Memorize Chapter 69

00069 Vivien La Classidus —————————- —————————–=

Vivien transformed from a human into a spider. To go through that process, body modification or infection is essential, and both processes essentially require a catalyst called a . The core can be any material that contains mana, the most representative being a mana stone. You might think it’s just a mana stone, but Vivien’s behavior was different from the norm.

As time passes, the mana stone contained within the body becomes a core of the body. In human terms, it can be seen as the heart or center of magical power. A place that contains magical power, is fair, and where countless flows of magical energy pass through every day. After a long period of time, the core mana stone changes its properties into a type of inner stone that holds deep mana.

Of course, it is not comparable to the actual altar of divine beasts or the spiritual altar of spiritual creatures. But you never know, and at least it was better than nothing. I deliberately showed serious concern.

“hmm. “It’s a little lacking.”

“to? Ah~. Please take a look. “Is this really all there is?”


“Yep. really really.”


As Vivian asked again and again, her face became aggrieved and she screamed.

“Mr. Lee. stuffy. Really! If you don’t believe me, check it out yourself!”

“I want that.”

I slowly raised my finger and pointed at her body. Vivian looked at her fingers and then she turned her head to follow her direction. Vivian soon lowered her head to look at her own body, looked at me with her strange face, and opened her mouth.

“Human male. I have a question. Do you have any unusual castle walls?”


“huh. For example, crossing with a spider… .”

“shut up.”

“Hi. sorry!”

I immediately cut her off. What is he talking about now? When I made a grim face, Vivien immediately lowered her eyes and shivered. After watching her for a moment, I deliberately lifted her knife and spun her around. The more I did it, the more intense the tremors seemed to get. For some reason, when I see that gesture, I feel like I want to bully them. Still, as it was my seat, I calmly opened my mouth.

“I don’t mean I want to f*ck you. “I want what’s inside you.”

“Inside me… ? There is nothing useful in me. “Would you like me to pull some thread for you?”

“no no. That’s okay. That’s not what I meant. You were originally human. yes?”


Vivien nods her head obediently. For some reason, I feel even more sorry to say it. But I pulled myself together and continued speaking.

“If you turned into a spider, there must be a substance containing mana that acted as a catalyst.”

“then. I felt it earlier, you are really knowledgeable… uh. wait for a sec. “Are you talking about nuclear weapons?”


“To me now. Want nukes? it’s crazy?”

Do you remember that part, or do you know it well because it was something you originally studied and applied to your body? Vivian asked me with wide eyes. I lowered my head with a stern expression. After confirming that I agreed, her face became blank, but she soon seemed to come to her senses and continued speaking with a “Hot” look on her face.

“paddle. joke?”

“It’s not a joke.”

“Eh. No, it’s obvious it’s all a joke, right? yo. this… Ho Ho.”

“No. Give me the nuke quickly. If you give me these and a nucleus, I will save your life well. ruler. promise.”

Vivien’s face distorts when she sticks her little finger out. She yelped in a high-pitched voice, flinching behind her.

“it’s crazy! Why give it to me!”

“don’t worry. “You won’t die if you pull it out.”

“I know that too, right? If I were to ask you to rip out your heart or magic circuits, would you rip them out? “Say something that makes sense!”

“Of course I won’t give it to you. “Give it to me anyway.”

“Why are you secretly asking for something different? no!”

“Give it to me.”

“Kill! Just kill me! I’d rather die than give you this! If you give me this, I will… Hike.”

“okay? “Then it’s a shame, but whatever.”

Pick up your sword and take a step forward. Vivian must have been horrified when she saw me, so she quickly backed away in disgust. But this is inside the workshop. When he stepped back, he was within the palm of Buddha’s hand. Vivien must have seen that there was a passage behind me, and quickly opened her mouth in a desperate tone.

“wait for a sec. Wait a minute! first. First, put away your sword. Let’s talk. talk. hey! “Please don’t come!”

Because I am a nice person, I accepted her request. After stopping, I repeated my request in a clear voice.

“I’ll say it again. Now give me these and the core inside your body. Let’s pay for your life with that.”

“That doesn’t make sense…” .”

“Negotiations broke down.”

Vivian finally let out the anger she had been holding in as she saw me not being able to communicate.

“Yaaaa!!!! “You bloodless, tearless bastard!!!!”

