MEMORIZE Chapter 722

00722 Magical Lady Vs Lucky Girl. ————————————————– ———————-=

Even though it was dinner time, the restaurant on the first floor of the castle was deserted. In the past, at most 40 to 50 people would gather regularly during meal times, but today there were about 20 people gathered around the table. However, it was something that could not be helped. This is because as of this morning, two groups of people, led by Hyeon Ahn and Woo Jung-min, left Atlanta.

As a result, the castle felt a bit empty, but that didn’t necessarily mean that the atmosphere was bad. Rather, a warm wind that has not been seen in recent times is blowing through the restaurant. It wasn’t so loud that it hurt my ears, but most of the people in the restaurant were happily listening to someone’s story with smiling faces.

“So it was a little stupid. “I should have come here a long time ago, but I didn’t.”

In the center of the restaurant, a man is speaking in a calm and clear voice. Even though the voice was not particularly high, the voice flowed calmly to the corners of the restaurant. To the side, Ha Seung-yoon is chewing his fingernails and watching, while some clan members are laughing at his restless attitude.

“But if you think about it, it was something that could not be helped. As I said before, her sister and I had no idea that the man we met that day was Mercenary Lord.”

“Oh, brother.”

“In the end, I made a mistake. Actually, Seungyoon was in a very bad mood at that time. So as soon as you walk up to us, get the hell out because I don’t plan on giving you a penny. “I ended up saying this.”

“Oh, brother! Stop… .”

“So I got really scolded that day. At that time, Atlanta only had a few older car users, right? Anyway, he reflected on it. however. Later, when I found out that the man was Mercenary Lord. Can you imagine how disappointed Seungyoon was there? Now, my dream of joining the Mercenary Clan has gone to waste… .”

“Oh, I told you to stop!”

In the end, Ha Seung-yoon, who screamed loudly, hit his fist violently. Ha Seung-woo, who was hit squarely in the ribs, made a loud noise and fell forward. A groan comes out. Ha Seung-yoon, who was chewing his mouth with a sigh, suddenly made a sad expression and looked around him. His face suddenly turns bright red, as if he sensed the interesting looks coming from all directions.

“Oh, no. So. Because my brother keeps saying strange things… .”

“Oh my. I can’t breathe. “By the way, does anyone have the Crystal of Truth?”

While he was stuttering as if he wanted to make an excuse, Ha Seung-woo pretended to die and struck the candle again. This time, harsh kicks followed. Ha Seung-woo’s waist bends again and he grabs his calf.


Ha Seung-yoon, who pouted his mouth, seemed to be so embarrassed that he couldn’t bear it, so he fell down on the table and buried his face in his arms.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Hohohoho!

In the end, boisterous laughter broke out everywhere. The sight of siblings fighting is not that funny. In particular, everyone who heard the story felt a strong sense of intimacy with Ha Seung-woo. This is because the way he completely apologized for his mistake reminded her of her mischievous older brother who was making fun of his younger sister. He was like a caring older brother who deliberately tormented me on the outside but cared for me deeply on the inside. He had a familiar yet fresh charm that was the opposite of Kim Soo-hyun.

Eventually, Ha Seung-woo, who managed to appease Ha Seung-yoon, started talking about a different topic this time. The clan members listened to what was said while eating, and Ha Seung-woo made eye contact with everyone while making the story interesting. The clan members could hardly take their eyes off the deep and calm eyes like the sea.

A friendly atmosphere was being formed.


“f*ck… . “It’s so noisy.”

Someone hit the table roughly and swore softly. It was that moment. Suddenly, four or five clan members opened their eyes wide as if they had suddenly woken up from sleep. Soon, where everyone’s eyes were focused, Lee Yu-jeong was standing upright. Perhaps because she was so drunk, her face turned red, and her red hair fluttered around as she couldn’t control her body.

Would it be an illusion if a look of regret flashed across Ha Seung-woo’s face in that split-second moment?

After a while.

“sister. “You’re being too harsh.”

When Ansol, who was sitting at the table, spoke carefully, the corners of Lee Yu-jeong’s mouth went up.

“Hi~. Did you say that? “Were our Ansol sisters talking that loudly?”

“no. That’s not it… .”

“Yes, yes~. An EX-rank person is saying this, but these lowly D-rankers should just shut up. sorry! “I’m so sorry?”

“Uh, sister.”

“I was wrong. Grade D was fussing without even knowing the topic. What should I do because I’m so sorry about this?”

“… … .”

He says he’s sorry in words, but anyone who hears it will be able to tell that he doesn’t mean it. Because the tone was twisted and full of thorns. In the end, Ansol seemed to think that her words were not making sense, so he closed her mouth and turned her head. Lee Yu-jeong’s mouth twisted.

“I’m trying to have a drink quietly… . Annoying… .”

“Miss Yujeong. “You seem to be very drunk.”

Park Sang-nam quickly started to sort out the situation.

“I’m drunk… . Just this much… .”

“Let’s go. “I will help you get to your accommodation.”

Park Sang-nam stopped talking and walked out of the kitchen while wiping his hands. Lee Yu-jeong refused to go and protested, saying she was not drunk, but she was soon dragged out of the restaurant by Park Sang-nam. Although it was handled so quickly, the restaurant was already heavily flooded with cold water.

Soon, Ha Seung-woo, who was standing still, scratched his head and opened his mouth.

“haha. Well, now that I think about it, I guess I talked too much. sorry. Because I really like talking. “I will be careful in the future.”

And even bowed his head politely and apologized. Then, suddenly, the stiffness softened a little. At the same time, the clan members in the restaurant nodded and gave friendly looks. I liked his polite and confident attitude while apologizing.

“no. He was a little, no, very unusual. We all had fun listening to it. “Isn’t everyone like that?”

When Kim Dong-seok joked, there was a small response.

“Now, let’s continue talking quickly. “I’m dying of curiosity.”

Then Ha Seung-woo smiled brightly, sat down and opened his mouth.


After the meal is over.


In the castle garden, which was completely dark, a man stood in a corner.

“I can’t bear to keep doing this.”

The identity of the man who was moving his chin from side to side and caressing his mouth, as if somehow awkward, was Ha Seung-woo.

“We should have reached the Blue Mountains by now… . Anyway, maybe I should have given you a little more information. “I hope it ends quickly.”

Ha Seung-woo muttered something incomprehensible and sighed quietly. However, he soon took out a round crystal and shined it here and there on his face, then lightly touched his face. Eventually, Ha Seung-woo, who put the crystal back, slowly looked around. When the exquisitely gorgeous garden came into view, Ha Seung-woo let out a small exclamation.

at that time.

“Really, it’s amazing. How can a clan that is barely 5 years old be like this? ?”

The tone of his mumbling to himself suddenly became louder, and Ha Seung-woo, who had been standing calmly, took a step back.

“… … .”

He clearly looks nervous. Over the past few days, Ha Seung-woo has felt eyes looking at him from somewhere. And not just once or twice, but frequently.

If I had felt that it was a secret surveillance eye, I would have laughed. However, I am looking at this completely openly. But what’s even more astounding is that even though you’re looking at it so openly, you can’t tell where or who’s watching. I was already very nervous inside, but as it continued until this late, it wasn’t all that stressful. It wasn’t a problem that ended in stress in the first place.



On the rooftop of a castle overlooking the night sky, a woman was sitting on the castle wall, looking down. Her golden, shining eyes seemed to be staring at someone. Her long, neatly flowing hair blew once in the gently blowing wind.

“No. no.”

Jegal Haesol quietly shook his head and straightened his hair.

“I was just going to watch for a while… . “You have to pay the price for ignoring the warning, right?”

It was like that. Jegal Hae-sol also possessed the ability called ‘Eye of Wisdom that looks down at the sky’, and although it was not as powerful as the ‘Third Eye’, he was able to find out Ha Seung-woo’s identity. Of course, he had no intention of solving the problem himself. What if the only person who knows is you? Jegal Hae-sol did not think that Kim Soo-hyun did not know Ha Seung-woo’s identity. The reason he left it alone like this was because he thought there might be something out there, so he didn’t come forward.

However, regardless of that, Ha Seung-woo’s presence was annoying to Jegal Hae-sol. As the opinion he proposed is implemented, the Mercenaries are showing signs of being reborn as a true mercenary clan, but suddenly a bug (from Jegal Haesol’s point of view) has suddenly become involved, so he can’t be in a good mood. So, lately, I’ve been deliberately sending a warning message by looking at him, but Ha Seung-woo’s behavior at the restaurant today was definitely excessive.

I still have no intention of leaving, but I also have no intention of leaving it like this. If you ignored the warning, just issue a stronger warning.

Thinking like that, Zhuge Haesol slowly raised his right hand.

“Then, would you like to see your skills?”

Jegal Haesol, with a knowing smile, lightly flicked his hand. At that moment, Ha Seung-woo’s eyes grew so big that they seemed to be torn apart. He was just waiting to see when the gaze would disappear, because he suddenly felt a tremendous flow of magical power from all directions. The magic power that swirled like a whirlpool was gradually narrowing its scope, trapping Ha Seung-woo like a prison.

Sweat begins to well up from my smooth forehead. The garden was still quiet and serene, but only Ha Seung-woo felt as if he was standing in the eye of a storm. However, as if he had no intention of being defeated like this, he immediately raised his magic power and resisted the intangible vortex that was attacking him. Looking at that scene, Jegal Haesol smiled brightly. As if he was very happy.

“It’s okay. Then how about this?”

After saying that, Jegal Haesol clenched his right hand tightly this time. Immediately after that, the vortex of magical power completely ignored the defense shield around Ha Seung-woo and began to apply pressure.

There was no time to feel empty. Ha Seung-woo felt an enormous magical force that he could not resist squeezing him so terribly. He tried to hold on somehow, but there was no way he could be an opponent for Jegal Hae-sol, whose magic ability was 102 points in the first place. In the end, Ha Seung-woo fell to his knees.

“Are we done here? It’s a shame. Should I at least take off the mask a little bit?”

Jegal Haesol licked his appetite and played with his hands. It’s like, ‘How should I cook this guy?’ As if worried.

It was then.

“Angelus. Salvation to those who suffer.”

Under the soft moonlight, an innocent voice echoed quietly in the garden. A white-hot cane was waved in front of Ha Seung-woo, who barely opened his eyes. At that moment, the vortex of magical power swirling around disappeared as cleanly as a lie. Only then did Ha Seung-woo, free from the pressure, manage to cough violently.

“Cluck, cluck!”

“Are you okay?”

A voice as clear and clear as that of a child.

“Who, who… .”

Ha Seung-woo looked up without realizing it and trembled. A woman wearing a white priest’s robe is staring straight at herself, her back slightly bent.

Ansol, a 3-year user.

Secret class Priest of Radiance.

There is an incredible power called miracle.

My mental age is quite low compared to my age.

A lot of information comes to mind. However, Ha Seung-woo had no choice but to shake his head vigorously. When she finally came to her senses, An Sol held her staff tightly with both hands and smiled brightly.

“I see you’re okay.”

“Well, so… .”

“wake up.”

“… yes?”

Ha Seung-woo stared at Ansol as if he were bewildered. He was suddenly attacked and suddenly saved. I really don’t know what the situation is. However, contrary to his thoughts, his body was staggering and he was getting up from the floor. Rather than being forced, it was something I did automatically because I felt like I had to do as I was told.

Ansol pointed to the castle, still smiling.

“Get up and go back to your dorm. “I think you’d better get a good night’s sleep today.”

“B-but… .”

“are you okay. Don’t worry, go in. hurry.”

“… … .”

Ha Seung-woo swallowed his saliva. There was a lot I wanted to say, but I had a strong feeling that I shouldn’t be here anymore. You can think of it as intuition. Thinking that he needed to correct the information about user Ansol, Ha Seung-woo bowed his head and began to walk at a brisk pace.

When Ha Seung-woo entered the castle safely, Ansol, who had been watching, finally let out a long breath. And he calmly tilted his head back and stared at the rooftop under the night sky.

A moment later, someone jumped lightly from the rooftop. Then, it begins to float down at a slow pace. The magic ‘Levitation’, which was thought to be absolutely impossible with established magic, has been revealed in this world.


Jegal Haesol spread his arms to the left and right and landed lightly on the ground. Even though he witnessed incredible magic, Ansol did not look particularly surprised. no. She sees Jegal Haesol walking leisurely and glares at her with an expressionless face, erasing her smile. It was definitely a different attitude from her usual Ansol.

When there was about 10 meters left, Jegal Haesol’s steps stopped. She crosses her arms and grins as she sees Ansol glaring at her.

“What is our cute princess doing here?”

“… … .”

“no. it’s okay. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you. “Hehehe.”

“… … .”

Jegal Haesol smiles softly.

However, the eyes are not smiling at all.

Ansol remains silent.

However, the eyes have been glaring since before.

Suddenly, the two women’s gazes met in midair.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

“omg… . omg… .”

Ha Seung-woo arrived at the accommodation and immediately collapsed on the bed as soon as he opened the door. He ran away feeling like he was being chased and I don’t even know how he got back. His body felt as heavy as water-soaked cotton, and a feeling of extreme exhaustion came over him. It happened in just a few minutes, but it felt like I was wading through the chaos of a fierce battle. Many thoughts came to my mind, but first I wanted to sleep soundly without thinking about anything. As he turns his body halfway, the dazzling ceiling comes into view.

Ha Seung-woo managed to close his eyes as he looked at the crystals hanging on the ivory ceiling.

‘here is… .’

Suddenly, Ha Seung-woo.

‘How on earth did this place come to be?’

I felt cold sweat running down my back.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

How did it work out?

Nothing special.

This is where there is Kim Soo-hyun with the third eye, Jegal Haesol with a magic ability of 102, and Ansol with a luck ability of 103. ^^

Ha Seung-woo: (sullen)

ah. Today, no, yesterday, reserve force training finally ended. It was really hard to get it four days in a row. Still, I feel relieved that it ended like this. ha ha ha. I feel good. 😀


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not work with dark mode