MEMORIZE Chapter 729

00729 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

4th year.

People usually tend to be uncomfortable with the number 4. I don’t know the exact reason. However, just as 7 is thought of as a lucky number, perhaps 4 is thought of as being associated with death. Anyway, no matter what the conventional wisdom is, I personally don’t dislike the number 4. When the Ahn siblings reached their fourth year, they grumbled that they were somewhat anxious, but I actually felt a similar feeling of anticipation. This is because good and bad things have happened alternately every year.

When I think about it, I think Year 0 was quite enjoyable. no. Should I say I had no worries? In any case, it was a time of stormy flight, with ruins being swept away and clans being founded. Then, around the first year, we suddenly experienced war. In the second year, we achieved great growth centering on Mercantilery, but in the third year, there were various difficulties, such as chaos within the clan and the raid on the Steel Mountains.

So I’m looking forward to this fourth year. Coincidentally, the dizziness caused by the rapid change in the rating system is also slowly starting to show signs of subsiding. Will we be able to keep this momentum going and get through the fourth year without any major incidents like the zero and second years?

… Of course, this is a baseless idea.

I kept to myself the fact that I had moved up to the 4th level. In the first place, anyone can become one if time passes, but isn’t that a great thing?

However, the clan members found out and came to me and lightly congratulated me. (I think one of Anhyeon or Ansol was probably talking about it.)

Meanwhile, Go Yeon-ju said something somewhat surprising.

“Darling? “Why don’t we try a festival for the first time in a while?”

“moon… . No, a festival? Why a festival all of a sudden?”

“Not suddenly. But we’ve always had a festival at least once a year, right?”


“Child, don’t be so stiff. The atmosphere is really nice, right? And you’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately.”

“… great.”

At first I tilted my head, but after continued persuasion, I gave in. Rather than reluctantly agreeing, Ko Yeon-ju’s words also make sense. They said that since they had been whipped harshly so far, it was time to give them carrots. If you think about it, it wasn’t like there wasn’t anything to celebrate at all. no. Rather, it was a time of fullness and overflow.

When she gave permission to do so, Go Yeon-ju smiled brightly, was happy, and then narrowed her eyes.

“Good. A festival is an event. Yes?”

“If it’s a reasonable line, it’ll be fine. Anyway, please take care of it.”


The festival was held faster than expected. I didn’t pay much attention, so I don’t know how it went, but I heard that the clan members responded with more enthusiasm than you could imagine. It is said that one clan member welcomed the place with open arms, so it seems like there has definitely been a lack of places to relax recently. Go Yeon-ju gave good advice at the right time.

As time passed and the afternoon arrived, word came that everyone had gathered in the office and that the festival had just begun.

When I finally went down to the first floor, I was very surprised to see the central square that had become so extravagant.

The central plaza is originally a place used for many purposes other than a rest area or a connecting passage. There were about 100 people coming and going in the huge, circular space, but it was still spacious enough to have room. The beautifully decorated crystal sphere attached to the wall flashed a brilliant light, and on one side, there was appetizing food and alcohol on a long table covered with a pure white cloth.

The same was true for the clan members. The attendees, mostly casually dressed, spread out in all directions and created a buzz in the central square, with maids pushing carts filled with food and alcohol. It was a sight that resembled a banquet in a royal palace, rather than a village festival like we had seen so far.

After a while.

The clan members noticed my entrance and turned their gazes one by one, but I lightly waved my hand. This is because I wanted to continue this good atmosphere. In other words, it meant that we should continue to eat, drink, and chat happily like this. It was a festival meant to be enjoyed anyway, and I didn’t want to say something offensive for no reason. For example, ‘Let’s all do our best!’ or ‘For!’ Or something.

As if they understood what I meant, as soon as I sat down on the chair, several clan members quickly took action. Vivien showed a strategic move by summoning an army of demonic beasts. He scolds the confused beasts and makes them pick up dishes one by one, and then he begins to move quickly between the tables where the food is placed. I looked at it with a pitiful feeling, then slowly looked away and started observing.

Clearly, the primary purpose of festivals is to enjoy. But at least for me, it was also a place of another opportunity. So, you could say it was an opportunity to check on the clan’s status. To be precise, you can see the personal relationships each clan member has on a daily basis. It is rare to see an exhalation so naturally and at a glance.

So, first of all, I planned to look for the four new people. They were already recognized as Mercenary Clan members. There was still only a grade decision to be made, and it had been officially approved at the conference hall some time ago.

First of all, Ha Seung-woo was showing a very sociable personality. Even now, he is clinking glasses with Woo Jeong-min and Seon Yu-un and laughing. Those two aren’t the type of people that are easy to get along with due to their personalities, but I definitely think their acting is great. Well, I guess I’ll have to keep acting like that from now on.

Next, Ha Seung-yoon was a little strange. With a very flushed face, he is breathing heavily and is chasing someone as if he is possessed. So, he followed the late Yeonju, followed Nam Da-eun, followed Im Hanna, and then followed Cha So-rim. Then he suddenly raised his hands and shouted, “This is heaven!” Although he suddenly looked like an asshole, I figured he wasn’t that weird anyway and decided to just ignore it. Well then, shall we take a look at Sarana this time?

It was then.


While I was leisurely observing, a loud shout suddenly rang in my ears. The moment I reflexively looked away, a strange feeling naturally arose.

Unexpectedly, Sarah was in the middle of an argument with Vivien.

“I said I added that to my list first!”

Is it really that unfair? Vivien had her ax eyes open and was screaming at her whale as if she were about to be eaten.

“I saw it first! “But you stole it from me!”


However, Sarah looks much calmer, holding a bowl of food in one hand. Completely opposite to Vivien.

“Oh, just quickly give me the bowl! Do you know how much I love that? “It means you can’t eat it in a restaurant!”


He shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head as if he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

“damn! I can’t speak! So how do you say this in your own words? Ah, cut in line! okay! You did a very bad thing called cutting in line! Bird, chi, ki!”

“Bird touch?”

… … .

… Suddenly, Sarah’s expression felt somewhat natural.

“Lord Mercenary? “Please excuse me for a moment.”

While Vivien was screaming loudly, a maid cautiously approached her. She then placed a bowl of delicious-looking food in front of her, which she introduced as ‘the chef’s own creation’. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind.

“Are those two people fighting over this food?”

“yes? ah… . yes.”

The maid smiled bitterly and nodded. She added that she didn’t have enough ingredients, and because the food required a lot of work, she couldn’t make much of it. Only then did I understand the situation to some extent. I guess they left the leftover food on the table after setting aside what I had to eat, but the amount seemed to be extremely small. okay. I was wondering why he was running away so quickly.

“uh? eat? Eat it? “Ugh!”

The shouting was getting louder by the minute. no. When Sara decided to take the medicine with her hand and ate it as if she was going to give it to her, Vivien finally burst into bitter tears. I held the bowl back and asked Vivien to shut up, and the maid laughed and turned her body around. Finally, less than five seconds later, Vivien’s crying sound faded away like a lie.

“Well, Geomgeom ah… .”

“… “Shut your mouth.”

“Thank you… . After all, it’s only you… .”

“… … .”

Vivian, who took the bowl, looked at me with infinite emotion with wide eyes. … That guy. I knew you had a strong appetite, but this was really… . By the way, how fantastic is this dish that we are so fascinated by it? I sighed and shook my head, then resumed my observation.

And after checking on Elizabeth one last time, he slowly got up and walked to the square. Her name is Clan Lord, but she cannot sit still. Of course, she responded appropriately to the clan members who tried to talk to her, but she did not forget to observe.

Personally, while I was enjoying the festival, if there was one thing that bothered me, it was Lee Yu-jeong. It wasn’t that I didn’t participate in the festival. However, in the past, I would have made as much noise as anyone else, but today I just sat quietly in a corner with my head down. The Ahn siblings and Lim Hanna approached her, perhaps because she was upset, but Lee Yoo-jeong did not show any reaction.

It’s not a 0 or 1 year old chick, so I don’t really feel like comforting it. I turned off my nerves and watched Marwa and the two young beasts running around laughing.

Meanwhile, the calm sky was slowly becoming colored with a dark light. As time passed, I could feel the atmosphere of the square gradually maturing. After everyone had eaten and drank to their heart’s content, it was time for something fun to see.

The moment I thought that, Coincidentally, Go Yeon-ju came and asked if it would be okay to hold an event.

