MEMORIZE Chapter 711

00711 14 Vs 1000. ——————————————— —————————=


A light wind blew through the forest. A foul, bloody smell flows into my nostrils.

How much time has passed?

The sun had risen completely and brightly illuminated the pitch-black forest. As I roughly shake off the knife, I look around and see an area drenched in blood and flesh. There were countless corpses scattered everywhere. Countless amounts of blood flowed and flowed to the point that a puddle of blood had formed.

As I looked around, I occasionally came across excessive(?) corpses. A corpse scorched black by lightning is a nobleman. The places where Vivien’s army of demonic beasts swept away and the places where Gong Chan-ho rampaged made me laugh out loud. The corpse that had been devoured by the demonic beast army looked like minced meat, and the corpse that had been attacked by Gong Chan-ho was badly torn in one or two places.

Who knows, if there is a strong person who can make your eyes shine. Even though I wasn’t very impressed by this battle in the first place, it felt like the two were making a bet to see who would kill more brutally.

When I glanced around, I saw Gong Chan-ho slumped down in the middle of the area. He appears to be deep in thought, holding the Sura magic spear in his right hand.

Somehow, I feel like I know what Gong Chan-ho is thinking. In fact, when I blocked Gong Chan-ho’s blow earlier, I did not intend to block it head on, but rather do it as slanted as possible. But suddenly the protective fortress of Gehenna was deployed, and a red curtain was placed on his sword, completely blocking Gong Chan-ho’s attack.

In other words, I realized that since I had the protective fortress of Gehenna, I could manifest it not only through my body, but also through the objects I was holding.

This was a new discovery that even I wasn’t aware of, but it wasn’t something I was completely happy about. As Gehenna said, an enormous amount of magical power was consumed just to block that single blow.

Anyway, it’s nice to see that there isn’t an uproar just because one attack is blocked like last time. The very fact that he thinks like that is proof that Gong Chan-ho’s inner self has grown to some extent.

“952 bodies… . There are 431 surviving users… .”

Suddenly, I heard someone muttering. The main character of the voice was my older brother. After the battle, he looked around the area three or four times and seemed to be counting the number of people.

Eventually, my brother approached me and opened his mouth, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

“I don’t know how far we have come, but I think we’ve taken care of all the outlaws who entered the pitch-black forest. And the number of users affected was exactly 47. “I guess the outlaw killed him before we got there.”

“Did we make a mistake?”

“I don’t think there is one. “Luckily, I guess I made the right choice and killed him.”

“hmm… .”

My brother was still pointing over his shoulder. Across from us, the West Continent users we had rescued were sitting in a huddle, and Ahn Hyeon and Shin Jae-ryong were walking around, seemingly checking on the injured. Occasionally, the squinted eyes reflected relief that he was alive and a glimpse of unknown fear.

“great job. “Now, if you take me safely to the city, the request will be completed.”

In any case, it was of no more significance than a request. And although not all of them, we succeeded in rescuing most of them. Now all that’s left is to go with them to a nearby city and receive compensation later. Since I said I would give it to you without any regrets, once the reward is decided, I will probably send a call to the resident messenger.

Thinking so, I clapped lightly a couple of times.

“ruler. then… . huh?”

Just as I was about to say that we should go back, I suddenly saw Ahn Hyun holding a woman’s hand and helping her up. When she looked closely, she could see that she was the woman I had covered with the robe earlier. Because she had a robe wrapped around her lower body and tied tightly.

The two talked for a moment and then started walking towards me.

… for a moment. You talked to users on the West Continent? Ahn Hyeon?

Eventually, the woman who came up with Anhyun looked at me, smiled softly, and bowed her head politely. Her blond hair, which has not lost its luster despite the dust it has accumulated, flows down, and her white, deer-like nape catches her eye at a glance.

Although it was only a little, I was surprised to see laughter just now. The woman was not anxious like other Western continent users and was showing a calm demeanor.

When the woman raised her head again, her face was revealed, shining brightly in the sunlight rising in the sky. Her voluminous hair, shining bright gold, cascaded down her shoulders in soft S-shaped waves. In addition, she had a voluptuous body unique to Caucasians and when her white skin was placed against the background, it somehow created a glamorous and elegant feeling.

Soon, wise and clever-looking eyes stare at me.

“hello. I am Sarah Jane. First of all, thank you for saving us.”

What follows is some slightly awkward Korean.

Feeling somewhat intrigued, I activated my third eye.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Sarah Jane (4th year)

2. Class: Normal, Mage, Master

3. Nation: Western Continent

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True name • Nationality: White horse • USA

6. s*x: Female (22)

7. Height • Weight: 174.2cm • 57.8kg

8. Tendency: Good • Brightness

[Strength 45] [Durability 46] [Dexterity 48] [Stamina 52] [Magic Power 92] [Luck 86]

< Achievements (0) >

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Enhanced Memorize (Rank: EX)

< Potential (4/4) >

1. Authentic Magic (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus)

2. Horsepower circuit application (Rank: B Plus)

3. va**nal chanting (Rank: A Zero)

4. –

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Jeong Ha-yeon: Total 328 points. (Remaining ability points are 0 points.)

[Strength 36] [Durability 40] [Dexterity 42] [Stamina 35] [Magic Power 94(+1)] [Luck 81]

2. Sarah Jane: Total 369 points. (Remaining ability points are 0 points.)

[Strength 45] [Durability 46] [Dexterity 48] [Stamina 52] [Magic Power 92] [Luck 86]

The moment I read the user information, I couldn’t help but be amazed. Sarah Jane was truly a magician when it came to user information. The abilities aren’t bad either.

Above all, it was surprising that not a single potential slot had yet been bloomed. There is no way that this number of users could not have enlightened themselves, and perhaps they did not enlighten themselves on purpose for some purpose. There has been a slight change in the perception that there are only beggars.

“Nice to meet you. This is Kim Soo-hyun. “Do you speak Korean?”

“yes. I. I know and like Korea. “When I was in college, I worked hard on my own.”

I spoke while lightly extending my hand, and Sarah Jane carefully took my hand.

“Wow~. amazing.”

It was that moment. As if she was watching from somewhere, Sol An came rushing over to join in as she let out a gasp. Then her eyes sparkled and she opened her mouth in a fuss.

“Hey hey! Do you know kimchi?”

Hey man.

This is a fairly unexpected question, and in some ways it may be rude. However, Sarah Jane soon adjusted her expression and smiled warmly.

“ah. I know. “I like kimchi.”

“Wow~. So do you know bulgogi?”

“yes. That’s really delicious. “I eat very well.”

“Oooooh! Then do you know back… . evil!”

I quickly swung my fist and hit the person on the head who suddenly came from the side. What is this supposed to mean?

“Tongue, bro… . Ah, it hurts… .”

An Hyeon grabbed the top of his head and gave him a look of injustice, but when he gave him a harsh look, he lowered his head and stopped walking. Anyway, it’s been a while since they had a good fight, and it’s time to start again.

“… “Kick.”

Sarah Jane looked around with blank eyes for a moment, then covered her mouth with her hand and lowered her head. I quietly opened my mouth as I felt a hot sensation rising to her face.

“We are a rescue team. “I have come to rescue you at the request of an angel.”


“They are also called helpers.”

“ah. I know that. “There is something that stands out.”

… I know what you mean. Is there something I can point out? Is it okay to interpret it as this?

At that moment, a thought suddenly crossed my head.

“Now that I think about it, I have one question. “Have you ever met other Northern Continent users before meeting us?”

“huh? no. doesn’t exist.”

I asked because a sudden thought occurred to me, but Sarah Jane opened her eyes and shook her head. At the same time, it was said that there was a high possibility that the continental migration incident and the northern continent guardian disappearance incident were not related.

“okay. Anyway, I understand. Then, let me take you to the city like this.”

“ah. Is that true? thank you!”

“it’s okay. “It’s a request anyway.”

“brother. “So what are you going to do after we take you to the city?”

As if he didn’t want to be left out here, Licorice named Ahn Hyeon intervened again.

I sighed inwardly and opened my mouth.

“well. First, I have to go to the temple, or rather, the summoning room. “Because an angel requested it.”

“oh… .”

When I spoke in a vague manner, Ahn Hyeon nodded and shook his head as if he understood.

What do you know? What I was saying was that I couldn’t take responsibility until after that.

Again, I have no intention of attaching any significance to this work beyond a request. Also, I don’t know why these users came to the North Continent.

Since the continental war broke out two years ago, the northern continent’s perception of the western continent has been very poor. Of course, there are users and outlaws in the Western Continent, but I don’t think of them as distinct. Above all, the white horse craze… . So, after destroying the magic circuits of the captives and selling them as slaves, the reality of users of the Western Continent within the Northern Continent is in a lower position than that of residents. We couldn’t take responsibility for that.

‘But this user named Sarah… .’

I glanced straight ahead. We are already planning to recruit a large number of clan members in the near future, but we have run out of one good talent right in front of us. I feel like I would like to take turns subtly encouraging people, but… . It seems like this user is in charge of a group of fugitives. If you do it wrong, you may end up hugging hundreds of people. I absolutely wanted to refuse that much.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I will tell you in advance, you will have to be careful even when you arrive in the city. “After the incident two years ago, the northern continent has a very poor perception of the western continent.”

“hmm… . yes.”

“You may end up in an unnecessary dispute or even worse.”

“I am determined to persevere. “Thanks for the warning.”

Sarah Jane spoke with a determined voice, as if she had expected it to some extent.

For some reason, I felt I liked this user more and more. I expected her to blindly cling to me for help, but it seems she is a stronger-willed woman than I thought.

“Good. If you still can’t bear it, please find the Mercantile Clan in a city called Atlanta.”

“Atlanta? Mercenary?”

“Atlanta is the name of a city in the North Continent, and Mercenary is the clan of which I am the clan lord.”

“ah. understand. then… .”

“I don’t know the group, but I have the power to protect a few people.”

“… … !”

At that moment, a strange look passed through Sarah Jane’s eyes.

I decided to leave some room like this.

He seemed pretty smart, and unless he was an idiot, he would have understood what I meant. In all likelihood, activities in the northern continent will be difficult. Still, I can protect at least one of you, so I told you to come if you feel like it. The reason I say ‘several people’ means that if you have colleagues of a similar level to you, bring them along.

After a while.

After confirming that Sarah Jane was quietly nodding, I slowly turned around.

“You can get to the city in about four hours. “Then let’s leave.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

This is the end of the rescue part.

Looking at the comments, I see a few people with good intuition. lol.


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not work with dark mode