MEMORIZE Chapter 694

00694 A new home. ————————————————– ———————-=

There was an error in the previous episode, so we would like to inform you of the correction before proceeding with the content.

There was a mistake in setting the direction. Of the four outer cities, the one closest to the Iron Mountains is to the north. Therefore, we will correct it to say that the city occupied by the Hamill Clan is the northern city, and the Mercenary Clan occupied the southern city. The concept of each city follows suit.

Sorry for the confusion. _(__)_


The Mercenaries originally lived in the western of the four outer cities. However, after several days of talks, he moved to the south where he had been allocated during the agreement process. Since that was the city where our clan would prepare for a new beginning, everyone hurried along with excitement.

After leaving the tunnel connecting each city and entering the southern city, we started walking in a straight line along the central street. I have already decided on a place to move. If you walk along this main street, you will come across a large castle that can be called the center of the city. The castle was the new home of the mercenary.

Of course, there is no need to choose a last name as you have the option to choose according to your taste. But in general, the meaning of having s*x is very important. Occupying the most important place in the city is an act that officially declares that we represent the city. In other words, it is safe to say that this means taking care of symbolism.

Also, since we have now become the representative clan, wouldn’t it be a good idea to start in the best place? If it is a city castle, it is highly likely that the most powerful person among the ancient residents lived here. You can find the answer just by looking at the location. The place where the castle was built was slightly above the center, which encompasses the entire city.

Anyway, considering many things, taking the castle seemed the best, and none of the clan members had any disagreement. Probably everyone is picturing a palace-like life in a fancy castle rather than a stiff building or smelly inn. Well, I can’t say it’s a completely wrong imagination, but… . well. How long will it take for that to happen?

It was then.


While I was walking deep in thought, I suddenly heard a disturbing sound. As I took a quick look around, I suddenly felt puzzled.

As you walk along the main street, you will naturally pass through the plaza, and contrary to the expectation that it would be quiet, a considerable number of users were gathered there. One thing that is surprising is that instead of being noisy and crowded as usual, they are grouped in groups of twos and threes to the left and right, leaving the center completely empty. As if they knew we would pass by here.

I calmly crossed the open road in the center, ignoring the glances. I could hear users whispering from time to time.

“It’s the Mercenary Clan.”

“The person walking in front is Mercenary Lord, right?”

“Wow. After the Queen of Shadows… . look! “There are even residents who say they are summoning an army.”

“Where where? wait for a sec. “Aren’t those two people over there, Flash and Shingung?”

Then the clan members seemed to realize why so many users had gathered in the square. Three or four people who looked a bit intimidated at first straightened their backs and spread their shoulders wide. The kids in particular were a sight to behold.

Ahn Hyun had a completely unsuitable look in his eyes filled with melancholy and weighed his weight to the fullest. Ansol closed her eyes half-closed, making a detached expression, and then she suddenly started walking as her model, step by step. Unlike Lee Yu-jeong’s haughty eyes, she was constantly brushing her hair while moving her mouth twitchingly. Not to mention Vivian, to whom she was directly mentioned. Because she had already raised her nose so high that it seemed to pierce the sky.

Shin Jae-ryong, who was following behind, finally seemed to be unable to bear the embarrassment and slowly came next to me. When he glances, he smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

“I’m worried about Miss Ansol. I wonder if I will fall while walking like that… .”



Have words become seeds? Suddenly, the sound of a bean hitting the ground and a loud scream echoed through the square. As laughter flowed through the hall, Shin Jae-ryong made a blank expression. I quickly grabbed Shin Jae-ryong’s arm.

“let’s go.”

“yes? Ha, but… .”

“It might be someone we don’t know. You just have to pass by the square anyway. “Let’s go.”

“… … .”

Shin Jae-ryong was very conflicted, but was eventually led by my hand and started to walk faster. It seemed like someone was calling me, but I thought I misheard and continued walking along the road in front of me.

As I walked as quickly as I could out of the square, I saw buildings that looked like training grounds and barracks lined up neatly all around me. And although there is still a distance, to the right, the round Colosseum, which is said to be the city’s specialty (actually, it is worth seeing), has begun to reveal its majestic appearance. Such scenery clearly tells us the purpose for which this city was built.

As I walked across the military facility, a wall that looked like a stone wall slowly began to come into view.

“wow… !”


Finally, the castle appeared.

‘It’s still the same over there.’

A bright smile came out. The exclamation someone shouted died down in an instant. Well, it’s worth it. You may not know it, but you’ve probably imagined a castle like something you’d see in medieval Europe. However, the castle that appeared before my eyes was far from my imagination.

First of all, let alone the scale exceeding expectations. A dry moat and solid walls surround the castle. And the tall spires visible at every corner and the exact symmetry of the buildings left and right gave the impression that it was a solid fortress rather than a beautiful castle.

So, can we say that it is not appropriate for such a building to be in the city? It is clearly made of stone, marble, etc., but it looks more suitable for rugged mountain or valley terrain. Still, the gray exterior definitely killed the idea that it was a fortress. Now that I think about it, the clan members have become quiet.

I don’t even know why it was built like that. Because I didn’t live in those times.

Still, if you silently pass through the arched main gate and enter inside, you can at least feel a little bit of a castle.

The area near the entrance was probably used as a garden. There was a long and wide waterway in the center of the road leading all the way to the central fortress, and next to the red road on the left and right were gardens that were now dry and distorted in their own way. hmm. I didn’t notice it from the outside, but looking inside, it felt like I was seeing the Taj Mahal in India.

“I! “Oppa, I’ll go and open the door for you!”

