MEMORIZE Chapter 692

00692 Queen of Iron Blood Vs Prince of Hell. ————————————————– ———————-=

“… … ?”

When I came to my senses, I had already been dragged somewhere. She remembers that when she was gulping down her saliva while looking at the deliciously cooked meat skewers, Han So-young suddenly appeared. And then he grabbed her arm, snorting loudly.

But while I was confused and saying, “Oh,” the place changed. The meat skewers he was holding in both hands had disappeared without even a mouse or a bird noticing. Now that I think about it, it seems like someone secretly stole it while it was being dragged… . I think I saw Park Da-yeon secretly standing on one side of the hallway. Anyway, I wonder what happened.

“You must be very hungry.”

As I was tilting my head, an accusing voice suddenly rang in my ears. A woman exuding a mature scent was casting her innocent gaze. The one who dragged me to this place. She was Han So-young.

“yes… . “I was a little hungry.”

I put aside my complicated thoughts and answered the truth. Because lying in front of Han So-young doesn’t work anyway.

But is there something you don’t like? Ye’s expressionless face fainted slightly.

“Actually, I’m not feeling well right now. Due to the circumstances, frequent meals and sufficient sleep are necessary.”

“… “You’re not feeling well?”

As she hastily added, Soyoung Han’s voice softened slightly. And then her eyes suddenly change to look at me with concern. The worried gaze of the woman I admired brought me an unexpected sense of relief.

“Then it would have been nice if we could have had a meal together… .”

“Because I didn’t want to show you eating in front of me.”


“no. “Anyway, it’s okay to worry because it’s at a level where you can get better after a few weeks of rest.”

After saying that, I slowly looked around. There was nothing special, it was just an ordinary room. Although it is quite old, it doesn’t look old-fashioned, probably because it has been cleaned well. Rather, there was something about it that didn’t look old-fashioned.

“Please sit down first. please.”

I quickly brought a chair and sat down, while glancing at Han So-young walking to the desk. She softened a little, but seemed somehow wary. Other people might think it was just cold, but I was confident that I could catch even the subtle changes in Han So-young.

Now that I think about it, is this your first meeting since you came back? I feel strangely nervous.

After a while, Soyoung Han sat down and spoke for the first time.

“I heard a rumor that you came back three days ago.”


“And I thought you would come visit me at least once. “At least once.”

“… … .”

Han So-young threw a solid fastball from the start. She emphasized her words at least once. I didn’t know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut. Extrasensory perception is a fairly tricky ability. This time too, there is a high possibility that it will be a lie to use the physical excuse. And actually, I didn’t go to see Soyoung Han on purpose.

“Are you sad?”

Did he read my expression? Soyoung Han gave the correct answer without hesitation. no. She might be the right answer. I took a deep breath.

“So, we, the Mercenary Clan in Istantel Row… .”

“I thought of several possibilities.”

I went in, interrupting Soyoung Han.

“I felt it while watching the meeting today. In a situation where so many interests were intertwined, Istantel Row had no obligation to fully support Mercantile. “This is my personal opinion.”

“But we could have helped internally and externally. “It’s an alliance clan.”

“That choice could have had a negative impact on the South.”

“Even taking that into account.”

A conversation where positions seem to have been reversed. I felt uncontrollable. I have no idea what Soyoung Han wants or what she wants to say. However, one thing is clear: it is a wrong idea to rush into this issue. Because it was a problem between Mercenary, who was unable to control it in the first place, and Dongbu, who spread malicious rumors.

okay. Strictly speaking, yes.

But Han So-young was taking the story further than that.

“I thought there might be circumstances that I didn’t know about.”

In the end, I had no choice but to shrug. Han So-young, looking at me like that, was still cold. What is she thinking right now?

“Would you mind taking off your clothes for a moment?”

It was then. While she was deep in thought, Han So-young suddenly said something strange. What does this mean again?

“clothes… . no. “You can roll up your sleeves.”

Soyoung Han corrected her words. I obediently rolled up my sleeves. Since it is a uniform anyway, there is nothing to worry about.

“If you don’t mind, could you show me another part? “So that the skin shows.”

He tilted his head at the repeated requests, but even pulled down his uniform slightly. Han So-young looked at her with her almost observing eyes, and then lightly nodded her head as if she was done. And she let out a short sigh.

“As I heard, you have a lot of injuries on your body.”

“yes? As I heard… ?”

“The Shadow Queen told me.”

“Go Yeon-joo… .”

At that moment, a thought flashed through my mind.

“Is this because of a user impersonating me?”

Han So-young’s eyes brightened.

“is it so. “Have you heard anything?”

“I just heard that it was there. But what Istantel Low Road knows… .”

“of course. “I was the one who first discovered that impersonation.”


I unconsciously raised my voice at the unexpected remark. You tricked me into saying it was me in front of Han So-young? In front of her fraudulent ability called extrasensory? This doesn’t make any sense.

“Can I hear a little more detail?”

I clasped my hands together and asked earnestly. Han So-young calmly lowered her head as if there was nothing wrong with her.

Soon, Soyoung Han began to speak in a quiet voice.


How much time has passed?

The first feeling I felt after hearing the story was that of astonishment.

To summarize, first of all, it seems that the impersonator had an appearance that almost matched mine. According to Han So-young, she had all the characteristics that one would think of as me, not only in appearance but also in habits. It wasn’t just a similar level, it was completely the same.

What was especially impressive was that the impersonator acted as if he had amnesia. Only after hearing those words did I get a sense of how he didn’t get caught in front of Han So-young. For example, if you ask me if I remember something, I say, ‘No. I do not know.’ Just say that and that’s enough. Because the statement itself is true.

After first discovering it, the impersonator acted as if he was anxious under the pretext of memory loss and asked for protection. Soyoung Han accepted the request. She said she took care of me and helped me regain my memory.

“When I think about it now, I think it was probably an intentional approach. It’s okay to join the Mercenary Clan right away, but if you go to Lord Hamill, there’s a high possibility that you’ll be caught. So, I think he approached me and tried to get detailed information about Mercenary Road.”

“surely. “If it had been my brother, I would have figured it out in less than half a day.”

“Actually, as time went by, I was feeling a little strange. But around that time, he suddenly mentioned that he wanted to go to the Mercenary Clan.”

“so… .”

“yes. I secretly visited the Mercantile Clan at night, avoiding the attention of users. After explaining the situation and asking for understanding, I handed over the new soldier. … And before two days had passed, I was able to receive a call from the Shadow Queen. “It’s an impersonation.”

“… … .”

So does that mean that Go Yeon-ju revealed the impersonation by the fact that there were no wounds on his body? That is highly likely. Because I hid it all this time, knowingly or unknowingly, there are quite a few scars on my body. However, if the wound had suddenly disappeared, it would definitely have been considered strange.

‘It’s not something to take lightly.’

At first, I thought it was just some idiot who did that, but when I heard about it, it wasn’t a light matter. I don’t know who the person is, but it seemed like there was a need to pay attention to what purpose the impersonator approached like that.

“You must have been very surprised.”

In the end, I just shook my head.

“Is it just absurd? How heartbroken and ashamed I was after finding out… . Do you even know?”

At that moment, I lifted my head.

“yes? Heartbroken… . “You felt ashamed?”

“is it so. When I think of the first time I saw him, I ran to him and held him in his arms… .”

iced coffee. I was hugged. That’s about it. Because I felt shame, I did it again. He took those plump, cherry-colored lips, coveted those beautiful and voluptuous breasts, groped those healthy, fleshy thighs dripping with lust, and then in the end… . No, wait a minute. What am I thinking now?

“to. okay. I heard you were hugged… .”

Suddenly I had a strange feeling. Isn’t that right? It is said that Han So-young ran and hugged him. Even on your own. I don’t know who it was, but it was quite a windfall. Of course, they probably thought it was me back then, so I feel proud for some reason… .

“… “What are you expecting?”

Han So-young frowned at the pretty Ami and gave her a sad look. I laughed and scratched my head.

“no. I don’t know who it is, but I feel really jealous. ha ha ha.”

However, at that moment, Han So-young opened her eyes and became angry.

