MEMORIZE Chapter 704

00704 Angel’s Request. ————————————————– ———————-=

Users from other continents appeared.

If it’s just one or two people, it doesn’t really matter. It may be a little difficult, but crossing the continent is not completely impossible. However, Seungwoo Cho spoke in the plural form of ‘users’. I don’t know how far I’ve come, but I’m strangely concerned about the nuance.

I stared blankly, asking for a more detailed explanation. But Jo Seung-woo quietly shook his head.

“I only heard it through rumors… . I don’t know much about it. sorry.”

Seungwoo Cho bowed his head, saying he had caused unnecessary concern. Even though I said it was okay, I couldn’t erase the growing doubts.

Just as there is a saying about smoke coming out of a chimney, unless there is some kind of purpose, rumors do not spread for nothing. Otherwise, it is difficult to believe that someone intentionally started the rumor. Because there is no benefit to be gained. Unless you are a person of considerable interest.

So, assuming this rumor is true, which continental user actually appeared in the North Continent?

‘… I don’t know.’

You have no way of knowing. There is so little information. Actually, I just heard a rumor. Of course, you can guess, but then you have to make the number of cases quite large. I would like to refrain from getting excited alone in situations where I am not sure about anything.

“Anyway, Clan Lord. From now on… .”

I slowly tilted my head back while listening to Jo Seung-woo’s voice fluttering in the wind. As I looked up, the sky that had been bright just a moment ago suddenly turned red. I quickly closed my eyes, wondering if I had seen something wrong, and when I opened them, the clear sky came into view again.

“… “Why am I so anxious?”

“Budget… . yes?”

“ah. I’m sorry. it’s nothing. “I was just talking to myself.”

“I guess I’m the only one talking about this too much. ha ha ha.”

Seungwoo Cho smiled cheerfully. I smiled brightly and offered him a piece of tobacco even though I knew he was a non-smoker. Seungwoo Cho said it was okay, looked at me, and then slowly entered the room. As expected, he is quick-witted.


Tobacco smoke billowed out in abundance stretched out through the sunlight.

Before long, I was staring blankly at the dancing smoke.


‘It changes. It doesn’t change.’

A thought crossed my head.


After North Continent personnel moved to Atlanta.

In the midst of my consistently busy days… . Actually, I found Mar hiding in the office and was playing with him.

Anyway, I received an unexpected visit.

no. Isn’t this unexpected? Now that I think about it, I think Go Yeon-ju gave me a tip in the middle of a meeting a few days ago. I guess I forgot about it.

“and… . “It’s really nice to have one last name, right?”

The woman who came in looking around with bewildered eyes was none other than Lee Hyo-eul.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in person like this. how have you been doing? Mercenary Road.”

Hyoeul Lee gave me a brief greeting and then passed me by. Then he pulled back the curtains and fell down on the bed. After a while, “Big…” .” A faint snoring sound continued.

“… psychopath?”

Marr looked at me with his eyes open, as if he was surprised by this behavior that went beyond common sense, and then looked at me and shook his head. So I also shook my head. I also don’t know why Lee Hyo-eul acts like that.

I probably wouldn’t have really fallen asleep. I quietly stared at the bed, thinking to see how far I could go. Then, not long after, Lee Hyo-eul got up from the soft bed. He clicks his tongue and walks over to the desk I was sitting at.

“Did you say something? Or maybe even tackle it. “It’s embarrassing.”

Lee Hyo-eul sat down on the soft sofa and grumbled.

“just. “You look pretty tired.”

I answered calmly.

It’s not that it’s not, Lee Hyo-eul looked really tired. Not only is there fatigue all over the face, but the shadows under the eyes are all the way down to the chin. Without even a single lie, he looks like a person on the verge of death.

“shit… . I really feel like I’m dying. I thought the strategy was finally over. Why do incidents and accidents keep happening like this? .”

I was about to say that there was a strong possibility that external factors were at play, but I stopped. Not only was it a natural thing to say, but it seemed like he would give another sermon if he knew what Dongbu had done. From Lee Hyo-eul’s perspective, she would never want to experience something like the Koran disbandment incident again.

“It’s an accident. “I think you’ll die before then.”

“Shit. I feel like I just want to die! “Then at least I can sleep to my heart’s content!”

Suddenly, Lee Hyo-eul gritted her teeth. Mar frightened her body and writhed in my arms.

“What on earth are you going to do to me? I feel like my head is going to explode just thinking about my city development plan! no. It’s not just that one thing. “We must continue to manage the Northern Continent as well!”

Lee Hyo-eul shouted angrily. It was a complaint that was closer to expressing his sadness rather than being angry at me directly. It was a little surprising. Lee Hyo-eul, who has always shown an intellectual side, suddenly shows such an attitude… . well.

“I’m not the guardian of the Northern Continent anymore, right? yes? That’s right! okay! He even created a central management organization as he wanted and even took on the role of head! In fact, this is something you risk your life for! I haven’t even started on my plan to quit being a guardian, join the Hamill clan, and date your brother! “I want to explore Atlanta like other users!”

Gibberish. Lee Hyo-eul was now shouting, even spitting. I hugged Marr and nodded my head silently. Yes, yes. I know you’re having a hard time.

“By the way, damn it. Why did this damn thing suddenly lose contact? And why are these things from the Western Continent suddenly creeping in? No f*ck, I like it. I like it. “That’s all well and good, but why do we have to rescue them!”

Lee Hyo-eul screamed, even using profanity. I stared at Lee Hyo-eul as if I had been hit. Lost contact? rescue?

wait for a sec. Aside from loss of contact, what do you mean by rescue? no no. Western continent?

At one point, I suddenly got to the point and my mind immediately became confused.

“Whoa…” .”

Lee Hyo-eul let out a long breath with a slightly relieved look on her face. Then he bowed his head, put his hands together and held them out in front of him.


“… “It looks like you were in a lot of trouble.”

“ok. “I felt like my insides would explode if I didn’t do this.”

“The apology is okay. Anyway, if you’ve calmed down a bit, tell me now. Guardian or the Western Continent. What do you mean suddenly?”

Lee Hyo-eul sighed once again. Then he placed his clasped hands on his thighs and gently leaned back on the sofa. Now it’s back to its old self. Although he still looked tired.

Soon, Lee Hyo-eul raised both hands and shook her head.

“Merchantry Lord. I’m really sorry. “I’ve already said everything I wanted to say.”


“Literally. I said I called exactly 1127 three days ago, but Maeng A-ra never responded. He also disappeared from the northern continent. And a revelation came to rescue the Western Continent users coming to the Northern Continent.”

“timing? hey. Lee Hyo-eul. Let’s see this… . “What kind of meaningless nonsense are you talking about?”

“please. Please don’t look at me like that. I am no longer the protector of the North Continent. “It’s frustrating for me too.”

“… … .”

Just as I was about to get angry, Lee Hyo-eul begged in a clingy tone. I barely swallowed the words that rose to the top of my throat. Seeing you do it like that, I don’t think it’s a lie.

“Marya. “Please leave for a moment.”

I said, pressing my forehead. Mar also seemed to have felt an unusual energy flowing through the room and left the door without saying anything.

For a moment, there is an uncomfortable silence.

“so. “What are you asking me to do?”

“First of all, I need to know what happened to Maeng Ara… . As you know, Guardians have a very important role, right? Anyway, I’m looking into this right now. “First of all, I think we need to resolve the revelation to rescue the users of the Western Continent.”

“You don’t know anything about the circumstances?”

“This information cannot be disclosed to user Lee Hyo-eul. “This is the answer I got.”

Lee Hyo-eul wet her mouth with saliva and made a sullen expression. When she saw that, she felt a little pitiful. I felt that way a long time ago when I first met Lee Hyo-eul. You are an angel’s follower. Maybe I’ve been feeling that phrase again recently.

“What did those bitches say?”

I suppressed my stomach and bit my mouth. By those bitches, of course, I meant angels.

“I pointed you out by mentioning your name directly. He also said that since it is a matter of competing hourly wages, he would like it to be resolved as quickly as possible. He said he would give me compensation without any regrets. But in my opinion, it seems like they hope you don’t come to the summoning room with this problem. “It means there’s something holding you back.”

Lee Hyo-eul said as if she was a tattletale.

Anyway, that’s what I mean.

I immediately opened the desk, pressed the call button, and opened my mouth.

“Guardian missing. Rescue of Western Continent users. “Omitting the context, do you think these two incidents are related?”

“Half and half. In fact, no matter how much I think about it, I can’t find a connection between the two incidents. But since the timing is so special, I’m keeping it in mind first.”

It was then.


“Su-hyun. “I’m going in.”

At the same time as Lee Hyo-eul finished speaking, after a brief knock, Go Yeon-ju opened the door and came in. He came in after receiving my call.

“Go Yeon-ju. “Give him a cup of tea, which is good for regaining energy, and give him a room where he can rest.”

He said as he got up from his seat and grabbed his sword.

“Suddenly what… .”

Go Yeon-ju asked in a puzzled voice, and then looked at Lee Hyo-eul and looked surprised.

“Well, I guess so. “But where are you going?”

“I want to visit the temple.”

As I spoke, I glanced at the sofa. Lee Hyo-eul was making a complex and subtle expression, as if she was surprised by the unexpected warm words. He even seemed a little moved. Don’t like it too much. If I take on some debt like this, it will give me an advantage later when competing in inner cities, right?

“It’s urgent, so I think it would be better to go right away. You should cool down a bit. “And then you get hurt.”

Of course, I couldn’t tell my true feelings straight, so I said the most appropriate words in this situation.

After checking with Lee Hyo-eul, who nodded quietly, I immediately left the room.


‘Rescue the users of the West Continent.’

In fact, it is very unexpected, but if you interpret it as it is, it does not make sense.

However, the problem is that the angel directly spoke the words to rescue them. Angels are merely helpers and do not interfere with the Hole Plane to any extent. Even when the North Continent was in turmoil after kicking in the first inning, he never came to the forefront. Thinking about it that way, it is right to leave it as is whether the users of the continent die or not.

But you suddenly made a revelation? This doesn’t make sense. In the end, it was said that something bad had happened to the Western Continent.

‘The answer lies in the angels.’

Although the temple has been completed, the summoning room cannot be used in Atlanta because proper relocation work has not yet been completed. However, since there was a warp gate anyway, there was no major problem.

After moving to Monica, I immediately went to the temple and announced my intention to go to the summoning room.

After a while.

A portal with gently flowing blue light appeared before my eyes for the first time in a long time.

“… … .”

I stared straight ahead for a while, then walked slowly and buried myself in the portal.


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not work with dark mode