“Oh. It’s slowly showing its true colors. also… . Hey, it’s annoying. It would be better to just kill it and take it out yourself. As a side note, I dissected the body once… .”

As I hummed and started walking again, Vivien looked at me with a shocked expression. chagrin. Resentment. fear. I wish I could cry quickly while looking at her face filled with negative emotions… ah. Why on earth am I like this? Has it really gotten weird?

Eliminates distracting thoughts and generates magical energy for concentration. A brilliant sword energy blooms on the sword, and my face also turns gloomy. Vivien must have read the change in my expression, turning her head here and there to look for an escape route, but it was in vain. The workshop was already filled with my life.

Still, I couldn’t give up hope. Seeing the spider trying to escape by climbing the wall, I approached with lightning speed and swung my sword. One of Vivien’s legs rolled on the floor with the feeling of cutting into soft tofu. Vivien cried out in pain and fell, rolling around on the floor. Regardless, I raised my sword above his head.

“bye. Still, you were a pretty pleasant guy.”

“Uuuuuu! wait! “Sleep!”

“huh? What. “I will at least listen to your last will.”

Vivien, who had been screaming with her eyes closed tightly while looking at the sword, opened her eyes tightly when she heard my words. She let out a brief sigh of relief as if she had noticed that her actions had stopped, but I could see her eyes trembling slightly as she soon realized her own situation. Oh oh. Finally lucky… shit.

Anyway, when she saw my eyes, she finally seemed to realize that I meant what she said. Her small lips opened.

“… I’ll give.”

“what? “Speak loudly.”

“I’ll give it to you!” I’ll give it to you, so don’t kill me! You bastard! Uhhhhhh!”

In the end, I smiled slightly as I watched Vivian burst into tears, unable to hold back her sadness. If you look at her face, she’s quite pretty. I’m curious about what human life is like. I grinned and took back the sword I had raised.

“Well thought out. haha.”

“Ugh! oh my. Oh my gosh. Ugh! “Aangang!”

I personally took the trouble of bringing the spider back to life. She accepted my touch obediently, but her crying did not stop. Instead, I scratched my head as I watched Vivien crying loudly, hitting the floor with her free leg. Did I treat you that badly? Seeing the spider crying and shedding tears over and over again made me feel a little sad. I was even more sorry to see him leaning forward, unable to stand properly due to three of his legs being cut off.

“Huh huh huh huh! “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”

“hey. shut up.”

My words came out contrary to my intentions. Still, my threat seemed to have had an effect, as Vivien closed his mouth. However, he couldn’t stop sobbing, so he started shaking his legs (probably his shoulders) and dragging down his tears and snot. Meanwhile, Vivien seemed to be hesitating and asked, “Really? He kept giving me a pleading look with a face that said, “Are you really going to take it?” After waiting for a moment, I spoke with an annoyed face.

“Are you turning off time now? If you’re going to give it to me, give it to me quickly. ah. “I’ll just cut it and take it easy.”

“Okay, f*ck it. I wonder if it would be okay if I gave it to you… Ugh.”

Vivien, unable to bear the sorrow that came over my unwavering confirmation, began to wail again, making her stomach bulge. It looked like the inner section in the center was going to be pushed out. once. twice. third time. Vivien, who continued to make her stomach bulge, soon looked at me with a despairing face as if it was the last time. I quietly raised my sword.

“Give it, give it! Whoop! You bitch! You bastard! “Ugh!”

I responded to Vivien’s harsh words by shrugging my shoulders. Finally, as Vivien made the final push, a black, round sphere popped out of Vivien’s mouth along with a gushing liquid. It must have been stored away for a long time, so it was almost the size of an adult’s palm. I quickly checked the information.

『I have acquired Alchemist Vivien’s core.』

In the end, Vivian, who had vomited her sorrow, sat down and collapsed with a look of despair on her face. It seemed that his strength had run out. Tears roll down her fallen face and onto the floor. I stretched out my hand towards the inner altar with a satisfied face. Then Vivian’s tiny voice reached her ears.

“Well… It’s poisonous. Black! If you just pick it up, it’s easy. you die.”

In the meantime, you still worry. This guy is really funny. I laughed and picked up the inner bundle with my hand. Then, Vivien’s face changed strangely again, and she immediately looked at me with a face that was half worried and half excited. I quickly grabbed her hand and shouted, wanting to tease her more.