“smile? Are you funny now? “Even though I was hugged by another man?”

Why are you doing this again?

“Well, that’s not it.”

“And you’re jealous? why. “Then should I run and hug you like I did before?”

“… yes? Squeezing… . It was salty… ?”


In a split second, Han So-young’s eyes grew as big as a flower lantern. Then she heard a light bang on the desk.

“Now that I think about it, there’s one thing I’m curious about.”

Han So-young turned her gaze to the window. It seems like they’re trying to get off topic, so let’s just move on.

“Please tell me.”

“at that time… . “Why did you save me?”

“… … ?”

“As far as I know, the woman who was dragged in at that time was a Mercenary Clan member.”

iced coffee. It seems to refer to the time when Gehenna was whipped.

“yes. Yes.”


“… … ?”

“If you think about common sense, it makes sense to save clan members first. “But why did you save me first?”

hmm… . This is it. This is a difficult question to answer. But I can’t tell the truth. Plus, you have extra senses.

“Just like that.”

In the end, I could only answer this way.

“Do you think that answers it?”

Of course, Soyoung Han was angry.

… no. for a moment. Why is it obvious? Of course not. If you think about it, I was in the position of saving you. So why do I have to feel like a sinner?

Thinking like that, I glanced ahead. And then he quietly opened his mouth.

“so. no, I do not want?”

“… yes?”

The eyes, which were emitting an intense glow as if telling him to speak quickly, suddenly shook.

“So you don’t like it? “Do you hate what I saved you?”

“Who doesn’t like it? thank you. Of course I am grateful. But why… .”

“Then you can just say thank you. Why do you criticize people and treat them like sinners? “It’s so sad.”

“Ta, why? Sin, treated like a sinner? under. Uh, hey. “Oh my gosh.”

wow. Han So-young is raising both her hands. She has a dumbfounded expression on her face. I keep looking left and right alternately. This is my first time seeing a reaction like that.

“Anyway, if the same situation happens again, I will save Istantel Low Road in the same way. “That’s all I can tell you.”

I crossed my arms and spoke confidently.

It was then.

A knock sounded and the door swung open. Soon, someone carefully poked their head in. He was a handsome man sitting next to Han So-young during the meeting.

“I’m sorry about what I said… .”

“I’m going out.”

But Han So-young was merciless.

“Yes, yes?”

“Get out. I can not hear that?”

The man looked blank and his mouth trembled. And with a tearful look on her face, she quietly closed the door.

After a while.

Han So-young placed her forehead with one hand and crossed her legs slightly. She then gently closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and let out a long sigh. It was like she was like, ‘What on earth am I going to do with this guy?’ She seems to be thinking.

“why… . A man called you… . What happened… .”

no. I really said it.

“I will ask for the same thing again…” . It makes me even more angry that that statement is true… .”

He keeps muttering things that don’t make sense. I could only stare blankly.

It was then. Han So-young, who had been muttering something for a while, opened her eyes and jumped up from her seat. The moment I stood up to follow the momentum, Han So-young suddenly looked at her door and opened her mouth.


Suddenly, as the spell was chanted, the door made a clicking sound. It is locked.

However, Han So-young’s order did not end with just one.

“Silence Field, Block Field, Project Image, Reflect Shield, Wall of Mana, Anti-Magic Shell… .”

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Each time a spell is spoken, magical power flows quickly and the arrangement changes. no. Are you doing this to build some sort of defensive fortress?

“after. “At this level, we will be able to prevent unexpected intervention by third parties who have always interfered with the right timing.”

Han So-young muttered something incomprehensible again and looked at me as if she were leery of it.

And for just a moment, it seemed like the light of conflict was fading away.

“… “I’m glad you came back safely.”

Before she could say anything, Han So-young bit her lower lip and suddenly jumped. It was as if she wanted to leave me alone. She came in so hard that her once neat hair was fluttering loudly.

At the moment when the distance between them became closer, the bead that was in my arms started to vibrate slightly.


Next, the protective fortress of Gehenna was deployed.

“I really missed you… !”


‘… … .’

… uh?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s very late today. sorry. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode