MEMORIZE Chapter 675

00675 3. Meanwhile, at the same time. ————————————————– ———————-=

After entering the deepest part of the hall.

The moment I looked in the direction the Behemoth was pointing, I could see a scene of an explosion of light. A beam of red light shooting out from someone immediately hit the strangely shaped rock sticking out of the lava, and soon wrapped around it, spraying bright light.


I could clearly see. Not because of the red light, but because the strangely shaped rocks themselves turn red and emit a clear iron sound. Soon, the light surrounding it disappeared as if absorbed, and at the same time, a crunching sound was heard and the size of the strangely shaped rock decreased.

It was truly an incredible momentum. The lava flowing in all directions of the strangely shaped rocks gave off a vivid light and rippled as if it was not only emitting fire from the visible parts. At this level, it would not be strange at all if a tsunami hit, but strangely, the surrounding area was quiet. Except for the phenomenon that occurs as a halo of light, there is no visible disturbance.

As the fire burned and died down several times, a clear iron sound rang out, and the size of the strangely shaped rocks gradually decreased accordingly. And when the sight disappeared to a certain extent, a woman emitting red light, hidden by strangely shaped rocks, appeared.

The woman who revealed herself amidst the brilliant light was, of course, Gehenna. Her outward appearance was almost the same as before, except for one thing: her long, flowing hair was tied back neatly. I stared in fascination as she handled the strangely shaped rocks with her calm yet serious eyes.

“her… . no way… .”

At that time, I heard a small sound right next to me. Behemoth sighed repeatedly while looking in the same direction as me. I feel so sorry for the radish that I sometimes shake my head.

“Let’s go out first. “Since the work is not finished yet and is nearing its end, I think it would be best not to disturb it.”

“Can’t we just quietly watch?”

“You already know we’re watching. “Nevertheless, the reason you’re doing that is that you’re concentrating that much right now.”

“… … .”

If you think about it, that’s true. The destructive power of Gyeophwa is so enormous that even Hwajeong can be defeated. However, I wonder what kind of material those strangely shaped rocks were, and they seemed to be able to withstand the attack to some extent.

“All right.”

Anyway, I thought that was right, so I didn’t insist any longer. Then, guided by Behemoth’s hand, he walked back about 50 meters.

Even on the way back, Behemoth did not stop sighing. “How could that…” as if something was really a waste. .” or “You’re really too good…” .” I muttered things like this to myself. As I stared at it, feeling foolish, not knowing why it was doing that, the Behemoth suddenly licked its lips and stopped walking.

“to… . therefore… . Where should I begin to explain… .”

The Behemoth was tapping its philtrum as if it was really in trouble (I couldn’t tell it was scratching it) when it suddenly fell into a river of flowing lava. And then splashing around and walking somewhere. He tells me to be careful because I might melt, but he walks just fine.

Behemoth stopped before going very far, turned around again, looked at me, and stretched out its arms. Soon, the thing that Behemoth laid his hand on was none other than a red-colored, strangely shaped rock that looked as if it had been soaked in blood.

“Shinyeolseok, active fossil… . The rock you see now has many names. However, there is still no exact name for this rock. “I call this the Nameless Stone.”

Suddenly, Behemoth’s voice became serious.

“A nameless stone?”

When I questioned him carefully, Behemoth nodded his head sharply and soon began to calmly explain.

“As you may have seen when you came to Yajang, this area is made up of lava and wasteland. To be more precise, it is mostly made of lava. So, let’s not think too hard and think simply. Basically, isn’t lava extremely hot? So much so that it melts everything it passes by. But this. This one.”

Behemoth moved his hand and tapped it to highlight the strangely shaped rocks.

“Don’t you think it’s strange? How can this rock stay so strong in this hot lava? ah. Of course, if you think about it that way, the ground we’re standing on now doesn’t make sense. Due to the nature of the continuously pouring lava waterfall, it would probably have melted endlessly and created a hole long ago.”

Now that I think about it, I was definitely curious. I don’t know if it just flows for a moment. With lava pouring and flowing like this, how does the ground here endure? It’s just a wasteland.

“The secret is. It is right here in the section called Daechoyeol. In other words, the world is alive and makes its own adjustments to make this place bearable.”

For a moment, I wondered what that meant, but when I remembered the Mugan section, I was able to understand it to some extent. Borrowing from the expression of Gehenna, Mugan is said to be a world where the birth and death of a king are shared. In other words, there is a kind of will or ego that recognizes the beginning and end of the king. Then, just like Mugan, there is no law prohibiting other sections from doing the same.

“The world of Great Chayeol did not want this lava-supporting place to collapse. Of course, I did not deny lava. So, a certain energy was concentrated in this area, and that energy is still flowing. “The Grand Duke did not choose this place as a nightclub for nothing.”

As I listened to the story, I felt my interest growing little by little. I was deep in thought, and then I opened my mouth because I was curious.

“I know what you mean. However, let alone the fact that the world called Great Fire has will, how did you find out that there is an energy flowing throughout this area that does not want this place to collapse?”

“That’s a very good question. “Your father is seeing the evidence right now.”

Then, the Behemoth hit the tooth once and gave a loud knock on the strangely shaped rock. By the way, he is the viceroy. That sounds a little strange.

“This is a sight I see very often. One day, you may see the ground suddenly rising from the surface of the lava flowing. “As time goes by, it gradually increases in size, and at some point it takes on a form like this.”

“What you’re saying is that the ground rises on its own.”

“Yes. Extrapolating from that fact, I define the identity of the energy flowing in this place as absorption and assimilation. This means that it absorbs flowing lava and undergoes assimilation. “If you look at it that way, I think this rock is a type of crystal.”

“Absorption and assimilation? crystal?”

“yes yes. Think about it. This is a land where lava has flowed for thousands of years. Wouldn’t it be possible to absorb lava forever during that time of perseverance? So, by releasing the collected lava essence to the outside in this way, a circulation effect is achieved.”


Things seemed to be getting a little complicated, so I crossed my arms and looked around. I saw it earlier, but as Behemoth said, strangely shaped rocks and strangely shaped rocks were sporadically sticking out of the lava sea.

“To sum it up in one word, this rock can be said to be the will of the Great Fire crystallized over many years of suffering. “Mmmmm.”

After a long explanation, Behemoth folds his arms with me. After nodding my head and hearing the words concluded, I burst out in a dull laugh. At best, I found it rather amusing to say that a rock has some kind of will.

Then Behemoth placed both hands on his hips and his bright(?) eyes glowed.

“what? “I don’t think you believe it?”

“no. That’s not it… .”

It’s not that I don’t believe it. That doesn’t mean I will believe it 100%. Also, I don’t believe in things I haven’t personally experienced, but since I still lack knowledge about this world, I just accept it as it is. One way or another, I am in a position where all I have to do is receive the money. In other words, the most important thing is not the origin of the material, but the performance of the result. … Geez, am I being too snobbish?

“I don’t think you believe me, but I’ll show you the evidence again.”


“I will show you that this stone has the will of a great fire.”

“ha ha ha. Is that possible? “Do you suddenly have a mouth to speak?”

And he said, “I can.” Behemoth said emphatically, suddenly bending his side and bringing his ear closer to the strangely shaped rock. Then, using his gloves, he took a stance to listen closely and said, “Hmm.” He nods his head with a serious look on his face.

Soon, Behemoth opened its mouth, still listening to the strangely shaped rocks.

“her. “This strangely shaped rock conveys this will to my father.”

To dismiss it as a joke, Behemoth maintained a serious attitude from the beginning. Because of that, he had an ambiguous feeling about what might happen.

“You damn human noooooom.”

Ye’s annoying voice… . what?

“How dare you steal our Grand Duke’s heart. If that wasn’t enough, they took away my body and my beginnings. Jeenjang, I’m jealous. “I’m jealous.”

It was then.

“Curse you. I’m so envious that I’ll curse you. I’m so jealous that I’m going to die, so I’ll curse you to death too! … “Are you saying this?”


I can’t bear to say ‘everything.’ Before he could finish his sentence, the Behemoth’s scream and a loud roar coming from somewhere overlapped at the same time. When he suddenly closed his eyes and opened them again, the Behemoth had disappeared from its spot. My eyes couldn’t catch the changes that had occurred.

“Who told you to tell me what’s on your mind now?”

Next, a noble yet familiar voice reached my ear. When I turned my gaze, I was able to see Gehenna standing quietly. And as expected, when she got stuck, there was a behemoth with its head stuck on the cliff and her whole body shaking. So Gehenna used her powers?

Eventually, the Behemoth managed to pull its head out from the cliff and rubbed its helmet.

“grandee. You are truly amazing. “It was a sudden surprise attack.”

“I was so shocked when I heard what you said. “How dare you play with your mouth about safety?”

“Well, I see. That was my mistake. But even without that, it’s too much.”

“Are you saying that Moore is too much again?”

“Hehe. “I saw it.”

“I saw?”

Gehenna quietly opened her eyes at the sound of Behemoth’s voice. Then Behemoth quickly stood up and pointed in the direction of the cliff. Gehenna’s questioning gaze alternates between me and Behemoth.

Behemoth opened his mouth.

“Didn’t you work with the largest strangely shaped rock in this area? So you know what? that.”

Gehenna lightly agreed with an expression that seemed like it was okay.

“okay. “Sore?”

“under. I knew it.”

Then Behemoth let out a sound of weakness and lowered his head. Gehenna tilted her head as if she didn’t understand her.

“Why is that… ?”

“You are truly so great. Those strangely shaped rocks have been rising for thousands of years, and are literally living proof of the great fissure… . Not only me, but all the corps commanders were watching… .”

“… … ?”

“No matter how many times we asked for it, you have completely ignored it… . My father suddenly appeared and he handed it to me… .”

That moment.


with a splash!

I closed and opened my eyes again, and at the same time as the Behemoth disappeared, I heard the sound of something being submerged violently into the water. It’s obvious even if you don’t look at it. Gehenna probably threw it into the lava.

But from what I saw earlier, it seemed like it was easy to get into the lava. Isn’t it enough to just cover your mouth?

But the next moment, I realized that my thoughts were a complete miscalculation.

Suddenly, Gehenna’s eyes staring at the lava glowed red.


“Hehe. About this… ? Argh! Argh!”

The sound of sizzling lava and the Behemoth’s screams were heard simultaneously. In the sea of ​​lava with even more intense heat, the Behemoth was writhing and struggling like crazy as if it had been possessed by an octopus.

“Hmm, hmm.”

However, Gehenna approached me with an expression that seemed completely unconcerned, and forced me to turn my head to look at her.

“You don’t have to worry about that. By the way, did you wait long? “Did you sleep well again?”

“Aaaah! grandee! sorry! Wrong! It’s so hot! Argh!”

“Hmm. I don’t know how much you heard, but let’s get straight to the point. first of all… .”

“Ah! all right! I won’t play around anymore! Originally, I was going to say that after coming out of Mugan yesterday, I worked with more passion and passion than ever while my father was asleep! I won’t! Ahhhhh!”

… Gehenna bit her lower lip.

Eventually, when I brush my hair neatly, the neatly tied hair comes loose at once and flows out as abundantly as before.

After a while.

“you. “Just look at this for a moment.”

Gehenna smiled and spoke in a soft voice. Then she forced something she was holding in her right hand into my arms and spun around. In Gehenna’s left hand, a whip of fire was suddenly divided into two.

By the way, what on earth did you give me? ?

I immediately activated my third eye.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

There are congratulations and condolences happening in the family. This Saturday is my younger cousin’s wedding, so I was planning to go down to Daejeon on the 19th, the day before… . I had to go to Changwon first. I am distraught.


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not work with dark mode