MEMORIZE Chapter 691

00691 3rd meeting. ————————————————– ———————-=

“All Mercenary clan members have the status of free mercenaries. In other words, strictly speaking, it cannot be considered as belonging to the Northern Continent. “Didn’t you participate in this attack as a mercenary in the first place?”



“I mean, how about that? We are literally mercenaries. I am proud that I participated as a mercenary and performed better than any other clan. Fortunately, the strategy was successful, and now that I have completed the request, I need to receive my reward. In that concept, I’m asking for an opportunity to become the representative clan. Is there something wrong here?”

Another man sat in his seat, dumbfounded. However, there were still users who stood up. How many people were there this time? Was it the 6th person?

“wait a minute. The Mercenary Lord keeps mentioning the clan’s achievements. It is true that he took the lead, but strictly speaking, this should be seen as an achievement for the entire Southern Expeditionary Force. That is something that cannot be seen separately. therefore… .”

“Oh, is that so? Then let me ask you too. “What did the Eastern Expedition do in this attack on the Steel Mountains?”

“Well, that’s… . to… . First, by successfully conquering area 1 and building a fortress… . To secure a stable entry route for late expedition expeditions… .”

“Aren’t the things you mentioned common to all expeditions?”

When I said this in a bewildered mood, the man tilted his head awkwardly.

“Is that so? iced coffee. Come to think of it, I guess so. No, that’s right. … ah! She also took on the role of leading the entire expedition after entering Atlanta. However, right before the city, an accident occurred that no one expected. There was truly tremendous damage. I think the Mercenary Lord should take this into consideration.”

“aha. But do you know this? To be precise, the leading expedition was southern until the day before the discovery of the city. However, that night, an unfortunate incident occurred in the Northwestern Expedition, and the Eastern Expedition took the lead using that incident as an excuse. Lord Goryeo made a request directly at a gathering of all commanders. “I will go on my own.”

I emphasized the word myself. In other words, it was a decision you made, so who are you blaming? Actually, what I just said was nothing more or less than whining.

The man also seemed to understand what I was saying and made a pitiful look on his face. But I slowly shook my head. no. I don’t want to look at it. go back.

The man stood for a while, but eventually sat down, just rolling his sad eyes. After a while, a heavy silence fell. This is exactly the 6th time, but it seemed like there were no more cards to show. It was worth it. From the looks of it, Dongbu seems to have put a lot of effort into preparing for this meeting, but I must have been speechless when I took down everything one by one. I can’t say anything because I have nothing to say, but the expression on his face when he looks at me is truly worth seeing.

“… “This time I will tell you something.”

at that time. Among the quiet shouting of greetings from the East, one user slowly stood up. The moment I looked at the neat man with wise eyes, my eyes became a little stronger. The young man who quietly raised his hand and asked for the right to speak was none other than Han Road Sung Hyeon-min.

‘I heard before that he was pushed out of the fight with Jo Seong-ho… .’

After the death of Goryeo Lord in the war with the Allied Forces, the eastern region engaged in a subtle war with each other. no. To be exact, it was almost like that. However, Cho Seong-ho, who was quick-witted, took action like a sword and completely organized the surrounding situation, and one of Seong Hyeon-min’s clans was included among them.

However, Seong Hyun-min survived the cleanup process anyway. Of course, it is true that he has not been treated well, but the fact that he survived under Jo Seong-ho’s personality of ignoring his political opponents at all costs shows that Seong Hyun-min also has some resourcefulness.

Just look at the Steel Mountains. In fact, the reason Seong Hyun-min was able to survive this time was because he was assigned to the rear unit in charge of the expedition’s dirty work.

Anyway, regardless of whether it was his first or second time, Seong Hyun-min was not a user who would let down his guard. For the first time since the meeting, I felt nervous and calmed down.

Soon, Seong Hyeon-min slowly opened his mouth.

“The representative clan is… . no. “Let me correct what I said.”

Is Seong Hyun-min also nervous? I shake my head for a moment and wet my mouth with saliva. Seong Hyun-min’s eyes were filled with an unexpected solemnity.

