MEMORIZE Chapter 724

00724 Decision Night. ————————————————– ———————-=

At that moment, I immediately activated Lee Hyeong-hwanwi and occupied Ha Seung-woo’s rear.

My vision changed in an instant. In front of me, I see the desk I was sitting at a moment ago and my hand on the hilt of the knife. The illusion soon disappeared as if melting into thin air. Next, he tried to aim the blade at an angle at the nape of Ha Seung-woo’s neck, but then changed direction and plunged the tip of the knife into the center of Ha Seung-woo’s back. Just enough to fit in very slightly.

After succeeding in completely controlling the rear, I quietly opened my mouth.

“I warn you in advance. Don’t open your mouth or move your body until I give you permission. Because I don’t care what you think or what your circumstances are. All you can do here is answer my questions. If you see any behavior that is even slightly contrary to this, you can expect it. “Nod your head once if you understand.”

And he looked right away, but Ha Seung-woo had an expressionless expression. I’m sitting on the sofa, staring at the desk. He seemed to be lost in something or quietly lost in thought. Suddenly, the shadow beneath Ha Seung-woo began to stir. Other than that, it was a quiet night, with everything still and only darkness descending.

Finally, Ha Seung-woo slowly nodded his head.

“As expected, did you know…? .”

The moment I heard the carefully spoken words, I lifted my foot sharply and slammed my right hand down on the sofa with all my strength.

“But no way…” . Pfft!”


At the same time that the sofa was shattered, Ha Seung-woo’s body tilted sharply and a loud scream erupted.

I kicked the sofa that was in the way and looked down. As a result of stepping on it with all my might, my right hand was completely crushed. Blood is flowing freely and white bones are visible between the crushed flesh. Ha Seung-woo sat down on the floor with his right shoulder slightly hanging and a frown on his face. Still, he must have clearly understood now, so he closes his mouth and stares straight ahead.

In any case, Ha Seung-woo clearly acknowledged this. Although it was a little strange to say that I knew.

“okay. “You’d better stay still.”

After speaking in a whisper, I began to take off Ha Seung-woo’s clothes one by one. Take off his robe and tear off his jacket. Because I didn’t know if he was hiding something, I even cut off the underwear he was wearing and flipped them off. Meanwhile, a small, shiny blue bead fell to the floor.

“This… . “It is a modification of truth.”

Ha Seung-woo glanced away as he spoke, but his mouth was still closed. He felt a little regretful. He was going to harpoon his left hand too if he opened his mouth one more time.

Anyway, it worked out well.

I looked at the lone glowing orb in the dark and pushed it gently with my foot. The Crystal of Truth rolled over and landed exactly in front of Ha Seung-woo.

“You know what to do, right?”

Ha Seung-woo seemed a little hesitant, but soon he calmly placed his left hand on the bead.

After a while.

A bright light came on inside the bead. The correction of truth has been activated.

However, the activation time is not very long, so you should save as much time as possible.

I decided to start asking questions right away. We already know the identity, so forget it.

“What is the purpose of user Seungwoo Ha joining the Mercantile Clan after conquering the Steel Mountains of the North Continent?”

The correction of truth is not omnipotent. It has a definite weakness in that it unconditionally covers only the ‘truth’. I also used that to escape Jeong Ha-yeon’s barrage of questions. So, to minimize this weakness, it is best to ask questions as detailed as possible.

“The purpose is to escape and be protected. And the purpose of taking advantage of it.”

Soon, Ha Seung-woo’s low voice is heard. Escape, protection and use. It seems like he followed what I said earlier.

“Tell me everything, in detail.”

He tightened his grip and growled. My voice suddenly rose.

“Literally. One was to place Seungyoon under the protection of the Mercantile Clan. Another attempted to use the Mercantile Clan to clean up the remaining vagabonds.”

At that moment, I felt strength coming into my eyes. Let alone the former, I couldn’t believe the latter.

A tramp tried to sweep away a tramp?

And the leader of the tramps?

I quickly checked the truth crystal, but the light inside the bead did not change at all. It shines as brightly as when it was first turned on.

“… Was there some internal strife?”

“Infighting? ha ha ha.”

Suddenly, Ha Seung-woo let out an absurd laugh. He continued speaking while still looking straight ahead.

“This and this, I don’t know much about tramps. The vagabond is an organization that has no reason to have internal strife in the first place. Why? Because we, or rather tramps, only come together out of necessity. okay. “The command system was created out of necessity, but it is not a perfect hierarchical relationship like yours.”

Ha Seung-woo, who seemed to have calmed down a bit now, continued speaking at length. It was a consistent voice from beginning to end.

“… “Then why?”

“I told you. By necessity. … To be more precise, the biggest reason would be that I accidentally found out that Seungyoon was my biological younger brother.”

“Is user Ha Seung-yoon also a vagabond?”

“No, no. Seungyoon is just a user. “Just the average user who hates bums.”

Ha Seung-woo glanced down again, as if he wanted to make sure of this much. The light inside the marble still did not change.

It was then.

As I was slowly trying to organize my thoughts, Ha Seung-woo suddenly turned his head and stared at me. Since I was extremely nervous, I reflexively pushed the sword in and at the same time injected the magic power I had previously drawn up.


The tip of the knife penetrated the back without difficulty and pierced the abdomen. If you unleash your magic power like this, you will definitely die.

However, Ha Seung-woo just stared at me quietly, except for a brief flinch. The blood that seeped out slowly ran down my back and wet the floor.

Ha Seung-woo let out a faint sigh and then quietly opened his mouth.

“And once the Steel Mountains were conquered, I thought there was no future.”

“No future?”

“… “Are you asking because you really don’t know?”

“… … .”

That wasn’t it. Certainly, unlike the first round, the tramp did not show much activity after the war.

no. I couldn’t do it.

Because I made it that way.

“As long as the city is occupied by employers, vagrants are bound to be at a disadvantage as time passes. And now that we have conquered the Steel Mountains, the difference will be even greater.”

“But you… .”

“ah. Of course, the tramp didn’t stay still. So, a large number of people entered the city, acted as spies, and planned to incite conflict between users. In fact, we achieved some results. however… .”


Ha Seung-woo pauses for a moment and stares at me. I gave a light gesture to tell him to continue speaking.

“Plan to exterminate vagabonds, hunt down spies, defeat in war… . Up until this point, limbs had already been cut off, and from then on, the group continued to kill vagrants. As time passes, power decreases exponentially, so what should we do here? “What do you think you would have done?”

“So you were trying to make a fresh start as a user?”

“I didn’t suddenly think of it. After the war, I thought about it for a long time and prepared in secret, and after conquering the Steel Mountains, I solidified my thoughts. So I was just waiting for an opportunity, and suddenly the right opportunity came.”


“okay. An opportunity came to me when you disappeared right before the attack. “A golden opportunity that will never come again.”

“… … ?”

It was a moment when I frowned in confusion at the meaningless words. Suddenly Ha Seung-woo’s face became mushy, and then his face slowly began to change. The moment I finally saw the face that had completely changed, my heart suddenly started pounding loudly.

I see another me. Before I knew it, Ha Seung-woo’s face had transformed into mine.

But before my heart could sink, the flesh once again collapsed as if flabby, and another face appeared. At first glance, it is similar to the first face, but if you look closely, the impression is clearly different. The third face that appeared was a man with silver-gray hair with a profound glow but sharp eyes.

When I come face to face with cold, clean eyes, I get goosebumps. Ha Seung-woo was radiating such strong charisma.

I felt it instinctively. This is Ha Seung-woo’s true face.

At the same time, a thought crossed my mind.

“… “You were the one who impersonated me.”

“that’s right. Because the fastest and best way was to take over the Mercantile Clan. Although it failed spectacularly.”

Seungwoo Ha obediently agreed. I finally found out the whole story.

It was a simple story. Seungwoo Ha tried to take over the Mercantile Clan by impersonating me. By doing so, he was trying to protect Ha Seung-yoon and make sure his bum was cleansed. And it starts anew with the name Mercenary Road. As that went wrong, I ended up joining the Mercenary Clan as the next best option.

As I thought about it like that, an additional question arose.

“But what happens to you if you impersonate me? “Isn’t there a possibility that Ha Seung-yoon might think it’s strange?”

“iced coffee… .”

Ha Seung-woo smiled.

“I am confident in playing two roles. “There is no way to use my abilities.”

“hmm… .”

To some extent, the mystery has been resolved. In the meantime, the light from the beads had become considerably weaker. The time to activate the Crystal of Truth is almost over. I opened my mouth quietly, thinking that I should finish it now.

“good. “If you are sincere, tell me where the tramp is.”

Ha Seung-woo laughed and revealed the location of the tramp. And he kindly told me how to approach it so that I could get everything covered.

In fact, I felt a little strange that he was speaking so obediently just because of his younger sister. But she didn’t bother to say it out loud. Thinking backwards, I thought that if I were in Ha Seung-yoon’s position and my brother was in Ha Seung-woo’s position, he would have done the same thing. It probably means that she cares for her younger sister that much. On the one hand, I can sympathize with the characteristics of vagabonds and the idea that they have no future.

“What else?”

“I don’t know about that. There may be some, but it’s minor so you don’t have to worry about it too much. Or first, catch the vagabonds at the place I showed you, and interrogate a high-ranking official, and he will confess.”

With those words, the light went out and the Crystal of Truth shattered into pieces.

I solved the question and found out the facts. Of course, I still have some personal questions, but this is enough.

After taking a long breath, I carefully removed the sword stuck to my back.

Lee Chae passed through Ha Seung-woo’s eyes.

“Are you saving me?”

“You’re crazy. Do you want to live?”

I snorted and raised my sword high.

“Originally, I was going to kill him as painfully as possible by exploding his insides with a magical explosion… .”


“Actually, I was a little surprised. He didn’t bother to resist, and he spoke quite sincerely. In return, I will let you go cleanly and painlessly.”

“wait for a sec. “I can kill you painfully, so can’t you just tell me one thing?”

Have you already accepted death? Calmly sunken silver-gray eyes look at me quietly.

“… “How did you know?”

Ha Seung-woo shook his head left and right.

“What are you going to do, Seungyoon? Are you going to kill me? “Are you a normal user?”


“I’m not saying this because you’re my younger brother. Seungyoon is a genius. If you keep it alive, it’s clear… .”

“no. know. Maybe it’s a tramp. Why did you kill him? “There’s a lot of use for that in the mercenary class.”

“I’m going to use it… . Anyway, this means you will save my life, right?”

“okay. Your plan will proceed without error. Ha Seung-yoon will work as a Mercenary Clan member from now on, and we will kill all of his outcasts.”

… If you can accept this fact.

I only spoke in my mind.

“Thank goodness.”

Ha Seung-woo laughed bitterly.

Perhaps Ha Seung-woo also knows that it is difficult. But for now there is no choice.

Anyway, we decided to accept the confusion and proceeded with it. Deciding to think about what happened later, I aimed my sword at the point where I would strike. Ha Seung-woo also quietly closes his eyes, as if he thought it was over.

There was no hesitation since he had already decided to kill him.

Just do the same as sending the ‘Holy Queen’.

“Then, bye.”

While saying goodbye, I struck down my sword.

It was that moment.

“… are you!”


Suddenly, the sound of someone shouting and the sound of magic exploding rang in my ears.



The sword, which was falling gently, was violently blocked by something.

In the blink of an eye, a white curtain appeared in my field of vision.

Finally, I looked ahead and was momentarily at a loss for words.

“You… .”

Did he use his spatial movement ability?

Ansol and Jegal Haesol were standing in front of me.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ah. I’m really depressed today.

1. I caught a cold, perhaps as an aftereffect of reserve forces training.

2. While I was suffering, I received a call from a friend in the hospital asking me to come visit him. When I told him I couldn’t do it today because it was difficult, he suddenly said he felt sad. At first, I tried to tolerate it, but he kept saying mean things, so we ended up arguing.

3. I lay down to sleep feeling groggy, but this time a mosquito appeared. We fought for an hour, but we only caught one fish.

4. I sat down in my chair thinking I should write something to let off steam, but the desk was a little dirty. So while I was cleaning, I knocked over the cup that was on the booklet to her left. So the cold coffee inside poured out. The monitor, the keyboard, the books in the booklet, the floor, and the small notebook that my older brother had given me as a gift, which I thought was a waste of time and kept unused, were all brown.


I guess today is a day where you really can’t do anything. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode