MEMORIZE Chapter 681

00681 4. Promised farewell. ————————————————– ———————-=

Time passed.

Just after I had just finished my relationship with Gehenna, I stood up and took a long breath.

‘It’s embarrassing as expected.’

No matter how many times I think about it, Gehenna reacts very passionately when it comes to relationships. There are many cases where I put all my effort into it without even realizing it, but it’s good when I do it clearly. Because I can concentrate without thinking about anything.

However, when the passion subsides and the opposite s*x comes, I feel a little embarrassed.

‘It’s not that much, though.’

After smiling bitterly for a moment, I lowered my gaze. Below, after a hot blast, Gehenna was lying down like wet cotton with her eyes closed. Traces of relationships are scattered here and there on the stunning naked body. A very satisfied expression appears with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I gently stroked the hair, but there was no significant reaction. It’s not that I fell asleep, but I think I’m probably just enjoying the afterglow after having s*x. Because she’s always been like that.

Not wanting to disturb that time, I slowly rolled over and gently buried my face between Gehenna’s breasts.

Soon, I felt a warm, fuzzy touch on my face, and at the same time, I felt a soft hand stroking my head. She felt infinitely calm and comfortable, and felt herself falling asleep, but she held back. I gently nuzzled Gehenna’s face against Gehenna’s breast as if she were a child.

Time passed quietly. While I was bewildering and Gehenna was patting me on the back and comforting me from time to time, we didn’t say a word. As a result, the day got deeper and darker and my vision gradually became darker. Night came to the Heukseung section.

Eventually, I moved my body slightly and rolled out to the side of Gehenna.

“why. Instead of continuing to pamper me until I fall asleep. “As always.”

Gehenna finally spoke quietly. It was as if the tone of voice was asking what was going on, so I smiled blandly.

“just. “I’m afraid the baby will have a hard time.”

This time Gehenna laughed lightly.

“You don’t have to worry about that. “The child is very happy now.”

Are you happy?

“How do you know that?”

“Because I can feel it.”

“… … ?”

“Isn’t it natural? “She received so much love from her father, but as her child, how could she not be happy and be rejected?”

A calm voice speaks as if asking a question. And Gehenna cherished the boat with both her hands. It’s a really happy expression.

But looking at Gehenna like that, I couldn’t help but laugh. Still, it might have been a few days ago. Hearing these words in a situation where we were about to reach the highest level of the hell section, the Deunghwal section, made me feel like there was something wrong with me. Gehenna’s face stiffened slightly, as if she had missed her words. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

Eventually, Gehenna gently turned around so that she wouldn’t be looking at me. Feeling suddenly nervous, I moved my fingers only, and then I quietly clung to Gehenna’s back and caressed her stomach as if I was stroking it. Gehenna let out her comfortable moans, but she didn’t show any signs of rejection.

After rubbing my stomach for a while, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Hey… . Gehenna.”


I was wondering if it was really okay to say this, but I finally gathered up the courage to speak.

“If the baby is born later… . And as time goes by and you grow up to a certain degree, when you ask about your father… . “What are you going to tell me then?”

Gehenna did not open her mouth right away. She buried her head further into the ground, as if she was deep in thought, and she breathed evenly for a while.

“well. maybe… .”

However, not long after, Gehenna’s voice, which seemed cautious for some reason, slowly flowed into my ears.

“Wouldn’t it be said that he was a father who liked to sleep with his face buried in the breast, and who behaved in a foolish manner that was not appropriate for his age?”

“… huh?”

“Also, I think you could say that my father ran away and returned to his original world as soon as he got pregnant with you. ah. Still, let me tell you that there were unavoidable circumstances. Although I don’t know what the circumstances are.”

“hey. That’s a bit… .”

Regardless of whether I would really say that, I was about to protest lightly because I thought it was a little too much.


“too… .”

“At first glance, he looks cold, but he is as affectionate as when he hugs his mother… . “I also plan to tell you that he was a warm man at heart.”

“… … .”

However, the moment Gehenna continued speaking, I instinctively kept my mouth shut. With those last words, Gehenna said no more. In the end, awkward silence settles once again.

I gently let go and turned over to the other side of Gehenna. All of a sudden, a complex thought flashed through my mind and quickly disappeared. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t open my mouth. It’s just that a part of my heart suddenly feels dizzy.

‘So, I guess everyone is doing well… .’


‘I don’t want to go.’

The moment I thought that, I was surprised. The thoughts that just passed by were mainly thoughts of my brother, Han So-young, and my clan members. There are enough reasons for me to go back. no. It’s overflowing. So far, that purpose has never wavered.

But for the first time, I realized that I didn’t want to go back. The fact that not only Gehenna, but also a new life was born through me, bearing my blood, weighs on me more than I could imagine. The word father had enough power to shake the very foundation of my life.

“… … .”

I turned my head and looked back for no reason. But Gehenna was still lying with her back facing me. I want to see what kind of face and expression you are making right now. And if he felt his eyes on you, he might look back at you at least once. In the end, Gehenna did not look back at me.

When I turned my head and turned it back four times, I suddenly felt like something was difficult to bear. I finally opened my mouth one more time. To get out the words I’ve been holding back for so long.


Is he sleeping? There is no reaction, let alone an answer.

“Do you really have to give birth here?”

“… “What does that mean?”

Gehenna finally responded. Even though I felt a sense of urgency, I did not stop talking.

“The child. Isn’t there really a need to grow it here? … “Of course, as long as you like it.”

As I spoke, I felt that I was somehow cowardly in saying this. However, now that I’ve said it, I need to end it properly.

“… Hmm. surely. “That wouldn’t be bad either.”

However, the moment Gehenna responded immediately, her eyes naturally opened wide.

So does that mean it’s okay? Do you think Gehenna is not bad?

“then… !”

“But, can you handle it?”

But when I heard something in a negative tone, I felt my heightened mood slowly subside.

“I can handle it… . “Can you do it?”

“okay. Aren’t you and I originally different beings? “Unlike you, I am not allowed to reside in that world.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Simple. “It means that you and I have different weights.”

“You were also summoned to our world back then, right? “We just have to go the same way this time too, right?”

“You’re being unreasonable. “There’s no way you wouldn’t know what kind of problem there might be.”

“but… .”

“Just like then, even if I were summoned this time too, I wouldn’t be able to stay in that world for long. In the end, it just goes through the process of being reverse summoned and naturally returns to this place.”

“… … .”

“Of course, we can perform the summoning ritual again every time. However, as I just said, the weight of a single human being and a ruler of one dimension is different. Even though they are different, they are very different. To summon me once, you need a truly enormous sacrifice… . “I wonder if you and I can continue to prepare that offering.”

The moment I faced the worry I had been hesitant about, I suddenly felt relieved.

‘at last… . Is it not possible… .’

I began to regret belatedly that I had asked for no reason. Of course, judging from Gehenna’s words, it was not an entirely out of the ordinary case.

However, in reality, it is virtually impossible. I heard that the demons who attacked not long ago were able to force Gehenna to move to another dimension only after making an enormous sacrifice.

Is that all? More than 1,000 people were sacrificed not only by demons, but also in the human world. Even if Ansol’s miracle were possible, I don’t have the energy to prepare that much of an offering every time.

“… I see.”

In the end, this is all I can say.

Meanwhile, darkness had completely descended and colored the surroundings. At the same time, severe fatigue suddenly swept over my entire body. The only thought that came to her mind was that she wanted to sleep like this.

I was finally able to take my eyes off Gehenna’s back and turn around completely. And I gently closed my eyes as my eyelids gradually became heavier. The ground that touched my body was unusually cold.

at that time.

“still… . Your stubbornness doesn’t sound too unpleasant. On the contrary, I feel grateful.”

A faint, dream-like voice flows in. Then I heard the sound of my body moving and felt warm eyes on my back. Gehenna finally looked back at me.


“… “Are you sleeping?”

I didn’t turn around. no. I no longer had the confidence to face Gehenna. She surrendered herself to the rushing water, barely closing her eyes that kept trying to open them.

because… .

“Are you already asleep…? .”

If I looked back like this, I felt like my heart would be shaken again.


next day.

After waking up, the four of us, Gehenna, Hanbyeol Kim, and Behemoth, moved to the back section.

Arriving at the top floor didn’t mean anything special happened. As with any section, after introducing the special features of the Deunghwal section, I instructed Behemoth to prepare for a return using the fishing tower. Gehenna acted as if nothing had happened.

… no. In fact, there was only one big change. That was the atmosphere. It was not the same repertoire as always. Behemoth, who always spoke politely, remained particularly silent today. After the introduction of the famous product, Kim Han-byeol disappeared along with Behemoth. Everyone felt something was different today.

From then on, Gehenna did not show the same appearance. She even did the same when performing her rituals in the back bow section. Even though it was effectively her last relationship, she was not as passionate as before, nor was she as sad. Rather, it seemed as if she was deep in thought, and Gehenna even showed a blank look in her eyes from time to time.

In the end, after ending such a clumsy relationship.

“I think preparations are complete by now. “Let’s get going.”

As I watched Gehenna gather herself and stand up resolutely, I had to feel complex and subtle feelings.

Of course, that feeling is something that only I feel. And I also know that there is no reason to blame Gehenna. Because Gehenna had fulfilled her original promise without any hesitation. Rather, I should be grateful that she let me go gracefully rather than forcefully holding me back.

But, why?

It’s not like his attitude toward me has become particularly cold, so why am I feeling inexplicably sad when I see Gehenna like that? Why do you think Gehenna is cold and mean?

‘Why, why on earth… .’

at that time.

“I think I know a little bit now.”

While I was feeling bewildered by endless questions, the voice of Gehenna suddenly woke me up.

“Did I say it was an old saying? You said that the sooner you break up, the better… . “I didn’t know what it meant when I first heard it, but I think I understand now.”

The moment I lifted my gaze to the next words, I was able to see. A fishing tower soaring high into the sky. While I was lost in thought, I had already arrived at the center of the back hike section.

“hmm. Everyone is waiting. “Let’s go quickly.”

But before I had time to say anything, I was dragged by Gehenna’s hand to the center of the fish tower.

“ah. “You’re here.”

“brother. “Are you here?”

As Gehenna said, Kim Hanbyeol and Behemoth, carrying a large sack, were waiting for me around the fish tower. I focused my attention on the two without even thinking about looking around.

“Have you finished preparing everything?”

“yes. Now all you have to do is activate it. however… .”

Behemoth responded by bowing its helmet, then carefully raised its head and spoke.

“however? Is there any problem?”

Gehenna asked while looking at the Behemoth scratching its helmet.

“no. Rather than a problem… . But this is the last one… . Wouldn’t it be better to at least say goodbye?”

“I was wondering what you were talking about. It has been done. “The sooner you break up, the better.”


“Didn’t you hold on to the person who wanted to go for too long? They probably want to go back as soon as possible… . Since you made a promise in the first place, it would be wise to keep it. “Anyway, now that it’s done, let’s start preparing for activation.”

And Gehenna looked back at me and smiled.

“You want to do that too, right?”

“… huh.”

Was it some kind of backlash? Although it was a beat late, I reflexively agreed without even realizing it. Nevertheless, Gehenna slowly looked around her with a still smiling face. And after a while, she took a small step back and at the same time opened her mouth and quietly began to recite her spell.

Although I couldn’t understand the spell that was flowing, my mind became more complicated. In her mind, the thought that she still had to go and the thought that it would be okay to stay a little longer were fighting.

“Huh… .”

Behemoth, who sighed as he looked at Gehenna, looked at me this time and let out a loud voice.

“I… . So, if there’s anything you’d like to say… .”

But I shook my head. It was already complicated and I didn’t really feel like talking about it. Then Behemoth lifted his shoulder armor loudly and made a crackling sound.

“Tsk. Then I will do it too. Anyway, I am grateful to both of them in many ways. “It seems like it’s been a long time since I felt the emotions of my human days while you and my wife were here.”

“wait a minute. viceroy… ? no no. oh my god. “It’s an emotion from when I was human?”

“huh? now. Let’s not worry about the little things at the last minute. “We have to part ways with a smile.”

“That’s not it… !”

It was that moment.


Just as Kim Han-byeol was about to argue, a loud, loud sound suddenly rang in his ears. Next, the flow of magical power was so enormous that it was impossible to fathom it.

As I quickly turn my gaze, the figure of Gehenna, chanting a spell with utmost concentration, comes into view. Her abundant, flowing hair rose to the sky and fluttered wildly.


At that moment, a magical sound that jarred my eardrums was heard, and the fish tower began to emit a brilliant red light. Pieces of shaking earth begin to rise into the sky against gravity, and finally, the bodies of me, Kim Han-byeol, and Gehenna slowly rise into the air.


Immediately afterwards, the sky split apart. Between them, a pitch-black oval hole slowly appeared. It had a similar shape to the hole I saw before entering hell. That meant that the return was really close.

Is it because the existence itself is definitely different? The speed was incomparable to that of Helena.

“iced coffee?”

Kim Han-byeol screams anxiously and grabs me. However, it is not very surprising as it is a sight that has been seen before.

no. Rather than being surprised, my eyes had already been fixed on Gehenna, which was rising in front of me. On the face of Gehenna, who quietly closes her eyes and chants a spell with a serious expression on her face.

Looking at that scene, I automatically clenched my fists.

‘Are we really going to break up like this? Just like this, in vain?’

The speed, which was slow at first, soon began to accelerate as if riding an escalator. However, the more it happened, the more urgent my heart became. For a moment, countless thoughts and severe conflicts crossed my mind.

‘I want to stay a little longer, just a little longer. ‘Maybe we can stop the summoning ritual now.’

‘There is also a way to send Kim Han-byeol first.’

‘Gehenna said it was almost impossible, but wouldn’t there be another way? It’s a hole plane, right?’

‘Now that I think about it, maybe I couldn’t give it a name? So, shall we say there is a little more left over?’

It was then.

“after… .”

The moment we almost reached the hole, we suddenly heard the sound of Gehenna taking a deep breath. Could it be that you have already placed your order?

“For about a week… .”

Just when I was at a loss as to what to do, Gehenna slowly opened her eyes and spoke in a calm voice.

“I was happy to be able to stay with you. “I think it was probably the happiest time of my life.”


“How, do you have something to say to me? “Now that I think about it, I think there’s room for just one word.”

“uh… .”

one word. It was just one word.

“… “Isn’t there any?”

But at some point, when I noticed a sad look on Gehenna’s face. I experienced the phenomenon of a mind filled with conflict turning into a blank slate in an instant. My vision turned white and Gehenna became obscured by the light.

A body floating in the air.

A huge flow of magic power passing through the flesh.

A loud sound that rings in your ears.

Gehenna is slowly approaching.

All of that is mind-boggling.

“Thank you for saving me and giving me happiness. Thanks to you, I can go back to where I belong.

Now, when the king is born and the 1st legion is resurrected… . “I should also return to my original position as commander of the 1st Corps.”

1st legion? What does this mean?

“Is it regret? “My words have become unnecessarily long.”

At that time, the face of Gehenna appeared before my eyes for a brief moment and then quickly disappeared.

“Anyway, just as much happiness as you gave me, I hope you are happy wherever you are.”

It was truly a fleeting moment. But later, I felt a strange texture in my mouth. Then, my vision finally widened.

“then… . Is this really the last time… .”

Eventually, the still calm voice that said it was the last time flowed like a whisper into my ear.

Only then did I come to my senses.


‘… ‘Are you sleeping?’

‘Are you already asleep? .’

‘How, is there something you want to say to me?’

‘… ‘Isn’t there any?’

That moment.

“Gehenna, wait… !”

Before I could continue speaking, the black hole swallowed my body. Immediately after, I felt like my stomach was being pulled, followed by the feeling of being sucked somewhere. At that moment, I stretched out my hand without realizing it. And the moment I lowered my gaze while shouting at the top of my voice.

Even though it was moving away at a very fast speed, I could see clearly. Behemoth waving his hand through the slowly closing hole in the sky, and Gehenna still floating in the air and looking up at me.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I’m sure we’ve come up with a lot of good ideas by seeking opinions from many readers. There are a lot of things I hadn’t thought of. Thank you for your help. 🙂


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not work with dark mode