MEMORIZE Chapter 696

00696 Just because you start late doesn’t mean you can’t get ahead. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was an hour ago.

Kim Soo-hyun, who returned to the castle, was in the middle of a meeting with some clan members.

Among the clan members who cleaned up because they could not attend the meeting, there were many who were dissatisfied, knowingly or unknowingly. The complaint is a very simple one: ‘Why do we have to clean?’ Rather than, ‘I’m bored.’ ‘I’m bored.’ The focus was on the back. I crossed the Steel Mountains with the dream of clearing the clouds, but instead of going on an exciting adventure, my body was itching to just clean the Jangcheon River day and night.

Is that why?

When Ko Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon, who were supervising the cleaning, left, the clan members from each group quietly gathered together without anyone saying anything. Anhyun and Ansol, of course. Of course, the reason could not be left out. Even Sasha, who was part of Cha Shaolim’s group, secretly ran away and joined them.

The idiot quartet gathered like that said, ‘The meeting will take a long time.’ ‘Let us survey the different floors to estimate how long it will take for total cleaning.’ ‘Do you know by any chance? There may be treasure lying dormant in the castle.’ After going through a sufficient period of self-justification, I set off to explore, humming to him.

But who knew? I never thought that ridiculous self-justification would actually happen.

The area where the incident occurred was a room at the end of the castle hallway. It was a busy time as we took over rooms one by one that we had never entered before.

Ansol, who was looking around as if he felt something, suddenly started walking ahead of him somewhere. The three of them followed Ansol through the door of the room at the end of the hallway and entered the room, facing a huge new stone statue placed in the center.

The four people exclaimed as they looked at the stone statue standing alone in the room. Although it is inevitable that it will become worn out over time, the new stone statue, which still maintains its original form, was carved with great precision and boasts a majestic appearance.

Ahn Hyeon, who was thinking of taking a break for a bit, approached the statue with excitement and sat down on the stone statue’s claws. However, at that moment, Ahn Hyeon suddenly felt the sensation of his buttocks sinking in, and he stood up in surprise.

The incident occurred without any time lag. At the same time that Anhyun woke up, the bird statue made a loud noise and spread its wings wide as if it were stretching. And it moves, crunchily, almost as if it is alive.

Everyone, including Ahn Hyeon, was startled and took a step back, but the statue paid no attention and turned to the side and pecked hard at the wall with its snout.

With a loud bang, the wall collapsed and thick smoke billowed out. I was surprised for a moment. Unable to overcome his curiosity, Ahn Hyeon looked beyond the wall and found a staircase leading to the basement.

Everyone could not hide their rising excitement. Actually, I was just trying to get a break from the tedious cleaning, but I wasn’t expecting to actually find anything. But unexpectedly, a secret space appeared. How could I get through it without going down?

Afterwards, the four people walked endlessly down the stairs and soon entered a dark passage. After walking for a while, I reached the end of the passage and found a stone door with brilliant light leaking out.

There was a small text engraved in ancient language on the stone door, and Sasha said, ‘The dream of proof has not yet been broken.’ gave an ambiguous interpretation.

The four of them all swallowed their nervousness and pushed open the tightly closed stone gate, with An Hyun taking the lead. The moment I took a step inside, light suddenly exploded outside, revealing an amazing sight.


After listening to Ahn Hyeon’s explanation.

We stopped talking and, guided by Ahn Hyeon, headed to the room where the stone statue was. Then, I went down the stairs that I found by chance and entered the basement where the cold, damp air lingered. Ahn Hyeon, as if he wanted to show her quickly, quickened his pace with an impatient look on his face, and before long, a black stone gate came into view.

The moment I entered the room where light was pouring in, a round and wide space appeared and someone exclaimed in exclamation.


The space was like a plaza-like gray cavity, with a strange scent flowing through it. The high ceiling is shaped like an arch with soft arcs. But smell or appearance are not important.

On the dusty floor, the road split into three branches along the passageway you entered, and at the front, about 80 meters away from the end of the road, heavy iron gates that were three times the size of the stone gates seen earlier were wide open. It looks like the kids who arrived earlier have already opened the door. The source of the light that poured out was right inside.

Anhyun walked away with long strides and then turned around to look at us.

“how is it? “It’s really huge, isn’t it?”

No one answered that question. no. I couldn’t do it. Because everyone was just staring blankly with mesmerized faces. Of course, I was surprised in a slightly different way. I had already had a certain intuition since I discovered the new statue.

‘How on earth did I discover this?’

On the other side, Sasha was kneeling down and worshiping someone, and in front, Ansol was tilting his head back with his neck stiffly erect. Perhaps she is currently expressing that she has set her standards.

“really… . “This is truly amazing!”


“Is it really a fortune? Are you truly the blessing of this world?”

“yes! that’s right! “I am that blessing!”

Everyone seems to have come to their senses when they see Ansol nodding with an arrogant look. Jeong Ha-yeon walked gliding as if fascinated by the flowing light, and Shin Jae-ryong kept saying, “Huh, huh!” He started walking while shouting. I smiled to myself and looked straight ahead.

First of all, sparkling golden light was coming out of the door on the far left. It’s not that it’s not, there’s really gold piled up there. Gold, neatly refined into a rectangular shape, was stacked in layers and emitting a reddish light. The golden sea that filled the area, half the height of the ceiling, was truly spectacular.

Next, the central door was quiet. Light does not flow out like the door on the left. However, the largest number of clan members had gathered.

In the interior space, various equipment such as weapons, shields, armor, shoes, etc. were hung neatly on the walls, and small accessories were also seen occasionally. Although the light has faded slightly over time, the fact that it still maintains its original form is proof that it possesses the magical power of God.

Due to the nature of users wanting to become stronger, they seem to have focused on equipment before gold. Several people who had already gone inside were holding visible equipment and examining it carefully.

“I’ll have to use Goose Appraiser to be sure, but it seems like there’s a cutting spell on this sword. And that too permanently. “The energy flowing through the blade is unusual.”

“This armor seems to have been engraved with lightweight magic. “It’s a one-piece armor with top and bottom, and you can lift it with just one finger.”

“wait a minute. Didn’t that armor fold slightly just now? “Isn’t it steel?”

“hey! Ahn Hyeon! “Come and take a look at these gloves!”

At the last shout, Ahn Hyeon ran straight away. And as she looked at the gloves that Lee Yu-jeong handed her, she suddenly threw her head back and burst out laughing.

“and! found! These are gloves of reduction! I finally found the other side! Now the set effect is activated! Hahaha!”

Ahn Hyeon was so happy, shaking the gloves in his hands. Maybe she was envious of that sound? The clan members quickly scattered to all directions without any thought and began to look at her equipment. I smiled calmly and turned my attention to the one remaining door.

A bright light was coming from the door on the right. Not only golden light, but also a variety of rainbow colors flow out. The inside was filled with lumps of uneven rock, but they were actually unrefined ore. I remember that there were many things that had various strange effects. For example, Noble Mithril. Wasn’t this the first time Noble Mithril was found as ore in the first round?

“Why are you standing here? “You’re the only one with a calm face.”

It was then. As I was looking at the three iron gates with a happy heart, a noble voice came from somewhere.

“Because it’s like that, it’s like it’s going to be here~. I knew~. “It seems like he’s saying that.”

At the same time as the sound, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared a short distance away. The woman who approached her step by step with a strange smile on her face was none other than Jegal Haesol.

… Anyway, it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve seen this guy. Where did it suddenly appear?

Jegal Haesol came next to me and narrowed one eye.

“As soon as you see it, you say nonsense?”

“yes. That’s nonsense. Anyway, congratulations on your return.”

“thank you. “Congratulations, it’s quick.”

“Don’t be sarcastic. Because I couldn’t help it. “Thanks to someone, I’ve been almost imprisoned for all this time?”

When I responded appropriately, Jegal Haesol shrugged his shoulders. I chuckled. After Helena’s death, the polymorph spell was lifted, so she would have had to hide herself. Rather than blaming anyone else, we should praise Go Yeon-ju for quickly understanding the situation and responding.

“great job.”

“You gave a soulless answer… . Anyway, so what do we do now?”

“… … ?”

“That one, that one.”

Jegal Haesol pointed straight ahead with his chin. It looks like he’s asking what to do with that… . It is an issue that can be seen as absurd to intervene in just because there is a 0-year difference, but if the opponent is Jegal Hae-sol, it cannot be viewed that way.

