MEMORIZE Chapter 714

00714 A severely angular stone is not afraid of chisel. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Suddenly there’s a clan member tier system… .”

“I heard you said you would change, but… . This is so… .”


Inside the castle. The long corridor connecting the plaza on the first floor and the conference hall was noisier than usual. The people who were gathered in small groups and whispering were all Mercenary Clan members, and even though the meeting was over, they did not return immediately and waited in front of the entrance to the square. This is because Go Yeon-joo, who was handed a record with ‘clan member rank’ written on it, did not allow anyone in until the posting was finished.

I felt like I knew the reason for doing so, but most of the people standing in the corridor could not hide their nervousness. The words I had just heard at the meeting kept coming back to my mind.

We break the complacency that has continued in the name of freedom and declare complete openness to competition. The implications of these words were very significant. This means that we will place more importance on ‘performance’ that can be accumulated through activities rather than user information, or ‘skills’.

It is undeniable that highly skilled users have an advantage. However, from now on, user information cannot control everything. Even users with slightly lower skills can move up to a higher level depending on how they work in the field.

Anyway, one thing is certain: the days of smiling and being friendly with each other are over. Because the number of things you can do to build performance is limited. no. In the future, as new clan members join, there will be less work to do.

I’m sorry.

It was then. The door, which had been tightly closed for about 30 minutes, slowly began to open. The clan members who had been waiting for so long suddenly turned their gazes. Soon, Ko Yeon-ju appeared through the door that slowly opened to the left and right.

“after. I barely wrote it all down. “Please come in now.”

At that moment, the clan members standing at the front began to flock in. They ran so quickly that some impatient clan members even pushed hard at those who were hesitantly walking.

“Ouch! “Oh, sister!”

Ansol could be heard crying out in frustration, but Lee Yu-jeong ignored it and continued to run forward. In the meantime, she passed through the center of the square and arrived at the place where the bulletin board was.


『Sequence Name (Year Leave)』

When I checked the letters written at the top of the bulletin board, I saw that Mokuldae had drawn a small elevation. I feel even more nervous than when I receive my college entrance exam report card.

Lee Yu-jeong calmed down her pounding heart and slowly lowered her gaze.

『EX Grade』

1. Kim Soo-hyun (3rd year)

2. Ansol (3rd year)

And the moment I confirmed the highest EX rating, my eyes, which had been filled with anticipation, widened as if they were about to tear. The sound of someone taking a deep breath could be heard all around. Perhaps everyone has the same thoughts.

‘Why is Ansol EX grade?’

There is no room for disagreement that Kim Soo-hyun is EX grade. Aside from being a clan lord, Kim Soo-hyun’s track record so far is truly unparalleled.

However, the fact that Ansol received an EX rating leaves one tilting one’s head. Of course, it’s a secret class, and ‘miracle’ is definitely an incredible ability, but that alone is a bit… .

Lee Yu-jeong, who was continuing her thoughts, shook her head. And she decided to set aside her Ansol grade for now. The most important thing is your level.

Below were the names of clan members assigned to S rank.

『S Grade』

1. Ko Yeon-ju (8th year)

2. Nam Da-eun (7th year)

3. Vivien La Classidus (-)

4. Seon Yu-un (3rd year)

5. Heo Jun-young (7 years)

Shadow Queen, Sword Queen, Chimera Alchemist, Shrine, Silent Executioner. These are the most elite users of the Mercantile Clan who are recognized wherever they go. Rather, I didn’t understand why Ko Yeon-ju wasn’t EX grade, and I don’t know much about Heo Jun-young, but I think I heard at first glance that he won by decision in a secret sparring with Cha So-rim.

Anyway, I still have a conscience. I never even dreamed of getting an S rank in the first place. Lee Yu-jeong was convinced and looked down.

『Class A』

1. Shin Jae-ryong (7th year)

2. Ha-yeon Jeong (5th year)

3. Cha So-rim (6th year)

The moment Lee Yu-jeong finally checked the A-level list, she felt her expectations slightly diminishing. That’s because she still thought to herself that she wouldn’t be grade A. She took comfort in the fact that there were only three people who deserved to be on the A list, and that there were fewer of them than she thought.

‘Mr. In the end, it’s a B grade.’

Although she hasn’t seen it yet, Yujeong Lee has already drawn a tentative conclusion. He was active before the creation of the Mercantile Clan, and is a fairly rare class user. He was confident that no matter how bad he was, he would get a B grade.


『Class B』

1. Hanbyeol Kim (3rd year)

2. Baek Han-gyeol (2nd year)

3. Hyeon Ahn (3rd year)

4. Hanna Lim (5th year)

5. Seungwoo Cho (5 years)

6. Jin Soo-hyun (2nd year)

The B-grade list didn’t have the names we expected. There are clearly a lot of familiar names, but the three letters ‘Lee Yu-jeong’ are not visible. For a moment, a bewildering light passed by my face.

“… … .”

I blinked.

I wrapped it tightly again and opened it.

As if that wasn’t enough, I even rubbed it hard.

However, Lee Yu-jeong’s name is still not visible in the B grade.

It was like that.

『Class C』

1. Jeongmin Jeong (3rd year)

2. Sasha Felix (-)

3. Lee Yu-jeong (3rd year)

Lee Yu-jeong was included at the end of the C-grade list.

『Class D』

1. Dongseok Kim (5th year)

2. Dasom Park (4th year)

3. Hyunwoo Park (7th year)

4. Hyesoo Won (3rd year)

5. … … .

『Level E』

1. Chaerin Kang (4th year)

2. Yeji Koo (3rd year)

3. Seunghoon Baek (4th year)

4. … … .

『F grade』

1. Hyemi Pyo (2nd year)

… … .

* Grade does not include 0 or 1 year.

There was a list of grades D, E, and F below, but I quickly passed by. After reaching the postscript, the gaze quickly moved back up and was fixed on the B and C grades. As disbelief soon spread, a light commotion began to arise near the bulletin board. Almost all clan members have completed checking their ranks.

“wow… . Wow… .”

Ansol was just giving a blank exclamation. Her eyes were glued to the EX class list from earlier. Even when she sees it for herself, she can’t believe it. Even so, she never dreamed that she would be on the same level as Kim Soo-hyun.

“It’s S rank… . joy. “It’s pretty good.”

Although she snorted on the outside as if it was no big deal, Vivien was smiling with great satisfaction. He didn’t know if it was a college entrance exam or a test, but he knew that he got a high grade.

After a while. Vivien walked softly and touched Ansol, who was still standing blankly.

“Anyway, Ansol, you’re amazing, right? “You’re on the same level as Kim Soo-hyun!”

Ansol flinched in surprise and then burst into laughter.

“Ah, kid. I don’t know. “I can’t believe it either.”

“be careful. “I will soon drop you and move you up to EX level.”

“Ehehehe. Hehehe.”


Is it really that good? The two people who were flirting with each other burst into laughter.

“swimming… .”

“filial duty… .”

And at the same time, I stopped laughing. Ansol and Vivien both felt this. The energy surrounding me is unusual.

It’s different from before. I don’t hear congratulations anywhere. no. Instead of congratulating them, they look at the two with strange eyes. What is certain is that it was not a kind look at all. In some ways, it seemed like he was angry for no reason.

Just as Ansol quietly lowered his eyes and Vivian’s smile faded.

“This is ridiculous. Why am I graded D… !”

“I don’t understand. Why is Ansol EX… .”

Finally, just as I was about to express my dissatisfaction somewhere, the conversation suddenly stopped.

Kim Dong-seok and Park Da-som, who were about to shout out loud, could no longer speak. At some point, a dagger flew in front of the two people and stuck in them. The dagger stuck in the ground was emitting a bluish light as if it would not allow anyone to open their mouth without permission.

“If you have any complaints, go up and talk about it directly.”

Go Yeon-ju was staring at the two people in front. Both of his wrists were bent in half, in the same posture as the dagger was thrown.

“Don’t mess with a strict kid for no reason. huh?”

Go Yeon-ju said while slowly looking around. It was a warning not just for Kim Dong-seok and Park Da-som, but for everyone here.

Who would dare disobey Go Yeon-ju’s orders?

Kim Dong-seok quietly closed his mouth. However, his face was still bright red and he began to climb the stairs making a thumping sound. Some were still checking the bulletin board, but the four or five clan members who had been quietly watching soon followed Kim Dong-seok up the stairs.

“her. Isn’t user Kim Dong-seok in a position to get angry like that? And even if you go, you won’t hear anything good… .”


Ahn Hyeon, who had been calmly checking the bulletin board, turned around. Seungwoo Cho was clicking his tongue lightly as he watched the clan members climbing the stairs.

“Can’t you hear good things?”

“huh? iced coffee. maybe. You completely destroyed Dongbu, which came out armed with such thorough logic, all by yourself. And if it goes on like that, it will 100% break completely, right? “I guarantee it.”

“… … .”

“it is not so? The clan lord probably did this because he had something in mind. But not in such a hurry… . Tsk tsk.”

is it. Did you also have thoughts?

Ahn Hyun nodded his head half-heartedly and then suddenly glanced at Seung-woo Cho. Her eyes are shining with concern, but the corners of her mouth are twitching. Ahn Hyun smiled bitterly.

“But wasn’t Seungwoo opposed to it?”

“I? Did you?”

“You said so. “They said it was too sudden.”

“Well, you have a good memory. that is… . I didn’t know I would get a B grade… . ha ha ha.”

Seungwoo Cho smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. Of course, looking at the user information alone, Cho Seung-woo is rated B, which is far from enough. However, Kim Soo-hyun said that determining the grade is not limited to user information.

‘For sure, Seungwoo hyung has worked hard so far… .’

Although he acknowledged Seung-Woo Cho’s administrative ability, concern quietly rose in Ahn Hyeon’s heart. The back of Lee Yu-jeong, who is sitting closest to the bulletin board and just raising her head in confusion, comes into view.

Was it that big of a shock? I thought she would be the first to go up, but surprisingly, Lee Yu-jeong just stood still. However, it doesn’t look like it has been accepted. My shoulders were slumped and my body was stiff, almost like I was looking at a pumice stone.

In fact, I thought Ahn Hyun would receive the same grade as Lee Yu-jeong. She expected it to be a C grade if she received it well, or a D grade if not. However, she received a B grade, which she had never expected, and Lee Yu-jeong received a C grade. And Ansol is an EX grade. Among the three people who started with Kim Soo-hyun, Yu-jeong Lee received the lowest grade. I don’t know, but it’s definitely not a good feeling.

Should I just stay still? Should I come up to you and pat you on the shoulder?

The moment he was contemplating between the two options, Ahn Hyeon reflexively looked to the side. He didn’t know when he was approaching, but Kim Han-byul was looking at him with cold eyes.

“Hyeonnie oppa.”

Anhyeon’s mouth opened wide. It is very rare for Kim Han-byeol to speak first, but he went one step further and said, “Hyun’s oppa.” In the past, this would have been unthinkable.

“Your brother is also grade B, right? “I’m also in grade B.”


Then Kim Han-byeol, smiling, held out her hand.

“From now on, we will work hard and rise to a high level together.”

“uh? Yeah, yeah. ha ha ha.”

Why is he like this today? Ahn Hyeon held Kim Han-byeol’s hand even though he couldn’t shake off the awkward feeling.

It was that moment.


Only then did Ahn Hyeon discover the smile on Kim Han-byeol’s lips. The cold, cold laugh seemed to be laughing at someone. Now that I think about it, my voice seemed a little higher than usual. It’s as if someone is deliberately asking someone to listen.

just as expected.

Ahn Hyeon glanced sideways without realizing it and felt a sense of regret.

Her red hair, down to her waist, stands on end and she is trembling. The ends of the limp arms are clenched so that the hands become crumbly. A sharp energy that feels like it will cut you at the slightest touch flows out of your body like water. I’m sure you heard it.

The back looks like that, but what does the front look like?

Feeling that he didn’t want to even imagine it, Ahn Hyeon quickly blocked the gap between the two. However, Kim Han-byeol just smiled brightly, turned her body and started walking somewhere.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I have read all of the readers’ comments. I really love this comment atmosphere. ha ha ha. I will reveal the parts you are curious about in later content.

thank you _(__)_


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not work with dark mode