MEMORIZE Chapter 697

00697 Just because you start late doesn’t mean you can’t get ahead. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sun rose in the middle of the sky, blazing red and gold. The dazzling beams of light scattered in all directions flowed through the air, illuminating the world and dyeing it with their own colors.

Perhaps because it is exposed to the bright sunlight, the sand dust rising from the city sparkles and shines. Then, a chaotic shout came through the window through the thick mud smoke. There was one reason why the city, which had been quiet until yesterday, started to become busy this morning.

The warp gate was finally activated.

In other words, it was a signal for full-scale urban recovery, and it started in Istantel Row. As countless users were looking forward to it, Istantel Row was already fully prepared, and as soon as the warp gate was activated, it began moving residents and procuring materials. All the noise coming from outside was part of the restoration work.

“hmm… .”

Han So-young, who was staring blankly out the window with her chin resting, let out a light breath and lowered her gaze. Under her long eyelashes, black crystal eyes with a quiet light stare at the records on her desk.

Eventually, I calmly turned the page.


“hey! “It’s Korean beef!”

The sound of the door being opened without mercy was followed by a distinctive, chilling voice that echoed across the room and into the hallway. Han So-young’s eyes suddenly shine sharply.

“I told you not to call me that.”

Korean beef. It originally means that it is a breed of cattle unique to Korea. However, here, it is a kind of nickname, and at first it was called ‘Hanso’, taking the first two letters of Han So-young’s name, but at some point it changed to ‘Hanwoo’. If you compare Han So-young’s beautiful and abundant breasts with Yeon Hye-rim’s relatively poor-looking breasts, you will understand why they are called Hanwoo.

Yeon Hye-rim approached with great strides and placed her hand on the desk so hard that it made a clicking sound.

“Take a look at this. “It came from the Mercenary Clan today?”

“I already heard a rumor that a castle was discovered.”

“it’s not that. It seems to be related to urban restoration, and I brought it from the plaza. “There are so many people now.”

“… “There are a lot of people?”

When Han So-young slightly raised her eyes and asked, Yeon Hye-rim nodded and took her hand away. The slightly crumpled record had a total of three items written in roughly scribbled handwriting. It looks like she copied the notice. Soyoung Han took her record and began to read it in detail.

I just skipped numbers 1 and 2. This is an issue that was already discussed last time and is commonly applied to all cities.

However, when moving on to step 3, a strange light suddenly began to appear in Han So-young’s eyes.

– 3. We are recruiting users who will support city restoration.

One simple line. However, the meaning contained in that one line is by no means light.

“City recovery? support?”

“huh. “Everyone was making a fuss because of that.”

“Is this it? “Any details?”

“We’re still receiving inquiries from the square. Who is this guy called Shin Gung? ah. “A girl named Lim Han-na came out and explained it.”

After hearing the explanation, Soyoung Han narrowed her eyes. This is because it is not important who came out, but what was said. But Yeon Hye-rim shook her head.

“I don’t know either. There were a lot of people? I barely copied this too… .”

“What was the atmosphere like?”

“It wasn’t particularly bad. Occasionally I hear an exclamation… . ah! Come to think of it, I saw that they brought some equipment to the square.”


“huh. Weapons, armor, etc. It looks like there are also accessories. Anyway, I think this is part of the achievement we achieved this time?”

“… … .”

Yeon Hye-rim shrugged her shoulders and quietly closed her mouth. That’s because Han So-young suddenly closed her eyes and looked as if she was lost in deep thought.

After a while.

“It’s okay. “No, it’s a good idea.”

After a long time, Han So-young woke up from her thoughts and said with a smile. Yeon Hye-rim showed a curious expression. She hates playing with her head (she doesn’t think it’s a bad thing to die), so she expected Han So-young to have noticed something about her, even if she only saw fragments.

“It will attract attention, show off, and gain momentum. It’s a combination of three benefits. “The key is how quickly the work begins.”

“huh? But everyone says that. “The Mercenary is in an urgent situation, so they are only risking the results of their discoveries and losing money.”

“That can’t be possible. The mercenary equipment is top-notch in the Northern Continent. Maybe they should leave out the useful ones and only put out the ones that don’t work? “There will be countless users who will rush to do just that.”

“swimming… . “Then can’t we do that too?”

“huh? “Let’s apply?”

“no no. User recruitment. In some ways, it’s better than a resident. “I saw that the response was good.”

Is it because I saw it in person? She said that she was strangely jealous of Yeon Hye-rim.

It was definitely not wrong. In some ways, users are actually better than residents, such as tearing down a building or clearing debris. Just by standing still and reciting one spell, you can complete a task that would take dozens of people to do in one go.


However, Han Soyoung shook her head resolutely. The reason was simple. Non-combat users may not know this, but combat users are highly skilled personnel. They are people who live based on adventure and are not in a position to do chores. So, if you want a combat user to do chores, you have to treat them accordingly. In the end, it’s a money issue.

However, after hearing from Yeon Hye-rim, she said that the response from users was good. What he meant was that the Mercantile had promised a considerable amount of gold coins. She even displayed the equipment she discovered in the new city. Even if you are not a user of the Nakdong River duck egg, isn’t this a condition that could be tempting to anyone?

‘How much have you accumulated so far? .’

Han So-young smiled at first glance.

As mentioned earlier, Istantel Row has been preparing carefully before the meeting. Because we were confident that we could have a city, we contacted the Northern Continent frequently in advance to gather residents and prepare materials. So this morning, when the warp gate was activated, I was able to move quickly from the start.

On the contrary, Mercenary was late in everything. We are now in a position where we need to find both residents and materials. In fact, if you look at the situation, it should be said that it is still too late.

But suddenly the chase began in a completely unexpected way. Even if there was unexpected luck such as achievement and discovery, the results tell everything.

In any case, one thing is clear: Mercantile is putting its life and death on Atlanta. As such, he will begin the pursuit at breakneck speed, by any means necessary.

‘I can’t stand still.’

Han So-young stood up from her seat. She didn’t know why, but a sudden feeling of she didn’t want to lose came over her. Istantel Row is in a situation where everything is perfectly prepared, but it would be a huge blow to their pride if they allow a mercantile company that has just started to catch up.

However, at the same time, my heart was pounding just a little. This is because I was excited to see what Kim Soo-hyun would look like in the future, not just as a clan lord, but as the head of a region.

But does Han So-young know? Currently, by Kim Soo-hyun’s side, she has been dumped once and the fact that she has the woman she so desperately wanted.


“We need to create a market.”

Slurp, Jegal Haesol drank the tea cup with both hands and said with a very satisfied expression. I glance at it and see that the teacup that was full of tea just a moment ago is already empty.

“Are you going to get attention by spreading rumors? great. Are you going to show off and improve your image with mediocre equipment? great. Are you going to pour in gold coins and attract users with the results you discover? great. By the way. The final destination of this situation must result in the formation of a market within the city.”

Jegal Haesol spoke at length and stared at me with greedy eyes. When I pushed the teacup in front of him, which he had only taken a sip of, he snatched it up and took it.

“It’s market formation… . “That doesn’t sound bad, but is it really that important?”

“oh. Are you ignoring the market? It is an essential element that makes up a city. “The effect that can be achieved by dominating the market is amazing.”

“I agree that it is essential. But isn’t it difficult to see it as preemption? “There is a northern continent.”

“That’s the northern continent. It’s not Atlanta. And I don’t mean now, but three months from now.”

Jegal Hae-sol spoke in a mocking tone and drank his tea cup with all his might. Almost half of the tea water had already disappeared.

“First of all, the response from the square is said to be high. That’s a good thing. However, although there is currently a lot of attention, it is an interest that will soon fade. That shouldn’t be the case. We need to maintain this interest for as long as possible. That’s why we need a market.”

Jegal Haesol, who moved his neck with a grunt, continued speaking.

“Who will create the market?” From now on, this is the market! It doesn’t happen just because you say that. By exchanging goods with each other, the possibility of self-growth and evolution naturally begins to arise. Hole Plain isn’t a complete game, right? Your market is under construction with just a click of the mouse. This message does not appear. So, we need to use this situation to naturally induce the creation of a market.”

“So what you’re saying is, are you going to attract users by making the city square a market-like situation?”

“is it so. Think about it. There are currently about 15,000 users residing in Atlanta. Excluding the members of the representative clan and affiliated clans, about 8,000 to 9,000 people remain. “We have to target them.”


While I was listening, I stared at the door for a moment. I felt someone slowly walking down the stairs.

After a while, Jegal Haesol started twirling his index finger.

“They’ll probably be bouncing around the four cities until their coverage period ends. And you’ll think: Oh~. This city is a little empty. uh? Why is this city so crowded? “That’s where we seek to change perception.”

“so. Let’s say the square does as you say. “Then what should I do next?”

Does he feel good because I expressed interest? Or is it just nice that they listen to someone who is only 0 years old? Jegal Haesol smiled and opened his mouth.

“From then on, it’s simple. As interest increases, expectations grow, and if those expectations are met, the evaluation will naturally improve. In other words, you just need to show how quickly this city is changing day by day. “You decided to go to Atlanta anyway, right?”

After saying that, Jegal Haesol suddenly looked a little regretful and sucked on the teacup. and. Have you finished drinking already?

“But I feel a little sad that things have turned out this way. I heard that the neighborhood next door was really thorough in their preparations. If we had prepared in advance, we would probably be by now… .”

“Next neighborhood?”

“ah. Istantel Row. Didn’t you see me this morning? As soon as the warp gate is activated, residents and materials arrive… .”

“iced coffee. If that’s the case, don’t worry. It won’t be that bad, but we’ll be there soon. That too for free.”

“… yes?”

“You will find out soon.”

Jegal Haesol gave a puzzled look. It was worth it. In fact, it wasn’t long before Mercantileries began to gather residents or procure materials. This was the biggest penalty we currently have.

But there is a corner of belief.

‘That’s it… .’


“Su-hyun. “I’m going in.”

Just then, there was a knock and the door swung open. And the moment Go Yeon-joo appeared, she immediately opened her mouth.

“yes. “I’ll be there soon.”

“The bastards below are looking… . yes?”

“Isn’t it okay to criticize everyone by calling them bastards? It’s unlikely that they only came to the eastern part. “I think the Koran Coalition also came to visit.”

“… … .”

Go Yeon-ju looked as if she had seen a ghost and nodded her head hesitantly.

“Oh, that’s right. Two from the Koranic Union. And in the east, the Rivers, Han, Magic Tower, and Moonlight Clans… . But did you know?”

“It’s obvious. I expected her to creep in by this time. “Anyway, it’s surprising that it came from a moonlit night.”

Jegal Haesol still had an expression of confusion. But soon his eyes widened and the corners of his mouth drew a strange curve. I think I finally understand the meaning of what I said earlier. I smiled brightly and got up.

‘Then, shall we hear how well he barks?’

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

In the midnight series

I write your name, Ro Yujin.

My head has long since forgotten you

My identity has been so long since I forgot you

There is only one strand

Memories of thirst in my burning heart

I write your name in secret, Ro Yu-jin.

Somewhere in Joara, where dawn has not yet dawned

The sound of Royumi typing, the sound of raid recruitment

The author’s sigh, a long, single word

The sounds of groans, the sounds of regret, the sounds of sighs, inside my chest

On top of Royumi that is deeply engraved

On top of the shaking gender identity of your name

The living loli war

Memories of erasing life reviews

The sad face of the writer who surrendered comes back to life

Trembling hands, trembling heart

On the white screen with trembling shame

With poor skills at the keyboard

Write it down

Sobbing breathlessly

I write your name secretly

With a burning thirst

With a burning thirst

Long live Ro Yu-jin!


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not work with dark mode