible. At the same time, he was slowly reducing the distance, as if he had noticed Lee Yu-jeong’s unusual movements earlier.

As time goes by, Ha Seung-yoon’s waist gradually bends forward, and Yu-jeong Lee’s waist bends in the same direction. The situation is slowly being pushed back. Starting from the melee just now, the initiative was completely transferred. Looking at her biting her mouth, it seems like she is feeling the reason herself.

at that time.



The spirit of Ha Seung-yoon and Lee Yu-jeong overlapped.

Ha Seung-yoon’s attack is straightforward and simple.

Lee Yu-jeong’s attack counters with a sharp arc.

The converting blows each of them struck collided in the middle. Then, I sighed as I watched the two of them run away at the same time. Not only me, but Nam Da-eun and Heo Jun-young also showed similar signs. They realized that the game was clearly decided in the last part.

Ha Seung-yoon was truly the pinnacle of classicism. Even as he retreats, he maintains an upright posture and gazes unwaveringly at his opponent. His feet are already preparing for the next attack. On the other hand, Lee Yu-jeong was unable to keep his balance and once again shook greatly. The fact that the mercenaries were pushed back in the melee ultimately meant that they were lacking overall. As if he didn’t want to miss this opportunity, Ha Seung-yoon quickly gathered himself and immediately lowered his posture and rushed in like a protection.

Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes widened and she hurriedly raised both hands. Ha Seung-yoon made a big move for the first time, slamming his dagger down loudly. Now that he has figured out that he is superior in almost every area, he has no intention of engaging in any more exploratory battles. A dagger emitting bitter cold strikes in a straight line with the force of splitting the top of the head. Lee Yu-jeong looked dazed for a moment, but she reflexively stepped back and crossed her two katanas.


And the clear iron sound is heard. As soon as Ha Seung-yoon’s dagger and Lee Yu-jeong’s katana touched each other, powerful sparks flew out. But even for a moment. There is bound to be a difference between an attack made with the right posture and a barely successful defense.

After a while, Ha Seung-yoon began to press Lee Yu-jeong’s katana with all his strength. Lee Yu-jeong groaned as if he didn’t want to lose, but the situation was unfavorable in many ways. Since Ha Seung-yoon was much taller in the first place, her point of contact was slowly lowering and Lee Yu-jeong’s knees were also bending helplessly.

While they were competing with each other, the moment their knees were bent more than halfway, Ha Seung-yoon suddenly pushed forward with both arms and performed a surprise front kick.

“… … !”

Lee Yu-jeong, who was surprised, tried to bounce back, but Ha Seung-yoon just went ahead and hit her hard with his shoulder. Lee Yu-jeong flew away with a groan from the efficient hand-to-hand attack, and was pushed away while scraping the floor with his back. He tried to stand up straight away, probably because he didn’t want to, but by that time, Ha Seung-yoon was already close by.

Lee Yu-jeong’s katana caught on the tip of the lightly moved dagger. The katana, which made a clear clanging sound, escaped from her hand and flew into the air as if bouncing.

The stab turned into a bluish light and went straight ahead, and Lee Yu-jeong closed her eyes tightly. And the dagger stopped exactly in front of the crowd. Yu-jeong Lee gently opens her eyes and has a devastated expression on her face.

This is how the match ended. Ha Seung-yoon won by showing off his overwhelming skills.

– stop.

Go Yeon-ju also seemed to have had similar thoughts when she announced the end of the event. Then Lee Yu-jeong suddenly raised her head.

“Oh, sister! sleep… .”

“User Ha Seung-yoon. This is grade C. “They both worked hard.”

I interrupted and immediately announced the grade. Lee Yu-jeong looked back with an anxious look on her face, but I slowly shook my head. It meant that we should have done more.

Even though the battle was not very long, Lee Yu-jeong’s forehead was glistening with sweat. On the other hand, Ha Seung-yoon did not even have trouble breathing. There was such a clear difference between the two.

After a while, hands started clapping from all directions. There was some murmur as the result was unexpected, but anyway, it was a round of applause for the two people who did their best. Of course, the positions taken by the winner and the loser will be different.

Seungyoon Ha smiled and greeted politely. And Lee Yu-jeong suddenly collapsed to the floor. Devastated eyes. His trembling eyes are sobbing, not knowing whether he’s laughing or crying. The applause faded a little.

“under… . haha… .”

Between the sounds of heavy breathing, a helpless laugh escapes. He looks as if he is completely lost, as if he cannot believe it himself. And some clan members stare at Lee Yu-jeong with accusatory faces.

… Although it is an open secret, Lee Yu-jeong’s evaluation within the clan is quite poor. To put it bluntly, ‘He is a childish person who thinks he is strong, even though his personality and actions are arbitrary.’ I often hear this saying. So there are a lot of clan members who dislike them knowingly or unknowingly. Even when compared to Anhyun, you can see the difference. When Ahn Hyeon had an accident, there was at least a small amount of public opinion supporting her, but Lee Yu-jeong… .

Anyway, whatever the circumstances, the outcome of the battle was as expected. A 4th year rare class user was completely defeated by a 2nd year normal class user. I quietly stared at the center.

At that moment, it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I knew the reason.

no. There’s no way you wouldn’t know. Since he fought the battle himself, he must have felt certain that he was inferior to his opponent.


As I was thinking about it, the expression Yu-jeong Lee had made earlier flashed through my mind.

A face that looks like hesitating or thinking deeply about something.

Then, although I wasn’t sure, I felt like I knew why Lee Yu-jeong was here. It is clear that he felt something during the battle with Anhyeon.

So, isn’t it because I wanted to check it out and check it accurately?

After the rating downgrade incident, the situation had already become a topic of gossip.

It was a situation where winning was natural and losing was strange.

I really gave my all, but I was consistently pushed back.

If he were to lose here, his pride, which he considered more important than his life, would be greatly damaged.

However, Lee Yoo-jeong chose to bear all the circumstances and keep fighting. As a last resort, he will turn around all the situations he is currently in.

okay. User Lee Yoo-jeong came here with the intention of checking herself. And losing made me realize the reality. The reality is that it is not the person who is strong, but the Mercenary is strong.

Is my prediction correct?

“this… . what’s this… .”

Lee Yu-jeong suddenly stopped laughing and covered her face with her trembling hand.

“I worked really hard… . Really, really… . however… .”

Unable to finish his sentence, he slowly lowered his head, and his shoulders began to tremble slightly. In the end, Lee Yoo-jeong said, “Black.” She burst into sobs. She wasn’t crying out loud, but a small sound that sounded like a sob.

The face cannot be seen because it is covered by the hand.

“Ugh… . Black… .”

However, the tears that were flowing down my cheeks were already dripping down my chin.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ㅇ<-<… .fantasy,

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not work with dark mode