MEMORIZE Chapter 687

00687 The Return of the King. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was only after a long time had passed that I was finally able to escape from the clan member pile(?). It was only after a considerable amount of time had passed that the people who had buried me so thoroughly seemed to calm down a little. Of course, some things were still the same.

After barely getting out of the pile and sitting down on the chair at the table, I sighed and lowered my gaze.

“Well… ! Ugh… . Hehe… ! Ugh… .”

Lee Yu-jeong was sitting on the floor of the inn, alternately sobbing and hiccuping. And that too while holding my leg tightly. It looked so pitiful that I gently brushed its light blood-colored hair.

“Yoojeong. Because it’s okay. “Stop it now.”

But the small shoulders did not stop twitching. She closed her eyes squinting, as if she was about to shed another round of tears, and said, “Ew boo woo woo.” She let out a strange moan. Then he tightened my legs even more.

“I can’t help it. So far, Yoo Jeong has really been no joke. So the clan lord must understand.”

Shin Jae-ryong said happily while knocking someone over. I smiled bitterly and tilted my chin to one side.

“Do it in moderation too. “I am grateful for the welcoming spirit, but if I do that, the child will die.”

Then Shin Jae-ryong made an awkward expression and stood up, laughing. Soon, the clan members who were also putting them down stood up one by one, and finally someone appeared. At the bottom, on the floor, was Kim Han-byeol, helpless and crushed. I tried my best to tidy up my body in the morning, but it quickly became a mess. That’s probably what I look like right now.

After a while, I checked on Kim Han-byeol, who was waking up with glaring eyes, and then slowly looked around. Before I knew it, all the clan members, without a single exception, had stood up and surrounded me. After checking the faces of each clan member, I quietly opened my mouth.

“How are you calming down a little now?”

However, the clan members shook their heads as if they had not calmed down yet.

I was embarrassed and spoke quickly.

“I think you probably have a lot of questions. “What happened after it went into the black hole, how did it come back, etc.”

This time, I nod and shake my head.

“That goes for me too. I want to hear as much detail as possible about what happened while I was away. First of all, does anyone know how many days have passed since me and Hanbyul disappeared into the black hole?”

“It’s been a little more than three weeks.”

Ha-yeon Jeong answered my question right away.

‘3 weeks… . ‘It’s an ambiguous time.’

I thought about it for a moment and then clapped my hands a couple of times to get their attention.

“great. So, let me start the story. “Anywhere is fine, so everyone please take a seat first.”

This time, the clan members took turns looking at each other with a slightly dazed look, and soon began to disperse one by one. Although Lee Yu-jeong had become quiet, she was still holding on to my leg and not letting go. However, he did not feel any need to force himself to sit down. Actually, it didn’t feel that bad.

Before long, all clan members were seated. I looked at Kim Han-byeol, who was sitting next to me, and then slowly began to speak.

“first of all… .”


Although it was somewhat expected, the explanation was quite long. As the story neared its end, the sun had already risen in the sky. This is probably proof that there is a lot of accumulated talk.

As the story went on, the clan members showed quite a variety of appearances. The majority of people responded with embarrassment. What made sense was that the clan members still thought of Gehenna as their enemy. no. There were even clan members gnashing their teeth as enemies of Bulbuldaecheon, not just enemies.

In front of those clan members. Especially with Go Yeon-ju and the women pricking up their ears, I couldn’t tell the truth as it was. Isn’t that right? ‘After listening to what he said, it seemed like I was excited. So we made up and had s*x. Do you think that’s it? They even made me pregnant.’ What kind of reaction would you get if you said it out loud?

In the end, I had no choice but to delete or adapt a significant portion of the story.

First, I appealed to the fact that I was unconscious for a very long time even after moving between dimensions, and that Gehenna saved me when I was almost on the verge of death. And he led the story by saying that they could not deal with Gehenna in that dimension and that they were able to return through some kind of deal.

Of course, there were clan members who raised several questions about the deal. However, I explained it in a way that Gehenna was deeply interested in the power of fire. In other words, she vaguely stated that she was curious about the source of the human subject’s ability to confront her, and that she allowed some kind of research and use on it. Then, I can explain not only the transaction, but also the purpose of Gehenna saving me and the reason why I stayed in hell for a long time. (Actually, Kim Hanbyeol cleared his throat awkwardly at times. But each time, he muttered the words ‘Hang…’ It made me keep my mouth shut.)

In this way, I ended up providing unintentional help to Hell, and not only did I get something back in return, but I also received a small amount in return. Afterwards, he even had Kim Han-byeol unpack the bundle, and the clan members showed some level of acceptance.

Next, it was my turn to hear the story.

When I asked them to tell me what happened, the kids were the first to jump in. It seemed like he wanted to complain about how much he missed me all this time and how hard it was for him.

But to be honest, that wasn’t the story I wanted to hear. To be precise, I wanted to hear how the situation surrounding Hall Plain, or Atlanta, was going while I was away.

I am grateful for the welcome, but it only lasts for a day or two. Because I can’t live in this feeling forever. Fortunately, Go Yeon-joo and Jeong Ha-yeon lived up to my expectations.

In summary, the current situation of each expedition team surrounding Atlanta seemed quite ambiguous.

As expected, the expedition team did not enter the city immediately after discovering it. It is said that basic clearing work was carried out to make it possible to live in the city to some extent, and the clearing work is said to be continuing to this day. For over 3 weeks.

If you think about it with common sense, it was a case that made absolutely no sense. The difficult strategy is over. Any user will have a feeling of compensation, wanting to organize their surroundings and be active as quickly as possible.

But basic cleaning work is still going on sluggishly? In the end, it was said that there was a problem somewhere.

What is the problem? I was quiet and lost in thought.

In the past, the eastern and southern parts of the northern continent were in charge of two major powers, the northern part was in charge of first level, and the western part was in charge of one level. However, after the capture of the Steel Mountains, the power landscape changed. The East suffered a huge blow due to the summoning ritual of Gehenna right before Atlanta. It is said that there were nearly 2,000 casualties, including Cho Seong-ho, who was the commander-in-chief of the eastern region, as well as major clans. (I couldn’t help but shiver at this part. When Gehenna was summoned the first time, the number of users who died as a sacrifice was about 1,800. Because it was a name.)

The reason why Dongbu was able to be called the top 2 even though there were almost no top 10 players was because it boasted a large user base. However, as a result of losing half of the main force, including the overall commander, it fell to below 1st rank overnight. It’s like being greedy in the end and being hit hard in the back. Is that all? Because of what they have done since the beginning of this attack, they have already been hated by the West, South, and North for a long time.

In the end, there was only one way to get through the situation Dongbu was currently facing. The way to do that is to somehow secure a spot in the newly discovered Atlanta.

Some kind of problem may have arisen right here. To be more precise, it is a problem related to the structure of Atlanta.

“… “That’s roughly how it happened.”

After hearing that, I let out a long, long sigh. There was something I wanted to hear more about, but up to this point, I needed time to organize my thoughts. Above all, I slowly started to feel hungry.

“ah. Come to think of it, the third meeting will be held three days later, hosted by Istantel Low Road. “I received a request to attend, so I said I would first.”

At that moment, Go Yeon-ju spoke as if she had forgotten.

“Third? “A meeting?”

When asked what that meant, Go Yeon-ju smiled bitterly.

“yes. Compared to the first and second rounds, this is a much larger conference. I think this meeting will probably completely sort out the current messy situation in Atlanta. So users have high expectations.”

“It’s a perfect arrangement… . Under the supervision of Han So-young… . “I think the position of Istantel Low Road has risen significantly?”

“It’s the best. As a result, I received the least damage from this attack, but I also received the justification that I had the most successful attack. And since it has reached that point in the eastern part of the country, we have no choice but to go on a complete upward trajectory.”

“… hmm.”

There was a hint of self-deprecation in Go Yeon-ju’s tone. The clan members who were listening also seemed to have calmed down a bit.

The whole time I was listening, I felt somehow strange. Without saying anything specifically, she intuitively sensed that the current situation at Mercenary was not good. Of course, internal factors are the biggest, but we cannot guarantee that there will be no external factors. In other words, someone with malicious intent is doing some sort of ‘shaking.’ This means that there is a possibility that it may have encouraged .

Only then did Heo Jun-young’s ‘Running Around East Bunseoju.’ and ‘There are some ugly kids.’ Those words touched me just a little bit. The external situation is not good, but it must have been really frustrating to see internal division rather than unity.

But on the other hand, I felt like I could understand the feelings of the clan members. Even though he made the greatest contribution during the attack, he had to go through a period of stagnation. Even though it’s only been 3 weeks, you can’t help but feel depressed since it’s right after the attack.

‘If my prediction is correct, I have a rough guess as to who did it… . Anyway, I came back at the right time. thank god.’

With that in mind, I stretched as hard as I could. As she clasped her hands and raised them high in the sky, a cool sensation came over my entire body. And I quietly opened my mouth.

“I think there’s a story we need to hear a little more about… . All right. “I listened carefully.”

“Su-hyun. then… .”

“yes. “Then let’s eat first.”

“… yes?”

When asked to eat, Jeong Ha-yeon asked in a shaky voice. I looked around and gently patted my stomach.

“It’s already well past morning. “Don’t you all want to eat?”

“Yes, but… . What happens next… .”

“from now on? ah. A meeting? “You said it was three days later?”

“yes yes.”

“Then what’s the problem? “I think three days will be enough.”

“… … .”

I deliberately emphasized the word ‘I am’.

“… … !”

Then, a strange light slowly began to appear on the face of Jeong Ha-yeon, who looked devastated. Not only Jeong Ha-yeon, but all the clan members are staring at me with strange eyes. I thought it looked a little strange, but… . What is clear is that it is not a very unpleasant look.

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

Anyway, this is all I can say for now.

In fact, I thought I knew what the clan member wanted to hear, but I didn’t say it out loud. Because I didn’t feel the need to say anything. Subsequent actions will make the clan member’s wishes come true.

okay. Now that I’m back, Mercantile’s downturn is over. Here in Atlanta, we once again see the flight we saw in Monica… .


It will spread its wings even further.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The return of the king is yet to come. Hehehe.


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not work with dark mode