If you remember the first round, it is safe to say that the fact that Beech Tree, which was no different from a small caravan, was able to grow into a large clan encompassing an area was almost 80% due to Jegal Haesol’s resourcefulness. Although Zhuge Haesol was famous for his unique magic creations, he was also a user with a reputation for being skilled in administrative work.

“Do you have any plans yet? “Then I have a good idea.”

I stared at Jegal Hae-sol, who was gently stroking her thighs and seducing me. It was a little bit, but I wanted to try it.

“hmm. First, I’ll spread the word. “They discovered something like that in our castle.”

“Hmm. If you want to show off or attract attention, you might be more jealous than you expect. Also, the suspicion surrounding Mercenary’s actions so far has not disappeared. “You have to keep the adverse effects in mind, right?”

“Maybe so. But what if a situation is created where effort can yield results? So what kind of emotion will that jealousy turn into?”

“… like?”

Although it was only for a moment, Lee Chae passed by the eyes of Jegal Haesol, who was smiling brightly.


“Stop cleaning today. Move some gold too. Take out the equipment, remove any dirt, and polish it. And the square needs to be cleaned up too. ah. Of course, we have to separate the equipment we need to use.”

Jegal Haesol’s smile deepened. He only talked about the gist of it in fragments, rather than the overall picture. Did Zhuge Haesol really figure out my plan?

“so. “What do you think?”

“You caught three rabbits. But I think I could catch one more.”

This time I smiled.

“What method?”

“I want to listen?”

“of course.”

“Then don’t sleep tonight and just wait. “Light a candle in your room and prepare a glass of good wine.”

Again, it’s like this again. I smiled bitterly and shook my head.

“I am indeed. okay. “Then can I just lie down on the bed in lingerie and wait?”

“oh. I have to wear lingerie. Why do clan lords wear it? “I’m just washing up and waiting.”

“… … .”

“ah. You can wash anywhere else, but don’t wash underneath. Strangely enough, I like the smell of the place.”

I took it as a joke, but Jegal Haesol hit back without changing his expression. I let out a long sigh as a sign to listen and reflect.

This guy is so… . What has been created is the height of mystery, but there is no hesitation in speaking.

Eventually, “Ah. Another nonsense. But what about something fun?” Jegal Haesol, who was tapping his mouth while saying, suddenly yawned sharply and looked away. The clan members were still busy searching.

“Anyway, I’m curious. Why are such achievements lying dormant in the castle? And what does it mean to say that the dream of proof written outside has not yet been broken?”

well. That’s it, I don’t know. All I know is that there was a kingdom called Victoria that sought to unify the continent with Atlanta as its capital. Now that I think about it, when I saw Victoria’s former glory with my third eye, I think I read information that the last queen of the kingdom was called ‘Empress of Proof’. Maybe this has something to do with it.

But why was it called proof? Looking at the Empress, it seems like she is a woman.

‘Demon beasts are born in this world of hell and live instinctively… . Also, there are quite a few cases where people were brought in from outside and became members. In such cases, you may become a member while retaining your past personality, allowing you to have a more certain sense of self. They can even talk. “Like me.”

‘That’s a very good question. Your father is seeing the evidence right now.’

‘I guess you don’t believe me, but I’ll show you the evidence again.’

‘this! This naughty thing! The way you talk is no different from a lewd sow! How is it that a soul that was so noble at first has become so corrupt!’


Why does Behemoth suddenly come to mind?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The subject matter of territory development cannot be the main focus of Memorize. I planned it that way from the first idea. So, the overriding goal of this part is to make Memorise less influenced by the development of the territory as much as possible, and we plan to move on as quickly as possible. However, from this part onwards, you need to be prepared to retrieve the foreshadowing you laid down. ha ha ha.

By the way, this is a midnight series for two days in a row. It was neatly uploaded at 00:00. Yesterday, there was a problem with the server, so it was a bit dull, but today it is clear. So, I want to receive the praise today that I didn’t receive yesterday. Please leave your compliments in the comments. Let me give you an example. 🙂

1. No? This is a midnight series for two days in a row, right? I commend you. As compensation, I promise to never call you Royumi again.

2. 꺌 꺌 꺌 꺙꺙 낑 쀙꺙 꺌 꺌

I would appreciate it if you could choose one of these two comments and write them down. Hehe(?).


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not work with dark mode