The event is none other than determining the level of the four newly registered members. The rules are simple. A seat is created in the center, and new and existing clan members engage in a light sparring. The opponent is chosen on the spot, and the rank is determined based on the opponent’s rank and the battle content of the new clan member. Of course, I make the decision.

At first, I wondered if it would be okay to do this as an event, but I was told that it wouldn’t matter as long as it wasn’t a life-or-death battle, so I gave it the approval. In addition to seeing their skills, there was nothing more exciting than watching a fight.

So, there are two people participating in this event. The reason there are two is because Ha Seung-woo declared giving up (in this case, he is automatically placed on the F-grade list), and Elizabeth was said to be active as a non-combat user. In the end, only Sarah and Ha Seung-yoon participated in the rating match.

After a while.

Suddenly, the murmur in the square died down and the clan members began to move. As each person moves back toward the wall to make space, a blonde woman slowly walks toward the center. It looks like Sarah was her first hitter.

– ruler. Then everyone please be quiet. We have the clan lord’s permission, so let’s get started right away.

Ko Yeon-joo decided to host the event. He speaks in an amplified voice and looks around. Since I had left everything to the festival from start to finish anyway (in fact, I had passed it on), I leaned back comfortably in my chair. And then I gently caressed the swollen belly of the baby Pegasus, who had come stumbling from somewhere and was lying on my lap. This guy, gasping for breath, must have eaten a ton. I gained a lot of weight.

– Among the wizard classes, who would like to spar with user Sarah Jane?


As soon as he finished speaking, someone raised his hand. When I saw who had this much spirit, I saw Jegal Haesol holding a glass in one hand and smiling refreshingly with a slightly red face.

… No, wait a minute. Is that crazy?

– huh? User Jegal Haesol… ?


I hurriedly shouted. Jegal Haesol looked dissatisfied, but as soon as his eyes widened, he calmly put down his hand. It’s been a while since I discovered an orthodox wizard, and it seems they’re determined to trample on me.

– is it so. Still, it’s a grade-determining battle. User Jegal Haesol is still in his 0th year, so it doesn’t seem like much. Does he have anyone else?

“Then can I do it?”

Fortunately, Ha-yeon Jeong stepped forward this time. Go Yeon-joo turned around and I nodded her head in approval. Except for their main attributes, they are wizards with similar characteristics, so it will be a good match.

Eventually, amidst interesting gazes pouring in from all directions, Ha-yeon Jeong and Sarah stood facing each other.

They give each other a brief greeting, and Go Yeon-ju counts down.

– 3, 2, 1, 0!

And the sparring that started did not take long as the original purpose was to test skills. The result was a dominant victory for Jeong Ha-yeon.

It was a planned result. Sara was certainly a strong magician, but Jeong Ha-yeon was also an experienced user of traditional magic. Is that all? It’s a secret class and has high magic power, so there’s no way you can lose. In addition, all attacks were canceled out with an appropriate magic combination, so Sarah had no talent to deal with it.

Still, Sara clearly succeeded in appealing herself with her chanting ability and splendid fire-type magic that surpassed that of Jeong Ha-yeon. I gave her high marks for doing well against Jeong Ha-yeon, so I ultimately gave her a C grade. It was the highest grade a new player could receive.

With everyone applauding, Sarah stepped back with half surprise and half disappointment, and the second batter, Ha Seung-yoon, walked to the center. From what I heard, he was quite looking forward to today’s event, and perhaps that was why he didn’t look very drunk. The helele look from earlier has disappeared, and his eyes are full of confidence. His hands were already on his waist and wiggling, as if he was anxious to prove his skills.

– User Ha Seung-yoon’s class was mercenary, right? Then, among the mercenary classes… .

At that moment, Ko Yeon-joo, who had been accustomed to hosting events up until now, suddenly lost her voice. She looks like she must have made a mistake. If he is a mercenary class, he is the only one in the mercenary clan. And that one is now… .

– Hmm. Let me correct you. Even if it’s not the same mercenary, if it’s a melee class… .

And even though Go Yeon-ju tried to change her words right away, she couldn’t finish her sentence this time either.


“… … .”

Lee Yu-jeong, who had been sitting still in the corner until now, was slowly standing up.

Eventually, the head that had been bowed slowly rises.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Hehehe. I barely finished it before the morning was over.

I think I need to get some sleep. I’m glad it’s the weekend. haha.

To all readers, have a good start to your day. 🙂


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not work with dark mode