Eventually, the moment they passed the waterway and reached the fortress, Lee Yu-jeong rushed forward. She then flung open the old, loose door and hurriedly stuck her head inside. Since the exterior of the castle did not meet expectations, it seems that the interior was quite curious.



In less than 5 seconds, Lee Yu-jeong slammed the door shut and spat. She turns around and walks helplessly with a look on her face that says something is very disgusting. When she saw that reaction, she could guess what her insides were like without even looking.

I slowly raised my gaze with the intention of examining each thing one by one. I don’t know what it would have looked like during the ancient times. However, now it is just a dilapidated building with only traces of time remaining. To put it in a good way, it could be said to be quaint and old-fashioned, but in reality, it felt a bit daunting. When will I turn this into a nice home? If it’s small, don’t even say anything.

But what can I do? Even if it is a little different from expectations, it cannot be changed now. Still, it has a magnificent taste overall, so if it can be restored, you will be able to see a pretty nice view.

“ruler. then.”

I sighed and slowly turned around. Then, the clan members seemed to sigh or relax like me. He probably guessed what I was going to say.

I rolled up my sleeves and calmly opened my mouth.

“Let’s start lightly with cleaning.”


How much time has passed?

As a result of investing all of our time in the morning, we were able to complete the first cleaning, which was not light at all.

The important thing is that it is only the first time. Why are there so many rooms, how wide is the space, how high is the ceiling, and how many floors are there? … no. In the first place, it is virtually impossible to clean a castle of this size in one day. So, I gave instructions to first clean the spaces essential for living, focusing on the first floor. For example, a place to sleep, a restaurant, etc.

However, even with just that amount, the area that needed to be cleaned was enormous. One fortunate thing was that the clan members who had cleaned once formed groups by class and carried out efficient cleaning work. And Jeong Ha-yeon’s ancient magic was very useful for cleaning. In fact, he seemed to be quite hurt by his pride.

Finally, when the sun rose in the sky, we gathered at the restaurant and had a break and lunch. The restaurant looked very different compared to when I first saw it. The tables and chairs placed there were completely burned and destroyed solely because they were dirty, so now only an empty space remains.

Around this time, we were huddled together and filling our bellies with the stew that Hannah Lim had cooked.

“shit. “I never dreamed I’d be camping inside the city.”

Woo Jung-min, who was sitting across from me, grumbled in a weak voice.

“It would be better to sleep in a sleeping bag and wake up refreshed than to sleep in a soft bed and wake up feeling dirty.”

Likewise, Seon Yu-un, whose shoulders were slumped, answered while taking a spoonful of stew. Both of their faces showed considerable fatigue. The mental fatigue seemed to be greater than the physical fatigue. Because they were in the same group as Vivien. When I took a quick glance earlier, I saw that Vivian was chattering non-stop. It seemed like she was tired of the incessant chatter.

“Yes? What’s wrong with everyone? Why are you crunching on your food like that? “This and this, is this how I can use my energy to clean in the afternoon?”

On the other hand, Vivien spoke with a smiling face. I know because I have experienced it, but Vivien is simple. Since you are the type of person who likes to see and experience new things, you are probably feeling very excited right now. The impact is having an impact on those two.

Whether you know that or not. Vivien was still smiling brightly, and suddenly touched her partner’s hand.

“aha. i get it. “Is it because your cow’s food doesn’t taste good?”

At that moment, I felt Hannah Lim, sitting next to me, flinch. Rather than saying the food doesn’t taste good, it’s probably for another reason.

“Ugh. I can’t help it. I used some generosity today. If you don’t want to eat that, should I make it for you? “A special stamina recovery food that only an alchemist can make!”

Vivian shouted proudly, but Woo Jung-min looked away with a sad look on his face. And until I take a long breath. okay. Ignoring it is best.

But it wasn’t Seon Yu-un.

“I don’t like it.”

He flatly refused in a very firm voice. Come to think of it, did you eat the food Nam Da-eun and Vivien made at the previous festival and get foamy? It seems like what happened back then still remains a trauma.

“Why why? It must be delicious. “It’s also effective.”

“no. “I don’t know what the effect will be, but first of all, your food is very tasteless.”

Seon Yu-un spoke clearly and clearly, despite his haggard face. She shakes her head with a serious expression, as if it upsets her just thinking about it. A faint light passed over Vivien’s face, which was full of color.

“no. It’s okay as long as it doesn’t taste good. Anyway, all you have to do is fill your stomach. But the food you made… . “It’s a kind of flawed product with too many flaws to be considered food.”

“what… . hey! “What are you saying?”

“ah. Of course, we acknowledge that by consuming those foods, you can build up your body’s resistance in case you eat a fatal poison in the future. “But I refuse to risk my life right now because of something like that.”

“… … .”

After hearing this, Vivien tilted her head as if she was deep in thought. But soon his eyes widened and he got angry. I think I finally understand.


Im Hanna covered her mouth with one hand and laughed quietly, then made eye contact with me and quickly managed her facial expression. And after she cleared her throat, hmm, she quietly opened her mouth.

“But Suhyun.”


“I just remembered it. “Shouldn’t you try contacting the North Continent?”


Oops. I remembered it only after hearing it. I’ve been so busy these days that I forgot about it without realizing it. Now that I think about it, I guess everyone is doing well.

“don’t worry. “First of all, I told you that I came back alive.”

Im Hanna said in a tone that she knew that would happen.

Without thinking, I opened my mouth, stirring the stew with a spoon.

“I forgot. So, how is everyone doing?”


“Is there anything special going on there?”

“ah. Ugh, um. that is… .”

At that moment, Im Hanna became strangely speechless.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

We apologize for any confusion with your settings. We will edit the first part soon. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode