MEMORIZE Chapter 672

00672 3. Meanwhile, at the same time. ————————————————– ———————-=

Does night come to the dead world?

Night comes to a dead world. It is a word that can be interpreted in many different ways, no matter who accepts it or how. However, I was now experiencing a phenomenon that I could not help but say in reality.

I don’t know how much time passed during my relationship with the Prince of Hell. At some point, the Grand Duke of Hell reacted very positively and sympathized with me, and as a result, I also suddenly became sincere. Without thinking about anything, they just coveted each other like animals.

Come to think of it, how many times did you do it? I think I did it about eight times.

In the end, they longed for each other and mixed their bodies so intensely… . To put it mildly, it was embarrassing to face each other right after the relationship ended. Well, actually, I poured everything into it to the point that I didn’t even have the strength to look at it.


After eight relationships ended, I lay on the floor exhausted and looked up at the sky. And I could see that something had changed.

The sky, which was all gray when I first came in, was tinged with a dim light, as if announcing the end. no. Not only the sky, but the entire world of this infinite hell had just turned as dark as dusk.

That wasn’t the only thing that changed.

The reason I was looking up at the sky in fascination right now was because of the red light that dotted not only the sky but the entire world. The red sparks, emitting a gentle light like fireflies, move in waves as if dancing, creating a calm and dreamy atmosphere.

Is the Infinite Hell I remember and the Infinite Hell I see now the same world? The current Infinite Hell was creating a very beautiful landscape to the point where these questions were raised.

It doesn’t feel too bad. You can’t see this kind of scenery anywhere even if you pay money, and haven’t you always been chasing after conquering the Steel Mountains for the past few months? But for the first time in a while, I am feeling a leisurely and mysterious feeling.

But other than that, I was curious why this phenomenon suddenly occurred. So I asked the Grand Duke of Hell, who seemed to be having the same difficult time(?) as me, but he only smiled knowingly and gave me no answer. Instead, he came up next to me, where I was stretched out, and looked at me intently. When I stretched out one of his arms, he quickly cut off his head and snuggled into my arms.

So the Duke of Hell and I closed our mouths and just stared at the sky in silence.

… okay. I honestly don’t feel too bad. Is it because of the leisure I felt for the first time in a long time, or is it because of the lingering feelings after a relationship? I don’t know why this was happening, but I was definitely feeling relieved. So, I no longer hate the Archduke of Hell… . no. I guess I could say it doesn’t feel scary anymore.

‘It would have been better if we had told the story from the beginning… .’

Suddenly feeling regretful, I glanced to the side and saw the Duke of Hell with his eyes tightly closed, breathing softly and evenly. dark world. The appearance of a band of firefly-like lights seeping through the gaps in the disheveled hair, giving off a reddish glow, made the Grand Duke of Hell look even more mysterious.

“… … .”

Without realizing it, I slightly moved the hand that was on my arm pillow and stroked the Prince of Hell’s head. The soft texture flowing between my fingers made me even more dazed.

It was then.

“Yes… .”

Is it because I played with my hair? The Duke of Hell slowly opens his eyes, letting out a small nasal sound. Next, beautiful eyes reminiscent of ruby ​​are revealed, blinking and staring at me. After looking at him from the corner of my eye for a while, I suddenly saw the Prince of Hell blushing brightly.

… ah. Is it because a halo of light suddenly fell?

The moment I thought that, the Grand Duke of Hell, who had closed his eyes again, moved his body and snuggled into my arms. Although it was a little sudden, his whole body became drowsy as soon as he felt the soft touch of flesh touching flesh. It is comfortable. I hugged the Prince of Hell warmly, as if I were hugging a small animal. Suddenly, I felt a breath on my neck.

“You… .”

After the relationship ended, the Prince of Hell spoke for the first time. Without realizing it, I was concentrating on what I was going to say. What is he really trying to say? if… .

“To where you belong… . I guess I should go back… ?”

But the moment I heard what he said next, I thought, ‘It was good.’ I, who was expecting a compliment like this, ended up reflecting. But at the same time, I was a little surprised. Although he may have hinted at something like that, I don’t remember saying it first. Nevertheless, the fact that he said this meant that the Grand Duke of Hell was also secretly aware of it. That I want to return to the human world.

What should I say?

In an instant, countless thoughts passed through my mind.

“You might want to… ?”

At that moment, the Grand Duke of Hell asked once more. I finally opened my mouth, not in a forceful tone, but in a cautious tone.

“… huh.”

If you have to say something anyway, it would be better to say it in advance. Thinking that way, I said yes in a slightly weak voice. And I was surprised once more. Why did I speak so weakly? If you do this, it sounds like you don’t want to do it.

After a while.

“also… . is it… .”

Am I mistaken if the voice coming from below made me feel sad?

Eventually, a slightly awkward silence arrived. The Prince of Hell was speechless and did not continue speaking. I wanted to see his expression, but I couldn’t even see his face because he buried his head in my chest. I looked at the top of my head, which still had a halo of light, and quietly opened my mouth as a thought suddenly passed by.

“excuse me… . “I have one question.”

The Prince of Hell showed no reaction. However, I was confident that he was listening to me because of the tickling in my chest, so I calmly continued speaking.

“May I know your name?”

“… name?”

These words must have been unexpected, so the Grand Duke of Hell raised his head. A look of confusion was clearly evident on the face looking at me. I nodded my head vigorously, accepting his gaze.

“huh. name.”

When I think about it, I only vaguely knew him as the Archduke of Hell, but I didn’t know his true name. Actually, he didn’t even intend to know the details. In any case, the true name of the Grand Duke of Hell was not revealed even in the first episode, which aroused some curiosity.

“well. “My name doesn’t mean much to me.”

However, the Prince of Hell slightly shrugged his shoulders, as if he had already transcended the name. But are you giving up here?

“still. “Anyway, it won’t be nameless.”

“Yes, but… . “I’ve already lived without a name for thousands of years, so if you suddenly ask me this, I can’t help but feel embarrassed.”


“… … .”

The Grand Duke of Hell looks speechless. Did I say it too much?

I thought about just using my third eye, but decided against it. In the first place, there was a high possibility that a being of the level of the Duke of Hell would not be able to read, and I had a strong feeling that I did not want to use my third eye to grasp information this time.


Despite my shyness, I pressed him once more, and the Prince of Hell smiled blandly as if he had no choice.

“… me.”

Soon I heard a whispering sound and my eyes widened. It meant that I couldn’t hear you properly, so please say it again.


Then the Grand Duke of Hell rolled his eyes slightly and lightly cleared his throat once or twice.

“Gehenna. “If you really want to know the name, you can just call it Gehenna.”

He spoke in a clearer voice.

Gehenna… . I’m not sure, but it’s a name I feel like I’ve heard before somewhere. So, I know it is a word that describes hell in the New Testament.

Anyway, Gehenna, Gehenna.

“It’s a fitting name.”

“huh? “The evaluation is vague.”

“Literally. “I think it’s a fitting name for a world called hell.”

“… Does it matter? Anyway, then what is your name?”

At that time, the Duke of Hell, who was tilting his head, asked my name. I thought for a moment and then opened my mouth.

“Darling… . no no. self. Or you can call me baby.”

However, the Grand Duke of Hell’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and in the end, he had no choice but to make a confession.

“… Kim Soohyun.”

“Kim Soohyun?”


“Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun… .”

The Duke of Hell, no, Gehenna mutters my name over and over again. Just like I did earlier. The difference is that I am repeating it verbally instead of silently.

Eventually, I saw Gehenna gently stroking her belly as if she was handling something precious, and I lightly tilted my head back.

Before I knew it, the infinite sky was spreading a curtain-shaped red light similar to the Aurora. beautiful.

“joy… . Hmm… .”

Suddenly, the sound of repeating my name turned into a hum mixed with a faint sound. The process was so natural that I thought he was constantly calling my name. I gave up the thought of asking what my name was and focused on the sound that came naturally.

“huh… . Hehehehe… .”

It still sounds like it’s repeating my name. Or it could sound like a hum, or it could just sound like breathing.

One thing is clear, the sound has a very low and quiet tone.

After listening to the continuous sound for a while, at some point I felt my whole body sink. Her eyes slowly close and darkness gradually comes into her mind. It is an irresistible horse. I closed my eyes completely.

Soon, I fell into a deep sleep, using the dreamy notes as a lullaby.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Actually, last episode was my special move. It was a turning blow. Even if I get a little bit of criticism, I will inevitably say, ‘Oh, please stop writing those scenes. I’m so sick of this!’ or ‘Okay. I won’t ask you to write scenes from now on. So please stop using it.’ I wanted to see the Internet window plastered with comments like this. So, ‘I’ll start progressing tomorrow~.’ After fawning over it in advance, I pressed the update with a smile of remorse.

however… .

1. A. Is it good to focus on scenes?

2. No, it’s okay. Write more.

3. No, if I just use this for a week… it might be okay?

4. Just write a few more episodes.

5. Not enough.

6. It’s just good, why?.,.

7. Isn’t it good!!!

8. You don’t have to…

9. You don’t have to be like that, but…?

10. Hey, wait a minute. Don’t do that, just go on like this. Just one more side..!

11. ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Do you have to go out? Let’s do this three more times.

12. Let’s go a little further. The Grand Duke is cute

… … . … … . … … . … … .

0ㅁ0… .

… Actually, I thought you would be somewhat satisfied with that, but I think I underestimated my readers a little.

First of all, I will admit defeat. For now, I will leave cleanly.

But next time I try again, I won’t give up. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode