MEMORIZE Chapter 700

00700 Thank you. And I’m sorry. ————————————————– ———————-=

The Mercenary Clan’s advance!

The changes that occurred in cities outside the South spread widely through word of mouth. Rather than trivial details, things that were visible to the eyes were what was talked about by users. Since all cities were connected by passageways, it took less than a few days to reach every corner of Atlanta.

In particular, the rumor that the square would be rebuilt with magic stones attracted the attention of all wizards in Atlanta. I’ll say it again, magic stones are very, very valuable items. Aside from the fact that it can be used in many ways, it wasn’t widely available. Since there aren’t many for sale, the prices are expensive. I guess it costs at least two gold coins per gram?

In particular, the user recruitment announced in the square further raised the status of the Mercantile Clan. From the first recruitment, huge promises were made with a large amount of gold coins and performance distribution, but if the conditions are too good, doubts are bound to arise. It was a doubt that every person, or even user, would have at least once.

However, within just a few days after the restoration work began in earnest, those doubts disappeared.

– The conditions are really good, but will they really be fulfilled as promised?

It was really implemented. Employers who participated in the work were paid not only the promised wages but also various overtime allowances on the same day.

– Couldn’t wages be reduced for one reason or another?

Those words didn’t even come out of my mouth. Although there may be differences depending on individual participation, even every word of the magician’s spell was calculated in detail and paid in full as compensation.

– Aren’t they making them work harder than necessary just because they pay a lot of money?

There was nothing like that. When the initially agreed working hours end, the contract is definitely terminated. Whether to end or extend the shift is entirely up to the employer.

All of this spread to every corner of Atlanta within a few days, and the response from users grew day by day.

It has to be that way. The highest paid wizards can earn an average of two gold coins per hour. So think about it. If you go exploring in the morning and come back in the afternoon, you’ll end up with ten shiny gold coins in just five hours of work. Then, if you work for a month, you get 300 gold coins. If you work until the end of the rights guarantee period, 900 gold coins will roll in.

That’s an amount that can be considered modest for a caravan or medium-cost for an individual. If you work without a single day of rest for three months, you will achieve great results, so who can resist that? It’s a great part-time job that you can’t find anywhere else.

As user response exploded, the Mercantile Clan suddenly became busy. Everyone, without exception, was busy running around every day. Occasionally, a few people would complain that they were too tired, but that was all they said. Even though he said it was difficult, his face was actually smiling.

After Kim Soo-hyun’s return, all worries and concerns were resolved, and the difficult tasks continued to cruise like a ship with sails. In addition, the favorable reviews he heard from his clan while coming there naturally made his shoulders shake. What’s worse is that recently there has been a lot of talk among clan members, ‘Is this the clan lord?’ The joke spread like a trend.

Cities outside the South were buzzing day after day with excitement from the new wind that suddenly blew. But in reality, Kim Soo-hyun was calm. He wasn’t more excited than necessary. Although he wasn’t running around as busy as his clan members, he kept an eye on everything and focused entirely on the city’s restoration work.

In this way, the city was changing day by day.


“brother! Quick! “Let’s go quickly!”

Sunny morning.

With busy shouts and loud construction noises all around, Kim Han-byeol, who ran out into the street, turned around and shouted.

However, as he continued to walk leisurely, he seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, so he put his hands together and shouted at him to come faster. Wow. Just take it slow. As I go, I also check out the restoration status. No one is saying anything about being late. Anyway, it’s quick to go to the warp gate.

However, Kim Han-byeol was so anxious that he stamped his feet and urged them to come quickly. This is an unusual behavior considering her usual personality. But I decided to understand. Because today is the day we go to the North Continent.

After returning from hell, Imhanna recommended that I go to the North Continent. Of course, it would be natural to go there at least once since I came back alive, but the nuance at that time implied that something had happened while I was gone. So, it feels like I have something to do, rather than just going to show my face.

I don’t think it’s a big deal. If it was an urgent matter, you would have received the report a long time ago. Anyway, as Jeong Ha-yeon said, I chose to focus on urban restoration first. And now that the work has gained some momentum, I will take some time to go to the northern continent. On top of that, I also saw Mardo.

I wasn’t going alone. How did Kim Hanbyeol know that I was going to the North Continent? He asked if he wanted to go too. Since he was in a situation where he came back with me, he had no reason to refuse, so he lightly gave permission.

However, I was a little surprised when I met him in front of the castle this morning, because he put a lot of effort into his appearance and clothes.

The pretty, sparkling earrings could be considered cute. Her upper body was covered in soft, thin fabric and the red waist strap was tied tightly to emphasize her slender waist. The lower body wore thin black mesh stockings, sensuously revealing her slim legs. In particular, the slightly exposed upper part of the thighs with flowing milky skin was an attractive point.

Is that all? There’s a subtle musk in the air, and it looks like he’s quite excited. Compared to his previous days when he wore only a shabby robe, his attire is truly unconventional.

“brother! Let’s go quickly! “Are you coming late on purpose?”

“okay. I knew. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“really. “If you keep doing that, will I go first?”

“… … .”

… okay. You mean you want to go that fast?

I stopped walking. Kim Han-byeol, who was gesturing for me to come quickly, opened her eyes round.

I slowly bent my knees and caught my breath. Then, he suddenly generated magical energy and activated the Gunshin Bullet. I felt like my body was floating and was able to pass by Kim Han-byeol in no time.

“let’s go. hurry.”

After saying something as I passed by, I ran down the street with all my might. Kim Han-byeol looked back at me with a blank look and made a bewildered expression. Of course, I am a melee class with an agility score of 98 points, and Hanbyeol Kim is a wizard. ha ha ha.

Finally, thump, thud, thud! I started to hear the sound of a lion running.


“Oh, brother! let’s go together!”

Not even 10 seconds later, a heartbreaking cry came from behind.

why? You want to go quickly?

I ignored what I heard and kept running until I got into the passage.

“brother Brother… ! hey! “You idiot, you idiot!”

huh… ?


Although there was a lot of commotion, I was able to safely pass through the passage and reach my city’s warp gate. According to the original plan, I was going to wait in front of the warp gate with the clock ticking. And when he saw Kim Han-byeol, who came late, he smiled and asked, “Are you here?” It’s very late.’ If I had said that, it would have been perfect.

However, the moment I spotted Kim Han-byeol walking hurriedly with glaring eyes, I felt the need to revise my plan. I had to face a lot of attention from both users and residents, and I felt like I was the bad guy in the world as I listened to the whispers. In the end, I had no choice but to run and hold Kim Han-byeol’s hand and then hastily use the warp gate.

After completing the move to the northern continent.

After getting out through the crowded crowd near the warp gate, I was finally able to see Monica’s scenery. In fact, the streets of the city I saw for the first time in a long time were still the same. Aside from being a little quiet, nothing has changed. I wasn’t expecting anything special anyway, I just felt like it was a new experience.

“… let’s go.”

After looking around the city for a while, I quickened my pace to where the clan house was. Although it was a little unfamiliar, it was a street I had already visited thousands of times. My mind still remembered the route, so we were able to arrive at our destination in no time.

“Clan Lord!”

Several clan members were already waiting at the front gate of the clan house. Yesterday, when I contacted him using the communication bead, I asked him to never say welcome, but he didn’t even listen to a single word I said. Of course, that’s just what I’m saying, and I was actually grateful.

I held hands with Seungwoo Cho, who greeted me with a wide smile.

“You don’t have to come out the front door. “This is really burdensome.”

“Anyway, how could that be possible? Isn’t it really the first time we’ve seen each other in a long time? ha ha ha.”

“Didn’t I contact you yesterday?”

“But this is your first time seeing it in person, right? Anyway, come on in. ha ha ha.”

Cho Seung-woo answered the question with a question and personally opened the front door and guided the way. I walked inside and tilted my head. Because I had a strong feeling that something was missing.

“Come to think of it… . Where is Mar? And what about Yumina and Dodo?”


Seungwoo Cho paused. Then he turned to me and narrowed his eyes.

“Unfortunately, he is not in the Clan House right now.”

“hmm. does not exist? “Have you even gone outside?”

“yes. “He will probably return as early as tonight, or as late as tomorrow morning.”


What does this mean again?

“I wish you had contacted me earlier. “In fact, didn’t you first contact me yesterday?”

Seungwoo Cho continued as if he wanted to explain. I nodded my head absentmindedly.

“Actually, I don’t know where I’m going. However, when I asked, it seemed like Marr was praying somewhere every day, without missing a day. “I hope the Clan Lord returns alive.”

“What do you mean? The fact that I came back alive is already… .”

“yes. I heard it. He even told me right away. But I don’t believe it.”

“no. why?”

“It’s not like the clan lord contacted me directly… . Even if we wanted to see it and wanted to go see it ourselves, we stopped us from going. In fact, isn’t travel to Atlanta currently prohibited? That’s why they think it’s adults lying for their own benefit.”

“no. If that was the case, please contact me… .”

As I carefully trailed off, Jo Seung-woo stared at me.

“I was going to do that, but I heard you were very busy. At that time, I heard that the situation surrounding Mercantile in Atlanta was also quite bad. “I didn’t want to put any unnecessary burden on you, and I was told that you would come as soon as the situation was resolved.”

Although he says this, Jo Seung-woo’s voice says, ‘This is really too much.’ There was a tone that seemed to say. Feeling like I had nothing to say, I quenched my appetite. Seungwoo Cho let out a light breath.

“Anyway, don’t worry too much. I was very worried at first, but they always come back unscathed. Now that I think about it, Mar has really changed a lot. “You can probably look forward to it.”

“okay… .”

I answered slowly and looked around. The clan house was also the same as before. A square building, an annex built on the right, and a beautiful garden that extends from the entrance to the building… . Small stone pond… .

‘… uh?’

However, the moment I turned my gaze to the far left, I felt my eyes suddenly gain strength.

“Now~. Then clan lord. first… .”

Seungwoo Cho made an awkward movement to block my direction, but he soon stopped. Jo Seung-woo, who was looking at me closely as if he had read my expression, suddenly smiled bitterly.

“… this. “You’ve already seen it.”

Seung-Woo Cho moved out of the way. Then, in the garden landscape, two tombs placed next to each other caught my eye. I hastily looked away. The Marna spirits say so. Now that I think about it, I can’t see another person from before.

“What about grandfather… ?”

Did Kim Han-byeol also see the grave? A slightly trembling voice is addressed to Seungwoo Cho. Suddenly the hall became quiet.

“hmm… .”

Seungwoo Cho kept his mouth shut. His eyes, which were lively just a moment ago, sink down, and only a boiling moan comes out of his mouth. It was clear that there was some serious conflict.

“actually… .”

But soon, as if he had made a decision, he raised his head resolutely and opened his mouth quietly.

“First of all, it would be a good idea for the Clan Lord to go to the office.”

And Seungwoo Cho immediately looked over my shoulder and continued speaking.

“Hanbyeol too. Go to your accommodation. hurry.”


Seungwoo Cho told me to go to the office on the 4th floor. Although the words were meaningless, I quickly climbed the stairs and arrived at the 4th floor. And after taking a deep breath for a moment, I opened the door without hesitation.

The inside of the room was clean. It must have been cleaned well while I was away, so there isn’t a single speck of dust on the walls. The study room and sofa were all the same. But that wasn’t what mattered now.

As I slowly went inside, something suddenly caught my eye. The empty desk was filled with light coming through the window.


“… … .”

In the center of the light, a faded record lay lonely. I walked over blankly and sat down on the chair. Then, feeling possessed by something, I picked up the record and carefully opened it.

After a while, a bunch of letters came into view, each and every word clearly written with great care.

… Let’s read it first.

“Kim Soohyun… . Clan Lord… .

Umm. I don’t know how to write this.

you. To you.

okay. This is better.

To you.

The reason you’re reading this right now is because I resisted the rising embarrassment and didn’t tear up this record. On the other hand, it would also say that you came back safely.

Although it’s a shame that I can’t say it in person, I can still leave a few words here.

First of all, congratulations. I’m so glad you’re back.

Actually, I thought about it for a few days before picking up the quill whether I should leave this record or not. I wanted to just quietly move on as if nothing had happened, but I guess that didn’t seem right. In the end, despite my shame, I picked up the quill.

I think if you were quick-witted, you would have seen it on your way there. The two graves in the garden. Or maybe Cho Seung-woo already said it.

Well, first of all, I’d like to tell you that I didn’t see anything wrong.

hmm… . ah. As I was thinking about what to say here, I suddenly remembered the time I first met you three years ago. Now that I think about it, it was really amazing. This is the attire worn by those who have just completed the academy, so why does it feel so dignified?

I’m sorry I was a little ticky at the time. Actually, I had a huge fight with the user who came before you came. So I think I treated him bluntly without realizing it. hmm? Why do I suddenly feel like I’m going to confession? ha ha ha.

Anyway, actually, at that time, I didn’t have any major regrets about life. I just planned to end the rest of my life quietly in a corner of the city.

But one day, I suddenly became interested in a user named you.

just as expected. A few months later, you returned as the lord of a prosperous clan. In just a few months. And even invited an old man with nothing to see to join the clan. I can say this now, but I declined at first and regretted it. Hmm.

Is that why it was like that? I was very happy when you didn’t forget what I said and brought Hanbyeol with you. Coincidentally, thanks to this, I was able to survive the tramp attack. I think a new relationship began for me from then on.

Actually, I still don’t know what you had in mind when you brought me here. It occurred to me that you might have been disappointed. I brought him here, but he’s not doing anything and he’s just wasting food. haha.

Of course, I could have moved a little more actively. But please understand. As I watched the Mercenary Clan develop day by day, I just wanted to remain an old man who took a step back and watched. All I have is my age and old body, but I didn’t want to use that to create a place for myself.

Anyway, I don’t know what you think, but in the end, you’ve been very good to me. They didn’t even expect me to be on the front line, and I just let them do whatever they wanted to do. Some people may think I’m a backroom old man, but personally I’m very satisfied. Because I sent it quietly as I wanted.

Umm… . And this is what I was trying to say earlier.

Well, I won’t tell you anything about my body. What is the point of telling the story in the heart of an old man? Anyway, I engraved the memories in my heart a long time ago, and I think now is the time to slowly preserve them. So I hope you think like that too.

Someday, time will pass and gray hair will come. (Just try living for 50, or even 40 more years. Then you will understand what I mean.) If you couldn’t stop youth that is already gone with right hand, how can you stop gray hair from coming with left hand? I wonder if there is.

Anyway, I told everyone not to tell me anything. You’re probably just as busy as ever, so what’s the point of worrying about this and that?

ah. And please be nice to Hanbyeol. It would be difficult to expect anything from you who ate only rice with that kind of attitude… . Tsk. It’s a pity, but the old man’s meddling will end here. Because my eyes have been closing for a while now.

after. When I first started writing, I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but now that I’m writing it down, I feel like I’m just rambling.

Anyway, I hope you don’t think too much of it and think it’s just an old guy gone. At least he won’t be lonely since he already has a friend who has already left.

If I had one personal favor to ask, it would be to just leave me a proper grave. Next to that friend. Still, shouldn’t there be a house where you can lie down comfortably and protect yourself from rain and snow? Of course, it will be a little cold, but I plan to endure it by rubbing each other’s backs with that friend. After winter comes spring.

Well, I’ll just leave it at that, hoping there’s just enough interest left to give it to me when I think of it from time to time.

Meantime… . Thank you so much. And I’m sorry for leaving without a word.

I hope you achieve what you want in Hall Plain.

Lee Man-seong.』

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s already the 700th episode.

Actually, I wanted to upload the 700th episode at 00:00, but as you can see, there is a bit of content. I wanted to give it a little special meaning, and I also wanted to make up for what I had missed yesterday. As a result, it was inevitably late. I would like to ask for the readers’ deep understanding in this regard. ha ha ha.

I just took a quick look at the comments. There have already been many comments congratulating me.

thank you. I will also work harder until the end. 🙂

ah. Now that I think about it, Jo Ara has a webtoon. Actually, I really like webtoons. I tend to keep an eye on both Naver and Daum. That’s why I warmly welcome the creation of a webtoon on Joara. Hehehe.

Personally, among Jo Ara’s webtoons, the one I enjoyed the most was ‘I Am Mob’ by author ‘Jepigaru’. It’s a work called . The subject matter was fresh and the story was told in an interesting way. I clicked on part 1, but when I came to my senses, I realized that I had read up to part 10… . lol.

If you are a reader who likes webtoons, I confidently recommend it!


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not work with dark mode