“omg. It feels like poison is suddenly seeping in. evil. Die.”

“What, what? hey! So I… ah… This is not it. Oh yeah! “It looks great!”

I lightly created a fire in my hand and breathed my wish into it. The wish I instilled in me is to remove the within my altar. Eventually, the color of the inner circle that was spinning in my magical hand began to gradually change. At first, it was pitch black without a speck of dust, but as time passed, it gradually returned to its original color of blue.

This was the advantage of the mythical class. Flame class flames just burn it, but myth class fire tablets can be controlled as desired according to the user’s will. Vivien watched the process with a curious expression. When I finally finished the process and put the inner bundle into my arms, she looked at me with a blank expression. When I smiled and said, “Actually, it was a lie,” he pouted again and ended up crying again. I giggled at the sight.

After a while of commotion, Vivien sat down with a helpless look on her face. I spoke to Vivien, who was sitting in her seat. Of course, in the meantime, Vivien had filled all of his pockets.

“congratulations. I will save you as promised. haha. Don’t think too bad about it. Just for reference, here’s some information… It would be best to leave this dungeon as quickly as possible. “In the near future, the dungeon information will be revealed and the city inspection team will investigate.”

“Never mind!”

“I’m going to die if I stay here?”

“Anyway, since the core is gone, I’ve lost most of my power! When we go outside, the situation is the same! Die this way, die that way… Ugh!”

Vivien, who was contemplating with a scowl on her face, soon grimaced with a pained expression. It seemed like the inside could not be controlled due to the loss of the nucleus.

“Ugh… Pfft… it hurts… “It hurts!”

Vivien looked at me and complained of pain, but I couldn’t do anything. If there’s one, I’ll just kill you. When I pointed at my sword with a natural look on my face, Vivian turned her head with a look of betrayal.

“bad guy… Black… I gave my body and soul… Ugh… Pfft! Aaaaaaaaaah!”

“What nonsense?”

I snorted and looked at Vivien. And looking at the scene that followed, I was a little surprised. Vivien’s body began to forcibly twist, and soon his legs began to slowly fall off one by one. As I saw the bodies disintegrating one by one and twisting around like robots, my eyes caught something special. Could it be that this phenomenon… .

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin. ah. It’s been a while since I’ve been practicing. As soon as I passed 10,000 characters, I felt like my head was on fire… . ha ha ha. What exactly is happening to Vivien’s body?

Originally, they had planned to kill Vivien from behind, saying they would spare her, but they changed their direction after thinking that by slitting the neck of user Jeong Ji-yeon, Su-hyeon’s true personality was revealed to some extent. Vivien. Please say thank you to our readers.

With this. The long, long dungeon exploration is over. We’ll return to Mule next time. ha ha ha. And if there is anyone who missed the recommendations and comments from the previous episode, please go back and click on them again. Readers’ investment of 30 seconds becomes the driving force that allows me to exert strength for 30 hours.


1. A life of tragedy: Hahaha. Please look forward to the next episode. Congratulations on first place.

2. Like Yuun: It’s been a while! Please leave comments sometimes. ha ha ha.

3. GradeRown: Please look forward to what happens to Vivian next episode. Hehehe.

4. Bidomuyeong: Hmm. Rather than throwing it away… I became indifferent. I am not a crazy person who is crazy about killing. However, he can become a crazy person if necessary.

5. Human Life: Honestly, I felt sorry for Vivien while writing this. Ahaha. If(?) he survives, he might form a duo with Sol… ^^.

6. Eindje: Suhyeon will probably educate you well to prevent such situations from occurring. ha ha ha.

7. Yuirana: Surprisingly, Vivien is popular. Thanks to user Jeong Ji-yeon who sacrificed herself earlier, Vivien’s life was extended a little longer. What will happen next episode? ha ha ha.

8. Bashu: Hehehe. Vivien’s original basis is human… Huh!

9. 3d33d: Hmm. It’s really the case that the stats are raised as set in the beginning. like mad. It’s rare. There will also be a detailed explanation of the nucleus in the next episode. ha ha ha.

10. Legendary User: That’s right. There is still plenty left to tumble about, as there are still ruins of the laboratory and the Screaming Cave left. ha ha ha.

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I will answer! (Please leave a lot of comments! And recommendations…☞☜)

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode