MEMORIZE Chapter 673

00673 3. Meanwhile, at the same time. ————————————————– ———————-=

“brother Brother!”

A faint voice calling me. When I slowly opened my eyes, guided by that voice, I could sense that I had fallen into a fairly deep sleep. For a moment, I felt a strong sense of dizziness on my forehead and felt tired all over my body.

Eventually, when the blurry vision came into focus, what caught my eye was neither a gray sky nor a dark sky.

I saw a red sky. The moment I realized that fact, I woke up, and at the same time, I could see a woman screaming and shaking next to her. She suddenly turns her gaze and sees Kim Han-byul slapping her butt and looking at me with her rabbit eyes.


“… “Isn’t that the question I should be asking?”

When asked why he was looking at her like that, Hanbyeol Kim responded with a puzzled expression.

I shook my head vigorously and looked around. The dazed look hadn’t gone away yet, but I was still able to figure out two questions.

First of all, where is this place? And why did I wake up here?

From what I remember, I think I fell asleep while watching the changes in the world.

– joy. While you were asleep, the old woman played a trick.

At that time, Hwajeong’s voice rang in my head.

– Dress me step by step. I was careful to move around in case I woke up. I’m so immersed in it. joy!

From somewhere, a sharp voice seems to pierce my brain. Still, thanks to this, I was able to resolve one question. So, did Gehenna carry me while I was asleep and move the section? And you took me to where Kim Han-byeol was?

“brother. “Do you come to your senses now?”

As I was organizing my thoughts one by one, Kim Han-byeol stood up quickly and approached me and asked. In the meantime, I could hear Hwajeong continuing to fire at me, but I decided to focus on Kim Hanbyeol first and slowly nodded my head at him.

“Are you really okay?”

Then Kim Han-byeol tilts his head with a look on his face as if something is strange.

“huh? “Are you okay?”

“Don’t you remember? You were carried by him. “You are completely sound asleep.”

“ah… . Uh, uh. Did you? yes.”

“… What on earth happened to you? “I was worried as I kept waiting yesterday.”

hmm. I think it would be best to change the topic here.

“We just talked about various things. It was hard. “Where is this place, anyway?”

“It’s hard to talk… ? Ah, this is the area where I lived while my brother was passed out.”

“The area you lived in?”

“yes. Fortunately, he temporarily assigned us an area. “Except for not having anything, it’s pretty much worth living in.”

I thought about Kim Han-byeol’s words for a moment. But no matter how much I think about it, I have no idea what it means. It’s not that it wasn’t, there was really nothing around. Just like when I first opened my eyes in hell, all I could see was a vast red wasteland. And what does temporary allocation of areas mean?

“Is it really worth living in?”

Hanbyeol Kim must have read my expression as she continued speaking with an understanding smile.

“Think about it. “You were sleeping soundly without waking up even once.”

hmm. When I think about it, I definitely slept well. If you think about it that way, it sounds somewhat plausible.

“I told you. “There is no concept of home in this world.”

Before I knew it, Hanbyeol Kim was quietly sitting next to me and smiling. Is it really that good to be talking to me?

Anyway, I thought I changed the topic well, but I suddenly realized that what I knew was very lacking. I felt like I needed to know a little more to sort out the situation I was facing.

After thinking that, I quietly opened my mouth.



“Can you tell me in a little more detail?”

“Sure. “What are you curious about?”


A long time ago.

So, right after starting the rite of passage, Hanbyeol Kim came to see me and summarized what the prospective users had discussed. At that time, while listening to the story, he felt that the child spoke really well, and Kim Han-byeol made him feel the same way this time as well.

To summarize, hell can be divided into a total of eight sections, and each section can be viewed as one world. This is what I know up to this point.

However, since word about Fish Top began to emerge, stories that I did not know began to emerge little by little.

First of all, the fish tower is not just a simple structure, but a type of means of transportation that allows you to move directly between sections. There are no restrictions on using this fishing tower for any level of magic. However, access to the section is restricted. In other words, the section each demon beast could enter was limited.

For example, the section called ‘Great Choyeol’ that I am currently in is currently under the jurisdiction of the Archduke of Hell, and is said to be an area where only magic beasts equivalent to the rank of corps commander can enter.

In addition, there are a total of 66 hell corps commanders, and it is said that it is rare for those below the rank of first rank to enter. (After hearing that there were 66 entities, I was able to confirm the identity of the hell corps commanders, which I had vaguely intuited. . Think of Vivien and you will get the answer.)

Here, Hanbyeol Kim emphasized the difference between jurisdiction and access. Just as Gehenna governs the 7 sections, there are beings who divide and govern each section from 1 to 6. In other words, those beings were the corps commanders.

After listening to the explanation up to this point, I was able to understand the world called hell to some extent. Ultimately, it was a concept of territory.

Even if a demon could enter and exit, it was not possible to travel to all areas within the section. To travel around the area, you need permission from the entity in charge. The temporary allocation of areas that Kim Han-byeol mentioned earlier was meant in this sense. In a word, it could be said to be a favor from Gehenna that prevented the demonic beasts from tampering with it.

After a while.

“Hello. it’s tough.”

Kim Han-byeol, who spoke longer than ever before, massaged her chin and said that it was difficult. Although he had satisfied his curiosity to some extent, he still had a mountain of questions. But I decided to stop asking questions. He may have been through a little more than me, but he probably doesn’t know everything.

… But I’m really curious about the existence of a blacksmith shop or library. How on earth do such structures exist in hell?

“But. brother.”

While I was contemplating whether to ask another question or not, Hanbyeol Kim took off the hand that was massaging my chin and spoke to me.

“I also have a question. What on earth have you been talking about with him for so long? And why did you carry me here while you were unconscious?”

And the question that followed made me feel even more troubled.

Oh, I see. Here, ‘Yes. ‘I had some s*x.’ Because I can’t say that straight away.

“yes? What a difficult conversation it was to the point where you fainted… .”

Kim Han-byeol quietly looks at him with a genuinely curious look on his face.

I’m really going crazy. However, it cannot be said that it is a body conversation.

It was then.

Clang… .

Just as a suspicious look appeared on Kim Han-byeol’s face, the sound of metal clashing against metal was heard from somewhere. I quickly turned my gaze and saw the savior who would save this situation, or rather, a knight wearing black armor all over his body, walking towards me.

“Hey. “You said you would have woken up by now, but you really are.”

The being who approached me with long strides and greeted me with a harsh voice was the skeleton knight I had encountered with Gehenna at the Fish Tower not long ago.

“Hello, young lady?”

“yes. hello.”

The Skeleton Knight politely bowed his head towards me and raised his thick metal gloves at Kim Han-byeol, who then stood up and greeted me. Then, because I couldn’t stand still, I stood up as well and opened my mouth with a feeling of relief.

“We meet again. So, you are the commander of the 3rd Corps, right?”

“yes. The names given here are Be, Hi, Mo, Su, and Jo.”

For some reason, he is a skeleton knight, no, a behemoth, who breaks out his name one letter at a time. … Actually, I forgot.

Feeling embarrassed for some reason, I cleared my throat and continued speaking.

“okay. Anyway, Gehen… . “Did you come here on the orders of the Grand Duke of Hell?”

“uh? yes. you’re right. “How did you know?”

“I heard you would have woken up by now. “I inferred it from these words.”

“Hey, as expected. You are sharp. And speaking of words. You need to speak down. now… .”

At that moment, Behemoth, who was about to say something, stopped speaking when he saw me. I tried my best to send a silent message by looking sideways at Kim Han-byeol without being detected. Then, inside the helmet, the Behemoth, whose eye lights were blinking, suddenly clicked with its bony teeth. Are you smiling?

“Now… ?”

“… yes. Now, I think I need to go somewhere for a moment.”

Suddenly, Kim Han-byeol asked a question in a puzzled voice, and Behemoth continued speaking eloquently.

“But why do you lower your words… .”

“The Grand Duke is waiting. “Let’s talk as we go.”

Behemoth intentionally interrupted Kim Han-byeol and pointed in the direction he had walked.

Eventually, as I saw the Behemoth spinning around, I felt something similar to emotion. This person, no, this skeleton. He’s quite resourceful. He’s also very perceptive.

Anyway, I couldn’t turn away from this much help, so I started chasing Behemoth at a fast pace. Then, behind his back, Hanbyeol Kim grumbled something, but soon he could sense a presence quietly following him.

‘Isn’t he doing this on purpose without knowing?’


About 5 minutes had passed since I left the place where I woke up and followed the Skeleton Knight.

“I’m on my way to where the Archduke is.”

When I asked where they were going now, the Behemoth that was walking ahead slowly slowed down and answered. No, you skeleton. I said that before.

The Behemoth must have seen my expression and clicks its teeth again.

“What are you worried about? Would we really harm someone we are thankful for? ha ha ha.”

“Are you saying you’re a grateful person?”

At that time, Hanbyeol Kim suddenly intervened. He must have been waiting since he followed me out earlier, and he seemed determined to hear the situation this time. Although I was a little worried by that momentum, Behemoth calmly nodded.

“yes. He is a person I am thankful for. “This person comforted our Grand Duke.”

… huh? Soothing. The expression is quite meaningful. Are you really trying to f*ck me now?

“Are you trying to comfort me? From what I heard, they just had a conversation. “It’s a very difficult conversation.”

As expected, Kim Han-byeol, who felt the tone was strange, strongly objected.

“Umm… . It’s a tough conversation. “It’s not wrong to say that.”

After saying that, Behemoth suddenly lowered his head towards me and said, “Body communication. Mmmmm.” I whispered.

… This skull. My thoughts are not just similar, but very similar. If we were the same users, we probably would have become very close.

“What is that… .”

“Because our Grand Duke has spent a very long time lonely.”

Behemoth clearly responded to Kim Han-byeol’s persistence in a calm manner.

Then Kim Han-byeol shook his head and made an expression that he did not understand.

“Well, what about it?”

“It’s simple. There is something about this man that intrigues the Archduke. He soothed the Archduke’s loneliness by having an in-depth conversation about that something. That’s why he is a person to be thankful for.”

“Well, still. I still don’t understand. A person I am grateful to have only had one conversation with… . “And even an invitation.”

“Well, from a human perspective, you might think that way. I understand. “But imagine having to experience the same boredom you felt when you came here, for thousands of years to come.”

The moment those words came out, Kim Han-byeol looked as if he was at a loss for words. And I couldn’t help but be amazed. oh my god. How can you stamp out that lump of doubt with words? Of course, if you look closely, there is no room for objection, but even that was covered up with the words ‘human perspective’.

The Behemoth that KO’d Hanbyeol Kim shrugs off its shoulder armor and approaches me. Umm. I’m thankful, but it’s burdensome.

“Anyway, put your doubts in a corner and relax. “The Grand Duke probably called me this way to express his gratitude.”

Behemoth spoke in a whisper, causing one of the eye lights to go out for a moment and then flash. I tilted my head as I wondered what kind of expression I should interpret this as.

“Are you saying thank you?”

“Hey, you don’t have to worry. You know that our Grand Duke is hot, right? Since you’ve experienced it yourself… . ha ha ha. “Anyway, I’m sure you won’t be able to thank me with just words.”

“no. That’s not it, why are you suddenly saying thank you… .”

“Oh, you don’t know?”

Then Behemoth opened its mouth and blew out wind that sounded like a flute.

“her. Didn’t you hear what I was saying? Hell, the person who made thousands of years of wishes come true reacts like this… .”

“… … ?”

“Surely you didn’t see any changes in the Mugan section?”

“… ah!”

At that moment, a thought passed through my mind.


Changes in the interval interval.

“The Mugan section is where the birth and disappearance of kings take place.”

Behemoth continued. Now that I think about it, I think the Grand Duke of Hell said something similar.

I finally understand it completely.

So, from the moment the king’s life begins, changes in the invincible section also begin. The red light that I saw before going to sleep was a kind of signal announcing the new birth of the immortal world.

This meant that I had finally succeeded in impregnating the Prince of Hell.

okay. I see

… wait for a sec. Then why didn’t the Grand Duke of Hell tell me about it?

Suddenly, another question came to mind.

“oh. “You have arrived.”

Suddenly, I heard that they had arrived, so I stopped and looked up.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Abduction? I think it will probably be finished next week. lol. 🙂


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not work with dark mode