“actually. When I first heard that the Mercenary Clan was participating in the city selection process, I had some expectations. “I thought it would fit well with the role of the representative clan due to the nature of the clan in charge of mercenary work.”

It certainly was. If you think about the users who make various requests such as where to investigate, who to rescue, etc., Mercantilery has gained experience by carrying out numerous requests. As the depressed woman said, it is not that she has no experience.


Here, Seong Hyun-min changed his words.

“After the Mercenary Lord disappeared, the Mercenary Clan’s actions disappointed me a lot. Of course, this is just a personal feeling… .”

As expected, I knew this would come up. In fact, it has been a problem that has been a weakness of mercenaries ever since they were in the North Continent. I concentrated on Seong Hyeon-min’s words, thinking about what to say in advance.

“The representative clan must be very strong. “No matter what happens at any time, we must never be shaken and always be able to manage the city fairly and dispassionately.”

Seong Hyun-min’s words continued.

“therefore… . We can use the war three years ago as an example. After Goryeo Road’s death, user Jo Seong-ho quickly stabilized the surroundings. But compared to this, only bad rumors continued to flow about the Mercenary Clan.”

Seong Hyun-min, who lifts up the person who tried to organize himself. Am I having fun in this situation? Before I knew it, I was smiling with my arms crossed.

“Even though the Mercenary Lord has returned now… .”

Finally, Seong Hyun-min stopped talking and looked at me with calm eyes.

“Just in case. ah. It’s just a possibility, so don’t be offended. In the unlikely event that something like this happens again. Mercenary Lord, can you guarantee that the Mercenary back then will be different from what it is now?”

I fell into deep thought as I heard the next words. In fact, I felt like I had hit the nail on the head. For the first time since entering the meeting, I was speechless. To that extent, Seong Hyun-min’s words were orderly and logical. Isn’t that right? Clearly, Mercantilery wasn’t doing well while I was away.

But it’s not like there’s really nothing to say. In fact, the reason why Go Yeon-ju was unable to completely control Mercenary was because external factors largely played a role. You can counter with this. However, you have to be prepared to some extent.

After thinking that, I quietly opened my mouth.

“First of all, I will admit that Mercenary showed a bad performance. But now that we’re talking, I also have something to say about that.”

“… … .”

“I admit that there was definitely some internal turmoil. But on the other hand, I heard that someone was systematically shaking up Mercenary with malicious intent.”

“yes… ? ah.”

Seong Hyeon-min, who was about to question him, suddenly opened his mouth. It looks like there’s something to it. I remembered Seong Hyun-min’s expression. Anyway, the water just spilled.

“In other words, the forces that deliberately spread rumors and encouraged Mercantile to face a disadvantageous situation in this third meeting… .”

“for a moment. “What do you mean by that all of a sudden?”

At that moment, the middle-aged man stood up and shouted.

“I’m not finished talking yet.”

“It’s so absurd… ! so. “Are you saying we are the instigators of those malicious rumors?”

“I haven’t said that yet?”

“Don’t be funny. In this situation, anyone who heard it would have heard that the words just spoken were aimed at us.”

Now even the woman sitting next to the middle-aged man stood up and shouted. I smiled inwardly. okay. My feet will go numb.

“Who on earth would make such a foolish move… !”

“The Shadow Queen told me.”

“ah. So is the Shadow Queen’s word law? If what she says, is she absolutely right? No! “Do you have any proof?”

“… … .”

They take turns struggling in pairs.

I stared at the two men and women who were grinning and resting their chins on one hand. And then he quietly opened his mouth. I was already convinced anyway.

“… Are you confident?”

“What? Myself?”

“I don’t know what you believe and why you’re shouting so loudly. “If you remember the Baek Seo-yeon incident, you won’t be able to be so confident, right?”

“… … .”

Then the middle-aged man and the woman fell silent at the same time. Some of the eastern figures also showed stern expressions. Everyone probably remembers it. The incident in which Mercenary shattered the spirit of that terrible vagabond, and that of the employer, who was also a high-ranking executive.

“Ooh, is there some obligation we have to comply with?”

The woman forced herself to raise her voice. She was struggling to somehow escape the charge, but unfortunately she was a shaker. Because she was avoiding something, it meant that there was something unpleasant about it. This was evidenced by the fact that her intestines, which had been quiet until now, were slowly starting to become noisy.

“If you’re worried about mental contamination, you don’t have to worry. You don’t have to use potions or abilities to find the Crystal of Truth. Of course, the burden is on us. How is it?”

The middle-aged man looked around in bewilderment, then suddenly turned to me and growled.

“… Are you going to come out like this? Hey Mercenary Lord.”


“Answer well. “Are you threatening me, or us, now?”

“A threat?”

A light laugh naturally flows out. I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement.

“yes. That’s right. “You heard correctly.”

“… her?”

The middle-aged man reacted as if he were dumbfounded and then gave a serious sneer.

“That means… . “Do you want to give it a try against our eastern team now?”

It was then.

“That means… . Are you saying you want to try it against us in the West now?”

A murderous voice came from right next to me coldly. It was his brother’s voice. It was a little bit scary, but no, that made it even scarier. My brother’s eyes were shining brightly, as if they were about to emit lightning at any moment. In an instant, the middle-aged man’s face hardened.

“Why is Lord Hamill suddenly… .”

“They are threatening my younger brother. “Then did you know how to stay still?”

“Oh, no… . The Mercenary Lord is the first to threaten… .”

“Hahaha! okay! “Now it’s a little fun.”

However, the middle-aged man was unable to continue speaking this time. Suddenly, someone burst out laughing and interrupted the conversation.

“I was bored because you were always talking to me like a girl. Now let’s have some fun. huh?”

The large user stood up, twirling the spear that was leaking ominous energy. The man who soon aimed his spear toward the east was none other than Gong Chan-ho. It looks like he participated as a northerner this time.

“iced coffee. Don’t look at me so strangely. Because the North is allied with the West. And I owe that guy something.”

“Uh, uh… .”

Gong Chan-ho glanced at me and smiled, showing his teeth. Then the middle-aged man let out a groan as if he was at a loss as to what to do.

Following the west, we went to the north. Now everyone in the eastern part was looking astonished. I guess it has to be that way. The West and North, which had been quiet until now, suddenly came to support me. However, considering that the two regions were angry at the behavior of the eastern part during the attack on the Steel Mountains, it is definitely an understandable action.

“I have a chance to repay you like this, so I can’t miss it, right? is not it?”

Gong Chan-ho also burst into laughter, perhaps feeling Dongbu’s gaze. The hall was immediately engulfed in commotion.

That moment.


At the sound of someone lightly hitting something, everyone on stage stiffened. Then, from somewhere, a frost-like ray of death flows out neatly and encompasses the entire hall. Then, the uproar that had been rampant naturally began to subside.

Han So-young, who was sitting at the head table, was radiating tremendous murderous energy from her whole body with her emotionless eyes. She is not living intentionally. The will to keep everyone quiet, coming from absolute authority and ‘charisma’. Even I got goosebumps all over her body. I was inwardly surprised.

‘When did it get like this…? ?’

After a while.

Before long, not only the stage but also the venue was dominated by Han So-young. The only sound was the sound of swallowing, as if no one had thought to open their mouth. Soon, Han So-young glances left and right and glances at Gong Chan-ho.

“Calm down and sit down. “This is a place made for talking, not a place made for fighting.”

“… … .”

“sit down please.”

“… Tsk.”

Gong Chan-ho frowned as if he was quite unhappy with something. But in the end he had no choice but to lose his appetite and sit down.

“and… .”

Next, Soyoung Han looked at me and tried to say something, but she just kept her mouth shut. Next, the gaze moved to the direction of the Dongbu personnel.

“It’s a separate story, but I personally am in favor of clan wars.”

“yes? Hey, Istantel Low Road!”

Someone shouted in a tone that said it was nonsense, but Han So-young stubbornly shook her head.

“The significance of this third meeting is to resolve and end the current situation. “I think we’ve already talked enough.”

“Huh, but!”

“If we have come this far and one side does not acknowledge it, we will ultimately have no choice but to find other means. Of course, the South will maintain a neutral position.”

“… “I will give up.”

It was then. Just as Han So-young said in a tone that she would not accept any further objections, a young man declared giving up in a weak voice. Seong Hyun-min was smiling bitterly while raising one hand.

“We will give up on the East. And we will try to solve the mentioned problem separately from Mercenary Road. “We sincerely apologize for causing a disturbance.”

As I watched Seong Hyun-min speak once more, I let out a slightly regretful sigh. They tried to use this opportunity to lay the foundation to crush the East, but did they realize that the situation was turning unfavorable? Seong Hyun-min quickly declared giving up. It was a bold decision.

Soon Soyoung Han looked at me and I lightly nodded my head.


“Now, just a moment… !”

Just before Dongbu, who was so surprised and opened his eyes, said something.

“Well then, this is the end of the story.”

Han So-young’s voice rang quietly across the stage, as if announcing the end of the meeting.

The third meeting has ended.


Istantel Low Clan.

Temporary residence inn.

“Anyway, that guy. “It’s really amazing.”

Da-yeon Park smiled brightly and chirped as if it was so good for radish.

“To end this tiresome third round of talks in one go… . Isn’t that right, sister?”

“… … .”

“And did you see those bastards from the eastern part doing the damn thing, taking on every single one of them?”

“… … .”

Is it because there are only two of us in one room? Park Da-yeon’s speaking skills were unstoppable. However, Han So-young, sitting in her chair and looking at the records on her desk, seemed not to have heard those words and continued to read her something. Then, Park Da-yeon ran at a quick pace and clung to Han So-young.

“Especially especially when it’s cold and sarcastic. That time was really awesome. When I saw Kim Soo-hyun openly laughing at Dongbu, I thought he was really upset. oh my. “Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed.”

This time, Han So-young couldn’t help it, so she frowned at the pretty Ami.


“ah. “I thought you were cumming because you were excited.”

“… “That’s vulgar language.”

“Hey. “What’s wrong with just the two of us?”

Park Da-yeon, who lightly touched Han So-young with her elbow, immediately started humming and dancing on her shoulders. Han So-young shook her head and then focused on her records again.

“ah. Now that you think about it, how do you feel?”

Then, at some point, Park Da-yeon jokingly said with a look on her face that she remembered something. Han Soyoung ignored it.

“How does it feel to be rejected on a date in front of everyone? ruler. “Please tell me one thing.”

Da-yeon Park raised her hand as if she was holding the microphone, but So-young Han remained steadfast. Then, ‘Ho. Are you going to come out like this?’ After making an expression that seemed to say, Park Da-yeon’s face became expressionless. As if imitating Han So-young.

Soon, Park Da-yeon, who was walking gracefully around the room, clasped her hands together and opened her mouth in an incongruous voice.

“Merchantry Lord. “Can we talk for a moment?”

Next, Park Da-yeon made a solemn expression.

“I’m sorry, but I have a prior agreement.”

This time it was a cold and low voice.

“I hope you don’t do that and take your time.”

“If you tell me where you are, I will come and see you after my appointment.”

Come and go. The sight of Park Da-yeon posing while imitating her two voices alternately was like watching a play.

“Aye~. Mercenary Road Ugh~. It’s so cold~. Oh hong hong hong~!”

Soon, Da-yeon Park was shaking her head and laughing exaggeratedly.

“Do it in moderation.”

Finally, Han So-young, who could not bear it anymore, said something. Da-yeon Park pretended to be surprised and tilted her head.

“huh? I’m playing alone. why?”

“I never asked you out on a date in the first place. “You didn’t even talk honestly while being so cute.”

“Heh. “Anyway, it’s true that you were rejected, right?”

“Park Da-yeon!”

Han Soyoung screamed loudly. Da-yeon Park shrugged her shoulders like a baby bird, and she often ran to her window at her own pace. She then began to see distant mountains. Han Soyoung let out a deep sigh and then turned her attention to her records.

How much time has passed?

“By the way, sister. That guy earlier… . “Are you really Mercenary Lord?”

Park Da-yeon, who was looking outside while shaking her calf, suddenly cautiously opened her mouth.


Han So-young answered calmly.

“maybe? Then, maybe like last time… .”

Park Da-yeon suddenly looked away.

“I do not know either. That’s why I asked to see you separately.”

“What are your extra senses like?”

“First of all, the truth. But since something like that happened last time, I don’t think I can blindly trust it.”

“… That’s true. “I didn’t know that there would be an impersonation that would deceive even my sister’s super senses.”

Park Da-yeon spoke in a somewhat serious tone and then turned her gaze back to the window. Then he suddenly opened his eyes wide as if he saw something and stared out the window for a while.

After a while, Park Da-yeon continued speaking in a serious tone.

“So are you staying still this time?”

“… … ?”

“Before. When the Mercenary Lord first appeared. And when you didn’t know it was an impersonation.”

“get out.”

“Oh why? At that time, I saw my sister’s Mercenary Road… .”

“Get out, get out, get out, get out!”

Han So-young stood up straight away. “I’m going out, I’m going out!” Da-yeon Park hurriedly shouted at her and quickly ran to her door. However, just before she left the door, she finally opened her mouth to say a word.

“ah. “For your information, I’m here at Mercantile Road.”

For a moment, Han So-young’s body stopped. Because my extra senses were telling me that what Park Da-yeon said was true.

“Actually, I saw it 10 minutes ago. Strangely, he didn’t come in right away and just sat near the inn. “I was eating alone.”


“yes. Shall we go and get him?”

“… no. Just stay here. It will come in on its own. And get out.”

Han Soyoung thought for a moment and then shook her head. She then calmly sat in her chair and listened to her notes as if she had no interest at all. Da-yeon Park rolled her eyes once and shrugged her shoulders as if she understood.


Finally, as the door closed, Han So-young put down the record she had heard so many times. Then I immediately got up, opened the window, and looked outside.

As Park Da-yeon said, Kim Soo-hyun was nearby the inn. He is holding a large meat skewer in his hand, wondering where he got it from, and taking a big bite.

“… under.”

Han So-young laughed at the sight and closed the window hard. She then turned around, sat down at her desk, and started reading her notes.

However, when exactly 10 minutes had passed, Soyoung Han slowly opened the window again and looked outside. Kim Soo-hyun was still there. However, this time, I was slurping down a warm, steaming stew that I didn’t know where I had gotten it from.

“… … .”

Am I resentful of something? Han Soyoung snorted hard and bit her lower lip. She then forced herself to sit down and began to read her crumpled notes.

20 minutes passed.

‘… ‘Still not in?’

In the end, I stood up once again.

However, the moment Han So-young looked out the window, she was startled. This is because Kim Soo-hyun, who was visible only 20 minutes ago, suddenly disappeared. I wondered if someone had come in during that time, but even after waiting anxiously for 10 minutes, there was no knock.

It was that moment.

Han So-young’s eyes, which were anxiously looking around, suddenly grew to the size of a flower lantern. In the direction I was looking at, Kim Soo-hyun, who had disappeared for a moment, was walking slowly. She was holding the meat skewer she was eating earlier in both hands and had a very happy face.

That moment.

“… really!”

Han So-young felt like something had snapped in her head.


The sound of a door being opened roughly was followed by the sound of pounding footsteps down the hallway.


“40 minutes. Still, you endured quite a bit.”

Park Da-yeon, who was secretly standing on one side of the hallway, raised the corners of her mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I didn’t know it, but it had over 30 million views. thank you… . _(__)_

Today I added a lot of capacity. 🙂


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not work with dark mode