MEMORIZE Chapter 727

00727 A flower blooming in blood. ————————————————– ———————-=

“A resident?”

The resident thought for a while while looking at Ha Seung-woo. But he soon regained his appetite and said, “I definitely stopped him. “This was requested by the user.” Hold the contract straight by adding the words: I smiled inwardly. As I could tell just by looking at her name, I think she probably thought I was lying.

It’s good to think like that. Residents working at temples are very strict when it comes to contracts related to fellow residents, but are much more lenient when it comes to contracts related to users. Moreover, temples in small cities like this are always short on gold coins, so they don’t want to miss out on a good deal that has been rolling in for a long time.

I hummed quietly, lost in thought. In fact, I never thought I could break through like this. It was thanks to Jegal Haesol that I was able to come up with this method. Suddenly, the whispers from last night passed through my mind.

‘therefore… . It’s simple. Think of Vivien’s relationship with the Clan Lord.’

‘The relationship between master and slave. ‘You can do that this time too, right?’

‘ah. Of course, Ha Seung-woo is a user. but… .’

‘If you’re a clan lord, I think you’d know a way, right?’

It simply opened a way to accommodate the conflict between me and Ansol, and Jegal Haesol did not provide a perfect answer. Now that I think about it, the last words were a bit meaningful. However, it may have just been a throwaway comment, or it is also possible that he inferred it himself by asking the angel a good question. As I confirmed with my pledge in the second round.

Anyway, there was definitely a way. When a dead user is brought back to life with a wish, the user is resurrected as a resident who is no longer protected by the settings. Aiming for this very point, I killed Ha Seung-woo last night, then went to the summoning room and used a wish. Even though I spent 1 million gold points, I don’t think it was a strange loss.

A moment later, there was a flash of light, and the woman took out the contract. A bright halo of light flutters around.

“With this, the notarization of the contract is complete. However, because the recorded contents were so heavy, the price of the contract was high… ?”

As she took out a handful of jewels from her bosom, the woman slowly trailed off and opened her mouth the size of a gourd. She only took out five jewels, but each one of them was thick and emitting a rich light. It is a high-quality gem that can cost 4,500 gold coins per piece. At Vivian’s time, it cost about 800 gold coins, so this amount would be more than enough.

“I got the change. “It’s like donating.”

“Uh, uhm.”

The woman cleared her throat awkwardly, but quickly stretched out her hand and swept up the jewel. And she even handed over her contract in a more calm manner. That’s why it’s good to have a lot of gold coins. Anyway, shall we test the validity of the contract?

As I turned around with a grin on my face, I saw Ha Seung-woo with a lost expression on his face. When you meet his eyes, your body flinches in surprise. I opened my mouth quietly.

“I command you in the name of the contract… . Try to laugh.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Ha Seung-woo really laughed. Although it is proof that the contract has been clearly activated, it may be a forced smile. Laughing dryly isn’t very fun. I opened my mouth once more to confirm a little more.

“Smile as honestly as possible.”

“Uhehehe, uhehehe!”

“Cry very bitterly.”

“Uh huh huh!”

“hmm. Good. “How are you feeling now?”

“… “It’s very shitty.”

Is it because he has cloning abilities? Ha Seung-woo showed the appropriate facial expression as I requested, but his face was completely stern. He couldn’t lie in the first place, and he couldn’t possibly feel good because he was a slave.

I giggled and turned around. Since I’ve finished my business, shouldn’t I go out? Anyway, it’s a little disappointing. If Ha Seung-woo were a woman, she would try something like this or that.

Outside, the refreshing morning sunlight was shining brightly. I don’t know if it’s because I solved a big problem, but I feel refreshed. As I hummed down the stairs, I spoke quietly.

“Aren’t you hungry?”


“Since we’ve come all the way to the North Continent, why don’t we at least have a meal?”

“… … .”

It was said out of some kindness. However, Ha Seung-woo, who was following me with a deathly wound, stared at me with strange eyes for a moment.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“No, no.”

Ha Seung-woo looked away and avoided speaking. After grinning, he deliberately shook the contract to make a sound, and his expression immediately became distorted.

“Damn it! “I’m a little scared of you!”

And Ha Seung-woo said something a little unexpected.

“You’re scared?”

“okay. “I thought he looked like a psychopath.”

“… “Why did you think that?”

“Because I felt like I couldn’t figure it out.”

“… … ?”

“At first, a clan lord with strong leadership. Yesterday was a cold-blooded killer. A friendly friend today. I’m curious to see what tomorrow will bring. “Which one is the real you?”

“… “You’re not easy on me, are you?”

no. I know the truth. In the first place, Ha Seung-woo had no choice but to do so due to user information, and I think I know what he meant by saying this. It’s just that he suddenly felt a prick in his chest and he reflexively changed his words.

Ha Seung-woo stared at me for a while, then sighed and shook his head.


Blue Mountains.

Kill the vagabond Joe.

“A communication has just arrived from the clan. “I’m getting a message that I’ve found out exactly where the vagabonds are based.”

“You said you found the exact location?”

When Woo Jung-min gathered everyone and opened his mouth, Nam Da-eun asked back as if he was suspicious.

“I don’t know if it’s an estimate, but how did you find out exactly?”

“I don’t know the details either. Suffice it to say that there was ongoing discussion between the clan lord and the central governing body regarding the handling of vagabonds… .”

When speaking publicly, the language is used sparingly for convenience, but when speaking to individuals, the tone of speech changes. The reputation of being ‘the swordsman’ is not easy enough for Woo Jung-min to treat him carelessly.

Anyway, Woo Jung-min was just conveying what he heard, so he slowly trailed off. A strange look appears on Nam Da-eun’s cold face.

“Who did you hear it from?”

“The Shadow Queen has contacted you.”

“Sister? If you’re talking about my sister… . hmm. “First of all, I understand.”

“yes. then… .”

The words, a message from the ‘Shadow Queen’, certainly had powerful power. Because even that great ‘Gamhu’ was immediately convinced and retreated. Soon, Woo Jung-min explained the detailed plan to everyone and even completed the operation instructions.

“huh. Good good. “At this level, you can completely lie down and f*ck!”

Vivien, who had misspoken something she had picked up somewhere, laughed and continued.

“Hey, is this really sweet? If I keep doing this, won’t I soon become EX level? Woohyohyohyo!”

Vivien laughs and looks around. But the laughter soon died down. Actually, it wasn’t wrong. Tracking and killing are inherently quite difficult missions. Especially if the other person is a tramp. Of course, the reward for success will be enormous, but the possibility of failure is also high. But how could I not be happy that things were resolved easily thanks to unexpected help?

Clearly, Cheoksal Cho Won was happy. However, some people have slightly different feelings. Especially Nam Da-eun, Woo Jung-min, Seon Yu-un, Won Hye-su, and Jin Su-hyun. These five people’s eyes were shining coldly and they were pouring out a thick, murderous feeling. Rather than being happy that things are being resolved easily, he looks like a murderer who is about to commit a long-awaited murder. Vivian, overwhelmed by the force, lowered her head without realizing it.

“… sorry.”

Woo Jung-min calmly shook his head. And before giving the order to start, he lightly touched Jin Su-hyeon’s shoulder, who was fidgeting with his hand holding the hilt of his sword.

“Jin Soo-hyun. “Talk to me for a moment.”


New continent Atlanta.

Mercenary Castle.

“brother Brother. Can you believe it? We are also members of the Mercantile Clan now. huh?”

Ha Seung-yoon shook the shoulder he was holding while making a fuss with a very flushed face.

“Once the formal registration process is over tomorrow, you will be able to draw a red symbol on your chest! “Are you listening?”

“I’m listening.”

Even as his body shook violently back and forth, Ha Seung-woo nodded his head half-heartedly. He wasn’t actually listening. Ha Seung-woo, who soon came to his senses, looked at his younger sister smiling brightly and sighed inwardly. As someone who went through a rough situation last night, I can’t help but feel that it’s disgusting to see him only talk about what he has to say instead of worrying about his older brother. However, seeing him chatting excitedly, a knowing smile appears on Ha Seung-woo’s lips.

As Ha Seung-woo stares at Ha Seung-yoon, the events of last night suddenly come to mind. To be more precise, an additional question that Kim Soo-hyun suddenly asked.

‘Have you thought about returning home?’

‘huh? ‘I haven’t really thought about it.’

At first, I thought it was a random question. There was a lot of talk about killing and saving, but suddenly he asked me if I had thought about returning?

‘Then, if I were given the chance to return home. ‘Do you want to go back?’

‘hmm. no? not really?’

‘… ‘Why?’

‘Because I like this world. Why? It’s neat. A world where everything is organized by the logic of power. Compared to the unremarkable modern times, it is heaven. But you don’t?’

However, Ha Seung-woo spoke sincerely. no. In fact, I was in a half-fazed state at the time, so I guess I could say he just said whatever came to his mind.

‘Just for that reason?’

‘At best? well. I don’t know what you may think, but I don’t think of myself as a person now. I think I’ve changed as a user over the long period of time I’ve been active.’

‘… … .’

‘But will you be able to adapt if you go back? In that hard, empty world? I think not. It’s good if you don’t go crazy. ah. ‘This is just my personal opinion.’

There, Kim Soo-hyun suddenly appeared as if he was lost in deep thought.

While pondering why he asked such a question and why he made such an expression, Ha Seung-woo slowly reflected on the memories of that time.

The flashbacks continued.

‘… Then what about your brother?’

‘Brother? Seungyoon?’

‘He’s my younger brother. ‘What did you think when we met by chance?’

‘When we first met… .’

Suddenly, Ha Seung-woo stared straight ahead.

“So, once we go through the official process, there is a process to determine our grade? at there… .”

Ha Seung-yoon is still chatting with a face full of anger. It was a genuine, untainted smile that was different from his own acting. It is not a user who falls and falls, but a person who always smiles brightly and lives a lively life, with traces of modernity still remaining.

‘Actually, I was extremely shocked. It felt like she had been hit hard on the head with a hammer. I forgot that I had to hide myself, so I hurriedly ran and shouted. I still remember it vividly. Why are you here? haha… .’

‘… It’s a little different than before.’

‘huh? iced coffee. I was speaking from my perspective earlier, and if I were to speak from Seungyoon’s perspective, it would inevitably be different.’

‘So, you’re saying you’ll send your younger brother back when the opportunity comes?’

‘I would like to do that if possible. I would enjoy this world where I have to sacrifice my life to work, but Seungyoon… . Not yet, not yet. More than anything, I’m dying of anxiety. I’m your real brother, right? Of course, I’ll miss it if I send it back, but I think it’s better than living each day anxiously. ‘Because he’s a kid who’s good at taking care of himself in the first place.’

‘… is it.’

It was then.

“Oh brother! “Are you listening to me?”

Following the sound of banging on the desk, Ha Seung-yoon’s face came closer. Ha Seung-woo, reflexively breaking out of his thoughts, rolled his eyes and turned his head. What were the words you heard in between?

“ah. So, it was about grading, right?”

“… “Are you listening?”

Ha Seung-woo barely succeeded in remembering, and Ha Seung-yoon sat back down with a grin.

“Anyway, no matter how good a new recruit is, grade C is the upper limit.”


“huh. There is nothing we can do because the contribution part is lacking. So, when the day comes to decide my grade, I will do my best to get a C grade.”


It was a thoughtless question, but Ha Seung-yoon gave him a suspicious look. Ha Seung-woo felt a cold sweat break out. He seemed to have asked the wrong question.

“How? Didn’t you hear the explanation? You said that the clan lord just needs to prove his skills. If they pick one person and prove their skills, they will give them an appropriate grade. “If you don’t like it, just start with grade F.”

… There is no way to know. Let alone an explanation, I lost my head last night, so what do I know?

However, Ha Seung-yoon did not seem to think it was too important and continued speaking immediately.

“But my brother was a little disappointed. “The level of Mercenary wizards is no joke.”

“And you? Mercenaries are not at a level to be underestimated, even at the level of melee classes.”

“I’m fine. “I already have someone decided on.”


“I don’t know the name, but the user who lost his temper with my brother at the restaurant at that time.”

“ah. That red hair? Hey, are you taking revenge?”

Ha Seung-woo was relieved that everything went well and playfully chimed in. Ha Seung-yoon smiled bitterly.

“Rather than revenge… . It’s perfect for the opponent. They say it’s a rare class, but they say it’s in the same mercenary category as me. Also, I use a two-handed dagger. “I think there are a lot of similarities in one way or another.”

Ha Seung-yoon stretched with his clasped hands and his eyes shone sharply. He had a confident attitude.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Hmm. I enjoyed reading the comments. I would like to applaud the person who predicted this situation in advance. In fact, I aimed for this from the beginning and twisted it as much as possible. But if you still noticed, I think you really have an eagle eye.


Elsais / Does the fact that novel titles are starting to appear mean that the end is coming? ㅜ Haha

yes. you’re right. You are sharp. In fact, in this episode too, after the highlights, there was a lot of information about the ending. haha. Anyway, I think you can see it more accurately as preparation for completion. As with this tramp, I hope you can feel that things are being sorted out one by one. 🙂

Oops. And today is the CSAT, right?

I believe that many of our readers are test takers. In particular, among the people who exchanged messages with me, there are people who attend a comprehensive academy for students only to retake the exam, and there are also people who attend a dormitory academy. I don’t know if my prayers will help, but I hope you get good results in this year’s college entrance exam. I wish Ansol good luck! 😀

P.S. I am replying to your messages step by step. Right now, so much has piled up that it’s delaying time. (It definitely dropped to single digits last week, but why did I check today and there are more than 20? ^_ㅠ) Anyway, I’ll reply within this week at the latest, so please wait a little longer. Thank you for your patience!


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not work with dark mode