MEMORIZE Chapter 716

00716 The snow that illuminates the underside of the lamp. ————————————————– ———————-=


It was gloomy. It is neither afternoon nor night. Rather, it is noon now, with the sun rising in the sky. The sky is clear without a single cloud, and refreshing sunshine covers the entire Atlanta area. However, it did not reach everywhere, as in one room in the castle, a very dark and gloomy atmosphere was emanating from it.

Still, he must have been in his mid-20s. In a corner of her room sits a woman with her red hair flowing down, her body leaning against the backrest. The woman’s hands were hanging limply toward the floor, a short, silver-shining katana hanging limply in one of her hands.

Like the color of her hair, the woman’s red eyes were staring into space. She does, however, have an unfocused, dazed glow. Her eyes don’t seem to be looking at anything in particular, but rather seem to be lost in some kind of thought.


This time a boiling sound came out of my mouth. Very hoarse voice. However, there was no one to answer the question in the room where no one came.

‘congratulation. Your brother is also grade B, right? ‘I’m also in grade B.’

At that time, the eyes that I thought were still shook slightly. The events of that time come to mind in the woman’s mind. Cold tone. A voice that intentionally cuts off the letter B. Above all, a voice that seems to be laughing at itself! The katana, which was barely hanging on, fell to the ground with a loud sound.

“You f*cking bitch!”

The limp hand moved nervously. She takes off the thing on her head and throws it down hard, causing the silver headband to bounce and roll. The ‘Headband of Purity’, given by Kim Soo-hyun himself, strongly protects the user’s spirit. I had been wearing it without skipping a day under Kim Soo-hyun’s instructions, but now I couldn’t bear to take it off. Even then, the wheezing sound continues to come out as if the anger does not go away.

“What a bitch… . A bitch to kill… .”

Yu-jeong Lee was really imagining killing Han-byeol Kim by tearing her to pieces. I imagine Kim Han-byeol saying he was wrong and asking for forgiveness with a crying face, while he himself laughs and mercilessly stabs him with a katana. However, it is only an imagination. Rather, the more she thought about it, the more blood rose to the top of her head, and she hit the back of her chair with her elbow.

However, the anger did not seem to subside one bit. As soon as she took off her headband, desire was already forming in Lee Yu-jeong’s heart.


In the end, Lee Yu-jeong couldn’t bear it anymore and let out a high-pitched scream. And she started scratching her head like crazy. Even though her fingernails dug into her skin, she scraped them away and blood flowed down from the bitter pain. She felt a little refreshed in her head. Her heart finally sinks when she sees the blood and flesh stuck between her fingernails.

“admit… . can not!”

The sound of teeth grinding continued as if a decision had been made. The twinkling eyes were emitting a strange light. Soon, Lee Yu-jeong turned around and left her room without hesitation. Clutching the katana in her right hand.

As I went, everything I saw irritated me. The sunlight coming through the wall window, the maids smiling brightly at each other and sweeping the hallway together, Vivian lying in a sunny spot sunbathing, and even the crying-looking maid who was constantly called by Vivian were all annoying.

By the time I arrived at the office on the 4th floor, barely able to control my bubbling desire.

– so. How do you feel about being treated as a B grade?

Lee Yu-jeong, who was just about to open the door and go in, suddenly stopped.

– Well, just… . It was awkward.

– It’s awkward, but I’m smiling. I like my children.

– lol… . yes. It’s definitely good.

– haha. okay. If the environment changes, you will also be able to feel something different.

A peaceful sound coming from the room. It was obvious even without looking who it was. Because I could tell just by the voice.

– brother. But I heard he called me.

– ah. Nothing else. Should you take on at least one task now?

– yes? Work? What’s going on?

– It’s nothing special. I’m just saying that since we are now the representative clan, external users will visit us from time to time. For example, asking them to find a lost companion during an expedition, or asking them to come together when they found a ruin, etc.

At that moment, Lee Yoo-jeong held her breath without realizing it. The words, telling her to take charge of one task now, seemed to strangely pierce her heart.

– swimming. Is it similar to when it was a mercenary clan? … Now, just a moment. brother. Then no way… .

– Yeah man. There’s something that happened yesterday? I found a place with results in a caravan, and after listening to it, it seemed close and the level of difficulty was good. I think it’s okay for you to do this.

– Uh, how… . How could I… .

– How? You’ve followed me around a lot so far. You just become the leader. After listening to the story of the caravan, go around and ask for any clan members who might need it. At the same time, he is in charge of the preparations for the expedition. All you have to do is report to me three days before you leave.

– Ha, but… . Is there really a clan member who would be willing to help me… .

-Why worry? As long as you succeed in your mission, you will definitely accumulate achievements. Wouldn’t it be more of a fuss to help each other?

That was it.

Lee Yu-jeong took a deep breath and opened the door and entered.

“Is that so? Then I… ?”

Ahn Hyeon opened his mouth wide, but stopped speaking when he saw Lee Yu-jeong suddenly come in. But soon he hesitated and retreated. This is because Lee Yu-jeong, who came in with a sigh, pushed Ahn Hyeon hard and stood in front of Kim Soo-hyun. The energy flowing out of her was too much for her to ask what she was doing.

Kim Soo-hyun was calm. As if he knew that Lee Yu-jeong was eavesdropping outside. Instead, when she looked at him with a look in her eyes that said, ‘Why did you come again?’, Lee Yu-jeong chewed her lower lip hard.

“that. “I will do it.”


Did you expect what I was going to say? He spoke in a solemn voice, but Kim Soo-hyun flatly refused with a firm voice.


“Because the mission of packing up a caravan and heading out is only allowed to those of B rank or higher.”

“It doesn’t matter. “I’m going to succeed at this, so shouldn’t I just raise it to B grade?”

“Lee Yu-jeong. Say it just one more time. “You are not currently in Grade B, and even if you succeed at this, you will not be able to advance to Grade B.”

It was that moment.

“Then why am I not a B grade!”

bang! Kwasik!

The loud shouting and the sound of the desk breaking overlapped. Lee Yu-jeong slapped both hands roughly. The katana held in his right hand was deeply embedded in the desk, not even splitting it into pieces. Not only Ahn Hyeon, but also Lee Yu-jeong, the person in charge, was shocked. When she was rejected outright, all the anger she had built up exploded all at once, but even so, she has never once rebelled… .

Kim Soo-hyun calmly stared at Yu-jeong Lee.

“Quiet. “You were going to give me a D grade, but I ended up giving you a C grade.”

“why! so why! “You didn’t cause any accidents and listened well!”

“under. Is listening well an achievement? Do you think that makes sense? … no. get out. “Just get out.”

“I can’t go out! Ahn Hyun and that couple are in B grade! But why am I ranked C!”

It was Kim who was thrown out. Lee Yu-jeong poured out all the sadness that had accumulated in her heart after the clan member grading system.

“this… . I’ve been asking if you’ll come or not… .”

Kim Soo-hyun, with a hard look on his face, stood up from his seat. He grabbed Lee Yu-jeong’s collar as she gritted her teeth and pulled her straight away.

“also… . “Do you want to break your sword?”

“oh my! brother! brother! “Hang in there, bro!”

Ahn Hyun quickly clung to Kim Soo-hyun and stopped him.

“Hey Lee Yu-jeong! Are you crazy? Why do you do this to your brother and not to anyone else? “Why don’t you say you made a mistake quickly?”

“… no! can not! “No I won’t!”

“you… .”

“What did I do so wrong! “How can you do this to me?”

Now, even though he spoke in a tearful voice, he desperately raised his eyes as if he would not give up.

“This guy… . really… .”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was taking a deep breath, shook his hand roughly and Lee Yu-jeong fell into a ball. Kim Soo-hyun soon turned towards the terrace and took a breath as if trying to relieve his anger. Ahn Hyun didn’t know what to do and distorted her face. A heavy and unsettling silence gradually began to encroach on the room.

How much time has passed?

“… therefore.”

After a while, a slightly subdued voice broke the silence. Kim Soo-hyun turns around and looks down at the floor.

“Are you saying you don’t understand that Ahn Hyeon and Kim Han-byeol are in B grade, but you are in C grade?”

“… … .”

Although the words were a bit blunt, Lee Yu-jeong quietly nodded with wide eyes.

“okay. Things like that happen, too.”


Ahn Hyeon widened his eyes. However, Kim Soo-hyun was nodding his head as if he had a point.

“surely. Because my evaluation is not absolute. So, I could be wrong.”

“… … !”

Suddenly his voice became softer. Yujeong Lee swallowed her saliva even though she felt something was strange. Could it be… .

“good. “Then let’s do it this way.”

At that moment, Kim Soo-hyun spoke as if he had a good idea. Next, he takes turns looking at Ahn Hyun, who is fidgeting, and Lee Yu-jeong, who is still sitting on the floor.

“You two fight.”

Bomb declaration… . It wasn’t much, but puzzlement appeared on the faces of the two people who were called at the same time.


“I originally didn’t plan on doing it like this, but I’m allowing it just this once. If you win the sparring with Ahn Hyeon, I will immediately raise you to B grade. “Then at least we can prove the user information.”

As I added the words, Lee Yu-jeong understood immediately. What she meant was to prove your skills.


However, Kim Soo-hyun suddenly predicted a reversal.

“If you lose, it’s grade D.”

“surface… . Grade D?”

“then. If you win, you immediately go up in rank, but there has to be a penalty like this. … or not. “Are you not confident?”

“… … .”

Are you not confident?

no. It was the opposite. Rather, it was what I hoped for. Lee Yu-jeong, looking at Ahn Hyeon, who was still standing in a daze, suddenly felt a fierce courage rising within her. Because she never once thought of herself as inferior to Anhyeon.

“… who!”

“good. “Ahn Hyeon, what about you?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who saw Yu-jeong Lee stand up suddenly, turned his gaze and asked. Ahn Hyun closed and opened his eyes a couple of times and then slowly nodded his head.

In this way, the sparring between Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong came to fruition.

After a while.

The castle’s garden.

Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jeong faced each other at an appropriate distance.

An Hyun was standing holding a black spear, the symbol of a Qigong spearman. Lee Yu-jeong took a stance holding a katana and two swords summoned from the brand on her abdomen. There is a faint smile on her mouth that I haven’t seen before. The way she shakes her two katana handles as if she is loosening her hands shows that she is already confident of her own victory.

The battle has already begun. Even without saying ‘Start!’, a tense energy enveloped the two from the moment they faced each other.

“I’m sorry. “I have to step on you and move up to B grade.”

Suddenly Lee Yu-jeong spoke up. But Anhyeon did not open her mouth. From the moment the battle began, Ahn Hyeon was busy analyzing his opponent’s every move.

However, Lee Yu-jeong snorted indifferently, probably because she thought that was a sign of nervousness. Then she suddenly lunged, kicking the ground with all her might.

It was a surprise attack of considerable speed, but Ahn Hyeon was not taken aback. Because he knew that Lee Yu-jeong had been straining his ankle ever since he snorted. In less than three seconds, a silver flash appeared before his eyes, but Ahn Hyeon turned his spear in place and calmly attacked.

Finally, when I felt that my katana was caught on the pole, I used all my strength to push it aside.

Certainly, there was a feeling of something being thrown away.

However, Lee Yu-jeong’s momentum did not diminish one bit. As if he had expected this to happen, he used his strength to spin around in the air and hit the katana as it came down.


Clear iron castle. An Hyun lifted the spear with one hand and stared into space with an indifferent face. As if she didn’t like that expression, Lee Yu-jeong distorted her face and quickly left.

‘you… .’

Anhyeon sighed inwardly. Now I think I understand why Kim Soo-hyun named him and Yu-jeong Lee.

weak. Even if it is weak, it is too weak. To the point where it felt funny that I was a little nervous right before the battle. Still, I took on the challenge with some pride, but now I was not only disappointed but angry.

“Your facial expression looks like shit. “Why don’t you open your eyes like that?”

Lee Yu-jeong growled and kicked the ground again. This time I went left and then right. It moves nimbly like a cat and disturbs Ahn Hyeon’s vision.

‘you… .’

However, Anhyeon still did not move a single inch. It’s definitely fast.

But that’s it.

It’s not like everything was crazy like in the previous match with Joo Hyun-ho. And more than anything, when I think of the time I sparred with Kim Soo-hyun, it literally makes me yawn. At that time, he didn’t even know what happened. However, even if you really want to do it, you won’t be sincere.


Suddenly, a powerful cheer is heard from the left. Anhyun glanced to the side. He must have thought he had seized the opportunity, so he came running towards me with a bright smile on his face and his red hair flying.

‘you… .’

It is not the norm, and it is difficult to see it as an anomaly. It is just a deception attack that uses physical conditions and does not even have the slightest understanding of the user’s information.

As Ahn Hyeon slowly aimed his spear, a sparring match with Cha So-rim suddenly came to mind.

‘You haven’t grown at all… .’

The reason why Ahn Hyeon thought this way was simple.

Because, because… .

“it’s over!”

The attack that is coming now is the first and final blow that Ahn Hyeon delivered during his sparring with Cha So-rim. Because it was just at that level. It was nothing more and nothing less.

Finally, Ahn Hyeon quickly grasped the spear and stabbed it with force.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Maids hired as Night Flowers are non-combat users who have a formal contract with the Mercenary. She signed a formal contract to work for a salary. When she recruits Im Hanna, she becomes the first Night Flower to be hired after being introduced by Go Yeon-joo. If you recall the content at that time, you will probably be able to understand the meaning of the word maid.

So don’t argue too much. There can be as many different opinions about the content, right? However, as the words become more severe, it seems like his feelings are getting hurt. Then I am upset, and the readers are also upset. I don’t feel good either. I think if you use a slightly nicer and prettier way of speaking, it won’t hurt each other’s feelings.

ruler! Readers, let’s shake off any upsets and let’s all be like men and clink a glass of water together!



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not work with dark mode